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Danielle schedules a warm-up practice for the Friday before the new

semester starts. It’s a nice way to ease back into school after the craziness of

the holidays, and I’m ready to have a basketball in my hands and nothing on

my mind except the game.

Until I walk into the gym and realize Irene has scheduled cheerleading

practice for the same time.

It’s the first time I’ve seen her since our Christmas Eve kiss, and my

initial glimpse of her is a moment where somebody has clearly made her

laugh, because her face is one big, radiant smile. She’s gotten a haircut—

just a few inches that shows in the length of her ponytail—and she’s

wearing a vintage Tears for Fears tank over her leggings. Even though she’s

sweaty and messy and not wearing any makeup, my breath catches when I

look at her.

She notices me and a curious expression steals over her face. The

corners of her mouth lift the slightest bit.

I start to smile back, but just then, the gym door bangs open. We turn to

find the soccer team marching toward us, Charlotte Pascal at the front of the

pack. She looks furious.

“What the fuck is this?” she says. “None of y’all are supposed to be

here. I reserved the gym for soccer conditioning.”

“Since when?” Danielle says. “Friday before the semester starts has

always been basketball’s day.”

“Not this year,” Charlotte says, hands on her hips. “Did you not check

the reservation list?”

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