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Alternation - a right hand technique of alternating between two different fingers such as i-mi-m.

Barline - vertical line that divides the music into small units of time called measures.

Bridge - piece over which the strings pass, located on the guitar body.

Clef Sign - a symbol used on the staff at the beginning of each line that defines the lines and

spaces as being specific letter names.

D.C. - An abbreviaton for da capo (It., da capo, literally "from the head"). It is a musical

instruction telling the player to jump back to the beginning of the piece, then play from that

point to the Fine or Coda. Sometimes this is accompanied with "al Coda", i.e., D.C. al

Coda, a phrase which tells the player to read from the beginning and jump to the coda when

they reach the coda sign (shown below).

D.S. - An abbreviaton for dal segno (It., dal segno, literally "from the sign"). It is a musical

instruction telling the player to jump back to the location of the sign (shown below), , then

play from that point to the Fine or Coda

Sometimes this is accompanied with "al Coda", i.e., D.S. al Coda, a phrase which tells the

player to read from the sign and jump to the coda when they reach the coda sign

Double Barline - two verticals lines that are used at the end of a piece or at the end of a

section of music.

Fine - (It., fine, "end," pronounced fee-nay) - musical instruction indicating the ending of a

piece after using a D.C. or D.S.

Finger style - playing the guitar using the fingers of the right hand (in contrast to playing

with a pick)

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