KNIFE, FORK, MUSCLE_ Book I_ DI - Brooks D. Kubik (1)

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Q. How can I be sure I’m getting enough protein?

A. If you feel healthy and strong, are recovering well from your workouts,

your muscles feel and look strong and full, and (most importantly) you’re

adding weight to the bar on a regular basis, then you’re getting enough

protein. If these things are NOT happening, then you may want to increase

your protein intake by 10% to 15% and see what happens. But don’t try to

make up for poor training (or for overtraining) by consuming more protein!

The vast majority of training problems are the result of not doing the right

things in the gym. If you’re training isn’t right, no amount of protein will help

the situation.

And before upping the quantity of your protein, consider upping the quality.

That may make much more of a difference for you.

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