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I straighten my back, keeping my eyes hard on her. “This was part of the


Irene stands tall, holding her ground. “If you can’t bend on this one

thing, the deal is off. You don’t get to treat me like some escort for hire. I

understand that to you I’m just some ‘hot girl’ with social capital, and for

the most part, I’ve let you get away with that, but this is too far. I’m a

person with feelings and boundaries. Get your head out of your ass and

respect that, or we’re done.”

She wrenches the door open and sweeps out of the room, and I’m left

standing in her wake, completely dazed.

Irene and I give each other a wide berth after that. We hardly acknowledge

each other and she stops coming to my practices, prompting the Cleveland

triplets to grill me about our “trouble in paradise.”

The week leading into Thanksgiving break arrives with a flurry of tests

and project deadlines. Rain lashes down, darkening the sky outside our

school windows, and the ancient tree behind the library is stripped of its

vibrant red leaves. It’s our first glimpse of winter branches, bare and


The Thursday before break starts, we’re in Scuttlebaum’s class, whiling

away the minutes as the rain pelts against the window. Danielle is sketching

new basketball plays on the corner of her notebook. Gino’s on the opposite

side of the room, flicking paper footballs every time Scuttlebaum turns her

back. Irene is sitting with her head in her hand, picking at her nail polish

and staunchly avoiding my eyes.

Scuttlebaum is prattling on about her favorite show, The Masked Singer,

when she abruptly switches gears and grabs a stack of papers off her desk.

“I’ve got your homework graded,” she announces. “Scottie, here.”

Scuttlebaum never says Please pass these out. She just gestures vaguely

and says Here.

I take the stack of papers obligingly and start to pass them around the

room. That’s when I notice Charlotte Pascal trading a note with her friend

Symphony Davis. They’re scrawling furiously back and forth.

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