Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023
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WOMEN<br />
Goodbyes<br />
&<br />
New Beginnings<br />
<strong>May</strong> <strong>2023</strong> Volume 8 Issue 2
Contents<br />
<strong>May</strong> <strong>2023</strong>. Volume 8, Issue 2<br />
profiles<br />
features<br />
Our Editor's <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>, 2017 to 2022<br />
15<br />
61<br />
8<br />
Revisiting 2017<br />
Bella Paola Guerrero<br />
De Cohen, member<br />
of AWC Helsinki.<br />
40<br />
Revisiting 2020<br />
Tamara Krautkramer,<br />
member of AWA<br />
Kenya.<br />
Inspired Reader<br />
In October we<br />
launched our<br />
newest initiative, a<br />
quiz to find the<br />
Inspired Reader for<br />
each issue. See our<br />
latest winner!<br />
Through My Lens<br />
A compilation<br />
feature focussed on<br />
the current issue’s<br />
theme with a photo<br />
and short caption from<br />
multiple contributors.<br />
16<br />
30<br />
Revisiting 2018<br />
Priscilla Heffelfinger,<br />
member of AWC<br />
Philippines and AWC<br />
Thailand.<br />
54<br />
68<br />
Revisiting 2021<br />
Sarah Grant,<br />
member of AWBS.<br />
23<br />
A Club Inspires:<br />
IWC Moldova<br />
Maria Marinuta, of<br />
IWC Moldova,<br />
introduces her club<br />
to us. IWC Moldova<br />
is 1 of 9 clubs in<br />
FAWCO's Region 5.<br />
75<br />
24 Hours in ...<br />
Aberdeen<br />
Who best to tell<br />
us about the best<br />
places to visit in a new<br />
city than those who<br />
live there?<br />
Revisiting 2019<br />
Karen Lewis,<br />
member of FAUSA.<br />
88 98<br />
The "Pandemic<br />
President"<br />
Emily van Eerten,<br />
member of<br />
AWC The Hague.<br />
Revisiting 2022<br />
Sandra Montgomery,<br />
member of<br />
AWC Bogotá.<br />
Moving FAWCO<br />
into a post<br />
COVID-19 world<br />
Ann Marie Morrow,<br />
member of<br />
AWC Finland.<br />
37<br />
Embracing Change<br />
Danielle Kuznetsov,<br />
Heidelberg IWC, and of the<br />
FAWCO Health Team on<br />
using stepping stones to<br />
help cope with change.<br />
49<br />
In My Own Words:<br />
Liz Janson, a member<br />
of FAUSA says: "When<br />
one door of happiness<br />
closes, another opens."<br />
95<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> Reads:<br />
Secrets of a<br />
Summer Village<br />
Munich IWC member<br />
Saskia Akyil's comingof-age<br />
novel Secrets of a<br />
Summer Village is about<br />
modern, middle-class<br />
Turkish culture as seen<br />
through the eyes of an American teenager.<br />
105<br />
Who Are We?<br />
Introducing the <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
<strong>Women</strong> Team.<br />
5<br />
6<br />
in every issue<br />
A Note from the Editor<br />
Advertisers Index<br />
118<br />
119<br />
Photo feature<br />
Our Next Issue<br />
7 Introducing This Issue 120 More About This Issue<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>: Through My Lens<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> You<br />
We are looking for your photos of friends, family or yourself that you think embody<br />
the next issue's theme of "We are Talking Fashion: Innovators, Trendsetters,<br />
Changemakers and ... Activists".<br />
Photos should be in color and a minimum of 300 dpi. Send your photo with your<br />
name, FAWCO Club and a maximum 50-word caption explaining why the photo fits<br />
the theme to:<br />
The deadline for submitting features<br />
and photos for our next issue is ...<br />
June 12, <strong>2023</strong><br />
121<br />
That’s Inspired!<br /><br />
“T he last time always seems sad,<br />
but it isn't really. The end of one thing<br />
is only the beginning of another.”<br />
– Laura Ingalls Wilder,<br />
These Happy Golden Years<br />
In the summer of 2016, out of the blue, I<br />
received a phone call from Sallie Chaballier, then<br />
1st VP Communications for FAWCO, in which she<br />
said the FAWCO Board had decided to launch a<br />
new magazine and my name had been<br />
suggested as editor.<br />
I had been in Cologne for three years and was<br />
AIWCC club newsletter editor. When Sallie called,<br />
we were in the process of negotiating a return to<br />
our home in Great Britain, but our imminent<br />
departure was under wraps. Mere days before<br />
she called, I had said to Paul that I would like<br />
to find a way to stay involved with FAWCO once<br />
home. My first thought on speaking to Sallie<br />
