KNIFE, FORK, MUSCLE_ Book I_ DI - Brooks D. Kubik (1)

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Then they leave.

And now you’re supposed to eat your meal. And hope that everything is okay.

Of course, this isn’t how it happens in real life. In real life, chemicals are

added to the food supply long before our food gets to the table. But the result

is the same. We’re eating chemicals. All of us. Every day. At every meal. And

these chemicals may include known carcinogens, highly allergenic

substances, and chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system, suppress

testosterone levels, and cause animals – and people – to “fatten up” in record


And remember, you train hard and heavy, and you have much more muscle

mass to feed than do most people, and lifting creates an enormous appetite, so

the portions you eat are much larger than the portions of the average person.

That means that you consume far more chemicals than the average person.

And frankly, that’s something to think about. And that’s why we’re going to

cover these issues in greater detail. Because building strength and health isn’t

just about what you eat. It’s also about what you DON”T eat. What you avoid.

What you keep out of your body.

* * *

These are just some of the many benefits of combining the right kind of

training with the right kind of diet and nutrition plan. I’m sure you can think

of many others – and I’m also sure that you agree with me that these are

vitally important and tremendously beneficial. And you’re ready to get into

the details. So turn the page, and let’s get started by talking about protein.

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