North Canterbury News: February 02, 2023

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Thursday,<strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3 | Issue1031 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Adriving passion for working pedal cars<br />


Early model Bentley's, Duesenberg,<br />

Mercedes, Fords, Darracqs andPremiers<br />

areall famous vintage carbrandsbeing<br />

faithfully broughttolife in agarage in<br />

Rangiora.<br />

Butthey will not be takingtothe open<br />

road.<br />

Thecars are quarter­scaleworking<br />

model children’spedalcars, andare<br />

beingmanufacturedbyretired former<br />

science teacherStu Scott.<br />

‘‘When Iretired Iwanted something to<br />

keep me thinking, to challengemeand<br />

this is it,’’ he says.<br />

It allstarts withachalkoutline on the<br />

floorofhis workshop.<br />

Notaneasy job, as themodelpedalcars<br />

sharespace withanactualFordModelT<br />

vintagecar –Stu’sfirst project after<br />

retiring fromteachingatLinwoodHigh<br />

School.<br />

‘‘Idothe research and find avintagecar<br />

that Ilike thelookof, then Idrawits<br />

outline on thefloor,and startfrom there.’’<br />

Butthesechild­sizedpedalcarsare<br />

made completelyofrecycled scrapmetal.<br />

‘‘Igotothe dump, and therecycling<br />

centres,looking for oldbikes, oldbits of<br />

steel or bitsand pieces Ican reuse as<br />

parts on theselittle cars.’’<br />

Thegrille of theDuesenbergheis<br />

workingoncomesfromrepurposed<br />

carpetedging.<br />

It’s horns werefabricated from<br />

discarded silver plated wine goblets,fog<br />

lightswererecycled candle sticks, and<br />

thebonnet radiatorcap camefrom a<br />

MorrisMinorwindow winder.<br />

On the back of theDuesenberg the<br />

intricate woodenboat tail was crafted<br />

from aset of drawersand apacking<br />

pallet.<br />

Nothingislefttothe scrap heap.<br />

On the Darracq thebrass water tank<br />

came fromanoldtoiletflush tank, the<br />

steering wheelwas crafted from abed<br />

end, achildrenpushbikegavehim gears,<br />

chainand otherpartstouse while the<br />

angled radiator came off aMazdacar that<br />

hadbeen accidently driven over.<br />

TheDarracqismodelledonthe firstV8<br />

engine racingcar evermade andasone of<br />

hismany niecesornephews pedalsthe<br />

carforward allthe tappets and valves<br />

Talent on show ... Aquarter scale Duesenberg vintage sports car slowly takes shape in the garage of retired science teacher Stu Scott.<br />


moveand clatter justasthey did on the<br />

original car madein1905.<br />

The workingnature of these old cars is<br />

afeature of Stu’s skill in theworkshop.<br />

‘‘I lovetothink about how to make<br />

thingsmove.’’<br />

One of thefirstof17cars he hasmade,<br />

was aone thirdscalereplicaofa1903<br />

Ford Model Acar,powered by a125cc<br />

engine.<br />

‘‘I madeitbecauseIlove the amount of<br />

brassthatwas on it,’’ he says.<br />

Stu hasgivenawaymostofhis creations<br />

to family and friends.<br />

‘‘I makethemsoothers canenjoy<br />

them,’’ he says.<br />

Completed ... Aone third scale model of<br />

Henry Ford’s original 1903 Model Acar,<br />

made by Mr Scott.<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />


Conservationist mourned<br />

Thededicated,<br />

local team are<br />

here to help<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Robyn Bristow<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 312 1581<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz<br />

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Reporters<br />

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jillian.dickie@ncnews.co.nz<br />

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Get in touch<br />

Phone: 03313 2840or03 314 8335<br />

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www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Editorial: info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Advertising: sales@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Distribution: deliveries@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s conservation<br />

community is mourning the death of one<br />

of its most respectedmembers.<br />

Kaikōura conservation hero Geoff<br />

Harrow, who lived in Christchurch,spent<br />

almost 60 years workingtoprotect the<br />

Hutton’sshearwater,(Kaikōura tītī), an<br />

endangered seabirdendemicto<br />

Kaikōura.<br />

Mr Harrow, who receivedaQueen’s<br />

Service medal in 2017 forhis services to<br />

conservationand mountaineering, died<br />

on January16aged96.<br />

The Hutton’sShearwater Charitable<br />

Trust chairmanTed Howardsaid<br />

knowing Geoff meant alot to people who<br />

knewhim.<br />

‘‘Geoff’spassion for the birdshas been<br />

legendary.Hewill be sorelymissed by<br />

many, and he leaves alegacy matchedby<br />

few.’’<br />

Mr Harrowbecame interestedinbirds<br />

as achild, but began his Hutton’s<br />

shearwaterjourneymuch laterafter a<br />

chance encounter during 1964 with<br />

Kaikōura deerstalkerand motel­owner<br />

IvanHislop.<br />

He toldMrHarrow he had seen<br />

‘‘masses of burrows withmuttonbird<br />

carcassesatover1800metres above sea<br />

level’’ondeer shootingexpeditionsinthe<br />

Seaward Kaikoura Range of mountains.<br />

Mr Harrow, who was an experienced<br />

mountaineer anddeerstalker, was<br />

intrigued by Mr Hislop’sstory andhoped<br />

the‘‘`muttonbirds’’ he hadseenmight<br />

actually be Hutton’s shearwater, because<br />

littlewas known aboutthe elusive<br />

seabirds.<br />

Evenleadingornithologistswere<br />

unawaretheymightbebreeding at such<br />

highaltitudeinKaikōura.<br />

Ayearlater Mr Harrowfoundthree<br />

smelly, decomposing carcasseshe<br />

believedtobeHutton’sshearwaters, near<br />

the siteIvan hadtoldhim about.<br />

He tookthe dead birds home withhim<br />

Conservation hero ... Geoff Harrow, holding aHutton’s shearwater chick. He spent almost<br />

60 years working to protect the endangered seabird, before his death on January 16, aged<br />


andsometimelater received<br />

confirmationfrom Dr Robert Falla at the<br />

Dominion Museum, in Wellington, that<br />

thecarcasses wereHutton’s shearwaters.<br />

It wasexcitingnews because it<br />

confirmed thatHutton’s shearwaters<br />

were still in theareaIvan hadspokenof,<br />

andduring later trips to Kaikōura Geoff<br />

located theirbreeding colonies.However,<br />

it soonbecame clear thatthe colonies<br />

were being decimatedatanalarming rate<br />

by feral pigsand somethinghad to be<br />

done to protect thebirds from extinction.<br />

Scientist, conservationbiologistand<br />

authorRichardCuthbert,who has donea<br />

PhD on theHutton’s shearwater, was<br />

commissionedtostudy the birdsand he<br />

cameupwith amanagementplantohelp<br />

them.<br />

His recommendation to establish an<br />

artificial breeding colony, nowknown as<br />

Te Rae oAtiu, nearthe Kaikōura<br />

township where chicks could be managed<br />

safely behind predator­proof fencing.<br />

Mr Harrow’s ideatocreatethe Hutton’s<br />

ShearwaterCharitableTrust,tofund that<br />

conservationwork, provedcriticaltothe<br />

success of the programme.<br />

Taskforce initiative adopted<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Help is at hand for Waimakariri youth<br />

seeking employment.<br />

The Waimakariri District Council has<br />

joined the Mayors’ Taskforce for Jobs, to<br />

support local youth intoemployment.<br />

The programme has been successfulin<br />

the Hurunuiand Kaikōura districts and a<br />

recent changetothe populationthreshold<br />

meansWaimakariri is now eligible for<br />

funding.<br />

‘‘As Mayor thisisaninitiative that Iwill<br />

be actively involved in supporting,’’<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon says.<br />

‘‘I am lookingforward to seeingthis<br />

projectcommence and Iam100 percent<br />

behind it.’’<br />

The programme willbeadministered by<br />

the council’s community team.<br />

‘‘Giventhe team’s well­established local<br />

networks and connections, this is an ideal<br />

fit for the role.’’<br />

The initiative is being funded by the<br />

Ministry of Social Developmentonan<br />

initialsix­month pilot.<br />

The council is in the process of<br />

appointing an employment co­ordinator to<br />

workalongside young peopleand local<br />

employers.<br />

The six­month pilotaims to get 12 young<br />

people into the local workforce, offeringa<br />

range of support and guidance to help<br />

them on their journey.<br />

‘‘Theaim of the role is to increase<br />

collaboration and add valueacrossthe<br />

work readiness sector,’’ Mr Gordon says.<br />

The programme aims to address<br />

barriersand misconceptions which limit<br />

the abilityfor localyoung people to access<br />

sustainable employment, he says.<br />

Public interestjournalismisfunded by<br />

New Zealand on Air.<br />

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Whale counting has big benefits<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Kaikōura’s annual whale count could<br />

bring benefits for global research and<br />

local tourism, if it can get the funding.<br />

The whale count was started three<br />

years ago by the Kaikōura Ocean<br />

Research Institute Inc (KORI) in the<br />

wake of Covid, and is already producing<br />

results.<br />

‘‘A lot of people have been coming to<br />

Kaikōura to be apart of it.<br />

‘‘Every year we’ve had hundreds of<br />

people volunteer, but it is run on a<br />

shoestring budget,’’ said KORI director<br />

Dr Jody Weir.<br />

‘‘It could be so much bigger, and<br />

become such abig drawcard if we could<br />

get the funding.’’<br />

The initiative began in 2<strong>02</strong>0, when<br />

tourism companies were not operating<br />

due to Covid restrictions.<br />

The objective was to get an idea of the<br />

number of whales migrating between<br />

their feeding grounds in the Southern<br />

Ocean near Antarctica and their<br />

breeding grounds in amore tropical<br />

climate.<br />

‘‘In May 2<strong>02</strong>0 we didn’t have<br />

WhaleWatch and Dolphin Encounter<br />

running, but we still had these whales<br />

migrating and there were people not<br />

working, receiving government<br />

subsidies,’’ Dr Weir said.<br />

‘‘So employers were sending people<br />

out to help and there were tourists stuck<br />

here.’’<br />

In the first season there was funding<br />

from the Kaikōura District Council and<br />

KORI was able to combine it with<br />

research it was doing for the<br />

Department of Conservation (DOC).<br />

Since then reduced funding has meant<br />

ashorter whale count window.<br />

‘‘We have the volunteers, but it is a<br />

matter of getting the funding to employ a<br />

co­ordinator,’’ Dr Weir said.<br />

The resourcing only allowed for only a<br />

two week window around Matariki last<br />

year, which was combined with aDOC<br />

marine survey.<br />

Even so, she said there had been<br />

increase in whale sightings over the<br />

three years.<br />

In the first year they counted adozen<br />

humpback whales in one day, whereas<br />

last year there were 50 seen passing in a<br />

single day.<br />

‘‘This is consistent with international<br />

markers which show humpbacks are<br />

coming back.<br />

‘‘It is great because all sorts of people<br />

get involved.’’<br />

School groups and holidaymakers<br />

from Auckland have been travelling to<br />

Kaikōura to help.<br />

With the international border open<br />

again, Dr Weir said it could become a<br />

drawcard for overseas visitors.<br />

Public interest journalism is funded<br />

by New Zealand on Air.<br />

Driftwood helps lure amullet<br />


For Mikaere Walker, 5, of New Brighton,<br />

his first cast at Amberley Beach<br />

Surfcasting CompetitiononSunday wasn’t<br />

his best.<br />

His rod broke.<br />

Abit distraught, his father Marshall<br />

Walkertold him to find apiece of<br />

driftwood andhewould cable tie it all<br />

together to fix the rod.<br />

Mission accomplished,and Mikaere<br />

went down to the watersedge and cast out<br />

into the surf.<br />

Suddenly he had abite, with a26.5cm<br />

long mullet takinghis bait.<br />

For awhile he was the only one along<br />

the beach to catch anything of size as the<br />

fish were notbiting.<br />

Mikaere wasone of 2<strong>02</strong> entries (161<br />

seniorand 41 junior), hoping to snarethe<br />

top prize of $1000atthe annualsurf<br />

casting event hostedbythe Amberley<br />

Lions Club (for the past 29 years).<br />

This year the winner of the $1000 cash<br />

prize was Brad SwindaleofChristchurch<br />

who caught a1.2m schoolshark.<br />

Amberley LionsClub PresidentSimon<br />

Mathersays this is one of the largest<br />

fishing contests in the South Island, and he<br />

was pleased to see many repeat entrants<br />

turning out again thisyear to line the<br />

expansive beach.<br />

‘‘We had greatweather, goodsea<br />

conditions, and it was greattosee all the<br />

families there.<br />

He said it was just alittlebit<br />

disappointingthe low numbers caught<br />

‘‘but that’ssurf casting’’.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> beachprovides<br />

anglers withplenty of spotstoset up a<br />

gazeboorpicnic area as abase,and is a<br />

Perseverance ... Mikaere Walker, aged 5, of New Brighton, holds amullet caught on his<br />

broken rod while fishing with his dad Marshall Walker at the Amberley Beach Surfcasting<br />

Competition on Sunday. Mikaere eventually placed third with his 26.5cm long Mullet in the<br />

junior category of the competition.<br />


great place for families to sit or standand<br />

watch for any signs of acatchtaking their<br />

line, while children play in the waves.<br />

As the anglers queuedupalong the<br />

expansivebeach many like Jamie Sione<br />

and Yuri Tuutasaid they were simply<br />

waiting for the fish to wake up and takethe<br />

bait.<br />

‘‘Last night’s stormwashedalot of pipis<br />

up on the shore and we are using them as<br />

bait but no bites yet,’’ Jamie said.<br />

Mr Tuutaeventually caught the second<br />

longest fish, aGiller Sharkmeasuring<br />

111cms. Rachael Potter also of<br />

Christchurch said surf casting from the<br />

beach was relaxing and she lovedthe<br />

scenery. Shewas competing for the third<br />

time. ‘‘That’swhy it’scalled fishing. You<br />

sit and wait to catchsomethingwhile<br />

admiring the scenery,’’ she said.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />


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Come andmeetChristopher Luxon,<br />

Leaderofthe National Party.<br />

Tuesday7th <strong>February</strong>, 2:30pm ∙Rangiora Townhall<br />

Matt Doocey MP forWaimakariri<br />

Authorised by Matt Doocey, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.

NEWS<br />

4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Athletes headed to Berlin<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> athletes Blair<br />

Smith and Haven Drinnan, have<br />

their sights firmly set on<br />

attending the Special Olympics<br />

World Summer Games in Berlin<br />

in June.<br />

Haven has been selected in the<br />

swim team, while Blair is in the<br />

bocce team.<br />

They will join over 7000<br />

athletes from 190 countries in<br />

Berlin, across 26 sports in one of<br />

the world’s largest inclusive<br />

sporting events.<br />

They both now need to raise<br />

$18,000 to travel to Germany for<br />

the event, with Special Olympics<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> swinging in<br />

behind the pair to ensure they<br />

get to compete in the pinnacle<br />

event.<br />

Special Olympics are not<br />

funded, leaving it up to each<br />

region to raise the funds needed.<br />

Family and friends are hard at<br />

work with fundraising ventures<br />

with sausage sizzles at Pak‘nSave<br />

during the next few months, an<br />

evening with Ethel and Bethel,<br />

the Bingo Babes, and sales of<br />

chickens.<br />

The generosity of local service<br />

groups and businesses will also<br />

play ahuge part in getting the<br />

athletes to German.<br />

Haven started swimming at<br />

Special Olympics <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> with coach Brent<br />

Kemp as an 11­year­old in 2014.<br />

She swum in her first ribbon<br />

day three months later and won<br />

one blue and two red ribbons.<br />

At her first regional event she<br />

travelled with the team to<br />

Greymouth in 2016, and received<br />

Athletes ... Haven Drinnan and Blair Smith.<br />

agold, silver and bronze medal.<br />

Haven attended her first<br />

National Summer Games in 2017<br />

in Wellington coming home with<br />

two golds, and afourth place in<br />

the 25m events.<br />

On returning home she set<br />

herself agoal of training and<br />

racing over longer distances.<br />

Soon she was swimming up to<br />

200m in freestyle events.<br />

More recently she has been<br />

working on learning butterfly<br />

and breaststroke.<br />

Haven, now aged 19, attended<br />

the national summer games in<br />

Hamilton in December and<br />

received two gold medals and<br />

two silver. Most of her races were<br />


mixed gender.<br />

Haven also competes locally in<br />

Special Olympics athletics and<br />

equestrian events, and competes<br />

as amainstream athlete in road<br />

and cross country races.<br />

Blair has been a<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> special olympian for<br />

many years and won his first gold<br />

medal in the javelin while<br />

attending Rangiora High School<br />

in 2013.<br />

He has also been a<br />

representative in swimming,<br />

indoor bowls and bocce, and has<br />

acollection of six gold medals,<br />

four silver and two bronze he has<br />

won at regional and national<br />

level.<br />

Help available<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Two Kaiapoi initiatives<br />

aim to removethe stigma<br />

around seeking help.<br />

Acollaboration between<br />

the KaiapoiLibrary and<br />

the Depression Support<br />

Network is underway with<br />

adisplay of information of<br />

where to gethelp.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>­based<br />

Depression Support<br />

Network facilitator Bryon<br />

Copeisalsoworkingwith<br />

Kaiapoi’s Personto<br />

Person HelpTrust to offer<br />

help and guidance to<br />

support groups.<br />

The firstsupport group<br />

meetingwill be held on<br />

Wednesday, <strong>February</strong> 8.<br />

‘‘Let’s normalise<br />

depression,’’ Mr Cope<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Thelanguage is very<br />

important as manypeople<br />

still see it as anegative<br />

and some peopledon’t<br />

knowwhy theyare theway<br />

theyare.’’<br />

The Kaiapoi Library<br />

display will continue for<br />

three weeks and feature<br />

MentalHealth Foundation<br />

factsheets,plus awide<br />

range of material suitable<br />

for teenagersand detailed<br />

informationaboutthe<br />

Kaiapoisupport groups.<br />

Mr Copesaid he setup<br />

similar displaysin<br />

libraries in Christchurch<br />

including asuccessful<br />

display at the New<br />

Brighton Library last year.<br />

‘‘Sometimespeople just<br />

want information and may<br />

notneedtogotoagroup.<br />

‘‘Itmightbeassimpleas<br />

supplying people withthe<br />

toolssuch as ‘whatdoI<br />

do?’ or ‘who do I<br />

contact?’.’’<br />

Peoplecould also pick<br />

up information to support<br />

someoneelse.<br />

He said checkingon<br />

your mentalhealthshould<br />

be as importantasgetting<br />

awarrantoffitness on<br />

your car.<br />

‘‘Youtake yourcar for<br />

warrant every sixmonths<br />

or yearly, so why notdothe<br />

same with your health?<br />

‘‘It can be as simpleas<br />

checkinginwith yourself<br />

andasking ‘howamI<br />

doing?’,‘am Ieating?,‘am<br />

Isleeping?’,rather than<br />

waiting until you reach<br />

crisispoint.’’<br />

To seek supportorfind<br />

outmore aboutthe<br />

Kaiapoi supportgroups<br />

contact Bryonatthe<br />

Depression Support<br />

Network on (03)3668083,<br />

<strong>02</strong>7­2986445 or email<br />

bryon@dsn.org.nz.<br />

In an emergencycontact<br />

theCrisisResponse line<br />

on 0800920092.<br />

Alternativelycallortext<br />

1737.<br />

Public interest<br />

journalism is funded by<br />

NewZealandonAir.<br />

Health 2000 now stock<br />

Holland &Barrett<br />

vitamins, minerals &supplements<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

5<br />

Hot and gleaming ... Just some of the many cars that lined up at the <strong>North</strong>ern A&P<br />