was: did she have a hotline to Ford HQ!<br />
Over the next few months I got to know the<br />
amazing Elsie Bose, who had first pitched<br />
the magazine‘s concept to the Board, as we<br />
thrashed out our ideas for the magazine.<br />
Between the two of us we found ten courageous<br />
women who trusted us with their stories and<br />
got it printed in time for the launch at the 2017<br />
Biennial Conference<br />
in Mumbai. <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
<strong>Women</strong> was born!<br />
Over the last six<br />
years I have led the<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
team as it has grown<br />
and developed while<br />
publishing an<br />
incredible 32 issues<br />
featuring over 400<br />
women from more<br />
than 65 FAWCO clubs.<br />
That is a lot of words<br />
and a lot of<br />
inspiration in<br />
anyone’s book and I<br />
am so proud of what<br />
we have been able<br />
to achieve.<br />
a note from<br />
the editor<br />
But as John Irving puts it: “You only grow by<br />
coming to the end of something and by<br />
beginning something else.” So it is time for<br />
me to hand over the editorship into the very<br />
capable hands of Michele Hendrikse Du Bois.<br />
(Thanks so much for agreeing to take my baby<br />
on for me, Michele!) But in this my last issue<br />
as editor, the team has allowed me to have a<br />
look back through our archives to find my six<br />
favorite profiles and update them for this<br />
issue: Goodbyes and New Beginnings.<br />
As well as these profiles, we have interviews<br />
with the outgoing and incoming FAWCO<br />
presidents, an article introducing the new<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> Team and a series of other<br />
interesting features for you.<br />
Before I go I would like to give a big shout out<br />
and massive thank you for all your hard work<br />
to Berit, Hayley and Karen, who are also moving<br />
on to new things. I wish you success in your<br />
new endeavours. The rest of the team, past<br />
and present, also deserve huge kudos and have<br />
my sincere thanks, as do the FAWCO Board for<br />
giving me the opportunity. My biggest thanks of<br />
all go to the wonderful Elsie Bose. It has been<br />
a real pleasure working closely with you for the<br />
last six years Elsie, and I will miss<br />
our working camaraderie very<br />
much (I hope you realise this<br />
is definitely not Goodbye to<br />
our friendship).<br />
So finally thanks to you, our<br />
readers, thanks for six wonderful<br />
years of inspiration, learning and<br />
development. For the record,<br />
I think all FAWCO women are<br />
inspiring and that definitely<br />
includes YOU, not just the<br />
women featured in the <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
<strong>Women</strong> pages!<br />
Best wishes!<br />
Liz<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
Raising a toast to the last 6 years<br />
advertisers<br />
index<br />
introducing<br />
this issue<br />
Janet Darrow Real Estate p. 13<br />
Around the corner or a world away, contact<br />
Janet Darrow, FAUSA member, to find the<br />
best properties. FAWCO referrals to Janet<br />
help the Target Program!<br />
LAUNCH p. 14<br />
LAUNCH is an independent education<br />
consultancy and a Target Program Sponsor.<br />
Lauren Hensel, founder of LAUNCH,<br />
and Sara Bittner are members of the<br />
AWC Amsterdam.<br />
The Pajama Company p. 21<br />
The Pajama Company, founded by<br />
Ellie Badanes, member of FAUSA and<br />
AW Surrey, sells pajamas that are cozy,<br />
cheerful and available online!<br />
London & Capital p. 28 & 29<br />
Whether you are a US Citizen living abroad<br />
or a foreign entity with US reporting, their<br />
dedicated teams take care of your wealth,<br />
giving you time to concentrate on the things<br />
that matter to you. London & Capital has<br />
been supporting FAWCO since 2016.<br />
Tharien's Art p. 53<br />
AWC Antwerp member and former Target<br />
Program Chair Tharien van Eck is a superb<br />
artist. She creates beautiful hand painted<br />
cards and prints. Proceeds from her cards<br />
continue to support education programs<br />
for Hope for Girls and <strong>Women</strong> Tanzania.<br />
MyExpatTaxes p. 59<br /> guides you through<br />
the tax return process online, smoothly<br />
and efficiently. was a<br />
Sponsor at the FAWCO <strong>2023</strong> Biennial<br />
conference. The founder and CEO, Nathalie<br />
