Admission Agreement - Goldenes Kreuz
Admission Agreement - Goldenes Kreuz
Admission Agreement - Goldenes Kreuz
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Your wellbeing is close to our heart<br />
Patient label<br />
Dear patient,<br />
<strong>Admission</strong> <strong>Agreement</strong><br />
ME/UK/201107<br />
We are pleased to cordially welcome you as a patient at the <strong>Goldenes</strong> <strong>Kreuz</strong> Privatklinik and<br />
would like to make your stay in our hospital as pleasant as possible according to our motto<br />
“Your wellbeing is our concern”.<br />
We kindly ask you to carefully read this document, which contains a summary of the most<br />
important information on your admission to and treatment in our hospital.<br />
The <strong>Goldenes</strong> <strong>Kreuz</strong> Privatklinik is organised as a non-profit open hospital. We have granted<br />
your trusted doctor, as an affiliated physician who is entitled to practise independently, the right<br />
to treat his patients making use of the infrastructure of our private clinic. For this purpose we<br />
place our premises, equipment and staff at the affiliated doctor’s disposal. Your doctor is fully<br />
responsible for all medical measures taken during your outpatient or day-clinic treatment or<br />
during your in-patient stay at our hospital. He also instructs the nursing staff at his disposal and<br />
may also call in other consultant doctors on his own responsibility.<br />
Please note that your medical treatment is therefore based exclusively on the treatment<br />
contract concluded between you and your doctor. This also applies if the affiliated doctor<br />
treating you is an employee of our institution and / or is one of our private clinic’s head<br />
physicians.<br />
As an affiliated physician your doctor is fully liable for all aspects of the medical treatment<br />
which is provided by himself and by any other experts and staff involved under your doctor’s<br />
responsibility. The <strong>Goldenes</strong> <strong>Kreuz</strong> Privatklinik does not assume in any case any liability for<br />
damage caused by wrong medical treatment, not even if the treatment was provided by a doctor<br />
who is employed by our hospital.<br />
In addition to the treatment contract you have concluded with your trusted affiliated doctor you<br />
also conclude a hospital admission agreement with the <strong>Goldenes</strong> <strong>Kreuz</strong> Privatklinik by<br />
signing the present document, which covers all aspects associated with your stay at the private<br />
clinic such as accommodation, food, medical care, attendance and nursing provided by our<br />
hospital. Moreover we guarantee that our nursing staff has the necessary qualifications and<br />
that the infrastructure of our hospital and its organisation work efficiently.<br />
<strong>Goldenes</strong> <strong>Kreuz</strong> Privatklinik BetriebsGmbH Tel. +43 (1) 40 111 - 0, Fax - 9505 Erste Bank, Kto.Nr. 012-01816<br />
Lazarettgasse 16-18, 1090 Vienna, Austria BLZ 20111<br /> FN 251327z, HG Wien
Your wellbeing is close to our heart.<br />
In case that for factual or legal reasons my supplementary private health insurance denies full<br />
or partial coverage of the costs for the provided services, I expressly agree to directly pay the<br />
costs incurred for my in-patient treatment, less the share covered by my social insurance, to the<br />
<strong>Goldenes</strong> <strong>Kreuz</strong> Privatklinik. If the social insurance institution denies covering the costs for my<br />
stay in the <strong>Goldenes</strong> <strong>Kreuz</strong> Privatklinik, I agree to also pay these costs myself to the private<br />
clinic.<br />
I have been informed that the provisions of the Austrian private health insurances on differential<br />
cost guarantee only apply to twin rooms and have taken notice of the fact that for the use of a<br />
single room on my own request and without a separate private single-room insurance contract<br />
an additional daily fee will be charged in accordance with the applicable fees.<br />
I herewith authorise the <strong>Goldenes</strong> <strong>Kreuz</strong> Privatklinik to demand on my behalf from my<br />
supplementary private health insurance the direct payment of the costs to be covered and<br />
settled according to the contractual provisions and the agreed fees. As soon as the private clinic<br />
has received payment from my private health insurance their claim for payment expires<br />
provided that this payment is sufficient to entirely cover the billed costs for my hospital stay (setoff).<br />
If my social insurance covers parts of the costs incurred for my treatment in the special hospital<br />
class, I agree with and authorize the private clinic to instruct the social insurance institution to<br />
directly transfer the recoverable amount owed for my treatment to my private health insurance.<br />
If the social insurance does not transfer the full recoverable amount I furthermore assume the<br />
obligation towards my supplementary private health insurance to pay this amount to my<br />
supplementary private health insurance.<br />
b) Day-clinic stays<br />
I have been informed that the social insurance institutions and the supplementary private health<br />
insurances cover the costs for a day-clinic stay only if it replaces an otherwise necessary inpatient<br />
stay. In case the insurance companies deny coverage because a minor out-patient<br />
treatment is considered as not “requiring in-patient treatment”, I agree that the costs will be<br />
billed to me for payment by myself. The medical treatment itself is covered by the<br />
supplementary private health insurance only if my supplementary private health insurance<br />
includes a contract for day-clinic treatment.<br />
c) I have NO supplementary private health insurance<br />
I confirm that I was informed about the fees of the <strong>Goldenes</strong> <strong>Kreuz</strong> Privatklinik before my<br />
admission and expressly declare to pay to the private clinic the costs incurred for my hospital<br />
stay, less the share covered by my social insurance. In case that the social insurance institution<br />
does not cover the costs for my stay, I will also bear the portion of costs which would otherwise<br />
be covered by the social insurance and will pay these costs directly to the private clinic.<br />
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