Showgrounds in Rangiora last weekend.<br />


MuscleMadness<br />


Cars of all shapes, sizes and genres in the<br />

hundreds were on show in Rangiora last<br />

weekend,atthe annual Trillo Metals<br />

Muscle Car Madness.<br />

The showgroundsbegan filling early last<br />

Thursday morning as hundreds of cars and<br />

caravans flockedtothe site as soonasthe<br />

gatesopened.<br />

On Thursday evening it took an hour and<br />

ahalf for the procession of custom cars, hot<br />

rods,sports and classiccars to make their<br />

way through the streetsofRangioraand<br />

Kaiapoi in astreet parade.<br />

Despite adownpour overnightFriday,a<br />

constantdrizzle on Saturday and blue<br />

skiesonSunday, thousands of spectators<br />

made theirway through the gates to view<br />

the hordes of carsondisplay, visit stalls,<br />

watchthe many bands perform and catch<br />

the action at the burnout pad.<br />

OrganiserCraigSteere said they hada<br />

pretty good crowd overboth days.<br />

The 33rd annual event draw in 1400 cars<br />

on Saturday amd 700 on Sunday with<br />

owners and exhibitors travelling to<br />

Rangiora from aroundthe country and<br />

many more came to enjoythe onsite<br />

camping environment.<br />

‘‘Foracouple of days people loved being<br />

able to leave the realworld hassles behind<br />

them,and sit and chat withother like<br />

minded people.<br />

‘‘Behind the scenes my greatteam and I<br />

had to do alot of juggling because of small<br />

issues like peforming artists missing<br />

flights,and other matters,but we got there<br />

in the end,’’ he said.<br />

Rob and Jenni BinghamofMount<br />

Pleasant in Christchurch, say they have<br />

been comingwith their‘68 Chev Camero<br />

and ‘30 Ford Model Acoupe for more than<br />

15 yearsand always stayonsite.<br />

‘‘We didn’t mind the little bit of rain on<br />

Fridaynight and duringSaturdaysshow, it<br />

kept the dust down,’’ Rob said.<br />

For otherslike Bruce Goodland of<br />

Christchurch it was achancefor him to<br />

show off his latest project, a1948 Chev<br />

Fleetliner Aero sedan which he has been<br />

working on for two years.<br />

‘‘I got it as apartially finished project car<br />

from up north, and havemade it into a<br />

sleeper car.<br />

‘‘It’sthe way Ilike my custom cars, with<br />

agreatpatina,’’ he said.<br />

GarryBlack of Nelson has been bringing<br />

his 1918 Dodgesportstertothe showfor<br />

almost as longasit has beenheld.<br />

‘‘I beencomingfor around30years and<br />

Ilove it. There is always abrilliantturnout<br />

and agreatfamily atmosphere here.’’<br />

Garrysays the show has grown alot over<br />

the years and it’s agreat way to catch up<br />

with friends and like mindedpeople.<br />

Lisa LeedenofTuahiwisays the<br />

camping is alot of fun at the muscle car<br />

madness.<br />

‘‘We havebeen comingwith our carsfor<br />

the pastnineyears and we enjoy the<br />

experience.<br />

‘‘There is agreatcrowdhere and every<br />

one gets on verywell,’’ she said.<br />

Another group of longterm fans were<br />

Gary Edwards of Fernside, Richard<br />

Prebble of Picton and JohnPugh of<br />

Greymouth.<br />

The trio havemet up every year since<br />

the showstarted.<br />

They drove downtothe campsite this<br />

year in aModel Aroadster,aChev<br />

Corvette andaChev Z71 pickup.<br />

‘‘It has changed overthe years and got<br />

bigger.<br />

‘‘Butit’s still agreat event to come and<br />

meet people andtalk about cars’’ saidMr<br />

Edwards.<br />

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From early <strong>February</strong> we will be using helicopters for aerial spraying of<br />

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Rakahuri Ashley, Waipara, Hurunui, Conway and Kōwhai rivers.<br />

Weed control clearsthe active part of the river channel that carries fast<br />

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The riverbeds will be surveyed, and only targeted weeds will be sprayed.<br />

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6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Sequestration credits expose advocacy<br />

Jamie McFadden, Groundswell NZ environmental spokesperson,<br />

delivers the organisation’s views on sequestration credits and asks if<br />

industry leaders are misleading farmers.<br />

Why do our industry leaders continue<br />

to mislead farmers over sequestration<br />

credits?<br />

The simple answer is that the<br />

promise of sequestrationcredits was a<br />

key marketingploy to deceivefarmers<br />

into supporting the emissions pricing<br />

proposaldevelopedbythe industry<br />

groupsunderHeWaka Eke Noa<br />

(HWEN).<br />

When our industrygroups offered to<br />

help the Government come up with a<br />

betteremissions tax option than the<br />

Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), they<br />

developed adual strategytogarner<br />

farmersupport.<br />

Thefirst partofthe strategywas to<br />

continually reinforcehow bad the<br />

alternative (ETS) was,through a<br />

campaignoffear. ‘Youwouldn’t want to<br />

be in the ETS’was repeated ad<br />

nauseuminprintand radio media.<br />

The second part of the strategy was to<br />

exaggerate the merits of their own<br />

proposal, downplay or completely<br />

ignorethe downsides,and throwina<br />

sweetener in the form of sequestration<br />

This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 7 Feb 8<br />

Rise 6:31am<br />

Set 8:53pm<br />

Best 10:45am<br />

Ok<br />

Times 11:10pm<br />

Set 2:32am<br />

Rise 7:00pm<br />

Gentle SW becoming<br />

moderate SE<br />

Rise 6:32am<br />

Set 8:52pm<br />

Best 11:36am<br />

Fair<br />

Times<br />

Set 3:22am<br />

Rise 7:48pm<br />

Moderate SW turning<br />

SE<br />

creditswhich could be usedtooffset<br />

the emissionstax bill.<br />

However, this is where honesty went<br />

out the window as our industry groups<br />

became desperatetoobtain farmer<br />

support.<br />

The HWEN consultation process<br />

became aslickmarketing campaign,<br />

rather than genuine consultation.<br />

Farmers shouldget full sequestration<br />

creditswas the sales pitch­riparian<br />

planting, nativebush,shelterbelts,<br />

woodlots.<br />

But we weren’t toldthe fine print<br />

meant most vegetationonfarms would<br />

not be eligible forcredits.<br />

In my private capacityIhave<br />

undertaken hundreds of riparian<br />

plantings for farmersover the past20<br />

years and few, if any, will be eligible for<br />

credits.<br />

Similarly with native bush on farms –<br />

mostofthis is pre­1990ofwhich some<br />

may be eligiblefor minor<br />

‘‘additionality’’ credits resulting from<br />

‘activeecological management’.<br />

Anothercatch is it must be stock<br />

Encouraging signs<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

The new Prime Minister has ‘‘a positive<br />

opportunity’’ to deliver on the<br />

government’s aims for ThreeWaters,<br />

Hurunui MayorMarieBlack says.<br />

Mrs Black says the signal from Chris<br />

Hipkins that he will reconsider someofthe<br />

government’s ambitious reform<br />

programme was encouraging.<br />

The Hurunui District Council is one of<br />

30 council members of the lobby group<br />

Communities 4LocalDemocracy He<br />

hapori mō te Manapori (C4LD).<br />

All members of C4LD are calling on the<br />

new PrimeMinister to take afreshlook at<br />

the government’smodelfor water reform<br />

and to workwith councils to find amodel<br />

that works for local communities.<br />

‘‘Keeping the controlofwater service<br />

delivery in the hands of local communities<br />

is amajor collective aim for all councils<br />

represented by C4LD,’’ Mrs Blacksays.<br />

It has been ayear since C4LD presented<br />

to the MinisterialWorking Partywith its<br />

reform alternatives.<br />

‘‘It is not too late to rescuethis reform,<br />

all that needs to happen is for the<br />

government to place sometrust in local<br />

government,and listentowhat we haveto<br />

say,’’ she says.<br />

Manawatu Mayor and C4LD chairperson<br />

Helen Worboys says C4LD’sproposals will<br />

enablethe government to create<br />

opportunities for ‘‘strongand lasting<br />

partnershipsand deliver safe, sustainable<br />

and affordable water servicesfor all New<br />

Zealanders’’.<br />

She says councils shouldbegiven the<br />

opportunity to use their localknowledge to<br />

deliver better alternatives to the current<br />

proposal.<br />

Independent analysis showed the<br />

government’s proposed modelhad a<br />

numberofflaws and would deliverworse<br />

outcomes in some areas, she says.<br />

Relationships could alsobeforged with<br />

Mana Whenua at alocal level.<br />

‘‘We’re confident ourplans are in line<br />

with what the majority of New Zealanders<br />

want,’’ Ms Worboys said.<br />

‘‘We’ve presented areform framework<br />

that is directly supported by nearly half of<br />

councils in New Zealand and is aligned<br />

with the views of themajority of others.’’<br />

Councilsaround the country are busy<br />

offeringfeedbackonfour piecesof<br />

legislation (two on Three Waters and two<br />

on Resource Management Actreform) and<br />

the draft future of local government report,<br />

with submissions due this month.<br />

Public interest journalismisfundedby<br />

New Zealand on Air.<br />

Rise 6:34am<br />

Set 8:51pm<br />

Best 12:01am<br />

Fair<br />

Times 12:26pm<br />

Set 4:18am<br />

Rise 8:27pm<br />

Gentle SE becoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Rise 6:35am<br />

Set 8:50pm<br />

Best 12:51am<br />

Good<br />

Good<br />

Times 1:15pm<br />

Set 5:20am<br />

Rise 9:00pm<br />

Gentle Sbecoming<br />

moderate E<br />

excluded, which meansmost of the<br />

nativevegetation on farms pre­1990 is<br />

ineligible.<br />

There are many exoticplantingson<br />

farms in the form of shelterbelts,trees,<br />

and small blocks.<br />

Most of these are pre­1990,therefore<br />

also not eligible for credits.<br />

Only smallexotic plantings that don’t<br />

meet the ETS criteria (less than 1<br />

hectare,30metres wide and 30%<br />

canopycover)and post­1990may be<br />

eligible for credits.<br />

However, the government has thus far<br />

rightly rejected thesefor being too<br />

small and administrativelycost<br />

ineffective.<br />

Our industryleaders were up in arms<br />

about the government’sposition on<br />

sequestration, but the truth is that it<br />

was our industry groups that designed<br />

and agreed to the fineprint that<br />

penalisesearly adopters, and knocks<br />

out mostvegetation on farms from<br />

receivingcredits.<br />

The government’s announcement<br />

prior to Christmas was a<br />

reconfirmation of what they had<br />

previously agreed to andgenerally<br />

aligned withwhat our industry groups/<br />

HWEN proposed.<br />

The promiseoffull sequestration<br />


Rise 6:36am<br />

Set 8:49pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

1:38am<br />

2:01pm<br />

Set 6:24am<br />

Rise 9:27pm<br />

Moderate Sturning<br />

SE<br />

Good<br />

Rise 6:38am<br />

Set 8:47pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

2:23am<br />

2:44pm<br />

Set 7:28am<br />

Rise 9:49pm<br />

Gentle Sbecoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Good<br />

Rise 6:39am<br />

Set 8:46pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

3:05am<br />

3:26pm<br />

Set 8:32am<br />

Rise 10:10pm<br />

Gentle SE<br />

strengthening<br />

credits under HWEN in the future is a<br />

red herring and alie, as boththe<br />

government and industry groupshave<br />

agreed to criteria like additionality<br />

which knocks out most vegetation on<br />

farms being eligible.<br />

Maybethe biggest hope is for native<br />

vegetationonfarmstoreceive<br />

substantial credits for allvalues,not<br />

justsequestrationinarevamped ETS.<br />

Thiswas something the government<br />

committedtofollowupwhenweraised<br />

it at our recent meeting with the Prime<br />

Minister and ministers.<br />

The emissionspricing and<br />

sequestration debacle has exposed<br />

major failings in our nationaladvocacy<br />

voice.<br />

We can no longer haveconfidence in<br />

our industry leaderstoprovide full and<br />

accurate information on policies and<br />

regulations thatdirectly impact<br />

farmers.<br />

Ourindustry groupsneed to decide<br />

whether they are independent, faithful<br />

advocatesofgrassroots farmers,or,<br />

agents helping thegovernmentroll out<br />

their policyagenda.<br />

The sequestration creditsdebacle<br />

proves they can’t be both, andamajor<br />

revamp of farmer advocacyiswell<br />

overdue.<br />

Bus patronage rising<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Bus patronage is continuing to rise in the<br />

Waimakariri district.<br />

Figures from Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

(ECan) show bus patronage in Rangiora<br />

and Kaiapoi is returning to pre­Covid<br />

levels.<br />

‘‘Patronageonall Waimakariri services<br />

has continued to gain momentumand<br />

stabilise following Covid­related<br />

disruptionsduringthe firsthalf of 2<strong>02</strong>2,’’<br />

an ECan spokesperson says.<br />

‘‘This was supportedbypromotions of<br />

the government half­price fares<br />

campaign.’’<br />

WaimakaririMayor Dan Gordon<br />

regularly takes the busintoChristchurch<br />

for meetings.<br />

‘‘Sometimes Ifind travelling into town by<br />

bus to meet friends is very accessible and<br />

Iencourage peopletoconsideritasan<br />

option.’’<br />

The Waimakariri District Council has<br />

investedinparkingfacilities to support<br />

ECan’s park and rideservices.<br />

Mr Gordon saysthe council was<br />

continuing to explore options with its<br />

Greater Christchurch partners(the<br />

Christchurch and Selwyn councils, ECan<br />

and Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport<br />

Agency) to improvetransportconnections.<br />

Patronagein<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>was just<br />

65 percent of pre­Covid levelswhen halfpricefares<br />

were introducedinApril.<br />

But patronage improved to 84% of pre­<br />

Covidlevels in November, with child<br />

patronage regularly surpassing 90% of pre­<br />

Covidlevels, the spokesperson said.<br />

‘‘Overall,the 50% fares coupled withthe<br />

removal of maskmandatesonpublic<br />

transport has had apositiveeffect on<br />

engagementwith public transport.<br />

‘‘The trend towards hybrid working and<br />

working from home for partofthe week is<br />

potentially reducing traveldemand.’’<br />

The government’shalf­price fares were<br />

due to end on April 1, whenitwill be<br />

replaced by ECan’s two­year trialofanew<br />

flat fare structure.<br />

This will comprise a$1flat farefor those<br />

aged under 25, tertiarystudents, Total<br />

Mobilitycard holders and Community<br />

Services Card holders, and a$2flat fare for<br />

everyone else.<br />

ECan is planningtoreview theroute 1<br />

(Rangiora)service as part of its Public<br />

Transport Futures programmeupdate.<br />

Trialsofthe MyWay on­demand service<br />

are also beingexplored for the Greater<br />

Christchurch area.<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

NE 1.9 m NE 1.4 m NE 1.0 m E1.0 m NE 1.1 m E0.8 m NE 0.9 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 3:17am 2.2 9:32am 0.8 4:06am 2.2 10:20am 0.8 4:50am 2.2 11:04am 0.7 5:31am 2.2 11:46am 0.7 6:10am 2.3<br />

6:49am 2.2 12:40am 0.7 7:28am 2.2 1:19am 0.7<br />

Mouth<br />

3:36pm 2.1 9:45pm 0.7 4:23pm 2.1 10:32pm 0.7 5:06pm 2.1 11:17pm 0.7 5:48pm 2.1 11:59pm 0.7 6:29pm 2.1 12:26pm 0.7 7:11pm 2.1 1:05pm 0.7 7:52pm 2.1 1:44pm 0.7<br />

Amberley 3:17am 2.2 9:32am 0.8 4:06am 2.2 10:20am 0.8 4:50am 2.2 11:04am 0.7 5:31am 2.2 11:46am 0.7 6:10am 2.3<br />

6:49am 2.2 12:40am 0.7 7:28am 2.2 1:19am 0.7<br />

Beach<br />

3:36pm 2.1 9:45pm 0.7 4:23pm 2.1 10:32pm 0.7 5:06pm 2.1 11:17pm 0.7 5:48pm 2.1 11:59pm 0.7 6:29pm 2.1 12:26pm 0.7 7:11pm 2.1 1:05pm 0.7 7:52pm 2.1 1:44pm 0.7<br />

3:26am 2.2 9:41am 0.8 4:15am 2.2 10:29am 0.8 4:59am 2.2 11:13am 0.7 5:40am 2.2 11:55am 0.7 6:19am 2.3 12:08am 0.7 6:58am 2.2 12:49am 0.7 7:37am 2.2 1:28am 0.7<br />

Motunau 3:45pm 2.1 9:54pm 0.7 4:32pm 2.1 10:41pm 0.7 5:15pm 2.1 11:26pm 0.7 5:57pm 2.1<br />

6:38pm 2.1 12:35pm 0.7 7:20pm 2.1 1:14pm 0.7 8:01pm 2.1 1:53pm 0.7<br />

3:28am 2.2 9:43am 0.8 4:17am 2.2 10:31am 0.8 5:01am 2.2 11:15am 0.7 5:42am 2.2 11:57am 0.7 6:21am 2.3 12:10am 0.7 7:00am 2.2 12:51am 0.7 7:39am 2.2 1:30am 0.7<br />

Gore Bay 3:47pm 2.1 9:56pm 0.7 4:34pm 2.1 10:43pm 0.7 5:17pm 2.1 11:28pm 0.7 5:59pm 2.1<br />

6:40pm 2.1 12:37pm 0.7 7:22pm 2.1 1:16pm 0.7 8:03pm 2.1 1:55pm 0.7<br />

3:18am 1.6 9:38am 0.4 4:06am 1.5 10:24am 0.4 4:51am 1.5 11:08am 0.4 5:33am 1.5 11:49am 0.4 6:14am 1.5<br />

6:54am 1.5 12:40am 0.4 7:34am 1.5 1:21am 0.4<br />

Kaikoura 3:40pm 1.4 9:45pm 0.4 4:26pm 1.4 10:31pm 0.4 5:10pm 1.4 11:15pm 0.4 5:53pm 1.4 11:58pm 0.4 6:36pm 1.4 12:30pm 0.4 7:17pm 1.4 1:11pm 0.4 7:59pm 1.4 1:51pm 0.4<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


FEBRUARY 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

HDC NEWS...<br />

What's happening Hurunui?<br />


From time to time, various sections of Hurunui's roads need atouch uptothe surface.<br />

This means that dotted throughout the District, you will see temporary 30km zones and afair amount of<br />

roadwork activity. This will be for pre reseal repairs, first coats and full width resealing.<br />

Resealing season isduring the summer months, when the weather is best.<br />

Please take notice of these speed restrictions and slow right down when passing through these works areas,<br />

this will minimise/eliminate stone chips to your vehicle, and mean a better finished product for the road<br />

reseal.<br />

You can look at the resealing schedule and other information on our website by typing 'Resealing<br />

Programme' into the search bar.<br />

https://www.hurunui.govt.nz/roading-water/transport-network/hurunui-roads/resealing-program<br />


The weather certainly played ball for aseason of summer pool parties over the past few weeks.<br />

Only Hawarden Pool Party was postponed due to rain.<br />

Any good splash around requires energy, and our Community Team made sure supplies were inabundance.<br />

Across the 11 pool parties dotted through the District, there was atotal consumption of 46kg of sausages, 27<br />

loaves of bread, 3.5 litres of tomato sauce, 1.5 litres of mustard and 8kg of lollies.<br />

What agreat effort, many thanks to everyone who came along to join in the fun.<br />

Meetings<br />

2nd Hurunui Tourism Board meeting 1.00pm<br />

(Venue: Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

8th Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa<br />

Management Committee meeting 9.00am (Venue:<br />

Thermal Pools Boardroom, Hanmer Springs)<br />

8th South Ward Committee meeting 7.00pm<br />

(Venue: Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

13th Hurunui Youth Council 7.00pm (Venue:<br />

Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

14th Audit &Risk Committee 9.30am (Council<br />

Chambers, Amberley)<br />

15th Amuri Community Committee 7.30pm (Venue:<br />

Hillcrest Chambers, Culverden)<br />

16th Glenmark Community Committee 7.30pm<br />

(Venue: Scargill Pavilion)<br />

20th Hanmer Springs Community Board meeting<br />

1.00pm (Venue: The Gallery, Hanmer Springs<br />

Library)<br />

21st Operations Committee meeting 9.30am<br />

(Venue: Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

22nd Road Safety Co-ordinating Committee<br />

10.00am (Venue: Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

22nd Hurunui Community Committee 7.30pm<br />

(Venue: Hawarden Community Library)<br />

23rd Cheviot Community Committee 6.00pm<br />

(Venue: Cheviot Library/Service Centre)<br />

28th Council meeting 9.30am (Venue: Council<br />

Chambers, Amberley)<br />

Plenty of splashing around atthe Waiau Pool Party<br />

last month. Many thanks toall who joined the fun!<br />



Last weekend's Youth Camp was full of fun and<br />

learning, even spending time with Councillors.<br />

The induction of the new Hurunui Youth Council took place last weekend, 27-30 January at Te Puna<br />

Wanaka, Ara institute of<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

The Council membership is 5existing members and five new members.<br />

It was avaluable weekend getting to know each other, building whanaungatanga, and learning from some<br />

Council Officers to understand how Council operates in the areas of finance and governance. Mayor Marie<br />

Black and Councillors Robbie Bruerton and Dave Hislop joined the Youth Council for part of the weekend,<br />

collectively they enjoyed each other's stories and company.<br />

Watermain upgrades, Amberley<br />

Essential watermain upgrades are currently being carried out in Amberley byTrenching Dynamix, to replace<br />

the existing drinking watermain running from the Kowai water treatment plant through to Amberley township<br />

along SH1. The works will be carried out in stages, starting atthe water treatment plant at Kowai River south<br />

branch. An anticipated completion date is 30 June 2<strong>02</strong>3. Work updates will continue.<br />

In brief<br />

Wine Bottle Lids for Kidney Kids<br />

Thank you to everyone who has dropped off<br />

aluminium wine bottle lids to our transfer stations<br />

or libraries. These have been passed onto<br />

Amberley Lions for recycling, with the income<br />

donated to Kidney Kids NZ. Over the last 12<br />

months, the equivalent of 25 sacks of lids have<br />

been received and donated.<br />

Waitangi Weekend transfer station operation<br />

ALL transfer stations are closed on Monday 6th<br />

<strong>February</strong>, but in lieu ofthis, the Amberley Transfer<br />

Station will open onTuesday 7th <strong>February</strong> from<br />

10am to4pm.<br />

Review of weight limits<br />

Posted weight limits onbridges inHurunui District<br />

have been reviewed, some have been revised. An<br />

update of affected bridges will be published soon.<br />

Waiau Bridge<br />

Waiau Bridge works are complete, our contractor Downer has replaced the bridge joints.<br />