Goldstein, is a member of AWA Vienna.<br />
London Realty Intl. p. 93<br />
London Realty Intl. is owned by AWC London<br />
member Lonnée Hamilton, who is a<br />
worldwide property consultant. Her firm<br />
works with the best agents across the globe<br />
to fulfill your property needs.<br />
The Existential Traveller p. 97<br />
Owned by FAUSA member Linda Johnson,<br />
offers bespoke cultural experiences.<br />
Contact her to arrange a dream vacation.<br />
Every goodbye is a new beginning.<br />
When I was young, I seldom had a problem walking up to a group of kids in my new<br />
neighborhood to introduce myself. I think I benefited from the fact that in the early days<br />
when we moved it was into military housing, so everyone was in the same boat. By the time<br />
we started living in “civilian” neighborhoods it came naturally for me.<br />
Whenever it was time to move, it was sad to be sure, but I had done it enough to know two<br />
things, that the people who meant the most to me would stay in my life and there was the<br />
excitement that I would make new friends in the new place. When it was time to go there<br />
would be the occasional tears and tantrums. “This is the best place we EVER lived,” all of us<br />
would say, but by the time the car was out of the neighborhood we were all looking ahead.<br />
I do respect and admire those who live in one place, as they come to know those places and<br />
their people at a very granular level. Sometimes the predictability IS magic. Familiarity can<br />
be a warm and calming state of grace. Watching friends or the place where you live progress<br />
and grow can be deeply felt and gratifying.<br />
I am often asked “Where did you enjoy living the most?” and my reply is that in each place,the<br />
wonderful people I have met and the experiences that we shared make it special. Yes, in some<br />
places it rained too much and in others no one knew how to drive. But on balance, each place<br />
brings the promise of something new, great people and fresh ideas.<br />
This issue is a deeply personal one for the IW Team. In 2016 I wanted to create a magazine<br />
focusing on the amazing women in our FAWCO clubs. Little did I know that one of the most<br />
amazing would become my friend, collaborator, and partner. Liz MacNiven, the editor from<br />
the beginning, was the perfect choice.<br />
She took a leap of faith with me (who does that?) and we clasped our virtual hands together<br />
and went flying along on the journey that has taken <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> magazine from an idea<br />
to what it is today. For the last six years, four times a year she pulled together the pieces<br />
of the magazine with amazing enthusiasm as if it was the first issue – without complaint or<br />
resignation. (There is no “whinging” at <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>.)<br />
Throughout the years FAWCO has relied on advertisers and sponsors to augment its<br />
income. This revenue has allowed FAWCO to improve services and gives it the flexibility to try<br />
the latest innovations to enhance the FAWCO experience. FAWCO’s advertising<br />
partners believe in our mission and support our goals; some directly support<br />
our activities and projects.<br />
We encourage club leadership throughout the FAWCO network to<br />
share our publications with their membership. Our advertising<br />
partners have valuable products and services and we want your<br />
members to take advantage of what they offer. Please support them!<br />
For more information on these advertisers or if you have any questions about<br />
FAWCO’s advertising program, please contact Elsie Bose:<br />
To evolve the magazine, we ran a lot of ideas up the flagpole to see if they would fly. Many<br />
limply clung to the flagpole. But we always learned something from the experience and for Liz<br />
that was important. All voices were heard, no ideas were dumb.<br />
Liz did all of this through weddings, funerals, and becoming a grandmum. She worked through<br />
COVID, Brexit and the death of the Queen. Now she’s ready to move on to the next adventure.<br />
We love her and we will miss her. IW’s new leader Michele Hendrikse Du Bois is fabulous, and<br />
the team is poised for the future. But Liz’s legacy of excellence through caring and community<br />
will always be woven into every issue.<br />
Elsie<br />
Founder<br />
profile<br />
