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other victims.”

Sara closes her eyes and I can smell her relieved tears.

While Maya listens to her walkie-talkie, trying to take stock of the damage to

the park, Officer Williams’s police radio hisses and crackles with new

problems, new flooding, new dire predictions.

“Copy that,” she says into her radio. Even with the chaos and noise, I’m close

enough to the radio to catch the tinny sound of frantic barking.

“We’ve got a unit reporting the animal shelter down the street’s flooding,”

Officer Williams says. “Also we’ve got trailer park damage on Twelfth

Street, an oak down at Nelson Avenue blocking traffic, and a big rig

overturned near the fairgrounds. And that’s just for starters.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice something airborne. It’s graceful and

bold, like a huge, wingless bird.

The crowd gasps.

It’s Kimu.

He lands on the hood of Officer Williams’s squad car. His eyes are glazed,

his coat wet and shimmering.

“We’ve got a 10-91 here,” Officer Williams whispers into her receiver.

“Confirmed. Seems there’s a, uh, wolf on top of my vehicle.”

Slowly she reaches for the pistol on her hip. “Please advise.”

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