The bridge is fully open again. Thank you again for your cooperation so this job could be completed as<br />

quickly as possible.<br />

Seadown Crescent Reserve, Amberley<br />

Works have finished at Seadown Crescent Reserve. The soak pits have been constructed, and reshaping the<br />

ground to help drain the surface water away is complete. Council and the contractors would like to thank the<br />

local residents for their patience during the project, helping the grass seed take with the use of their taps,<br />

and for the refreshments!<br />

Events<br />

Stepping Up Classes - Smartphone and tablet<br />

sessions. Running every Thursday in <strong>February</strong>,<br />

10am-2pm, Amberley Library. Register at<br />

https://steppingup.nz/ or ring 03314 8980<br />

Disc Golf evening - Brooke Dawson Reserve,<br />

Hanmer Springs. Thursday <strong>February</strong> 8th, 6.30pm.<br />

Please bring your own disc.<br />

Afact about <strong>February</strong><br />

It was aRoman superstition that created <strong>February</strong> as we know it today. Toavoid even numbers, the Roman<br />

king Numa Pompilius added anextra day to <strong>February</strong> every four years, and this enabled the calendar to catch<br />

up with the Earth's orbit. **This 'fact' was researched through aGoogle search.<br />

PHONE US:<br />

Amberley: 03 314 8816.<br />

Cheviot Freephone: 03319 8812.<br />

Amuri &Hanmer Springs Freephone: 03 315 8400.<br />

info@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

www.hurunui.govt.nz<br />

Hurunui District Council

NEWS<br />

8 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Waiau Fire Brigade celebrates 75 years<br />


Aspecial celebration is taking place in<br />

Waiau at Waitangi Weekend.<br />

The Waiau Volunteer Fire Brigade is<br />

celebrating asignificant birthday ­75<br />

years.<br />

The brigade had its beginnings back in<br />

1948, and it has been planning and<br />

preparing for the event for the past six<br />

months.<br />

Jubilee chair Rebecca Murdoch says<br />

the brigade is looking forward to the<br />

celebration with all the people from the<br />

Waiau community who had supported it<br />

over the years, and provided much<br />

needed volunteers.<br />

Many will be joining in the<br />

celebrations, and attend the Honours<br />

evening and formal dance on Saturday<br />

evening, <strong>February</strong> 4.<br />

The Brigade was formed following a<br />

fire at afarm in the Inland Road, and<br />

from there local farmers got together<br />

began building alocal volunteer<br />

brigade.<br />

‘‘From these early foundations built<br />

by these dedicated farmers we have<br />

grown,’’ says Rebecca.<br />

There has been numerous fire<br />

engines, and it is awaiting anew one in<br />

the not too distant future.<br />

‘‘We have had extensions on the old<br />

station, and new sheds to hold gear<br />

added throughout the years.’’<br />

She says there has been arange of<br />

people in the fire brigade over the past<br />

75 years, and at present it has over 20<br />

members who range from volunteer<br />

support to the leaders of the brigade and<br />

‘‘everyone in between’’.<br />

Five new firefighters were added<br />

recently after completing their seven<br />

day course, and two new qualified<br />

firefighters have also joined in the past<br />

two weeks.<br />

Boast to numbers ... Five Waiau Volunteer Firefighters who became fully operation early last year —Tim Grant (left), Andrew Murdoch,<br />

Michael Raleigh, Mehui Patel, Peter Bush —with Hurunui Kaikoura FENZ group manager and assistant commander, Colin Russell.<br />


In the past decade it has celebrated<br />

three members receiving their Gold Star<br />

Medals ­Alan Broomhall, Anthony<br />

Swarbrick and most recently Pam<br />

Murdoch.<br />

Rebecca says they all bring arange of<br />

skills and knowledge to the brigade.<br />

Over the years there has been a<br />

variety of call outs from cats up trees, to<br />

cars in rivers, and afew big fires and<br />

incidents in between, including when<br />

the local Waiau Lodge Hotel went up in<br />

flames.<br />

The weekend will begin on the Friday<br />

with ameet and great, and wine and<br />

cheese evening, at the Waiau Fire<br />

Station. The Hurunui community is<br />

invited to help celebrate the milestone<br />

at afun and display day on Saturday,<br />

<strong>February</strong> 4from 10am to 2pm at the<br />

Waiau School, at which children are<br />

invited to dress up.<br />

The fire service grounds will be used<br />

for games and to display old machinery.<br />

People will also be able to walk through<br />

the fire station.<br />

People can take their togs for arun<br />

down the slippery slide, or have agoat<br />

shooting targets with afire hose.<br />

There are colouring competitions<br />

with great prizes for ages 5and under, 5<br />

years to 11 years and 11 plus.<br />

Achurch service will be held at the<br />

station at 10.30am, followed by a<br />

barbecue lunch and farewell. Jubilee<br />

chairman Rebecca Murdoch is hoping<br />

past and present members of the<br />

brigade, and other brigade members<br />

will join in the celebrations.<br />

When we all take part inthe<br />

2<strong>02</strong>3 Census, we all count.<br />

STA0120A<br />

Tuesday 7March is our chance to represent ourselves,our families, whānau, communities<br />

and cultures. Census gives us the power to create change that benefits all of us; in our lives,<br />

towns, schools, hospitals and streets. Learn more atwww.census.govt.nz<br />

All of us count -Tatau tātou

Unexpected windfall for schools<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> schools are set for an<br />

unexpected windfall, following the<br />

introduction of the new Equity Index<br />

Funding system.<br />

The new funding criteria has replaced<br />

the old decilerating system,which<br />

principalssaid was ‘‘unfair’’.<br />

Simon Green,anadvocatefor principals<br />

and boards of trustees, said it was good<br />

newsall round.<br />

‘‘All the schools Iworkwith havecome<br />

out on top. I’m not aware of anyschools<br />

which are worseoff.’’<br />

The old decile ratingsystem was<br />

updated every five years and was basedon<br />

property values, while the new system<br />

considers amuch wider criteria when<br />

determining funding.<br />

The government has budgeted an extra<br />

$9.8million to ensure no school loses out<br />

in the first two years of the new system. Mr<br />

Green said removing the decilesystem<br />

should take away some of the ‘‘stigma’’of<br />

schools with low decileratings.<br />

‘‘A lot people assumedthe decilerating<br />

reflected how good the school was, so it<br />

createdaperception of ‘haves’ and ‘have<br />

nots’.’’<br />

Mr Green works as aleadership adviser<br />

withEvaluation Associates, supporting<br />

principalsand boards across Otagoand<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>. He is also the Rangiora High<br />

School board of trustees chairperson.<br />

RangioraHigh School was previously<br />

rated adecile9,which meant it missed out<br />

on severalfunding options.<br />

PrincipalBruce Kearney saidthe new<br />

rating meantthe schoolwas eligible for<br />

morefundingand could now opt in for the<br />

school donations scheme.<br />

Families will notbeasked for aschool<br />

donation or activity fee, except for some<br />

extra­curricula activities.<br />

‘‘Weare in asituation whereinflation is<br />

Simon Green<br />

goingthrough the roof and it’s harder for<br />

families, so this is one less thing they have<br />

to worry about,’’ he said.<br />

Rangiora New LifeSchool wasnot so<br />

lucky.<br />

Whilethe school will receive an<br />

increaseinfunding, it missed out on the<br />

school donation scheme by ‘‘one point’’,<br />

principalStephen Walters said.<br />

‘‘I think the new system is muchmore<br />

precise and it factors in things whichare<br />

not necessarily incomerelated, so it is a<br />

more holistic approach.’’<br />

Hurunui College and New Zealand Area<br />

Schools Association presidentStephen<br />

Beck said he was not aware of any schools<br />

beingworse off.<br />

‘‘Generally it is different acrossthe<br />

board, but Ithink mostschools have seen<br />

it as apositive.’’<br />

It has been awindfall for Hurunui<br />

College,which is now eligible for the<br />

‘‘isolation allowance’’.<br />

KaiapoiHigh School principalJason<br />

Reid said his school was also better off.<br />

‘‘Personally,Ibelieve the change is for<br />

the better because thedecilesystem used<br />

avery ‘broadbrush' method,whereas the<br />

EquityIndex systemseems to be more<br />

tailored to theindividualstudentsyour<br />

schoolhas, and their uniquesituations.’’<br />

Kaiapoi <strong>North</strong> School principalJason<br />

Miles and hisKaiapoi Borough School<br />

counterpartHaydenvan Lent said their<br />

schools werealso better off .<br />

Mr Milessaid the only costs thisyear for<br />

parents wouldbeschool uniforms and<br />

stationary, while adonation towards<br />

schoolcamps may be asked for.<br />

Mr van Lentsaid his school was now<br />

eligible for the healthy schoollunches<br />

programme, joining Te KuraoTuahiwi,<br />

Karanga Mai Young Parents’ College and<br />

Hāpuku School(Kaikōura).<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

ARE YOU<br />


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It’s stressful enough when your<br />

pet is in the hospital. Pet insurance<br />

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their treatment due to funds.<br />

We don’t sell pet insurance,<br />

but if you need help navigating the<br />

options, or want advice, pop in and<br />

have a chat with one of our team.<br />

Enhancing Lives Together<br />


www.rangioravetcentre.co.nz<br />

Targetedwillowremoval<br />

on the WaiparaRiver<br />

This monthweare starting<br />

aprogramme to remove<br />

invasivewillows from a15km<br />

section of the WaiparaRiver<br />

betweenBarnetts Road and<br />

the WaiparaRiver mouth.<br />

We will be using helicoptersfor targetedaerial<br />

spraying in <strong>February</strong>, followedbymechanical<br />

clearance from March.<br />

Weed control clears the activepartofthe river<br />

channel that carriesfast flowing water duringfloods.<br />

Clearing the active channel also allows for better<br />

habitat and improvedbiodiversity.The riverbedswill<br />

be surveyed and only targetedweedswill be sprayed.<br />

E23/7636<br />

Visit ecan.govt.nz/current-works for moreinformation.

NEWS<br />

10 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Racing and more at Medbury<br />


Hoofs poundingthe turf, and<br />

wheelbarrowsbeing pushed downthe<br />

homestraightatpace, willbethe orderof<br />

the day at the historic Medburyracetrack<br />

on <strong>February</strong> 11.<br />

Plans arewellinhand for the Hurunui<br />

Raceand GalaDay,and track conditions<br />

are ‘‘fantastic’’, Aly Youngman,chair of<br />

the race committee says.<br />

‘‘Rain has freshened up thetrack<br />

nicely,and we have left it abit long,sowe<br />

willonly needtotakethe tip off priorto<br />

raceday,’’hesays.<br />

There are full fields for the eight­card<br />

racemeeting,whichincludesanovelty<br />

kidshorseand cart race, along witha<br />

newly introduced wheelbarrow race<br />

where jockeys are pushed down the<br />

course.<br />

The fiercelycontest Station Challenge<br />

for the TedPhipps Trophy willbea<br />

highlight.<br />

Aly says the Stationhorsechallenge is a<br />

lot of fun, but entrantshave becomepretty<br />

competitive overthe years anditisnow<br />

‘‘wellcontested’’.<br />

There is also aspecialnoveltyevent<br />

being organised by RodMcKay that<br />

promises to provideplentyoflaughter.<br />

Off thetrack there willbefashion­inthe­field,<br />

trade andcraft stalls,food and<br />

refreshments, free children’s<br />

entertainmentand the popular station<br />

tug­of­war.<br />

Community groupshaveswungin<br />

behind theeventtoensure everyone has<br />

an enjoyableday, and help their<br />

organisation’s fundraising efforts.<br />

The HurunuiRugbyClub is runningthe<br />

bar,the Hurunui College PTAisrunning<br />

amonsterraffle, the local LionsClubwill<br />

havethe barbecuesizzling,the localPony<br />

Clubwillbeproviding ponyrides,while<br />

the all important Equilisatorisbeingrun<br />

by theHurunuiHockeyClub.<br />

Ex RugbyPlayerFinding Support ADVERTISEMENT<br />


Keith would describe<br />

his younger self as<br />

definitely a‘man’sman’.<br />

Work hard, play harder<br />

and ‘shake it off’ if need<br />

be. Looking back Keith<br />

realised that those early<br />

hay days were great.<br />

“I loved being out<br />

on the footy field. Big<br />

tackles, sprinting from<br />

ruck to ruck and then<br />

back again, pushing<br />

hard on the side of the<br />

scrum; nothing like abit<br />

of healthy competition to<br />

get the blood pumping.”<br />

Alifetime of exercise,<br />

agood diet and making<br />

sure that he wore knee<br />

supports, Keith lived<br />

fairly well. However for<br />

Keith, although health<br />

is key, hehas still gone<br />

through the normal day<br />

to day of a physically<br />

demanding job.<br />

An old footy mate<br />

asked one day if he had<br />

tried Koru FX from Koru<br />

Nutrition. They said<br />

they’d been using the<br />

Kidzcarts ... The field returns to the marshalling at aprevious event.<br />

Aly says thePTA raffle hasover 30<br />

‘‘fantastic’’ prizes.<br />

Thisyear the committee haspartnered<br />

withthe volunteer brigades of Waiau,<br />

Culverden, Hawarden andWaikari to<br />

provide much neededman power on the<br />

day,toensureitisafun filled andsafe<br />

event for all.<br />

All brigadeswillsharethe gate takings<br />

to helpfundtheir volunteer work in the<br />

coming year.<br />

Aly says thegenerous supportoffaithful<br />

local sponsors is huge giventhe economic<br />

climate, with many businesses returning<br />

eachtime the raceand gala dayisheld.<br />

At $10per persontoenter the grounds,<br />

(childrenunder12free), thisisagreat day<br />

forthe family withmost entertainment<br />

being sponsoredsothere are no costs for<br />

childrentotakepart.<br />

The track’shistory dates backto1874<br />

cream to support their<br />

joints and muscles.<br />

“I said Iwould give it<br />

ago, so he threw me a<br />

bottle.”<br />

Koru FX cream by Koru<br />

Nutrition has become<br />

NZ’s#1joint and muscle<br />

support cream. With over<br />

two and ahalf thousand<br />

5star reviews, Koru FX<br />

is showing itself to be a<br />

favourite in many New<br />

Zealand households<br />

“It smelt good, and<br />

felt great. It is just nice<br />

to go about my day, be<br />

it carrying every bag of<br />

shopping in for my wife<br />

in one go, off to aqua<br />

aerobics and swimming<br />

or just larking about;<br />

Koru FX gives me the<br />

confidence I need, to<br />

continue to live an active<br />

life.”<br />

Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. Koru Nutrition, Christchurch.<br />

MR7817<br />


when Medbury RoadTrackwas first used<br />

forracing. On Boxing Day 1894 it<br />

officially becamethe Hurunui Race<br />

Course,and fromthen on untilWWII<br />

intervenedthe gallopmeetings werean<br />

eagerly awaitedevent.<br />

Thelegendary Hurunui Cup will again<br />

be presented to the winner in Race8—<br />

an open trotevent, withthe heavy horses<br />

poundingthe track at 2.15pm.<br />

Theequalisator bettingsystem on the<br />

daymeansinvestors willbeoffered a$2<br />

bet. Thisdoes notallowyou to select the<br />

entrant,allocatingyou aletter,and after<br />

therace thedividend will be announced<br />

—onlyfor firstpast the post.<br />

Keep an ear outfor Compass FM<br />

bringing you updates on thegreat day out.<br />

Take your family, friends,your<br />

sunscreen, and cashand enjoy agreat<br />

day.<br />

Containing high quality<br />

oils like calendula,<br />

arnica, manuka and<br />

peppermint, along with<br />

twelve others, Koru FX<br />

provides the perfect<br />

formulation for fast<br />

acting joint and muscle<br />

support.<br />

Ask for Koru FX cream<br />

next time you’re in the<br />

pharmacy and try it for<br />

yourself.<br />

Stable<br />

outlook<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon has hailed<br />

staff after the council retained its strong<br />

credit rating in the face of economic<br />

challenges.<br />

Credit rating agency,Standard and<br />

Poor’s,has announced Waimakariri<br />

DistrictCouncil hasretainedits AA longterm<br />

and A­1+ short­term credit rating with<br />

astable outlook.<br />

‘‘In the current climate receiving such an<br />

endorsement by internationalratings<br />

agencyStandardand Poor'sis<br />

encouraging,’’said Mr Gordon .<br />

‘‘The result speaks to the prudent<br />

financial management of the council.<br />

‘‘We have afantastic team here at the<br />

Waimakariri DistrictCouncil,who do a<br />

great job making sure our financesare<br />

exceptionally managedand we<br />

appropriately balanceour goals and<br />

aspirations for the district while keeping<br />

debt and affordabilityincheck.’’<br />

The AA rating matchedNew Zealand’s<br />

national credit rating –the ‘sovereign<br />

rating’.<br />

Standard and Poor’s does not rate an<br />

individual council higher than the<br />

sovereign rating.<br />

Acting chief executive Jeff Millward said<br />

the council had worked hard to ‘‘prudently<br />

manage’’ its capital worksprogramme,<br />

which was debt funded.<br />

He says maintaining some ‘‘headroom’’<br />

in case of adverseevents was also apriority<br />

following the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes.<br />

Itmeant the council could obtain loansat<br />

low interest ratesthrough the Local<br />

Government Funding Agency.The council<br />

completed significantcapital works within<br />

budgetinrecent years.Standard and Poors<br />

noted the council had strongfinancial<br />

management and budget flexibility.<br />




End of season<br />

clear out<br />

nowon!<br />

2-12 <strong>February</strong><br />


*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or onlineatwww.mitre10.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />


End of season<br />

clear out nowon!<br />


15<br />

BBQs<br />

*ExcludesWeber &Traeger<br />

Images areindicativeonly,productwill differ between stores,stock on hand only,limited stock,instoresales only,norainchecks,nophone orders,notrade sales.<br />


*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or onlineatwww.mitre10.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />


End of season<br />

clear out nowon!<br />


25<br />

OutdoorDining<br />

Images areindicativeonly,productwill differ between stores,stock on hand only,limited stock,instoresales only,norainchecks,nophone orders,notrade sales.<br />


*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or onlineatwww.mitre10.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />


End of season<br />

clear out nowon!<br />


25<br />

OutdoorEntertaining<br />

Images areindicativeonly,productwill differ between stores,stock on hand only,limited stock,instoresales only,norainchecks,nophone orders,notrade sales.<br />


*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or onlineatwww.mitre10.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />


Tiromoana planting continues<br />

Work is continuing to establish a<br />

kahikatea forest on the valley floor of<br />

Tiromoana Bush, adjacent to the landfill<br />

in Kate Valley.<br />

It’s part of arestoration project by<br />

Transwaste <strong>Canterbury</strong> Ltd<br />

(Transwaste) which owns Tiromoana<br />

Bush and the landfill.<br />

AQEII Covenant protects Tiromoana<br />

Bush for perpetuity.<br />

Over 1000 kahikatea trees, along with<br />

other appropriate species will be<br />

planted in 2<strong>02</strong>2­2<strong>02</strong>3 on the valley floor<br />

upstream of the Kate Valley Pond<br />

wetland, to continue creating the mixed<br />

kahikatea forest.<br />

Transwaste Chair Gill Cox says annual<br />

tree planting is akey part of restoring<br />

the native forests that once grew in<br />

Tiromoana Bush.<br />

‘‘Since the restoration project began<br />

in 2004 we’ve planted thousands of<br />

native trees to kick­start natural<br />

regeneration,’’ Mr Cox says.<br />

Kahikatea were first planted by Kate<br />

Pond over 12 years ago and these are<br />

now five metres tall. The success of<br />

those early plantings led to creating a<br />

kahikatea forest and wetland around<br />

Kate Pond.<br />

At some point in its farming history<br />

the Kate Stream, which created a<br />

wetland in the valley, was constrained<br />

within astraightened drain and the<br />

surrounding wetland drained.<br />

The creation of Kate Pond is gradually<br />

re­wetting the valley and creating<br />

conditions suitable for restoring a<br />

kahikatea forest.<br />

‘‘Kahikatea appear to grow well with<br />

some shelter, so it’s being planted with<br />

other native species,’’ says Mr Cox.<br />

‘‘We’re planting amixture of mānuka,<br />

mingimingi, harakeke (flax), tī kōuka<br />

(cabbage tree), kōwhai and other native<br />

species, with at least one kahikatea<br />

planted every three to six metres across<br />

the valley floor,’’ says Mr. Cox.<br />

The aim is to establish amixed<br />

Planting time ... Staff from Wai­Ora Ecological Contracting, Andrew Limbe (left) and<br />