Revisiting 2017...<br />
Bella Paola Guerrero De Cohen<br />
Liz introduces us to her <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
Woman of 2017, wine maker<br />
Bella Paola Guerrero de Cohen,<br />
AWC Finland.<br />
"W<br />
hen we first started<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> in 2016 we<br />
had no idea if anyone would<br />
be willing to share their<br />
inspiring stories with us. The first nine profilees<br />
therefore have a special place in my heart.<br />
They were willing to trust us, even though we<br />
were completely untested, to tell their story.<br />
Paola’s story is one that I really remember. Here<br />
was the story of a woman who had been sent<br />
away from home in Ecuador (language and<br />
culture number one) by her parents to study<br />
in the USA (language and culture number two).<br />
While there, she met the love of her life, David,<br />
and subsequently moved with him to Finland<br />
(language and culture number three). The<br />
courage and strength to make all those moves<br />
is impressive to me, especially since, even with<br />
my limited knowledge, I know they are<br />
culturally and linguistically rather different!<br />
Then while she was living in Finland, as well as<br />
caring for her young family, she decided to start<br />
a winemaking business, Ainoa Winery; she had<br />
previously made wine as a hobby while in the<br />
US. Wine is not something many of us would<br />
associate with Finland and indeed Paola found<br />
it would be a challenge to grow grapes there<br />
so had to learn about how to make it from<br />
berries instead.<br />
Paola Guerrero de Cohen<br />
After many ups and downs, the business she<br />
and her husband have today is thriving and<br />
their wine has won more than 50 international<br />
medals. In 2017 Ainoa’s 2015 wine Vaapukka<br />
was placed on the list of the best produced<br />
wines in the world by Œnologues<br />
de France and the wines have<br />
been on the best produced<br />
wines list every year since." Paola tending<br />
to her fruit.<br />
Excerpt from the original article.<br />
My name is Bella Paola Guerrero de Cohen,<br />
but my friends call me Paola! I am an active<br />
member of the AWC Finland, where I attend<br />
meetings, events and help with fundraising<br />
activities. We live in Espoo, Finland, which is<br />
about a thirty minute drive from Helsinki.<br />
I was born in Ecuador to a working class family.<br />
My parents grew up poor and had to work to<br />
survive from a very early age; their lives were<br />
not easy. My father had only finished<br />
elementary school when he suffered the loss<br />
of his mother in an earthquake. My mother<br />
was born in the countryside and was sent to<br />
the city to live with an older sibling, but did<br />
not have the opportunity to finish elementary<br />
school. As they set up a life together and had<br />
children of their own, they wanted a better<br />
future for them. They realized the importance<br />
of education and worked very hard to make<br />
that possible for us. Therefore, my siblings and<br />
I were the first ones in our extended family to<br />
attend university and in my case, the first one<br />
to study at a university in the United States.<br />
What I will always remember is that no<br />
matter how much work my father had – and<br />
he worked three different jobs at a time –<br />
Sundays was our sacred day. We started our<br />
mornings with some old-time classics my<br />
mother used to play in her LP player. Our day<br />
continued with a nice brunch of shrimp or clam<br />
ceviche, and then off to the countryside to play<br />
volleyball, basketball, tennis, swimming, etc.<br />
My life was carefree through the end of high<br />
school, when I moved to the United States.<br />
I love my family, and having to be separated<br />
from them took such a big toll on me that for<br />
many years I resented my parents for having<br />
sent me away. Of course, they knew what<br />
they were doing. They were also hurt by my<br />
absence, but nothing hurt them more than<br />
when I said I would not be coming back, as I<br />
had found the love of my life. A month and a<br />
half after arriving in Boston, I met David. We<br />
became friends and soon after, a couple. I<br />
married him a year later.<br />
<strong>2023</strong> update<br />
We have been growing organically since the<br />
original story. We found the perfect location to<br />
