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“That was … whatever,” I say, keenly aware of Thora’s eyes on me.

“Was it romantic?” Daphne asks breathlessly.

“No,” I say shortly at the same time that Danielle says, “Yes.” I flat-out

glare at her, but she stares defiantly back.

“I just don’t want Scottie to get hurt,” Thora says pointedly.

“Irene’s not going to hurt her,” Danielle says.

“Can we please stop talking about me like I’m not sitting right here?”

Thora and Danielle settle, both of them sighing. Daphne pats my back

and slides over her extra piña colada.

“Drink up,” she says knowingly. “It will settle your nerves.”

I inhale the sugary drink and let their conversation wash over me. My

body feels all out of whack, like my emotions are sumo wrestling each

other. I don’t care how much Danielle brings her up: I don’t want to talk

about Irene. It’s just too confusing. How can I be crushing on her and

grieving Tally at the same time? Because that’s what this is: grief. I may

have thought I was finally getting over Tally, especially with the high I was

on from basketball, but kissing Irene brought a rush of heartache to the

surface. Her kiss was the first one I’ve had since my breakup, and even

though it was great, it was different. It made all these feelings flood back.

I just wish I could box up my new feelings for Irene, tag the box with

Do not open until breakup grief is over, and store it in my attic, out of sight

and out of mind. I mean, I’m not even sure these flutters of excitement I’m

feeling are a crush. I’m not thinking about Irene all the time like I did with

Tally. I’m not obsessively checking her social media. I miss her, but I’m not

bursting out of my skin with longing for her. I haven’t even talked to her in

days. Is that normal?

And beneath these confusing feelings, there’s a mean little voice that

pipes up whenever I imagine kissing Irene again. A voice that is deeply

intertwined with the same insecurity Tally brought out in me.

Irene had your car towed. She humiliated you. She stood there callously

while you cried.

How can I possibly reconcile having a crush on someone who bullied

me? What does it say about my self-worth that I’m drawn to girls who hurt


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