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There’s a gray wolf at the park who makes me a little jittery.

Jittery, as in I sometimes worry he might like to eat me.

His name is Kimu, and we struck up a conversation when a mutual

acquaintance of ours, a mockingbird called Mitch, introduced us one day.

Like Nutwit, Mitch likes to taunt me because I’m domesticated. Gives me a

lot of grief about how free he is, soaring stringless over the whole town.

“I’m not the only one who’s pampered,” I said one day. “I mean, look at

Kimu. He’s not exactly running wild.”

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I regretted them. And when I

looked at Kimu’s I could kill you with one quick bite expression, I really

regretted them.

“In any case,” I said, moving the subject along, “I’ve lived wild. It ain’t a

picnic for a dog.”

“What was it like?” Kimu asked. He moved closer to the edge of his domain.

He had a strange odor, intense and scary and a little bit intoxicating.

“Well, I was just a pup,” I said. “Abandoned by the side of the highway.”

Kimu was listening intently. “Must have been tough.”

“All I could think of was food, water.” I didn’t like the catch in my voice.

“Owl got me.”

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