The 10 Most Inspiring Women Leaders to Follow in 2022

This edition features a handful of Women leaders across several sectors that are at the forefront of leading us into a digital future. Read More: https://www.insightssuccess.com/the-10-most-inspiring-women-leaders-to-follow-in-2022-vol8-june2022/

This edition features a handful of Women leaders across several sectors that are at the forefront of leading us into a digital future.
Read More: https://www.insightssuccess.com/the-10-most-inspiring-women-leaders-to-follow-in-2022-vol8-june2022/

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of data—so that the humans can do what they do

best—intuition, empathy, and creativity. That combination

allows her to find pearls of wisdom in oceans of data, pearls

that can disrupt human trafficking, reduce bias in

healthcare, or curb wildfires. She believes it's the kind of

thing that makes legacies for leaders.

Innovative Work, Innovative People

AI will disrupt and personalize industries that haven't fully

invested in the possibilities yet. Launch is ready to be a part

of that change in industries like healthcare, government,

and sustainability. These industries sound completely

unrelated but are similar in touching each person's life.

Launch calibrates a positive approach to leverage digital

transformation to bring the right information to experts at

the right time. It uses AI to benefit its clients and

systemically show them the growth opportunities.

Speaking about the changes she would like, Lisa says,

"Most leaders don't purposely build a product with

vulnerabilities that bad actors can exploit, but we're all

aware of the terrible content out there on the internet.

Because of that, I'd love to see safety by design adopted as

an industry standard for all companies that host third-party

content. I think the managed services industry is uniquely

positioned to help global technology companies address

trust and safety issues like disinformation, hate speech,

child sexual abuse material, and live-streamed terrorism."

Lisa understands that a managed services company can help

leaders, who so often are drowning in the tyranny of the

urgent, to address the daily needs of the business while

moving forward a more strategic, coordinated approach to

ethics, safety, and secure development in the Metaverse age.

She further enthusiastically states, "Part of my long-term

plan is keynote speaking on "embracing AI for digital

transformation." I'm hoping marginalized groups will see

themselves in my story and find a way to create their own

leadership career paths. After all, nothing about my

upbringing should have gotten me here. I grew up in the

Midwest, not in Silicon Valley. I'm not an early adopter. I

had to look up what a semiconductor was when I moved to

California. I didn't get an email address until after college.

I launched my first company in my forties. If I can do it,

anyone can."

She believes that if anyone is interested in data and is

curious about leadership and the will to learn, they can be

an entrepreneur. Lisa concludes with a piece of guidance,

"If you're the type who likes to learn before you leap, fellow

AI company founder Emily Kennedy and I have partnered

with Women in Data to deliver our course the

Entrepreneurship Tool Kit, to help more people Find your

passion and learn effective tools and strategies to launch

your business. Find more information on this course or

booking Lisa as a keynote speaker at www.lisathee.com.”

Lisa’s book “The 90 Day Career Cleanse” is set to publish

in 2023. You can also check out the Navigating Forward

podcast where Lisa Thee investigates the challenges of

being at a crossroads (societal, business, & personal) and

finding the opportunities that arise out of disruption. Listen

in on Lisa's future-forward conversations with the brightest

luminaries, movers, and shakers. She digs into topics such

as elevating the human experience, evolution of business,

workforce of the future, and fascinating technologies

powering the age of digital transformation. Let’s Navigate

Forward together and create what’s next!

Future Missions and Aspirations

Lisa's long-term goal is to help bring in more women to the

data-science field. She has started the process through

consulting, coaching, and mentorship. She partners with the

non for profit Women in Data to help big companies assess

how to get more women into data science roles and ensure

representation across the board. Digital transformation must

include diverse voices, business owners, and viewpoints on

the future of work and product development. Lisa has

formulated a plan so that the company is data-driven, hiring

the best people from around the world, and delivering

excellence and tech solutions.

June 2022 | 44 | www.insightssuccess.com

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