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kimu again

Kimu has me.

He drops me to the mud. His teeth smell of blood. My blood.

I drop Rowdy. My teeth smell of blood, too.

For a long time, no words come, just panting, coughing, panting some more.

Nothing from the puppy. I shove him with my paw, nudge him with my nose.


I look at Kimu, his fur spiked, his eyes wild, different, unknowable.

“I guess they didn’t shoot you?” I say.

“They tried,” he says, eyes on the puppy.

“Thank you for . . .” I trail off.

He glances at me. “Didn’t do it for you.” A pause. “Did it for me.”

With his right front paw, he claws at the puppy. At Rowdy.

“Hey,” I say without really thinking. Or registering the size of his paw. Or

realizing that he’s drooling, just a little.

“He, uh.” I put my paw, my puny pathetic loser paw, on Rowdy too. “He’s

my . . . my nephew, and well, I—”

“Didn’t take you for the sentimental sort, Bob.”

“I’m not. Just, you know how it is.”

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