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practice, stretch on the grass near the marquee, which someone tweaked just

this morning to read HAPPY VALENTITTIES DAY. Gunther and I sit on the trunk

of my car, talking with Kevin, who just left the band room, and Danielle,

who’s so hyper she’s bouncing on the balls of her feet. Again and again, we

recap the moment her name was announced over the intercom. I’m bursting

to go home and tell my family about it.

“Hey, Danielle, congratulations!” one of the band guys says as he passes

by. He shifts his trumpet case and points to Kevin. “This guy has the best

ideas. The second he told us he was writing you in, we all went for it.

Anyway, good luck!”

Kevin flushes where he stands. Danielle blinks like she’s not sure what

she heard.

“You wrote me in?” she asks. Her voice is tender. It’s such an intimate

moment that I wish they could share it alone. Gunther and I trade awkward


“Is that okay?” Kevin asks croakily. “I know I should’ve asked for your

blessing, but I thought no one deserves it more than you—”

“Hey! Danielle!” Irene and Honey-Belle burst onto the scene. They

smother Danielle with hugs; it takes her a moment to register they’re there.

“Congratulations! This is incredible!”

Irene’s face is alight; she’s genuinely thrilled. Honey-Belle is so happy

that she looks ready to float away from the earth.

“Oh—yeah—thanks!” Danielle says, hugging them back.

“Congratulations to you, Irene!”

“I never thought I’d have two friends nominated!” Honey-Belle squeals.

She spins over to Gunther and smushes his face between her hands. “Can

you believe it? It’s like Christmas!”

Gunther grins like a total doof. “Coming from you, that really means


I don’t realize I’m smiling so hard until my cheeks literally start to ache.

I glance across the circle at Irene, who catches my eye and grins. It’s

already occurred to me that I’m going to have to pick between her and

Danielle on the voting form, but right now, I don’t care. There’s too much

to be happy about.

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