Malcom Stewart planting near Kate Pond.<br />


kahikatea forest­wetland system,<br />

restoring aregionally rare habitat for a<br />

range of native fauna.<br />

Over time it’s expected birds such as<br />

kererū and korimako will help disperse<br />

plant seeds more widely through<br />

Tiromoana Bush.<br />

Therefore, it’s important to ensure<br />

trees provide sufficient food to sustain<br />

these species.<br />

‘‘That’s why we’re planting harakeke<br />

and manūka for nectar, and tī kōuka and<br />

other species for fruit.<br />

In addition to restoring the kahikatea<br />

forest, tōtara and matai, which would<br />

have been dominant species in the prehuman<br />

hill­slope forest, are also making<br />

areturn.<br />

Better disposal urged<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Acall has beenmade for businessestotake<br />

better care of disposingofmaterials which<br />

may contain asbestos.<br />

Staffatthe WaimakaririDistrict<br />

Council’s SouthbrookResource Recovery<br />

Park have reported anumber of unsafe<br />

loadsofmaterial containing asbestos<br />

dumped at thesite.<br />

This putsstaff and contractors at risk<br />

and can lead to the site being closedtothe<br />

public,solid wastemanagerKittyWaghorn<br />

says.<br />

She saysifasbestos is not disposedof<br />

properly,itcan becomeairborne and pose<br />

asignificanthealthrisk.<br />

‘‘It is important that peopleare aware of<br />

the potential presence of asbestos in older<br />

buildings or structures, and that they<br />

followthe guidelines for its saferemoval<br />

and disposal.’’<br />

Council staff advise membersofthe<br />

publictoseek guidance fromrelevant<br />

authorities such as the Ministry of Health<br />

or WorkSafeNew Zealand.<br />

To disposeofasbestos, it is best to hire<br />

aprofessional asbestos removal company.<br />

WorkSafe New Zealandhas guidelines<br />

for the management and removalof<br />

asbestos.<br />

Materials containing asbestos, which are<br />

appropriately double­bagged or wrapped<br />

in polythene sheets, can be disposed at<br />

EcoCentral in Bromley, Christchurch.<br />

WorkSafe also has an approved code of<br />

practice for handling contaminatedsoil.<br />

For more information, go to worksafe.<br />

govt.nz.<br />

2<strong>02</strong>2 STRATEGIC<br />



Mr Cox says as seed sources for these<br />

are distant from Tiromoana Bush,<br />

natural regeneration would take<br />

decades if not centuries.<br />

‘‘That’s why annual plantings of both<br />

species are taking place,’’ Mr Cox says.<br />

To speed up regeneration about 100<br />

tōtara and 100 mataī are being planted<br />

in suitable sites, such as in gaps in<br />

regenerating forest.<br />

‘‘Over time these plantings will<br />

produce seeds that support their natural<br />

regeneration which is our ultimate<br />

aim.’’<br />

Planting is usually scheduled for<br />

spring after the worst of the frosts, and<br />

to take advantage of soil moisture being<br />

at apeak.<br />

2<strong>02</strong>2 2<strong>02</strong>2<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

CDMP<br />

11<br />

Community Driver<br />

Mentor Programme<br />



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Ph 03 313 5563<br />

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Totalspan <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> are proud to be afinalist of the Westpac<br />

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Totalspan <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

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Heat Pumps<br />

2403109v1<br />


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Grab longweekenddeals<br />

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Sleepyhead Beds #<br />


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Chiropractic<br />

UltraHDBeds<br />




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Right Chaise<br />

LoungeSuite<br />

was<br />

$<br />

2499<br />

NewYork6<br />

Piece NZ Made<br />

DiningSuite<br />

was<br />

$<br />

2999<br />

SCOOP<br />


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Machines&Accessories #<br />

30 % 30 % 30 %<br />

off off off<br />

Cushions,Rugs<br />

and Throws #<br />

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ourcontrol,somemodelsmay be delayed. Checkin-storefor more information on availability andtimeframes.*Apple products,selectedcomputers,gameconsoles, gift cardsand some promotionalitems are notavailable in conjunctionwith<br />

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delivery offer validdates vary.Freedeliveryterms,conditions,and exclusions apply. Sleepyheaad offer appliestodeliveryaddresseswithin 30km of aSmiths City store. LG offerappliestoaddresseswithin a50kmofaSmiths City store. Also<br />

appliestolocalAucklanddeliveryaddresses(from Auckland CBDextendingtoAlbany, Henderson,Howick, andPapakura).See individual products on smithscity.co.nz for details.

Love your home<br />

TruAudio caters for all audio requirements<br />

TruAudio designsand manufacturesa<br />

fullline of premiumcustomaudio<br />

products, backed withreal­world<br />

knowledge and experience.<br />

Thisincludesarchitectural<br />

speakers,soundbars, subwoofersand<br />

amplifiers.<br />

It alsodesigns and manufacturesa<br />

comprehensive rangeofaudio<br />

solutions fordiverse applications—<br />

home, office, gym,resort, healthcare,<br />

cafeand much more —both indoor,<br />

outdoor andunderground,with<br />

extensivecustomisation options<br />

(TruCustom) –any length,any depth,<br />

any colour.<br />

Products comewith alimited<br />

lifetime warranty.<br />

Backedwithreal­world knowledge<br />

and experience,TruAudio goesto<br />

great lengthstoensureitoffers<br />

speakers that blend intothe room's<br />

decor whilestilldelivering<br />

unforgettable, life­like sounds.<br />

Whetherit'swhole­house sound<br />

during ahousepartyorsimply relaxing<br />

on thecouch enjoying yourfavourite<br />

DVD,TruAudio will enhanceyour<br />

audio experience as no other<br />

architecturalspeakercan.<br />

TruAudio speakers,constructedwith<br />

materialsproven to perform,include<br />

the right mixture of woven carbon<br />

fibre,titanium, aluminium and<br />

polypropylene. Every crossover is built<br />

to match eachdriver and then testedto<br />

ensure it deliversperfectly.<br />

TruAudio assemblethe components<br />

into ahigh­grade,flush­mount ABS<br />

frame that mountsintoyourwall or<br />

ceiling –almostdisappearing for our<br />

architectural speakers.<br />

With cabinet speakers, it uses<br />

speciallydesigned MDF wood<br />

wrapped in high­end vinyl or anatural<br />

wood veneer.<br />

This processensures along­lasting,<br />

elegant lookand guaranteesprecise<br />

acoustical reproduction.<br />

VSSL(pronounced 'Vessel'),isthe<br />

premier home audio systemfor<br />

architectural (in­ceiling) speakers.<br />

Smartmultichannel VSSL amplifiers<br />

power every in­ceilingspeaker in a<br />

home.<br />

Simple to use, VSSLuses Native<br />

Streamingtoconnectspeakers to<br />

GoogleHome,Apple Airplay, and<br />

SpotifyConnecttogive every possible<br />

streamingoption in one convenient<br />

box.Byadding aVSSLtoyoursystem,<br />

you simply playwhat you love, to the<br />

roomyou want.<br />

Throughoutthe South Pacific,<br />

customers cannow purchase TruAudio<br />

and VSSL market­leading seriesof<br />

audio fromGoWirelessNZLtd at<br />

gowifi.co.nz<br />

‘‘Weare thrilledtohave TruAudio<br />

and VSSL in our portfolioof<br />

Commercial IoT Audio,’’ saysDale<br />

Roberts,directorofGoWirelessNZ<br />

TruAudio ... Designing and manufacturing acomprehensive range of audio solutions for<br />

indoors, outdoors and underground.<br />


Ltd.<br />

‘‘Both TruAudio and VSSL focus on<br />

quality,innovation and commitmentto<br />

thecustomer, makingthem ideal<br />

partnersfor Go Wireless NZ Ltd.We<br />

are proudtoworkclosely with<br />

TruAudio and VSSL to provide<br />

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solutions.’’<br />

Are youlooking<br />

foraway to reach<br />

more homes<br />

and businesses<br />

throughout<br />

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2485431v1<br />

333 High St, Rangiora<br />

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www,grahamandsons.co.nz<br />

info@grahamandsons.co.nz<br />

If the answerisYES,<br />

we canhelp.<br />

To find out<br />

more,email<br />

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20%OFF<br />



Cnr.Williams Street<br />

&Raven Quay,Kaiapoi<br />

Open 7Days<br />

Phone: 03 327 8<strong>02</strong>9<br />

www.blackwellsdeptstore.co.nz<br />

2486710v8<br />

Winner<br />

Best kitchen<br />

under $20k<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>Master<br />

Joiner Awards<br />

2<strong>02</strong>2<br />

Quality<br />

Kitchens and Joinery<br />

To suit all stylesand budgets<br />

19 Beach Road, Kaikoura<br />

Ph: 03 319 5562<br />

E. info@thejoinershop.co.nz<br />

www.thejoinershop.co.nz<br />

2484421v4<br />

Unique underground and<br />

above ground subwoofers<br />

and luxury landscape speakers

Love your home<br />

Matthews Roofing an experienced business<br />

Matthews Roofing Ltd has been<br />

serving <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> for more<br />

than two decades.<br />

Jon Matthews has 28 years<br />

experience in the roofing industry and<br />

established his own business in 2000.<br />

He is based in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and<br />

servicesclients needsthroughout<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>, the West Coast and<br />

Christchurch.<br />

Jon got into roofing when he was<br />

looking for achange of direction.<br />

‘‘I was looking for achangeofjob<br />

and Iliked working outdoors, so I<br />

thought Iwould giveroofing ago.’’<br />

Now he employs three staff,<br />

including two fully qualified roofers<br />

and one keen,youngapprentice.<br />

He joined the Kaiapoi Volunteer<br />

Fire Brigade soon after moving across<br />

the WaimakaririRiver, and has been<br />

an active memberofthe brigade for<br />

most of the last 19 years.<br />

The Matthews Roofing team<br />

specialises in new roofs and re­roofs,<br />

and installs long­run corrugated<br />

Coloursteelroofing material,fascia,<br />

guttering and wall cladding.<br />

Jon has long­standing relationships<br />

with several localbuilding firms ‘‘who<br />

will ring me in to put theirroofs on’’.<br />

‘‘We sticktoresidential roofing. We<br />

do alot of work in the new subdivisions<br />

and general workaroundthe<br />

town.’’<br />

Jon saysthe challengesofCovid­19<br />

are over, there is asteady supplyof<br />

material and thereisplenty of work<br />

ahead of his team.<br />

He says therehas been no slowdown<br />

in building, and his team is still in<br />

demand.<br />

Jon urges builderstogive him plenty<br />

of notice of jobs in the pipe line to help<br />

him and his team to run aseamless<br />

service.<br />

He is keenfor young people to<br />

consider acareer as aroofers.<br />

‘‘It’sagood career opportunityfor a<br />

young person because you get to see<br />

the countryside, and you are in<br />

differentplacenearly every day of the<br />

week.<br />

‘‘There are good opportunities for<br />

young people to learnbecause we<br />

alwaysneed goodtradespeople in the<br />

industry.’’<br />

Roofing specialist ... Jon Matthews has<br />

been serving <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> for more<br />

than two decades.<br />



•Mess-freevacuum cleaning system<br />

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Outstanding customer service<br />

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Phone Tim<strong>02</strong>2 457 75<strong>02</strong><br />

guttervacpronz@gmail.com<br />

2489749v1<br />

New Builds |Renovations |Maintenance<br />

Back flowprevention &testing<br />

Phone <strong>02</strong>1 261 8678<br />

josh@cottleplumbing.co.nz |facebook.com/cottleplumbing<br />

www.cottleplumbing.co.nz<br />

2430005v1<br />

New Year and new<br />

beginnings, we can<br />

help you with:<br />

•All property matters<br />

•Relationship property<br />

(separation and agreements)<br />

•Commercial<br />

(leases and agreements)<br />

•Subdivisions<br />

•Estates<br />

•Trusts<br />

•Wills<br />



7Ashley Street, Rangiora | 03 310 6464<br />

admin@law4you.co.nz | www.law4you.co.nz<br />

2485424v7<br />

2484173v8<br />

Gifts &Finds<br />

Cheviot<br />

For gifts that are alittle bit<br />

different<br />

35 Hall Street Cheviot<br />

Open 7days 10am-5pm<br />

Ph Tracy <strong>02</strong>7 740 9855<br />

See us on Facebook<br />

for latest stock arrivals.<br />

p 03 313 7144 |m<strong>02</strong>7 432 1534<br />

e info@rgrantelectrcial.com |POBox 69, Rangiora<br />

Matthews Roofing Limited<br />

Specialists inLongrun<br />

Coloursteel Roofing and<br />

Guttering Systems<br />

We supply and install long run metal roofing,<br />

fascia and spouting.<br />

2485509v8<br />

Open7<br />

days<br />

Popular Pot Buddies<br />

Selling Fast -Hurry In<br />

3/137 WilliamsStreet, Kaiapoi<br />

www.Bloomscape.co.nz<br />

• New Houses<br />

• Heatpumps<br />

• Alterations<br />

• TV &Data<br />

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• Audio &Home Theatre<br />

• Security &Alarms, Commercial Maintenance<br />

• Inspections &much more<br />

www.rgrantelectrical.co.nz<br />

25<strong>02</strong>201v2<br />

2429862v1<br />

PO Box 54, Kaiapoi<br />

Mobile:<strong>02</strong>7 2458140<br />

Email: J_amatthews@xtra.co.nz

Love your home<br />

DrainPro takes care of all your drainage<br />

DrainPro is working with local builders<br />

to ensure new homes have quality<br />

drainage systems.<br />

Ray Vincent took over the<br />

Christchurch <strong>North</strong> franchise for<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>­based DrainPro in August<br />

2<strong>02</strong>0, and is keen to build up more<br />

clients in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

‘‘We’re gradually building up our<br />

client base with asteady growth,’’ he<br />

says.<br />

‘‘We’ve got afew clients we’re working<br />

with in north Christchurch and we’re<br />

looking to extend further into <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.’’<br />

Ray works in with local builders to<br />

install pipe work for sewer and<br />

stormwater.<br />

It sounds like dirty work, but Ray says<br />

he mainly works on new houses.<br />

‘‘Generally we can quote off plans, as<br />

the builders are our main contacts.<br />

‘‘It’s agood industry to be in,<br />

especially at this time of year as there’s<br />

plenty of work.’’<br />

Ray has previously worked as a<br />

plumber and gasfitter, before doing his<br />

OE and then settling in <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

The opportunity to own aDrainPro<br />

franchise was too good to turn down, he<br />

says.<br />

‘‘I love it, Iwouldn’t be here if Ididn’t<br />

enjoy it.’’<br />

DrainPro was founded in 2014 by<br />

Nathan Williamson, who’s family has<br />

nearly 40 years experience in the<br />

industry.<br />

The company’s headquarters are at<br />

Templeton, south of Christchurch.<br />

DrainPro’s services include sewer<br />

and stormwater drainage, soak pits,<br />

sumps, cartage of spoil, percolation<br />

testing and reports, and sewer pump<br />

stations.<br />

‘‘Residential housing is our bread and<br />

butter, but we also supply and install<br />

septic tanks for rural properties,’’ Ray<br />

says.<br />

The team can install gravity systems,<br />

pumped systems, disposal beds and<br />

sand trenches on rural lifestyle<br />

properties.<br />

DrainPro can also install treatment<br />

plants and water tanks, as well as light<br />

commercial work for warehouses,<br />

commercial premises, apartments,<br />

restaurants and carparks.<br />

Ray says his team picks up work<br />

through word of mouth, but he can also<br />

be contacted <strong>02</strong>1­2127885 or email<br />

ray@drainpro.co.nz.<br />

Drainage solutions ... Ray Vincent is the<br />

DrainPro franchisee for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />



NOW OPEN<br />

Monday to Thursday 9am -3pm,<br />

Closed Friday<br />

Contact us<br />

for afree<br />

consultation<br />

for Curtains,<br />

Romans,<br />

Rollers and<br />

more<br />

Phone 03 327 4919<br />

Mauds Soft Furnishings<br />

88 Williams Street,<br />

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(up long driveway)<br />

www.mauds.co.nz<br />

2484095v6<br />

Day Bros Painters and Plasterers are able to<br />

handle your whole job -Nomore dealing with two<br />

different trades!<br />

We offer free quotes and service <strong>Canterbury</strong>wide.<br />

Residential and commercial properties.<br />

We specialise in:<br />

painting<br />

plastering<br />

roof spraying<br />

specialised coating systems<br />

airless spraying<br />

water blasting<br />

Local, family owned business who hasbeen in<br />

business for over 30years.<br />

Members of master painters.<br />

Please contact Dan for afree quote<br />

on <strong>02</strong>75 340 878<br />

Email: office@daybrospainters.co.nz<br />

www.daybrospainters.co.nz<br />

2492417v1<br />


Sore Back? Low onspace? Have<br />

poor soil inyour backyard?<br />

Raised Vege Gardens can<br />

eliminate these problems.<br />

Custom built to fit your<br />

requirements.<br />

Reasonable Rates.<br />

For improvement of productivity<br />

in the vege patch.<br />

Phone <strong>02</strong>2 189 8294<br />

2527472<br />

Frame Your<br />

Memories<br />

We have the perfect frame for you!<br />


“FineArtsGuild CommendedFramer”<br />

Phone 352 7594<br />

6Main <strong>North</strong> Road, Papanui<br />

Open Monday to Friday<br />

www.artworkspictureframing.nz<br />

2495093v1<br />

believe in using sustainable products in the<br />

manufacturing of furniture, having amuch<br />

longer life cycle, our furniture won’t end up<br />

in landfill within acouple of years.<br />

Collaboration is the key to successful design<br />

Craftmenco believe<br />

sustainable furniture<br />

gives the user<br />

endless opportunities<br />

to exploit the<br />

functionality of each<br />

and every one of<br />

it’s features, making<br />

sustainable furniture<br />

agreat option for<br />

optimum comfort<br />

within aspace.<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 224 8169 |1090 Lower Styx Road<br />

Brooklands, Christchurch 8083<br />

www.craftmenco.co.nz<br />

2495008v6<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Specialising in:<br />

•New Residential Builds<br />

•Septic Tanks<br />

•E1Sewer Pump<br />

For afree, no obligation quote contact:<br />

Ray Vincent <strong>02</strong>1 212 7885<br />

ray@drainpro.co.nz<br />

2429717v1<br />

Provides comprehensive building inspection<br />

services throughout the <strong>Canterbury</strong> region.<br />

With 24 hour turnaround time, our aim is to give<br />

our clients fast, comprehensive reports that<br />

meet all requirements for the sale and purchase<br />

of their properties.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Pre-purchase inspection<br />

Pre-sale inspection<br />

Maintenance report<br />

Healthy homes report<br />

Handover reports<br />

Verbal inspection<br />

Interior inspection<br />

Moisture testing<br />

Commercial inspection<br />

Asbestos testing<br />

Earthquake hazard check<br />

Head to checkhome.co.nz for more information<br />

or to book now, call Tomon<strong>02</strong>7 242 4325<br />

or email canterbury@checkhome.co.nz<br />



Issue 214 <strong>February</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

MainPower Excellence in Mathematics<br />

and Physics Award winners for 2<strong>02</strong>2<br />

Each year, top students from schools across <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

are recognised for their efforts throughout the school year.<br />

At primary school level, students are recognised for their<br />

embodiment of their school’s values. While at secondary school<br />

level, students that excel in physics and/or mathematics are<br />

celebrated through MainPower’s award sponsorships.<br />

Primary School recipients are awarded $100 as part ofthe<br />

prize, while Secondary school winners recieve $300 to<br />

support them with future tertiary studies.<br />

MainPower Excellence in Mathematics<br />

and/or Physics Award winners for<br />

2<strong>02</strong>2<br />

Cheviot Area School:<br />

Hurunui College:<br />

Rangiora New Life School:<br />

Rangiora High School:<br />

Viena Pouanga<br />

DanielTopp<br />

Sean Reitsma<br />

Isabella Cross<br />

MainPower Citizenship Award winners<br />

for 2<strong>02</strong>2<br />

AmuriArea School:<br />

Broomfield School:<br />

Cheviot Area School:<br />

Hurunui College:<br />

Leithfield School:<br />

Omihi School:<br />

Rotherham School:<br />

Waikari School:<br />

Waipara School:<br />

St Joseph’s School Kaikōura:<br />

Ashgrove School:<br />

Cust School:<br />

Fernside School:<br />

Kaiapoi Borough School:<br />

Kaiapoi <strong>North</strong> School:<br />

Loburn School:<br />

<strong>North</strong> Loburn School:<br />

Ohoka School:<br />

Rangiora Borough School:<br />

Rangiora New Life School:<br />

Sefton School:<br />

St Joseph’s School Rangiora:<br />

St Patrick’s School Kaiapoi:<br />

Tuahiwi School:<br />

View Hill School:<br />

Woodend School:<br />

Alex Shaw<br />

Claudia Colenso &AraiYoule<br />

Chloe Beaven<br />

KayleighTurner<br />

Lucas Drake<br />

Eva Harris<br />

Paul Chick<br />

Keygan Philp<br />

Natalie Preddy<br />

Hannah Reardon<br />

Toni Encina &Hunter Waghorn<br />

Xavior Nortman<br />

Charlie Ward<br />

Ashleigh Gaskell<br />

Max Wallace<br />

Leon Egerton<br />

Annabelle Birchler<br />

Charlie Cotton<br />

Tamawera Parata<br />

Jemimah Chisholm<br />

Mae Stringer<br />

Zélie Houghton<br />

Ryan Maclean<br />

Sophie Cherry &Corde Kennelly<br />

Margot Godman<br />

Liam Visker<br />

Charlie Ward- Fernside School (Left)<br />

Leon Egerton- Loburn School (Right)<br />

To learn more about us, and what<br />

we are doing in your community<br />

head to our website.<br />

MainPower 24 Hour<br />

Faults Line<br />

mainpower.co.nz 0800 30 90 80

Call for bridge upgrade<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

17<br />

Acall to upgrade an historic<br />

pedestrian bridge by Fernside<br />

residents has been met with<br />

enthusiasm from three council<br />

officials.<br />

Angie Keys, Waimakariri<br />

District Council road<br />

maintenance engineer, visited<br />

the area last Friday morning,<br />

along with Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan)<br />

representatives, zone delivery<br />

lead Nerida Theinhardt, and<br />

land management adviser ­<br />

northern environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, Anna Veltman.<br />

