Lone Survivor_ The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 ( PDFDrive )

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And the words from a thousand memorial services flickered through my

mind: “Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of

the sun and in the morning We will remember them.” Right here in bed in

Bagram, Afghanistan, I was conducting my own military service for my two

fallen buddies.

My new worry was Axe. Where was he? Surely he could not have lived? But

the guys could not find him, and that was bad. I’d pinpointed that hollow where

we both had rested and waited for death while the unseen Taliban rained fire

down on us from behind the rocks and finally blew us both across the open

ground to oblivion.

I’d survived, but I had not been shot five times like Axe. And I knew to the

inch where he was last time I saw him. I talked to the guys again, and the SEAL

command was not about to leave him up there. They were going in again, this

time with more intel if possible, more searchers, and more local guidance.

I suggested they find the village elder from Sabray, if he was still in

residence. Because he of all people could surely lead them to the dead SEAL. I

learned right then from the intel guys that the gentleman I referred to was the

headman of all the three villages we had observed. He was a man hugely revered

in the Hindu Kush, because this is a culture that does not worship youth and

cheap television celebrity. Those tribesmen treasure, above all things,

knowledge, experience, and wisdom.

We did contact him immediately, and a few days later, the same old man,

Gulab’s father, my protector, walked through the mountains again for maybe

four or five miles. This time he was at the head of an American SEAL team, the

Alfa Platoon, which contained many of my buddies, Mario, Corey, Garrett,

Steve, Sean, Jim, and James. (No last names. Active special ops guys, right?)

There was also a group from Echo Platoon. All day they tramped over the

steep mountainside, and they took extra water and food with them, in case it took

longer. But this time they were not coming back without Axe. No sir. We never

leave anyone alone.

The elder hardly spoke one word to them. But he walked directly to the exact

place where the body of Matthew Gene Axelson was lying. His face had been

blasted by close-range gunfire, in that quaint, old-fashioned way the Taliban

have when they find a mortally wounded American. By the way, if anyone

should dare to utter the words Geneva Convention while I’m writing this, I might

more or less lose control.

Anyway, they found Axe, with the bullets the Taliban rifles had emptied into

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