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“Okay,” Akello says, with a nod at Ruby. “Let’s give Ruby’s idea a try.

Masika, Laheli, Elodie, cross over to the far side. Zaina, Ruby, and I will take

this side.

All three elephants move with surprising quickness to the spot where I

crossed. They gallop back until they’re facing us.

It’s strange to see them on the other side of the moat. With the wall

destroyed, they’re technically in Ivan and Kinyani’s domain.

“Move down a bit,” Akello instructs. “That way.” She motions with her head.

“We want to scoop her out, not push her down.”

Three on one side, three on the other, the elephants reach out for each other’s

trunks, creating a kind of cradle.

“Okay, now,” says Akello, “lower carefully!”

Down they go into the muddy water. Ruby nearly loses her footing, so I grab

her tail with my teeth.

It doesn’t really help, and she yelps, “Ouch!” but my heart’s in the right


Kudzoo thrashes her tiny arms. “Stay calm,” I call. Easy for me to say.

She looks over at me, and I’ll never forget the fear in her dark eyes.

Then she vanishes below the surface.

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