They all said the bridge had<br />

considerable historical<br />

significance for the area.<br />

The Waimakariri District<br />

Council owns the 113­year­old<br />

bridge and is responsible for its<br />

upkeep and maintenance.<br />

Ms Keys says she will discuss<br />

the issue with her colleagues at<br />

the council and she hopes to have<br />

an update on those talks by the<br />

middle of next month.<br />

The bridge, over the Cust<br />

River, from O’Roarkes Road to<br />

Bridge Road, is known as<br />

‘‘Winnie­The­Pooh’s Pooh sticks<br />

bridge’’ by some Fernside locals,<br />

and it is akey part of the popular<br />

walking track along the stopbank<br />

around the river.<br />

However repairs are needed to<br />

the bridge, and Fernside locals<br />

say they would like to see it<br />

upgraded into acommunity<br />

space, to complement the<br />

landscaping work that was done<br />

by ECan during a$75,000<br />

upgrade of the stopbank in<br />

September 2<strong>02</strong>1.<br />

Bridge visitors ... Waimakariri District Council Road Maintenance<br />

Engineer, Angie Keys, left, with Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>'s (ECan) Land<br />

Management adviser ­<strong>North</strong>ern Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>, Anna Veltman,<br />

centre, and ECan Zone Delivery Lead, Nerida Theinhardt, during avisit to<br />

the historic Cust River bridge off O’Roarkes Road, in Fernside. PHOTO: SHELLEY TOPP<br />

‘‘It is ahistoric part of our area<br />

and needs to be cared for,’’ says<br />

Faye Miller. ‘‘We would be lost<br />

without that connection over the<br />

river.’’<br />

Although the landscaped area<br />

around the stopbank is included<br />

in ECan’s regional parks team's<br />

wider biodiversity/landscape<br />

maintenance contract, it has<br />

become overgrown with weeds<br />

since the initial planting was<br />

done. However Ms Veltman says<br />

work rectifying this is under way<br />

and once it is completed,<br />

consideration will be given to<br />

further enhancement<br />

opportunities in the area next<br />

autumn with priority for native<br />

plants.<br />

Motunau ... The site of NC Dive Club’s fishing and diving<br />

competition.<br />


Fish, dive or surfcast<br />

Fisherswillbetrying to lure<br />

the biggestfish, and the<br />

largestcrayduring the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> DiveClub<br />

fishing and diving<br />

competitionatMotunau on<br />

Saturday, <strong>February</strong> 11.<br />

Mostofthe fishing and<br />

diving will be fromaboat,<br />

but thereisalso agoodsurf<br />

casting beachfor land­based<br />

entries, andexposedrocks<br />

for childrentocatch crabs<br />

from which can be entered<br />

in the competition.<br />

The<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

DiveClub hasbeen<br />

operatingfor about50years,<br />

and hasaround 70 members.<br />

It promotes safe diving,<br />

fellowshipand good<br />

environmental practices<br />

whenusing the sea.<br />

The family friendly<br />

competition, whichthe club<br />

has runfor the past20years,<br />

is one of itsfundraising<br />

activities.<br />

Someofthe fundsare<br />

usedtosupport<br />

organisationssuchasSt<br />

JohnAmbulance, Westpac<br />

RescueHelicopter service,<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Coast<br />

Guard,Motunau Schooland<br />

to helpwithmaintenanceof<br />

the Motunau boat ramp used<br />

to launch boats intothe local<br />

tidal river.<br />

It usuallyattracts between<br />

250 and400 entries each<br />

year, dependingonthe<br />

weather.<br />

Entry is opentojuniors<br />

agedfrom 4to12years,<br />

intermediates 12 to 15 years,<br />

through to adultsand<br />

families.<br />

The competition runs for<br />

about six hours, and winds<br />

up withabarbecueand<br />

prize giving at theend of the<br />

day in the localMotunau<br />

Beach domain.<br />

Anyone interested in<br />

supporting thecompetition,<br />

for moreinformation,phone<br />

Steve Ryder, <strong>02</strong>7 5924106or<br />

email ezyryder7764@gmail.<br />

com.<br />

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NEWS<br />


Farmer/DIY timber Packs from $75 ea 18 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />


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Community garden learning ... Sarka Horvathova, (left), and Cassandra Mays, both of<br />

Kaiapoi, presented aworkshop on herbs at the Kaiapoi Community Garden last Saturday.<br />


A Project of<br />

the Ashburton Lions Club<br />


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Herbs workshopped<br />


Aworkshop teachingthe benefitsof<br />

growingherbsinhome gardens has<br />

proved popular at theKaiapoi<br />

Community Garden.<br />

The workshop lastSaturday, was<br />

presentedbythe garden’s co­ordinator,<br />

Kaiapoi’s CassandraMays, who has a<br />

background in organic horticulture,<br />

and Sarka Horvathova,ofKaiapoi,a<br />

naturopath andmedical herbalist.<br />

Theyspokeaboutfourherbs,<br />

chamomile, calendula, lemonbalmand<br />

rosemary,outlining the bestway to<br />

growthemand usethemfor health and<br />

nutritionalbenefits.<br />

Cassandrasays she is pleasedwith<br />

the interest in the workshop. She<br />

believes more people areinterested in<br />

learninghow to growherbsand<br />

vegetablestoimprovetheir nutrition,<br />

health and help save money.<br />

‘‘Wethought theworkshop went<br />

reallywelland everybody seemedto<br />

enjoy discovering thebenefits of herbs<br />

and howtogrow them,’’she says.<br />

‘‘Wediscussed topicaluse for<br />

chamomile andcalendula,using them<br />

in baths, infusedoils andbalms to<br />

sootheskin irritation.’’<br />

Theytalked about how to use<br />

chamomile andlemon balmasatea to<br />

helprelaxthe nervous system,and<br />

rosemary as aculinaryherb.<br />

Cassandrasays the Kaiapoi<br />

Community Garden willbeholding<br />

severalothergardening workshops<br />

later thisyear.<br />

‘‘Our next one is on Saturday,<br />

<strong>February</strong>18, abouthow to prepare your<br />

garden forthe cooler months,’’she<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Wewillbecovering topicssuchas<br />

harvesting, mulching,composting,<br />

cover crops andsharing simple<br />

strategies to helpimprove thefertility<br />

of yoursoil.’’<br />

Go to theKaiapoi Community Garden<br />

Facebook pagefor moreinformation.<br />

Surplus for Waimakariri<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

The Waimakariricouncil ended lastyear<br />

with atidy surplus.<br />

Councillorsadopted the council’s<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1/22 annual reportatanextraordinary<br />

meeting on Tuesday, December 20,<br />

confirming abefore tax surplus of $42.8<br />

million, $9.3 millionahead of budget.<br />

Actingchief executive Jeff Millward<br />

said the extra surplus was mainly due to<br />

the council receivinganextra $9.4<br />

million from vested assets for<br />

development.<br />

‘‘The council position is fairly sound<br />

and our debt hasn’tincreased,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘But we have only been abletodo52<br />

percent of our Capex (capital<br />

expenditure) works this year, compared<br />

to 90 percent lastyear.<br />

‘‘That’s mainly due to inputs, supplies,<br />

labour shortages and Covid.<br />

‘‘It has been achallengingyear, but<br />

we’veendedupwith acleanaudit.’’<br />

Normally the councilwould be<br />

required to adopt the annual report<br />

within four months of the end of the<br />

financial year, June30.<br />

But the Government extended the<br />

deadline to December 31, due to the<br />

challenges AuditNew Zealandwas<br />

facing due to Covid­19.<br />

Even then it was aclose run thing, as<br />

the council was only given ‘‘clearance’’<br />

just before the meeting start time of 9am.<br />

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NEWS<br />

20 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Cars, ewes and catches were all on show<br />

Pipes galore ... Burnout competitors cars with engines of all sizes were on<br />

display at the annual Trillo Metals Muscle Car Madness held in Rangiora.<br />

Getting hot ... Under ablazing sun the large crowd waits for the start of one of<br />

the highlights of the show ­the burnout competition.<br />

Classic and modern cars .<br />

new cars on display at the<br />

Watching the show ... Kaiapoi boys Noah Todd 5,<br />

and Mason Nicholson 8, watch the burnouts.<br />

VW specials ... Aline up of customised VW beetles showed what could be done<br />

with this classic car.<br />

Long project ... John Dobbe of Nelson with his supe<br />

era race car that he has been building for the past ten y<br />

Plenty on offer ... Sellers and buyers watch as the auctioneers do their best to<br />

get the top prices for the 11,000 ewes on offer at the annual Hawarden ewe fair.<br />

Memories ... Winton Dalley looks over the memory boards he built to showcase<br />

the 125th anniversary of the Hawarden Saleyard company.<br />

As far as the eye can see .<br />

the annual Amberley Beac<br />

Along time ... 90 year old Russell Hessall and Beverley Forrester look over the<br />

photo boards detailing the 125 year history of the Hawarden Saleyard company.<br />

In the kitchen ... Cooking breakfast were (from left) Hawarden Presbyterian<br />

Church members Judy McMillan and Jean Dalley.<br />

Ready for action ... Yuri<br />

prepare for their next cast

over the weekend in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />


.. They came in all shapes, sizes and genres, old and<br />

Rangiora Showgrounds.<br />

Abonus ... The crowd favourite was the burnout show as spectators packed the<br />

seating around the skid pad to watch all the action on Sunday.<br />

Model T’s ... Always apopular display was the line<br />

up of Ford Model Thot rods.<br />

rcharged fuel injected Packard engined classic 1930’s<br />

ears.<br />

Agood view ... Two year old Braxton Tranter gets<br />

agood view from mum Anita’s shoulders.<br />

Fun on the pad ... Corey Thomas of Waltham, Christchurch, smokes up the tires<br />

of his Holden Commodore VYSS during the burnout competition.<br />

.. Some of the over 200 competitors taking part in<br />

h Surfcasting Competition.<br />

Waiting ... Kymia Vincent 12, (left) and Ameylia Johnston­Wilson of<br />

Christchurch wait for anibble during their first time at the competition.<br />

Tuuta (left) and Jamie Sione, both of Christchurch,<br />

at Amberley Beach.<br />

Taking it easy ... Aroha Panagiotidis of New Brighton, waits for abite at the<br />

surfcasting competition.<br />

It’s just fishing ... Rachael Potter of Christchurch,<br />

has entered the surf casting competition at Amberley<br />

Beach three times, and is still hoping for agood<br />


LAST PRIZE DRAW - 20th <strong>February</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

The initiative ends 20/<strong>02</strong>/2<strong>02</strong>3. Please ensure all completed<br />

sticker sheets are submitted by midday 20/<strong>02</strong>/23.<br />

Many congratulations to all our prize winners of the December and January ‘Do Good Rangiora’ draw.<br />

The next draw will take place on 20th <strong>February</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

Prize winners will be notified 22nd <strong>February</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

December 2<strong>02</strong>2 Winners:<br />

January 2<strong>02</strong>3 Winners:<br />

1st Prize (500 Value) : Erin Riley<br />

- I'Adore Voucher, New World Hamper,<br />

Anytime Fitness Voucher, Town Hall Cinema Voucher,<br />

New World Voucher.<br />

2nd Prize (300 Value) : Rosemary Bywater<br />

- I'Adore Gift Hamper, Subway Platter, Coffee Culture<br />

Card.<br />

3rd Prize (150 Value) : Chris Andrews<br />

- Coffee Worx Voucher, Town Hall Cinemas Voucher,<br />

Food & Drink Voucher, Coffee Culture Card.<br />

4th Prize (50 Value) : Ray Carlson<br />

- Town Hall Cinemas Voucher.<br />

1st Prize (500 value) : Bronwyn Dowens<br />

- Specsavers Voucher, New World Voucher.<br />

2nd Prize (300 Value) : Allister Georgeson<br />

-Subway Platter, Coffee Worx Voucher, I'Adore Voucher,<br />

New WorldVoucher.<br />

3rd Prize (150 Value) : Jenny McClintock<br />

- Town Hall Cinemas Voucher, Monteiths Voucher.<br />

4th Prize (50 Value) : Barbara Baxter<br />

- <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Books Voucher.<br />

Sponsored By:

NCEA results pleasing<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> school<br />

principalsare hailingthe<br />

success of their pupils after<br />

‘‘a crazy year’’.<br />

Whileattendancerates<br />

were down across the<br />

country, localprincipals are<br />

thrilledwith National<br />

Certificate of Educational<br />

Achievement (NCEA)<br />

results.<br />

Whileonline learning<br />

options were available,<br />

Rangiora High School<br />

principal Bruce Kearney<br />

said the pupils preferred<br />

beingatschool.<br />

‘‘Learning is about<br />

relationships betweenpeers<br />

and their teachers and that<br />

is really hard on the<br />

internet.’’<br />

Despite the lowerthan<br />

normal attendance rates, the<br />

results improved slightly<br />

compared to previous years,<br />

he said.<br />

‘‘I am amazed ourresults<br />

improved considering what<br />

acrazy year it was.<br />

‘‘It is an awesome<br />

reflection of our teachers<br />

and students and fullcredit<br />

to them.’’<br />

It showed pupils had<br />

learned self­management<br />

and resilienceover the last<br />

threeyears of disrupted<br />

schooling.<br />

Mr Kearney said it was<br />

disappointing politicians<br />

had chosen to focus on low<br />

school attendancerates.<br />

‘‘I don’t knowofany<br />

business in New Zealand<br />

which had a90percent<br />

attendance ratelast year.’’<br />

Hurunui Collegeprincipal<br />

Stephen Beck saidhewas<br />

pleased with his pupils’<br />

results,with an increasein<br />

endorsementsthis year.<br />

But there was more to<br />

learning thanachieving top<br />

NCEAresults, he said<br />

‘‘Learning is linear and<br />

not specific to age grades<br />

and achieving prescribed<br />

standards.<br />

‘‘Welook at how theyare<br />

achievinginrelation to their<br />

pathway and being asmall<br />

school,the statistics don’t<br />

really work for us.<br />

‘‘Itisabout makingsure<br />

individuals are moving in<br />

the pathway they wantto<br />

headin.’’<br />

Mr Beck,the NewZealand<br />

AreaSchools Association<br />

president, said many of his<br />

pupils wereaiming for<br />

farming careers and trades,<br />

so academic achievements<br />

may be less important.<br />

Covid had an impact on<br />

attendance, with the lure of<br />

working on farmrather than<br />

attending school too<br />

attractivefor some, he said.<br />

‘‘Ithas created agap<br />

where that habitof<br />

attendanceatschoolhas<br />

changed.<br />

‘‘For us it is about working<br />

with the individuals to get<br />

the best outcomes for them.’’<br />

Rangiora New LifeSchool<br />

principalStephen Walters<br />

said he was proud of his<br />

pupils’achievements aftera<br />

challenging year.<br />

Attendance rates were<br />

impacted last year, but<br />

NCEA results had improved.<br />

It suggestedmost pupils<br />

had not fallenbehind thanks<br />

to the use of online learning,<br />

he said.<br />

Although school<br />

attendance and interaction<br />

betweenpupilsand teachers<br />

was always preferred.<br />

‘‘Therehas beenalot of<br />

attention in the national<br />

media on attendance rates,<br />

but learning is not just<br />

connected to the classroom.<br />

‘‘I think education is an<br />

easy target, particularly for<br />

political purposes.’’<br />

Oxford Area School<br />

principalMike Hart also<br />

said he was pleased withhis<br />

pupils’NCEA results, after a<br />

challenging year.<br />

Publicinterest journalism<br />

is fundedbyNew Zealandon<br />

Air.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’sMostExcitingNEW Retirement Village!<br />

23<br />

Reeling in entries<br />


The AshleySport Fishing Club’s<br />

annual KidsFishing competition is<br />

reeling in alot of entries again this<br />

year.<br />

The competition,organised by the<br />

club’s president, John Bruce,of<br />

Ashley, begins this Saturday, on<br />

<strong>February</strong> 4and ends on <strong>February</strong><br />

12.<br />

Families, parents, grandparents<br />

and caregivers can take kidsaged<br />

up to 15­years­old ‘‘anywhere in our<br />

backyard’’ at beachesorrivers, to<br />

catchfish, John says.<br />

Entrants will havetotarget<br />

certain fish species,but they can<br />

fish anywhere they like as long as<br />

the fish they catchispresented at<br />

the weigh­instationsinanedible<br />

condition.<br />

Entries closeat6pm this Friday<br />

(<strong>February</strong> 3), and cost$15 per<br />

person.<br />

The idea behind the familyfriendly<br />

competition is to educate<br />

kids aboutfishing,cleaningfish and<br />

how to transport it back home safely<br />

so it remains in an edible condition<br />

when you getthere.<br />

‘‘Catch, clean, gut, ice, and carry<br />

in achilly bin or container with ice,’’<br />

John says.‘‘Those are the key<br />

requirements.’’<br />

About$15,000 in prizes are offer<br />

in the competition thisyear.<br />

‘‘Theprizes are mostly fishing<br />

gear,and it is all good quality<br />

equipment,’’ Johnsays.<br />

The final weigh­inwillbeat<br />

2.30pm on <strong>February</strong>12, in the<br />

carpark at John’slocal pub, the<br />

Ashley Hotel.<br />

Proud fisher ... George Lang holds<br />

atrout he entred in the Ashley Sport<br />

Fishing Club’s Kids Fishing<br />

Competition last year. PHOTO: JOHN BRUCE<br />

Entry forms and competition<br />

rules can be obtained from the<br />

AshleyHotel, Mandeville Hotel,<br />

Hunting and Fishing Rangiora,<br />

Riversand RangesRangioraand<br />

Cattermoles Butchery in Kaiapoi.<br />

For moreinformationabout the<br />

competition, includingwhere the<br />

weigh­stations are, go to the Ashley<br />

Sport FishingClub’s Facebook<br />

page.<br />

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ON SALE<br />

ON SALE<br />

Single Seater WAS $ 1195 | NOW $ 695<br />

3Seater WAS $ 2299 | NOW $ 1199<br />

Valletta<br />

6Piece Outdoor Lounge/<br />

Low Dining Set<br />

WAS $<br />

3299<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

2199<br />


Bailey Resin<br />

Dining Chair<br />

WAS $ 115<br />

Static 3 Piece Outdoor<br />

Dining Set<br />

WAS $<br />

1499<br />

Lavender Resin<br />

Bar Stools<br />

WAS $<br />

185<br />

Medano<br />

Egg Chair<br />

WAS $<br />

109<br />

99<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

75<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

1199<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

145<br />

NOW<br />

$ 599 9<br />



ON SALE<br />

Lowboy NOW $ 879<br />

Macey Swivel Chair<br />

WAS $ 1299<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

999<br />

Elyse 3Seater –Steel<br />

WAS $<br />

1599<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

1199<br />

Tallboy<br />

NOW $<br />

879<br />

Queen Bed NOW $ 979<br />


ON SALE<br />

Bedside<br />

NOW $<br />

275<br />

Tatum Desk<br />

WAS $<br />

329<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

229<br />

Dining Table –W180 WAS $ 949 | NOW $ 749<br />

Bench Seat –W170 WAS $ 400 | NOW $ 325<br />

Exclusions, fees, credit criteria,<br />

terms &conditions apply.<br />

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0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br />

targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Offers and product prices advertised here expire<br />

06/<strong>02</strong>/23. Sale Excludes Accessories.

