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I shake my head. “Nobody. As far as I can tell, Danielle’s just in love

with basketball.”

Danielle hikes her eyebrows as if to say Ha, see?, but I know her well

enough to pick up on the nervous way she’s messing with her jacket zipper.

She’s probably thinking about seeing Kevin on the field when marching

band performs during halftime.

The stadium is swelling with people by the time we join the admission

line. The drums are booming, the sky lights are bright, and the air smells

like hickory. I remember Tally squeezing my hand last year, promising we

could escape to her car if we got too cold. Candlehawk’s Homecoming

game is tonight, too, and she’s probably loving the thrill of a bigger

stadium, the brighter lights, the news crews planted on the field to film their

student body.

It’s cold on the metal bleachers. The band is stationed behind us,

blasting their trumpets and pounding their drums. The cheerleaders are

down on the sidelines, calmly going about their warm-up stretches in the

midst of the building excitement. If I squint, I can just make out Irene, a

dark ponytail directing the rest of the team. She’s obviously in her element.

Not that I care.

The game starts a few minutes later. Our players sprint onto the field

through a handmade banner of an old lady in a football helmet. The

cheerleaders dive straight into their routines, amping up the crowd until

we’re in a full-blown frenzy, and I hear the echo of Irene lecturing me about

cheerleaders’ emotional intelligence.

A few minutes before halftime, the other team fumbles the ball and one

of our guys runs it back for a touchdown. The crowd is roaring, riding the

wave of the play. The cheerleaders pop up to run a victory routine. Irene is

at the front of their formation, directing the pyramid before she goes to take

her place.

I look away, watching the football players switch out the offensive and

defensive lines. Then everyone gasps.

The cheerleader at the top of the pyramid has fallen off.

There’s a prolonged pause, followed by a rumbling of anxiety from the

crowd, as the cheerleading coach and sports medicine team rush to the

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