KNIFE, FORK, MUSCLE_ Book I_ DI - Brooks D. Kubik (1)

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Strength, speed and power are the mark of a champion. The three are

interrelated, but different. Strength is the ability to exert force. You use

strength to make a slow, grinding lift that requires sheer, unstoppable force to

complete. An example would be a heavy squat, deadlift, military press or

bench press. Speed is the ability to move from one point to another as fast as

possible (or to move one part of your body, such as an arm or a leg, as fast as

possible). Power is strength x speed. In other words, power is the ability to

exert strength with great speed of movement. The Olympic lifts (the snatch

and the clean and jerk) require power.

When you are at your optimum bodyweight, you possess maximum strength,

speed and power. If you’re carrying excess fat, you’re not going to move as

fast or exhibit as much power as you would if you were lighter and leaner.

This is one of many reasons why you want to be as strong as possible while

remaining lean and well conditioned. And the right kind of diet and nutrition

program (along with regular training) is what will get you there.

12. You’ll look and feel younger.

This sounds like something out of an infomercial, or the latest pitch from

someone selling anti-aging supplements or an HRT drugs – but in this case,

it’s true. The right kind of exercise and the right kind of diet really do keep

you looking younger than your years – and more important, they keep you

feeling younger than your years. That’s because diet and exercise help you

maintain your muscle mass (a sign of youth, and a key factor in good health),

stay lean and muscular (another sign of youth, and another key factor in good

health), and maintain high levels of testosterone (another sign of youth and –

you guessed it – another key factor in good health). I’ve said many times that

the right kind of strength training, combined with the right kind of diet and

nutrition program, is the real Fountain of Youth. That may sound corny, but

it’s true.

And in that regard, here’s an interesting fact to consider. Back in the presteroid

days, when men built their bodies with hard training and sensible diet,

weightlifters, bodybuilders and strongmen tended to live long and healthy

lives. Today, in the era of drugs, over-training and crazy diets, many

bodybuilders, powerlifters, strongmen and weightlifters actually die young.

I’m sure you’ve seen the headlines, read the reports on the Internet, and seen

the “RIP” notices pop up in your Facebook feed. And if you’re my age, you

probably remember a couple of friends and fellow Iron Slingers who passed

away when they were far too young. I certainly do.

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