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

25<br />

StayingSafe<br />

arefreshercoursefor older drivers<br />

Back in chambers ... The Hurunui District Council held its first meeting of the year on<br />

Tuesday.<br />


Liquor licensing debated<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

More community involvement in liquor<br />

licensing is welcomed, but could open<br />

the process to more costs, the Hurunui<br />

District Council says.<br />

Councillors backed asubmission to the<br />

Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community<br />

Participation) Bill at Tuesday’s council<br />

meeting.<br />

The submission was drafted by<br />

compliance and waste manager Andrew<br />

Brown, from feedback given by the<br />

council’s district licensing committee.<br />

Mr Brown said council supported<br />

making it easier for local communities to<br />

have asay in alcohol regulation, but<br />

raised some concerns.<br />

‘‘Under the present legislation it can<br />

be very difficult for communities to raise<br />

objections.<br />

‘‘But by opening up the ability to object<br />

to anyone, there is arisk you open it up to<br />

people who are outside of your<br />

community, and there are groups who<br />

are opposed to alcohol.’’<br />

He said without having some ‘‘filtering<br />

process’’ hearings could be obliged to<br />

hear ‘‘frivolous’’ submissions which<br />

dragged the process out and added to the<br />

cost.<br />

The present system allowed police,<br />

applicants and submitters to crossexamine<br />

evidence presented, but the<br />

proposed changes would remove this<br />

process.<br />

‘‘The cross­examination can draw out<br />

information which might not otherwise<br />

be drawn out,’’ Mr Brown said.<br />

‘‘So it could lead to more decisions<br />

being appealed, because you are taking<br />

away that ability to test the information.’’<br />

Mr Brown said there was also the<br />

question of who paid for the extra costs of<br />

extended hearings or appeals.<br />

The role of the mayor in code of<br />

conduct breaches also came under the<br />

microscope.<br />

Under the council’s existing code of<br />

conduct, the mayor led the process in<br />

determining the merits of any complaints<br />

received.<br />

But anew template from Local<br />

Government New Zealand removed any<br />

role for the mayor and elected members<br />

in the process.<br />

The new proposal was for an<br />

independent investigator to be<br />

appointed.<br />

But several councillors expressed<br />

their desire for the mayor to provide<br />

leadership in handling any complaints.<br />

‘‘The role of the mayor as aleader is<br />

more significant and more apart of our<br />

culture in asmall, rural council,<br />

compared to alarger council,’’ Cr Garry<br />

Jackson said.<br />

Cr Ross Barnes raised the question of<br />

whether the council could be liable for<br />

discriminating on medical status.<br />

He was referring to the council<br />

enforcing the Covid­19 vaccine mandate<br />

last year.<br />

‘‘There is still hurt in the community.<br />

and it is important for the council to<br />

reconsider its decisions in the light of<br />

information we now have.’’<br />

Chief executive Hamish Dobbie said it<br />

was a‘‘health and safety decision’’ and<br />

not discrimination.<br />

‘‘We did what we could to keep people<br />

safe.’’<br />

Mayor Marie Black said it was decision<br />

which was backed by councillors at the<br />

time.<br />

‘‘While there is asense of awkwardness<br />

of raising this discussion, this is the right<br />

place to have this discussion and to seek<br />

the clarity,’’ Mrs Black said.<br />

‘‘It is very hard to know what our<br />

decisions would be in afuture<br />

discussion, but whether it would trigger a<br />

code of conduct complaint is probably<br />

the question for today’s discussion.’’<br />

Councillors voted to defer making a<br />

decision on its code of conduct until it<br />

was debated at afuture workshop.<br />

Public interest journalism is funded by<br />

New Zealand on Air.<br />

The Widest Music Variety<br />

<br />

rules and safe driving practices. It will also increase your knowledge about other<br />

transport options and help you remain independent for longer.<br />

Grab your friend or partner and join us on Wed 15Feb 2<strong>02</strong>3 from<br />

10.00am –2.00pm at the Rangiora RSA, 82 Victoria St.<br />

Alight lunch is provided. RSVP to Wendy Fox, Age Concern <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

wendy.fox@ageconcerncan.org.nz or on 03 331 7808 by Wed 8Feb 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

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MOTORCYCLE RIDERS EVENT 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Saturday4<strong>February</strong>2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

10am —2pm<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>AgriculturalPark<br />

CurlettsRoad, Christchurch<br />

Supported by<br />

Great Prizes<br />

• Showand Shine, including areplica Moto2GPbike<br />

• Haveagoatthe “Kickstart Challenge”(registeronthe day)<br />

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• Retailers, Food and Entertainment<br />

Friday 6pm & replayed at 12pm Sunday<br />

Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura<br />

Find out more: facebook.com/kickstartcanterbury

NEWS<br />

26 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Chlorination fears<br />

NC Police report<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Aformer Waimakariricouncillor fears a<br />

draft decisiononchlorination in theCust<br />

water supplyisjustthe beginning.<br />

Adraftdecisionfromwater regulator<br />

TaumataArowai released before<br />

Christmas advisesifchlorine was<br />

removed fromCust’s water supply, safe<br />

drinking water could not be guaranteed.<br />

CustCommunity Network chairperson<br />

KirstynBarnett, who steppeddown from<br />

the council at last year’slocal government<br />

election,said shefeared it signalled all<br />

six of Waimakariri’s urban water supplies<br />

would needtobechlorinated<br />

The WaimakaririDistrict Council has<br />

beenchlorinating theCust water supply<br />

since 2<strong>02</strong>0 as aprecaution after upgrading<br />

water tanks.<br />

But the community requested the<br />

chlorinationberemoved andthe council<br />

applied for an exemption last year.<br />

The council also applied for<br />

exemptions to theRangiora,Kaiapoi,<br />

Woodend/Pegasus,Waikuku and Oxford<br />

urban water supplies.<br />

The draft decision said thecouncilwas<br />

followinggoodpractice,but it still<br />

identified15factorswhich led to its<br />

recommendation to decline the<br />

exemption.<br />

Those factorsincluded issues with the<br />

water source and thecouncil’s monitoring<br />

and modelling were ‘‘insufficient’’.<br />

Mrs Barnett saidshe understoodthe<br />

needtoensure drinking water was safe,<br />

but believedthe wordingofthe legislation<br />

madeitalmostimpossible for acouncilto<br />

get achlorinationexemption.<br />

‘‘Eachcasefor the councilisatest case<br />

to see whether it is worthcontinuing.’’<br />

Waimakariri MayorDan Gordon said<br />

council staff weretaking time to consider<br />

the draft report.<br />

‘‘I knowour staff arekeen to work<br />

alongside Taumata Arowaitorespondto<br />

thereport andlearnwhatwecan to<br />

strengthenthe casefor our chlorine<br />

exemptions overall.’’<br />

Council staff weredue to meet Taumata<br />

Arowai representatives in early <strong>February</strong>.<br />

‘‘This is anew process, and we are<br />

continuingtoworkwith Taumata Arowai<br />

on understandingthe draft decision first<br />

on the Cust supply, as wellasany insights<br />

to theassessmentsontheothersupplies<br />

in the coming weeks and months,’’ a<br />

council spokespersonsaid.<br />

WaimakaririMPMattDoocey said<br />

Taumata Arowai had raisedsome<br />

‘‘serious concerns’’ and thecouncil<br />

neededtorespond to those urgently.<br />

‘‘From what youread fromthe regulator<br />

thereisaclearpathway forwardfor the<br />

council to respond to the<br />

recommendations.<br />

‘‘Ithinkthe ratepayers wouldquite<br />

rightlyexpect thecouncilwould be on top<br />

theissue.<br />

‘‘It is concerning the regulator is so<br />

criticalaboutthe council’smonitoring<br />

andmodelling.’’<br />

He urged the council to fast­trackits<br />

ultra­violet treatmentprogramme to help<br />

ease TaumataArowai’sconcerns.<br />

ATaumata Arowaispokespersonsaid<br />

thedraftdecision is designedtohelp<br />

council makechanges whichmight enable<br />

an exemption to be granted.<br />

‘‘Each supplyisunique,and<br />

applications are assessed individually on<br />

theinformation provided.<br />

‘‘TaumataArowai hasadvised<br />

applicants to considerthe feedbackand<br />

considerhow thisappliestoother<br />

supplies in their district aheadof<br />

progressing withany other applications.’’<br />

Thecouncil hasuntilmid­<strong>February</strong>to<br />

respond beforeafinal decision andreport<br />

is released.<br />

Public interestjournalismisfundedby<br />

NewZealandonAir.<br />

Some occurrences reported to the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Policelast week.<br />

Tuesday January 24: Tools were stolen<br />

from alocked shed at aRangiora<br />

preschool. AChristchurch male was<br />

processed for driving with excess breath<br />

alcohol afterbeing stopped in Woodend. A<br />

large number of saddles and general<br />

equestrian equipment was stolen from a<br />

shed on South Eyre Road.Ahouse on<br />

Carters Road, Amberley was broken into.<br />

Nothing appears to have been stolen.A<br />

Waikuku male had their vehicle<br />

impounded after beingcaughtdriving<br />

whilstdisqualified in Waikuku. Avehicle<br />

parkednear McIntosh’s Rocks was broken<br />

into and personal items stolen.<br />

Monday 23 and Tuesday January 24: A<br />

silver VW Golf was stolen from an Ashley<br />

Streetaddress.<br />

Wednesday January 25: 120 metres of<br />

copper cabling was stolen from a<br />

commercial yard on Fernside Road,<br />

Rangiora. Mainscables cut from ahouse<br />

underconstruction in Price Place,<br />

Kaiapoi. Avehicle parked at an address in<br />

Mandeville was broken into and electrics<br />

were stolen. An Ashley male was<br />

processed for driving with excess breath<br />

alcohol afterbeing stopped on Ashley<br />

Street, Rangiora.<br />

Overnight Wednesday 25 /Thursday<br />

January 26: Anumber of solar lights were<br />

stolen from flats on HillsStreet, Kaiapoi. A<br />

MazdaDemio was stolen from aChurch<br />

Streetaddress and recovered nearby. A<br />

NissanTiida was stolen from an Ayers<br />

Streetaddress.<br />

Thursday January26: ACheviot male was<br />

processed for driving with excess breath<br />

alcohol afterbeing stopped on Fernside<br />

Road.<br />

Overnight Thursday 26 /Friday January<br />

27: Copper earth cable was cut from a<br />

powerpole on Kippenberger Ave. A<br />

vintage Hot Rod, motorbike, and tools<br />

were stolen from ashed on Amberley<br />

BeachRoad.<br />

Friday January 27: AChristchurch man<br />

had their vehicle impounded after being<br />

stopped for drivingwhile forbidden in<br />

Waikuku. An Eyrewell male was processed<br />

for drivingwith excess breath alcoholafter<br />

beingstopped on Kippenberger Ave,<br />

Rangiora. ARangiora male was processed<br />

for drivingwith excess breath alcoholafter<br />

beingstopped on Ashley Street, Rangiora.<br />

An Oxford male had their vehicle<br />

impounded after being stopped for driving<br />

whilesuspended on Ivory Street,<br />

Rangiora. Acheckpoint was run by Police<br />

on LinesideRoad and five local drivers<br />

were processed for driving with excess<br />

breath alcohol.<br />

Saturday January 28: ATimaru male’s<br />

vehicle was impounded after being<br />

stopped for drivingwhile suspended in<br />

Kaiapoi. ALeeston female was processed<br />

for drivingwith excess breath alcoholafter<br />

beingstopped in Kaiapoi. AChristchurch<br />

male was processed for driving with excess<br />

breath alcoholafter being stoppedin<br />

Flaxton. Two toiletsand rubbish bins at<br />

Dudley Park and Victoria Park were set<br />

alightcausing serious damage.<br />

Overnight Saturday28/Sunday January<br />

29: Awater blasterwas stolenfrom outside<br />

an address in Tara Crescent,Woodend.<br />

Sunday January 29: AMazda Eunos<br />

Roadster was stolen from aSilverstream<br />

Boulevard address and located in<br />

Christchurch. AChristchurch male was<br />

stopped in Waikuku and processed for<br />

driving with excess breath alcohol.A<br />

Holden Commodore was stolen from<br />

Ashley Street, Rangiora.<br />

Monday January 30: Propertywas<br />

damaged at aQueens Ave address in<br />

Waikuku. ARangiora man was stopped on<br />

Flaxton Road and processed for driving<br />

with excess breathalcohol.<br />

Overnight Monday 30 /Tuesday January<br />

31: AMazda Demiowas stolen from an<br />

open garage in Woodend.<br />

Sunday 19th March 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

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28 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />


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2452541<br />

Providing stability ... Poplar and willow poles are helping arrest erosion on farms.<br />


Poles provide stability<br />

Support from Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

Soil Conservation and Revegetation<br />

(SCAR) Programme is helping <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> farmer, Duncan Rutherford, to<br />

address erosion issues on his farm.<br />

The SCAR Programme is aimed at<br />

reducing the amountofsediment washed<br />

into waterways by stabilising eroding land<br />

with poplar and willow poles.<br />

Duncan, asheep, beef and dairy farmer<br />

in Culverden has planted150 poplar poles<br />

to help stop slippage on some steep, wet<br />

sitesonhis property.<br />

With help, he spent acoupleofdays<br />

plantingthe poles,whoseextensive root<br />

systems will help bind soil on stream banks<br />

and hillsides.<br />

The poles establish quickly, have high<br />

evapotranspiration (an importantpart of<br />

the water cycle) during the growing season,<br />

and are tolerant of seasonal changes in<br />

moisture levels.<br />

The poplar and willowpoles being used<br />

are sterile which means they can’tspread.<br />

The poles are atool to help stabilise the<br />


• Land Clearing<br />

• Road maintenance/<br />

Construction<br />

• General Cartage<br />

• Driveways/house sites<br />

• Tree trimming and<br />

removal<br />

• We buy standing trees<br />

Rangiora<br />

eroding land, primarily in agrazing<br />

setting.Ifthe landowner wants to change<br />

the landuse, nativescan be planted under<br />

the established trees, followed by removal<br />

of thepoles at alater date.<br />

In agrazingsetting, natives are likelyto<br />

be eaten and their rootsdon’t grow fast<br />

enough to stabilise the land. The<br />

programmealso provides funding to fence<br />

off erosion­proneland that has nativeson<br />

it.<br />

If there’s no grazing/stock, native plants<br />

can naturally regenerate and there is some<br />

funding for native revegetation.<br />

Duncan says he heard about the<br />

programme through word­of­mouth and<br />

the processwas easy to get involved in.<br />

Duncan says the poles alsoprovidegood<br />

stockshelter and looknice too.‘‘There’s no<br />

disadvantage in my eyes,’’ he says.<br />

To find out moreinformation about<br />

planting poles, and funding to plant them<br />

on erosion­proneland in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> email Soil.Con@ecan.govt.nz.<br />

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15 ton<br />

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<strong>Canterbury</strong> for 35 years<br />

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Remote Control<br />

$<br />

199<br />


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Portable<br />

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$<br />

499<br />


373126<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

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Bar Fridge<br />

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Reversible Door<br />

Wire Shelf<br />

46 l<br />

$<br />

149<br />


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480mm<br />

WIDE<br />

Side-by-side<br />

Fridge Freezer<br />

Total Frost-Free<br />

Inverter<br />

890mm<br />

WIDE<br />

French Door<br />

Fridge Freezer<br />


StainlessSteel<br />

790mm<br />

WIDE<br />

RetroUpright<br />

FridgeFreezer<br />

in 3RetroColours<br />

890mm<br />

WIDE<br />

ChestFreezer<br />

Concealed Condenser<br />

Wire Basket<br />

High-temp alarm<br />

605 mm<br />

WIDE<br />

$<br />

1050<br />


353584<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

584 l<br />

$<br />

900<br />


353404<br />

24 MonthWarranty<br />

404 l<br />

$<br />

799<br />


352318<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

310 l<br />

$<br />

285<br />


351100<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

99l<br />

Edge Vanity Combo<br />

LED Mirror<br />

Side Cabinet<br />

300mm X1600mm<br />

Wall Vanity<br />

2SoftClose Draws<br />

$<br />

1149<br />


908270<br />

5Year Warranty<br />

780mm<br />

ROUND<br />

800mm<br />

WIDE<br />

Novo Wall Vanity<br />

,<br />

Framed Mirror<br />

&SideCabinet<br />

Ceramic Top<br />

Forest Grain<br />

$<br />

649<br />


908259<br />

5YearWarranty<br />

900mm<br />

WIDE<br />

890mm<br />

WIDE<br />

Luxury Black<br />

Bathroom Combo<br />

Avalon ShowerDoor<br />

Edge Wall Vanity<br />

Wall Side Cabinet<br />

LunaToilet Suite<br />

$<br />

2199<br />


9<strong>02</strong>820<br />

5YearWarranty<br />

800mm<br />

WIDE<br />

1200mm<br />

WIDE<br />

ChurroFreestanding Bath<br />

Linear FloorMounted Bath Filler<br />

$<br />

1399<br />


9<strong>02</strong>857<br />

5YearWarranty<br />

1500mm<br />

Brushed Copper<br />

Sink Insert<br />

DuaLight Up Basin Mixer<br />

P10+Pro<br />

Cordless 2 in 1 Vacuum<br />

Active TopLoader<br />

Washing Machine<br />

Nova Toilet Suite<br />

Brighton<br />

Freestanding Bathtub<br />

350w<br />

1500mm<br />

$<br />

299<br />


565905<br />

5Year Warranty<br />

$<br />

179<br />


241750<br />

10 Year Warranty<br />

$<br />

195<br />


385614<br />

24 MonthWarranty<br />

$<br />

599<br />


360110<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

PricesGuaranteed as of 05/<strong>02</strong>/23 Subject to change.<br />

$<br />

215<br />


230192<br />

5Year Warranty<br />

$<br />

899<br />


271941<br />

5Year Warranty<br />


CAN-N 44


30 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Aday to reminisce, celebrate at Hawarden<br />


The stories flowed as alarge crowd of over<br />

300 turneduptocommemorate the 125th<br />

anniversary of the founding of the<br />

HawardenSaleyards company on Friday.<br />

Following abrief ceremony and cake<br />

cutting to commemorate the long service<br />

giventothe yards by the Hurunui rural<br />

community, the annual ewe salebegan<br />

amongthe serious buyers.<br />

Nearby groups of farmers, theirwives<br />

and retired stock agents reminisced about<br />

the earlydays of the yards.<br />

Talesoflarge family gatherings, very<br />

competitive farmers racing each other to<br />

be the first to get their mobs there, and the<br />

many wonderfulmeals catered eachand<br />

everyyear by the members of the<br />

HawardenPresbyterian Church<br />

abounded.<br />

Ewe sale stalwart and former Hurunui<br />

MayorWinton Dalley started attending the<br />

annual Hawarden ewe sale 45 years ago<br />

and says it is one of thelastleft in<br />

business.<br />

‘‘We are stillticking along, all the other<br />

country ewe sales exceptfor Sheffield<br />

have gone,their saleyards sold because<br />

the main sales are nowinChristchurch.<br />

‘‘Butwe’re stillcarrying on because as<br />

farmers we believeinour stock. It’s the<br />

quality of our breeding as we are<br />

producing <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s primelambs.<br />

‘‘Buyers and sellerscome fromasfar<br />

afield as Marlborough and Mid­<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> to the sale.’’<br />

The secrethesaid was the ewes were<br />

born and raisedonthe high country and<br />

that’s howthey adapted well to grazingon<br />

the lowlands of the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Plains.<br />

Laurie O’Carroll, adirect descendant of<br />

an original shareholder of the Hawarden<br />

Saleyards company, remembersthe funof<br />

driving the mobs of sheep fromthe farms<br />

to the saleyards beforetrucks were used.<br />

‘‘Those old farmers were very<br />

Cutting the cake ... Laurie O’Carroll and Fred Fowler cutting the 125th anniversary cake in Hawarden Saleyards on Friday was (from left)<br />

Hurunui District Mayor Marie Black, Kevin Rowe, descendants Rose Cassidy and John Sidey, and Hawarden Saleyards chairman Andrew<br />

Rutherford .<br />


competitiveinthose days, theywould try<br />

to beat each othertobefirst into the<br />

drafting pens.’’<br />

Thestockwas first driven down the<br />

roads to the yards,then following the sale<br />

thenew owners would drivethem down<br />

throughthe villagetothe railhead and<br />

then ship themaway.“Manygardens<br />

suffered from the sheep and cows moved<br />

this way,’’ Lauriesaid.<br />

Former stock agent FredFowler said<br />

thereused to be nineother ewe fairsin<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, but now there were justtwo.<br />

‘‘It is asign of the times,the new yards<br />

in Christchurch and thechange to<br />

differentfarming practices haveseen the<br />

numbers of sheep dropinrecent years.<br />

Therewas always alot of banter between<br />

the farmers andthe sales agents at the<br />

Hawardensale. The Hurunui produced<br />

the bestfine woolsheepinthe country, the<br />

Corriedales bred herewere sought after<br />

by the farmers on the flat lands,’’ he said.<br />

Scargill Valley farmer David Belton (WP<br />

Belton Ltd) saidhis family had been<br />

selling at the ewe salefor 50 consecutive<br />

years. He says the descendants of those<br />

traditionalfarmers who started the<br />

saleyards company all those years ago are<br />

still coming back each year to the sale.<br />

‘‘Traditionally it’s abig day out for<br />

everyone, achance to meet old friendsand<br />

family.’’<br />

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Shade,Shutter,Gazebo<br />

Images areindicativeonly,productwill differ between stores,stock on hand only,limited stock,instoresales only,norainchecks,nophone orders,notrade sales.<br />


*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

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same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or onlineatwww.mitre10.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />


End of season<br />

clear out nowon!<br />


25<br />

Camping Equipment<br />

Images areindicativeonly,productwill differ between stores,stock on hand only,limited stock,instoresales only,norainchecks,nophone orders,notrade sales.<br />


*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or onlineatwww.mitre10.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />



<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

31<br />

Prices areflection of the market<br />


Buyers from all over the South Island<br />

turned up to the annual Hawarden ewe<br />

fair of over 11,000 lambs and ewes on<br />

Friday.<br />

PGG Wrightson <strong>Canterbury</strong>/West<br />

Coast livestock manager Grant<br />

Nordstrom said numbers were well back<br />

this year compared to previous sales,<br />

and ‘‘the lower prices were areflection<br />

of the times’’.<br />

‘‘It was hard going in the heat. Prices<br />

were satisfactory.’’<br />

He says the bulk of the yarding were<br />

capital stock lines out of Marlborough<br />

being offered due to land use changes.<br />

‘‘Buyers were there to secure annual<br />

lines, some of which have been coming<br />

to Hawarden for decades’’<br />

‘‘Prices this year were areflection on<br />

the market with export prices for mutton<br />

much lower than the same period last<br />

year, and buyers taking acautionary<br />

approach when purchasing.’’<br />

Mr Nordstrom said two­tooth ewes<br />

sold up to $200, mixed age ewes were<br />

between $120 to $135 while annual draft<br />

ewes fetched between $100 to $140.<br />

Hawarden Sale Yards chairman<br />

Taking their time ... Buyers queue up as the auctioneer John McKone of PGG Wrightson<br />

does his best to get the top prices for the ewes on offer at the annual Hawarden ewe fair<br />

(in Hawarden) on Thursday.<br />


Karen and Peter Boag from Gorrie<br />

Downs at Motunau Beach had 440 twotooth's<br />

in the sale.<br />

Mr Boag said it has been an<br />

exceptionally good year this year and he<br />

was hoping the sale would go very well<br />

for them.<br />

Hawarden farmer Dave Black said<br />

this year’s season has had aslow start,<br />

but now farmers in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

are getting back to normal weather.<br />

‘‘It has been agood year for crops and<br />

sheep with alot of growth on the land,’’<br />

he said.<br />

Watching on ... Keeping an eye on<br />

proceedings were Keith (left) and Robert<br />

Gilbert of Southbridge and Irwell. The<br />

brothers had been attending the fair since<br />

the late 1950s.<br />

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Proudly supporting sport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rambling for health and wellbeing<br />

