KNIFE, FORK, MUSCLE_ Book I_ DI - Brooks D. Kubik (1)

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the right kind of exercise and the right kind of diet and nutrition program can

help enormously in maintaining high, healthy levels of testosterone.

Of course, low testosterone is not only a problem for older men. Increasingly,

it’s a problem for younger men, as well. That’s undoubtedly the result of

many factors, including lack of exercise, the wrong kinds of food, and

exposure to estrogenic chemicals in our food and elsewhere in the

environment. These problems have become increasingly prevalent in the

modern world, and that’s probably one reason why so many teenagers and

young men get suckered into using anabolic steroids and “gray-market”

hormone pre-cursing supplements. Fortunately, the solution is the same

regardless of your age: the right kind of exercise, supported by the right kind

of diet and nutritional program.

14. You’ll learn how food allergies and food intolerances affect your

training and your health – and what to do about it.

We’re going to cover one topic in detail that you probably haven’t seen

covered before – or that you may have glossed over before – and that’s the

subject of food allergies and food intolerances. This neglected topic is vitally

important because you cannot build strength, muscle and health by eating

foods that make you sick. That’s obvious in the case of an acute illness caused

by a food allergy, such as a life-threatening allergic reaction to a particular

food. But it’s also a serious problem when an allergic reaction (or even a food

intolerance) causes a less acute response, such as a headache, stomachache,

bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, aching or swollen joints, anxiety,

depression, weakness, lethargy, hormonal imbalances, or a general sense of

feeling tired or unwell. In the latter case, we may blame other factors (or just

think “we’re under the weather”), and not even realize that something we ate

(and perhaps something we eat on a regular basis) is making us ill.

Now consider this. If I pick up virtually any issue of any “muscle magazine”

that I read when I was getting stated in the Iron Game, the magazine will

contain articles and advertisements extolling the alleged virtues of a small

handful of “healthy foods” and food supplements. We were told to eat

enormous amounts of these foods and supplements. The list of “healthy

foods” and food supplements included (1) milk and dairy products, (2) eggs,

(3) soybeans and soybean products, (4) protein powder made from milk and

egg concentrates or from soybean powder, (5) peanuts and peanut butter, (6)

fish and shellfish, (7) whole wheat bread and other whole wheat products,

including wheat germ, (8) wheat germ oil, and blends of wheat germ, rice

germ and soybean oil, (9) tree nuts, and (10) brewer’s yeast in powder or

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