Afundraisersupportingthe<br />

mental health and wellbeing of<br />

localfamilies, children and young<br />

people, will be held in Rangiora<br />

laterthis month.<br />

The Rangiora Lions Club’s<br />

annual Ashley River Ramble will<br />

take place on Sunday,<strong>February</strong><br />

26, with funds raised goingtothe<br />

Community Wellbeing <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Trust.<br />

The AshleyRiver Rambleisa<br />

12km fun walk/run/cycle.<br />

Rangiora Lions chose to<br />

support CommunityWellbeing<br />

this yearbecause it offerssomany<br />

free services supporting the<br />

mental health and wellbeing of<br />

the community, says Rob McLeod,<br />

the club’s teamleader forthis<br />

event.<br />

‘‘There’s alot of needout there<br />

in our community and Community<br />

Wellbeing is rightatthe coalface.’’<br />

Community Wellbeing<br />

manager, Deirdre Ryan, says the<br />

Ramble is agreat familyday out<br />

that promotes apositive<br />

wellbeing message.<br />

She saysthe fundsraised will<br />

be areal boost to the Trust’s<br />

ability to support the wellbeing of<br />

the community.<br />

‘‘Our commitment is to<br />

supporting <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

families and communities to<br />

thrive.<br />

‘‘The Trustsimply could not do<br />

that without the support of local<br />

clubs likeRangiora Lions.’’<br />

The Ashley River Ramble has<br />

evolvedover many years.<br />

Many will rememberthe event<br />

runningbetween Kaiapoi and<br />

Rangiora, the route, originally<br />

involving some publicroads. It is<br />

now entirely off­road, beginning<br />

at Waikuku Domain, proceeding<br />

along the network of stop­banks,<br />

and finishingatthe AshleyPicnic<br />

grounds.<br />

Bikers can now enter, with an<br />

earlierstart time to entrants on<br />

foot.<br />

Attracting morethan 200<br />

entriesin2<strong>02</strong>0, the last timethe<br />

club was abletohold the event,<br />

this year is intended to be even<br />

bigger,with drink stations, spot<br />

prizes andbaked goods donated<br />

by ArtisanBakery.<br />

‘‘We were verydisappointed to<br />

have to cancel last years Ramble<br />

due to Covid,’’ Mr Mcleod says.<br />

Ticketsfor the Ramble can be<br />

purchased onlineat<br />

ashleyriverramble.nz.<br />

Rambling along ... Participants in aprevious Ashley River Ramble. This<br />

year’s Rangiora Lions Club event will be on Sunday, <strong>February</strong> 26.<br />


Sanitarium Weet-Bix TRYathlon series is back in Christchurch<br />

TheSanitarium Weet­Bix KidsTRYathlon<br />

series is back.<br />

More than 3000children from across<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>are expected to swim, bike and<br />

run their way to the finishline at Jellie<br />

Park in Burnside, Christchurch in their<br />

quest to be awarded aspecial medalby<br />

Kiwisportingheroes.<br />

TwoTryathlon will be held. Registrations<br />

for 6to15­year­olds arenow open until<br />

9am,<strong>February</strong> 23,attryathlon.co.nz<br />

They start at 9am and2.15pm on Sunday,<br />

<strong>February</strong> 26 at Jellie Park, Burnside<br />

The SanitariumWeet­Bix Kids<br />

TRYathlon is opentoKiwi kidsofall<br />

sportingabilities, and are designed to help<br />

them stayactive and healthy through a<br />

programme of participation.<br />


Rangiora Golf Club<br />

Ladies (9 holes): Jan Moffatt<br />

29, 1; Pat Roberts 33, 2; Carol<br />

Van Hout, 35, 3, on a<br />

countback; Ruth Crawford, 4<br />

,35 on count back.<br />

Men: Cliff Boddy 30, 1;<br />

Stephen Bell 32, 2, c/b;<br />

Robert Madden 32, 3c/b; Alan<br />

McDonald 32, 4, c/b.<br />

Rangiora Bridge Club<br />

Holiday match: <strong>North</strong>/South:<br />

Veronica Hall/Sue McIlroy 1,<br />

Denise Lang/Julie Day 2,<br />

Judy Bruerton/Barry Smart 3.<br />

East/West: Joyce Gray/David<br />

Rainey 1, Sam Gurney/Tony<br />

Quinlan 2, David McRae/<br />

Fern McRae 3.<br />

New Year Pairs: N/S: Des<br />

Steere/David McRae 1, Derek<br />

Wilson/David Rainey 2,<br />

Denise Frater/Lorraine<br />

Proffitt 3. E/W: Gaynor<br />

Hurford/Lynda Grierson 1,<br />

Shona Keating/Jenny Shore<br />

2, Stephanie Galbraith/Linda<br />

Hanham and Joyce Gray/Cath<br />

Costello equal 3.<br />

Junior Evening: Annie/Molly<br />

1, Anne Bagrie/Kate<br />

Whitehead and and Helen<br />

Russ/Lunette Tillman equal<br />

2.<br />

Summer Pairs: N/S: Dave<br />

Tocker/Shirley Symns 1,<br />

Noreen Thompson/Janelle<br />

Crawley 2, Derek Wilson/<br />

Alison Price 3. E/W: Mike<br />

Cornwall/Liz Duke 1, Tom<br />

Rose/Rona Maslowski 2,<br />

Rosemary Smart/Robin<br />

Denley 3.<br />

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“Helpful, kindand<br />

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Bill wasgreat to deal with.He<br />

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Waipara 8Johnston Street<br />

New Listing<br />

Country life at the right price!<br />

Experience relaxed village lifeinthiscomfortable3bdrm home, just astone'sthrow fromWaipara Primary School. Our vendor<br />

has purchased and is reluctantly passing on her much loved piece of country paradise to alucky new owner. Formerly the<br />

school principal's residence, the open planliving areas enjoyall day sun with both aheatpump and logburner with wetback to<br />

keep youcosy in winter months.Enjoy private garden views from thekitchen bench, with plenty of room and pantryspace to<br />

store home grown delicacies.All bedrooms feature plenty ofwardrobe spaceand agood sizedbathroom and separate<br />

laundry add to the convenience for all the family. Hobbyists will enjoy the extra garaging with asingle standalone garage, plus<br />

a2nd double lockable garage foradditional parking or secure storage. The jewel in thecrown is the large fully fenced section,<br />

so much room for backyard cricket, pets, gardeningorhomeprojects. Avegetable bed, fruit trees andgarden shed complete<br />

this incredibly affordable package.Only 10 minutes from Amberley,with wineries and Hanmer Springs on your doorstep,<br />

come and discover the countryvillagecharm.<br />

3 1 1 3<br />

For Sale Buyers $540,000+<br />

View Mon 6Feb 4.00 -4.45pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU114856<br />

Dayan Muntz<br />

M <strong>02</strong>1 432 926<br />

Kirstyn Barnett<br />

M <strong>02</strong>1 312 230<br />

E dayan.muntz@pb.co.nz<br />

E kirstyn.barnett@pb.co.nz<br />

Amberley 4/7 Wineberry Avenue<br />

Okuku 260B Foothills Road<br />

Large and unique with extra accommodation<br />

On aprivatelane in theheart of Amberley,this well-maintained<br />

property is surroundedbyotherquality homes and is located close to<br />

every amenity you could ever need. With an internally separatedpart<br />

of the house withits own lounge, bedroom and bathroom, multiple<br />

living optionsare available.Inside, ample accommodationis<br />

complemented by awell-appointed bathroom and twoensuites and<br />

two walk-in robes, while two large living areasprovideplenty of<br />

flexibility. Alovely Millbrookkitchen has awalk in pantry. Practicality is<br />

enhancedbyboth theseparate laundry and the abundance of<br />

storage, while exceptionalindoor/flowpromotes each access outside.<br />

4 3 2 2<br />

For Sale Buyers $850,000+<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU94959<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

M <strong>02</strong>7 873 5121<br />

Priced to sell, picturesque and private<br />

This property provides arare lifestyle opportunity with modern country<br />

living and mountain views,offered to the marketbyvendorswho are<br />

committed to their nextadventure. Designedfor effortless livability,<br />

this quality 2015 buildoffers three generousbedrooms including a<br />

well-appointed master with aWIR and ensuite.Awell-configured<br />

layoutwith generous living,dining,separate lounge, study and<br />

outdoor entertaining areaall add to the properties appeal. The<br />

modern and highly functionalkitchen is complimented with awalk-in<br />

pantryand Smeg appliances.Heating options includeaheat pump,<br />

wetback log burner,two radiators and aheat transferunit providing<br />

year-round comfort.<br />

3 2 2 2<br />

For Sale $995,000<br />

View Sun 5Feb 2.00 -2.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL111707<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

M <strong>02</strong>7 873 5121<br />

Kiara Tinirau-Philps<br />

M <strong>02</strong>7 545 4272<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


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that works.<br />

The member councils of Communities 4Local<br />

Democracy He hapori mō te Manapori (C4LD) said<br />

that with Prime Minister Hipkins signalling areview<br />

of the policy agenda, he has an opportunity to<br />

deliver on Government aims for three waters, in a<br />

manner that would bring communities with him.<br />

Manawatu DistrictMayor and C4LD Chair Helen<br />

Worboyssaid that councilshad beentrying to work for<br />

positivereform overthe pastfew years to no avail.<br />

But new leadership offers the Government the<br />

chance to re-engage with the sector and work<br />

together towards successful water reform.<br />

“Thedetailed proposals we’vebrought to the table<br />

enable theGovernment to deliveronall its aims, create<br />

opportunities forstrong andlasting partnershipsand<br />

deliver safe, sustainableand affordable water services<br />

forall New Zealand,”she said.<br />

“They enable us to build on existing partnerships and<br />

forge new relationships with Mana Whenua at a<br />

local level. They also provide for the continuation of<br />

local influence and community property rights.<br />

“We’re confident that ourplans are in linewith<br />

what the majorityofNew Zealanders want.We’ve<br />

presented areformframework that is directly<br />

supported by nearlyhalfofcouncils in New Zealand<br />

andisalignedwiththe views of the majority of others.<br />

“It is not too late to rescue this reform, all that<br />

needs to happen is for the Government to place<br />

some trust in Local Government.<br />

“We should be given the opportunity to use our<br />

wealth of local knowledge to deliver better<br />

alternatives to the current proposal, which<br />

independent analysis shows has asignificant<br />

number of flaws and in many areas will deliver<br />

worse outcomes than the current system.<br />

“There is little to no public support for this plan,<br />

repeated surveys show the public is against it<br />

and most political parties voted against it, so the<br />

Government has no mandate to force it through.<br />

“The whole sector is eager to partner and work<br />

with the Government to turn this around and find a<br />

lasting solution that we can all support.”<br />

For more information on C4LD visit<br />

communities4localdemocracy.co.nz<br />

Council Retains AA Credit Rating<br />

Credit rating agency, Standard and Poor’s, have<br />

today announced that Waimakariri District Council<br />

has retained its AA long-term and A-1+ short-term<br />

credit rating with astable outlook.<br />

TheAAratingequates the Council with New Zealand’s<br />

national credit rating –the ‘sovereign rating’.<br />

Standard and Poor’s does not rate any individual<br />

Council higher than the sovereign rating.<br />

The completion of significant capital works, within<br />

its budgeted forecast in recent years, including<br />

parts of the Kaiapoi Regeneration Area, the Kaiapoi<br />

Stormwater and Flooding Improvements project,<br />

MainPower Stadium and western road route<br />

upgrades, have helped to reduce Council’s debt<br />

allowing us to maintain this position.<br />

Standard and Poor’s noted that the Council has<br />

strong financial management and budget flexibility.<br />

The consistency of Council’s financial performance,<br />

and how itisrated, assists significantly when it<br />

comes to future borrowing and rates that can’t<br />

otherwise be achieved.<br />

Waimakariri District Council has anumber of<br />

internally imposed safeguards to ensure prudent<br />

management of debt.<br />

The Council’s internal policies place limits that are<br />

more stringent than what the Local Government<br />

Funding Agency (the agency which funds Council<br />

activity nationwide) allows and ensures our Council<br />

has sufficient headroom within its borrowing<br />

limits to endure another adverse event such as a<br />

significant earthquake.<br />

Does Your Pool<br />

Fence Comply?<br />

Summer is here and it’s important pool barriers<br />

and fencing comply with the Building Act.<br />

From early<strong>February</strong>we’ll be visiting propertiesto<br />

check if apool is stillpresent, the type and if the pool<br />

fence complies.<br />

An inspection notice will be posted or emailed aer the<br />

check, noting any items that may need to be addressed.<br />

Why we’re doing this:<br />

The Building Act requires us to inspect pool barriers<br />

regularly for compliance to the Building Code.<br />

Call us on 03 311 8906 if you have any questions.<br />

Register your pool at waimakariri.govt.nz -<br />

keyword search Swimming Pool Registration<br />

Temporary Road Closure<br />

Various Roads in West Eyreton<br />

The Council has received an application<br />

to temporarily close the following roads<br />

for the period shown for the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Primary Schools Triathlon.<br />

Roads to be Closed<br />

• South Eyre Road, Harewood Road to<br />

Poyntzs Road<br />

• Harewood Road, South Eyre Road to<br />

Carleton Road<br />

• Wolffs Road, South Eyre Road to 60m north<br />

of Harewood Road<br />

• Steffens Road, 60m each side of<br />

Harewood Road.<br />

Period of Closure<br />

9am to 2pm, Tuesday 14 March 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Detours will be in place.<br />

This closure is made in accordance with<br />

Section 11(e) ofthe Tenth Schedule of the<br />

Local Government Act 1974 and will apply to<br />

all vehicular traffic with the exception of the<br />

Fire Service, Ambulance, Police, Council vehicles<br />

and other vehicles authorised bythe Council.<br />

YOUTH<br />

Development Grant<br />

Available to young people living<br />

in the Waimakariri District aged<br />

between 12 and 24.<br />

Applications are now open and will<br />

close on Friday 3March 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

For more information:<br />

com.board@wmk.govt.nz<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 254 3940<br />


Thursday,?? | Issue ?? | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

RangioraMuseum<br />

Aspecialeveningon<br />

Thursday,<strong>February</strong> 23, at the<br />

Rangiora Museumwill<br />

feature afilm, TheLife<br />

Adventures of Milly.Milly,a<br />

Rangiora resident,aged 96,<br />

was born in the Chatham<br />

Islands and livedthere until<br />

she was 12, before she came<br />

to New Zealand. Thereisno<br />

entryfee, but peoplewho<br />

aren’t members are asked for<br />

adonation.<br />

Supper will be servedand<br />

it shouldn’t be alatenight.<br />

ECan Youth Rōpū<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

(ECan) are lookingfor young<br />

people to join theirYouth<br />

Rōpū.<br />

With the support of the<br />

YouthEngagement and<br />

Educationteam, the ECan<br />

YouthRōpū givesyoung<br />

people in the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

region an opportunity to<br />

promote the issues theycare<br />

about.<br />

They are seeking young<br />

people aged 14­24 who are<br />

enthusiastic about the<br />

environment, civicsand<br />

empowering young people<br />

across Waitaha (<strong>Canterbury</strong>).<br />

For 2<strong>02</strong>3 ECanare looking<br />

for new Youth Rōpū<br />

representativesfrom across<br />

Waitaha/<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

including two in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>/Ōpukepuke.<br />

Applications are now open<br />

and close <strong>February</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

Visitthe ECan Youth Rōpū<br />

engagement hub pagetofind<br />

out more aboutwhat it<br />

involves to become amember<br />

of the group andhow to apply.<br />

Visit: haveyoursay.ecan.<br />

govt.nz/youth­ropu<br />

Waitangi Day celebrations<br />

and activities<br />

MetServiceseven day<br />

forecast:Afew showers with<br />

southerlies andtemperatures<br />

around the mid 20s for<br />

Monday,<strong>February</strong> 6, 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

From10:00­14:00All<br />

Together Kaiapoi Waitangi<br />

Day FamilyCelebration will<br />

be held at the Trousselot<br />

ParkinKaiapoi.<br />

From11am to 2pm Te Ra<br />

WhakanuiWaitangitobe<br />

heldatthe Rangiora Borough<br />

School, KingsStreet<br />

Rangiora.<br />

From10am to 3pm The<br />

Rangiora Pottery Market and<br />

RSA Vintage Rally is afree<br />

event heldatthe Loburn<br />

Reserve,154 Loburn<br />

Whiterock Road,Loburn.<br />

Oxford Observatory<br />

Astronomy coursesare being<br />

offered online by the Oxford<br />

AreaSchoolObservatory.<br />

‘‘Exploring the SolarSystem’’<br />

begins on <strong>February</strong> 14 ­cost<br />

$60 per connected device.A<br />

secondcourse,‘‘exploring the<br />

universe’’ will continue over<br />

terms two, three and four ­<br />

cost$145.Courses open to all<br />

ages, from youngchildren to<br />

retiredfolk. Learn about the<br />

physics of the universe. To<br />

bookgotooxford.ngawhetu.<br />

nz. FollowOxford<br />

Observatory on Facebook.<br />

Business For Sale<br />

DUE to retirement, I am<br />

offering a Green Acres<br />

Franchise Lawn and Garden<br />

round for sale. Covers<br />

Waimakariri and Christchurch<br />

area. Phone Paul<br />

<strong>02</strong>72 331 962.<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 695 0480.<br />

2312759<br />

Home Services<br />

ROOF<br />


20yrs local<br />

experience.<br />

allroofs.co.nz<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 416 0530<br />

2533270<br />

Firewood<br />

SPLIT Old Man Pine 3.7m<br />

@ $260, Split Hardwood<br />

Mix 3.7m @$360. Mobile<br />

<strong>02</strong>1 993 497.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

PRE 2000'S vehicles,<br />

mopeds, motorbikes for<br />

resurrection and restoration,<br />

not wrecking.<br />

Anything considered.<br />

Please ph <strong>02</strong>0 4016 33<strong>02</strong>.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />


This is afull time position dismantling electronic<br />

and electricalproducts for recycling.<br />

Applicants require:<br />

•Ability to work within asmall team but also<br />

as an individual<br />

•Excellent time management<br />

•Bephysicallyfit as lifting product is involved<br />

•Have afull cleanlicence<br />

•Ability to use handtools.<br />

•Forkliftlicence beneficial but not essential<br />

Please email your CV and letter to:<br />

John.corney@e-cycle.co.nz<br />

2551817<br />



WANTED<br />

Need some extracash?<br />

Whynot get fit earning it?<br />


Deliveryrounds &supervisor<br />

position based in Amberley<br />

Are you aged11or over?<br />

Do you want to join our<br />

dynamic team and deliver<br />

the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong> to local homes<br />

everyThursday?<br />

If this sounds like you, email your interest<br />

along with your name, address and phone<br />

number to deliveries@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

or phone <strong>02</strong>9 983 2293<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Deliverers required<br />

forthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

Tofind out more,<br />

contact:<br />

MarkKelly<br />

South Island Distribution Manager<br />

37<br />


DutyManagers<br />

Bar Staff<br />

Chefs<br />

Business is booming and we need to<br />

build up our friendly team<br />

Full-timeand Part-timepositionsavailable<br />

Accommodationprovided forthe<br />

right candidates<br />

Send CV to:<br />

info@gretavalleytavern.co.nz<br />

9Tavern Drive, Greta Valley - Phone (03) 975 3924<br />

WE NEED YOU!<br />

P: <strong>02</strong>9 983 2293<br />

E: mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />


here’s how we can help grow yours too!<br />

Deliver your mailers to your<br />

customers with us:<br />

.<br />

We can deliver your mailer targeted locally to the customers most<br />

likely to buy from you or offer you mass reach via our South Island<br />

network.<br />

Your mailer can be delivered as an insert in our paper or separately<br />

in the letterbox.<br />

Contact us today for<br />

a plan to suit your<br />

business.<br />

SUPERVISORS wanted across the south island<br />

To be asupervisor you will need:<br />

• Asuitable van, mobile phone and computer with internet access<br />

• Ability to handle deliveries of large quantities each week<br />

• Ability to manage your own team of deliverers<br />

DELIVERERS wanted across the south island<br />

To be adeliverer you will need:<br />

• Afew free hours each week<br />

• Ability to home deliver papers and flyers to your own territory<br />

*You must be11years or older for this position<br />

Contact Mark Kelly South Island Distribution Manager<br />

P: <strong>02</strong>9 983 2293 | E: mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz


38 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Garden Centre Team Member<br />

The Garden Centre is growing and thriving and so we are<br />

expanding the team. We required experienced Garden<br />

Centre Team members for our leading Rangiora Garden<br />

Centre<br />

Youwill have:<br />

•Apositive customer focused attitude<br />

•Previous garden centre experience is preferred<br />

but not essential<br />

•Product knowledge related to garden plants,<br />

garden media, and garden hardware products<br />

•Aflarefor creative merchandising<br />

•Acan do attitude<br />

•The ability tothink smart<br />

•Towork in and as part of ateam<br />

This is afulltime, fixed term position and the days of work<br />

will include aweekend day.<br />

McAlpines have an active drug and alcohol policy in place,<br />

apre-employment drug test and medical will be required.<br />

Applicants must be aNew Zealand resident or hold avalid<br />

NewZealand visa.<br />

Please send your application and CV to:<br />

Garden Centre Team Member,<br />

McAlpines Mitre 10 MEGA,<br />

Private Bag 1003, Rangiora 7440<br />

or email applications@mcalpines.co.nz<br />

2547336<br />

Due to increasing demand, Kip<br />

McGrath Rangiora is seeking<br />

experienced, qualified and<br />

enthusiastic teachers able to teach<br />

math up to NCEA level 1.<br />

Teachers will work with no more<br />

than 4students on individual<br />

programmes after school and<br />

must be excited about making a<br />

difference.<br />

All qualified applicants welcome,<br />

including vibrant retired teachers.<br />

Further information from,<br />

and brief resumes to,<br />

rangiora@kipmcgrath.co.nz or<br />

by calling the centre Director,<br />

Dr. Grant Dykes (03) 313 3638.<br />

Candidate Nominations for2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

TrusteeElection<br />

Nominations forthe 2<strong>02</strong>3 MainPower Trustelection<br />

closed at 5pm, Friday20January2<strong>02</strong>3. Thefollowing<br />

nominations havebeen received forthe three<br />

vacancies on the Trust.<br />

ALLISON, Richard(Fernside)<br />

BROOKFIELD,Kevin (Amberley)<br />

HENDERSON, Cameron (Swannanoa)<br />

As the number of nominations did notexceed<br />

the number of vacancies, RichardALLISON,<br />

Kevin BROOKFIELD and Cameron HENDERSON<br />

aredeclared elected unopposed as trustees of<br />

MainPower Trust.<br />

AnthonyMorton<br />

Returning Officer -MainPower Trust<br />

PO Box3138, Christchurch 8140<br />

iro@electionz.com<br />

0800 666 <strong>02</strong>8<br />

2551840<br />

BOOK FAIR Friday 17<br />

and Saturday 18 <strong>February</strong>,<br />

2<strong>02</strong>3 at St Bart’s Church<br />

Hall, 23 Cass St, Kaiapoi.<br />

9:00am to 6:00pm Friday<br />

and 9:00am to 2:00pm Saturday.<br />

EFTPOS Available.<br />

Books $2.00 each or 6<br />

books for $10.00, puzzles<br />

$4.00. Tea and coffee available.<br />

Donations of good<br />

quality books, dvds, jig<br />

saws are most welcome.<br />

Please no tapes or CDs.<br />

Donated goods can be left<br />

at the Church Hall. Contact<br />

Mary 327 8457. This is an<br />

Anglican Parish of Kaiapoi<br />

Fundraiser towards parish<br />

work.<br />

Entertainment<br />

APPEARING live at<br />

Balcairn Hall, 7.30pm<br />

Friday 10th <strong>February</strong>. Back<br />

Of The Beyond, Craig<br />

Denham (Alpaca Social<br />

Club), expect a night of<br />

lush musical richness<br />

tinged with humour and not<br />

taking oneself too seriously!<br />

Tickets (cash) $30<br />

from Sally Mac’s, Amberley,<br />

Sefton Garage and<br />

Stan’s 7 Day Pharmacy,<br />

Rangiora, or online<br />

www.balcairnhall.com.<br />

RANGIORA (N.C)<br />



Monday 6 th <strong>February</strong>, 7pm<br />

Rangiora Showgrounds,<br />

Function centre,<br />

156 Ashley Street.<br />

New Singers and visitors<br />

welcome<br />

Enquiries Bob <strong>02</strong>1 111 5534<br />

2553223<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student on an individually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03) 313 3638 or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.<br />

kipmcgrath.co.nz/rangiora.<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 313 7216<br />

2412522<br />

Grazing<br />


horses. Rangiora town<br />

boundary, locked access,<br />

stables available. Rate<br />

negotiable. Ph 03 313 6284.<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />


Buyer: We purchase all<br />

Caravans and Vehicles;<br />

sitting around a long time<br />

needing repairs etc, no<br />

worries, we buy then all;<br />

give us amessage for afree<br />

quote. —Ph. <strong>02</strong>1-592-625.<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone <strong>02</strong>7 258<br />

8366.<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Woodend Bowling Club has<br />

made application to the<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Rangiora for the renewal<br />

of aClub Licence in respect<br />

of the premises situated at<br />

38 Rangiora-Woodend Road,<br />

Woodend known as Woodend<br />

Bowling Club.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to be<br />

conducted) under the licence<br />

is Refreshments for bowlers on<br />

playing days.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be) sold<br />

under the licence are Tuesday<br />

3.30pm -6.30pm, Wednesday<br />

4pm - 7pm, Thursday 3pm<br />

- 9pm, Friday 1pm - 8pm,<br />

Saturday & Sunday 10am -<br />

8pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office of the<br />

Waimakariri District Licensing<br />

Committee at 215 High Street,<br />

Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled to<br />

object and who wishes to object<br />

to the issue of the licence may,<br />

not later than 15 working days<br />

after the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice in<br />

writing of the objection with the<br />

Secretary of the Waimakariri<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005, Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal of a<br />

licence may be made in relation<br />

to amatter other than amatter<br />

specified in section 131 of the<br />

Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />

2012.<br />

This is the second publication<br />

of this notice. This notice was<br />

first published on 26 January<br />

2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

2549757v2<br />

Monday 6 th <strong>February</strong><br />

Tuesday7 th <strong>February</strong><br />

Wednesday 8 th <strong>February</strong><br />

Thursday 9 th <strong>February</strong><br />

Public Notices<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Fresca Ltd has made<br />

application to the District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Rangiora for the issue of an On<br />

and Off Licences in respect of<br />

the premises situated at 7/188<br />

High Street, Rangiora known<br />

as Fresca Mediterranean.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to be<br />

conducted) under the licence<br />

is Restaurant and Grocery<br />

Store.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be) sold<br />

under the licence are On<br />

Licence -Monday toSaturday<br />

8.30am - 11.00pm, Sunday<br />

8.30am - 5.00pm. Off<br />

Licence -Monday toSaturday<br />

8.30am - 10.00pm, Sunday<br />

8.30am -5.00pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office of the<br />

Waimakariri District Licensing<br />

Committee at 215 High Street,<br />

Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of the<br />

licence may, not later than<br />

15 working days after the<br />

date of the publication of this<br />

notice, file anotice in writing<br />

of the objection with the<br />

Secretary of the Waimakariri<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005, Rangiora<br />

or email to records@wmk.<br />

govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the issue of<br />

a licence may be made in<br />

relation to amatter other than<br />

amatter specified in section<br />

105 (1) of the Sale and Supply<br />

of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the second publication<br />

of this notice. This notice was<br />

first published on 26 January<br />

2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

255<strong>02</strong>39v2<br />

Refuse and Recycling -Waitangi Day<br />

No collections -Public Holiday<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

S&P Private Limited T/A<br />

Super Liquor Pegasus, 28<br />

Awatere St, Pegasus has<br />

made application to the<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Rangiora for the issue<br />

of aOff-Licence in respect<br />

of the premises situated at<br />

60B Pegasus Main Street,<br />

Pegasus known as Super<br />

Liquor Pegasus - Existing<br />

Super Liquor Store from Unit<br />

Dmoving into Unit B.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to be<br />

conducted) under the licence<br />

is Bottlestore.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Monday -Sunday 10am to<br />

10pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of the<br />

licence may,not later than 15<br />

working days after the date of<br />

the publication of this notice,<br />

file anotice in writing of the<br />

objection with the Secretary<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005, Rangiora<br />

7440 or email to records@<br />

wmk.govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the issue of<br />

alicence may be made in<br />

relation to amatter other than<br />

amatter specified in section<br />

105(1) of the Sale and<br />

Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the first publication of<br />

this notice.<br />

2552124v1<br />

Hanmer Springs, Mt. Lyford and Gore Bay<br />

Amberley,AmberleyBeach, Leithfield,<br />

Leithfield Beach, Cheviot, Waipara, Scargill, Omihi,<br />

Greta Valley and MotunauBeach<br />

Waiau,Rotherham,Culverden, Waikari and<br />

Hawarden<br />

• OnlyHurunui DistrictCouncil bags will be collected, these are availablefrom various<br />

outlets in Hurunui.<br />

• Bags must be securely tied and at the kerbside or Council collection point by 8am.<br />

Collection times may vary tonormal, and the crew will not return tocollect bags<br />

placed out late.<br />

• Refuse bags must not exceed 15kg in weight.Bags split priortothe crew’sarrival and<br />

non-official bagswill not be collected.<br />

• Bundles of cardboardwill not be collectedbut can be recycledvia any transferstation.<br />

What is accepted via the recycling collections ifitisclean and loose inaCouncil<br />

recycling bag?<br />

• <strong>News</strong>papers,magazines,office paper and telephone directories.<br />

• Cardboard, greetings cards, junkmail, envelopesand egg boxes.<br />

• Food, drink, and pet food cans.<br />

• Rigid plasticbottles and smallcontainers, types 1, 2and 5with lids removed.<br />

What cannot be recycled?<br />

Softplastics, plastics3,4,6and 7,tetrapaks, polystyrene (includingmeat trays), plant<br />

pots,plastic strapping,clothing,food-stained paper or card, coffee cups,plastic lids, foil<br />

traysand foodwaste -ifindoubt throw it out.<br />

Do notput glass bottles in recycling bags, these can be recycledvia any transfer station.<br />

ALL transfer stations are closed on Monday 6 th <strong>February</strong>, but in lieu of this, the<br />

AmberleyTransfer Station will open on Tuesday 7 th <strong>February</strong> from 10am to 4pm.<br />

Forfurther information on waste and recyclingin Hurunui, visit www.hurunui.govt.nz<br />

2548663<br />

Livestock<br />

FREE<br />


Conditions apply<br />

MEAT2U.NZ<br />

313 0<strong>02</strong>2<br />

2550962<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />


arbour work, pruning, tree<br />

removal. Affordable &<br />

friendly service. Telephone<br />

<strong>02</strong>1 111 4322.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards <strong>02</strong>7 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or <strong>02</strong>1 124 4894.<br />

BUILDERS Father &son<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

standards, low overheads,<br />

no job too small. Check us<br />

out on fb. Amac Builders<br />

Ltd. Phone <strong>02</strong>7 318 4400.<br />


Time to service your fire.<br />

Accumulation of soot seriously<br />

affects performance.<br />

Latest rotary brush technology.<br />

Free moisture check<br />

on wood. Safety inspection.<br />

All work insured and guaranteed.<br />

From $80 single<br />

story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />

www.sweepnz.co.nz.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restoration,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

www.theprogroup.co.nz/dpc9385.<br />


Sew Good Services. For all<br />

your alterations, repairs,<br />

dressmaking, curtains.<br />

Phone 327 5535.<br />


mowing, spraying,<br />

fertilizing, scarifier. Phone<br />

Hamish <strong>02</strong>7 349 7986.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph <strong>02</strong>1<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or <strong>02</strong>7 654 4568.<br />


plasterer matching &<br />

patching, no job too small,<br />

30 yrs exp. Please phone<br />

<strong>02</strong>2 189 8294.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban <strong>02</strong>7 846 5035.<br />


Plastering &Painting<br />

Services<br />

Locals with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone <strong>02</strong>1 344 <strong>02</strong>3<br />

25<strong>02</strong>479<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or <strong>02</strong>1 128 9867<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 <strong>02</strong>61 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. Phone<br />

<strong>02</strong>1-267-4<strong>02</strong>5.<br />

23620<strong>02</strong><br />

<strong>02</strong>7 216 0000<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

<strong>02</strong>75 379-694<br />

2225862<br />

CRAIGS Trees<br />

(03) 327-4190<br />







Free Quotes<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 2299 454<br />

craigstrees@xtra.co.nz<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />


Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

Ariston,LG, Classique,Haier,<br />

Samsung andmore....<br />

“For best results be sure to useauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />




Garry WMechen<br />

Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />

Phone (03) 313-9192<br />

38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />



* I S<br />

HOURS<br />

8.30am -12noon<br />

- Monday to Friday<br />



A V C<br />

For a/h repairs<br />

phone (03) 310-3044<br />

2332343v2<br />

2549049<br />

Builder<br />

•New Builds •Renovations, Extensions<br />

• Repairs and Maintenance<br />

Ring Mark <strong>02</strong>7 229 7310<br />

for afree quote<br />

www.longsilverconstruction.com<br />

Electrician<br />

Butchery<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />







FROM $6000 PLUS GST<br />

M: <strong>02</strong>75 543 958<br />

E: aaron@ahel.co.nz<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H <strong>02</strong>1 269 1817<br />

2227889v3<br />

Glass Services<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Retrofit Double Glazing<br />

ReplacementWindows<br />

Frameless Showers<br />

Splashbacks<br />

Balustrades<br />

Mirrors<br />

SecurityDoors<br />

WindowMaintenance<br />

1High Street, Rangiora | 03 313 1733<br />

leah.stewart@hagley.co.nz<br />

2533705<br />

Daryl Power<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

2273277<br />

Engineering<br />

Fencing<br />

Irrigation &Filtration<br />

Landscaping<br />

2269236<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |<strong>02</strong>7 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />



Specialising in<br />

• Farm Fencing • Stock Yards<br />

• Post Driving<br />

Ph: Rangiora 03 312 8866<br />

Mobile: <strong>02</strong>7 213 1634<br />

Email: nathanandhayley@scorch.co.nz<br />

2548247<br />

2490187<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy <strong>02</strong>1 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

2372616v2<br />

Plasterer<br />

Interior<br />

Renovations<br />

Ltd<br />

Plasterboard,<br />

fixing &stopping<br />

Cornice<br />

Cove and<br />

stippled ceilings<br />

Registered<br />

Tradesman<br />

Call Mark<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 438 0665<br />

CAP 65<br />

CAP 40<br />

CAP 20<br />

Shingle<br />


Quarry Prices<br />


from $40 per cube<br />

from $23 per cube<br />

from $25 per cube<br />

from $30 per cube<br />

all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


Ph: KEN <strong>02</strong>7 201 33<strong>02</strong><br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />

2009594<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike<strong>02</strong>74 818544 •Robbie<strong>02</strong>74818 <strong>02</strong>7<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

Windows & Doors<br />


• New & Used<br />

• Timber & Aluminium<br />

• Windows & Doors<br />

8am-5pm Weekdays<br />

8am-2pm Saturday<br />

215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham<br />

Ph (03) 379 6159 info@windowmarket.co.nz<br />

Fax (03) 962 1012 www.windowmarket.co.nz<br />

19<strong>02</strong>273<br />

ncn1242200aa<br />



AND BE THE<br />



FIRST<br />

Advertise with<br />

us and get<br />

noticed<br />

today!<br />

Phone us today on 03 314 8335 or email<br />

sales@ncnews.co.nz to find out how we can help!<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

2017 CorollaGLXHatch<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth, NZ new<br />

•6.8L/100kms<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

2019 Toyota Yaris GX<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto, NZ New<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•SafetySense, Only 18,000kms<br />

WAS$20,995<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1 Toyota Yaris GX<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, latest Shape<br />

•5-Star Safety, Alloys<br />

•Only 13,330kms<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

2017 Toyota Vitz Hybrid<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, ClimateAir<br />

•3.8L/100km, Rebate Eligible<br />

•Only 33,700kms<br />

$<br />

20,995<br />

2017 Toyota Vitz Hybrid<br />

•1.5LPetrolHybridAuto<br />

•5-Door,ClimateAir,Rebate Eligible<br />

•Only 48,600kms<br />

$<br />

20,995<br />

2018 Corolla GX hatchback<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Satnav,<br />

•5-Star Safety, Alloys, Camera<br />

•75,066kms<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

2013LexusCT200H<br />

•1.8L PetrolHybrid; NZ New<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth, 4.5L/100km<br />

•85,350kms<br />

2019 CorollaGXBlack<br />

Edition<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys, Satnav,<br />

•Apple&AndroidConnect,5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 33,700kms<br />

$<br />

19,995 $<br />

29,995<br />

2018 Corolla GX Hatchback<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto<br />

•Camera, NZ New, Bluetooth<br />

•Only 59,500kms.<br />

$<br />

20,995<br />

2019 CorollaGXHybrid<br />

•1.8L PetrolHybridAuto<br />

•NZNew,Satnav,Bluetooth<br />

•Only 25,400kms<br />

$<br />

34,995<br />

2017 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />

•1.8L PetrolHybrid; Leather<br />

•Camera, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 55,600km<br />

$<br />

34,995<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1 Corolla GX Hatch<br />

•2.0L Petrol Auto, Bluetooth, Camera<br />

•Satnav,5-StarSafety<br />

•Only 16,350kms<br />

$<br />

30,995<br />

2019 CamryGXHybrid<br />

•2.5LHybrid Petrol, 5-Star Safety<br />

•AlloysCamera,4.7L/100kms<br />

•Only 43,830kms<br />

$<br />

36,995<br />

2016 Rav4 GXL AWD<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto, Camera<br />

•Keyless, 5-Star Safety<br />

•91,900kms<br />

WAS$31,995<br />

$<br />

28,995<br />

2019 CamryGXHybrid<br />

•2.5LPetrolHybrid, Camera<br />

•Bluetooth, 4.7L/100km<br />

•Only 44,700kms<br />

$<br />

36,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GXL AWD<br />

•2.5LPetrol8-Speed Auto<br />

•5-Star Safety, Satnav, Bluetooth<br />

•Only 48,350kms<br />

$<br />

42,995<br />

2018 Rav4 GXLAWD<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto, Satnav<br />

•5-Star Safety, Camera, Keyless<br />

•Only 94,000kms<br />

$<br />

25,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GX 2WD<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys, Satnav<br />

•Camera, 5-StarSafety, 6.7L/100km<br />

•Only 51,800kms<br />

$<br />

35,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GXL AWD<br />

•2.5LPetrol8-Speed Auto<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 33,950kms<br />

$<br />

43,995<br />

2017 Rav4 GXLAWD<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto, Satnav<br />

•5Star Safety, Keyless<br />

•Only 51,250km<br />

$<br />

29,995,<br />

2019 Rav4 GXL AWD<br />

•2.5LPetrol8-Speed Auto, ClimateAir<br />

•Camera, Satnav,5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 30,450km<br />

$<br />

42,995<br />

2016 HighlanderGXL<br />

•3.5LPetrolAuto, Leather 7-Seater<br />

•Camera, Roof Rack,Towbar<br />

•Only 72,500kms<br />

WAS$39,995<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

2018 Toyota HighlanderGXL<br />

•3.5LPetrol, Leather 7Seater<br />

•5-Star Safety, Satnav, Camera<br />

•75,850kms<br />

$<br />

38,995<br />

2018 Highlander GXL<br />

•3.5LPetrolAuto, Leather 7-Seater,<br />

•5-starSafety, Satnav, Camera<br />

•77,400kms<br />

$<br />

38,995<br />

2019 HiluxSR5 Cruiser 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Auto<br />

•Leather 5-StarSafety, Satnav, Camera<br />

•59,300kms<br />

2012Hilux4WD<br />

•3.0L TurboDiesel,5-Speed Manual<br />

•Alloys, Canopy,Bluetooth,CruiseControl<br />

2017 HiluxS2WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Manual<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth, Cruise Control<br />

•Only 57,450kms<br />

2019 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto, Alloys<br />

•Camera, Satnav, Keyless<br />

•Only 54,850kms<br />

2019 Toyota Fortuner GXL<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto, 4WD<br />

•7-Seater,Satnav,Camera<br />

•Only 26,100kms<br />

$<br />

52,995 $<br />

34,995 $<br />

31,995<br />

$<br />

51,995<br />

$<br />

47,995<br />

2015Ford RangerXLT<br />

•3.2LTurbo Diesel Auto, 2WD<br />

•Alloys, Bluetooth, Tonneau<br />

•Rear Sensors<br />

$<br />

27,500<br />

2018 Toyota Hiace<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto, 6-Seater<br />

•Fold up Second Row<br />

•Only 68,550kms<br />

$<br />

41,995<br />

Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186 any time • www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2017 LandCruiserPrado TX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 7-Seater<br />

•Leather,Keyless,Camera<br />

•Only 37,150kms<br />

WAS$63,995<br />

$ NOW 59,995<br />

2017 LandCruiserVX200<br />

•4.5LTwinTurbo Diesel, Facelift Model<br />

•Satnav,360 Camera, Leather 8-Seater<br />

•104,200kms<br />

$<br />

97,995<br />

2019 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Facelift Model,Satnav,5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 37,850kms<br />

$<br />

52,995<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1 Daihatsu Hijet<br />

Dump Truck<br />

•650ccPetrolManual, 4WD<br />

•Tipper Deck, DiffLocker, Hi-LoRatio<br />

•Only 100kms<br />

$<br />

31,995<br />

2018 Hilux SR 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 6-Speed Manual<br />

•Tonneau,Camera<br />

•Only61,000kms<br />

$<br />

46,995<br />

2547059<br />


End of season<br />

clear out nowon!<br />


50<br />

Garden Pots<br />

Images areindicativeonly,productwill differ between stores,stock on hand only,limited stock,instoresales only,norainchecks,nophone orders,notrade sales.<br />


*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or onlineatwww.mitre10.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />



Borrow one of ourcourtesy trailers<br />

to getthose bigpurchaseshome.<br />


*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or onlineatwww.mitre10.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />


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