set up our own facilities about one hour north<br />
from the capital.<br />
Our wines have received more than 50 awards<br />
internationally for quality. We have also<br />
received recognition for advancing the level<br />
of Finnish cuisine and for creating world class<br />
wines using Nordic ingredients. Every year<br />
more people discover our wines and fall in<br />
love with them.<br />
“Goodbyes and New Beginnings”<br />
Of all the people and situations you have said<br />
goodbye to in your life, tell us about two that<br />
you miss the most. Why is that?<br />
One of the things I miss the most is the time<br />
spent with our young children when we first<br />
moved to Finland. We enjoyed focusing solely<br />
on them. Having come from the US, where our<br />
life was pretty hectic, it was very refreshing to<br />
be told it was okay to take time off from work to<br />
focus on our growing family.<br />
Family has always been very important to me<br />
and being able to experience a new place, learn<br />
a new culture and share this together as a unit<br />
was the peak of fullness and happiness.<br />
I also miss being near the rest of my family,<br />
scores of them. While there is new technology<br />
that connects us 24/7, nothing compares to the<br />
live connection.<br />
Of all the “new beginnings” in your life, tell<br />
us about two that you really remember/that<br />
turned out to be unexpectedly important.<br />
Moving to Finland. I would have never imagined<br />
that I would fall in love with a country in the<br />
arctic – cold and dark. However, I fell in love with<br />
the way of life, the balanced life that it provides<br />
its citizens and the natural and clean<br />
surroundings. It is no wonder that Finland tops<br />
the charts in many categories: happiness,<br />
education, safety, environmental, freedom of<br />
the press and many other measures.<br />
Setting up a winery. My love for wine started in<br />
the US and while traveling with David on various<br />
business trips, particularly in Europe. Our wine<br />
making hobby started just over 20 years ago.<br />
We were excited when we moved to Finland to<br />
be able to make wines from European grapes.<br />
However, since grapes were not available in<br />
Finland and we did not want to give up our<br />
wine making hobby, we decided to use local<br />
ingredients instead. And boy were we amazed!<br />
Finland has some of the best berries and, when<br />
treated right, they can create some of the best<br />
wines in the world.<br />
Read more/rest of original article by clicking here:<br /><br />
inspiring-women-magazine-spring-2017/23<br />
Checking the hives (above)<br />
Boxing up the finished wine (right)<br />
As a way of celebrating our new home country,<br />
we wanted to share what we had created with<br />
the world – changing a whole industry and<br />
making our mark along the way.<br />
What goodbyes do you anticipate for you<br />
in the next two years? How do you feel<br />
about them?<br />
Children grow up and leave the house. It’s<br />
something every parent goes through. We all<br />
know it. Time passes by so quickly. Our children<br />
still live with us, but our oldest one is already<br />
an adult and ready to explore the world. My<br />
emotions are mixed. I love having my family<br />
together, but I cannot wait to see what the<br />
future has planned for them.<br />
Moving out of the start-up phase. Our business<br />
is growing and soon I will have to give up the<br />
excitement of being a start-up. We have grown<br />
organically and every step is a little bit bigger.<br />
The next couple of years will be very telling and<br />
the longer steps will turn into leaps. I am ready<br />
for it, even with the anxiety that it brings, but<br />
very optimistic and full of faith in every step/<br />
jump we take.<br />
What new beginnings do you see for yourself<br />
in the next two years? How do you feel<br />
about these?<br />
My fourth baby is reaching adulthood and with<br />
growth comes different responsibilities.<br />
Moving to the next step from a start-up to a<br />
growing company will be a new beginning. I<br />
look forward to not having to<br />
do everything myself but being<br />
able to focus on the part I enjoy<br />
most – interacting with people.<br />
Running a tasting (left)<br />
Waiter of the Year competition<br />
(below)<br />
feature<br />
Inspired Reader<br />
We are delighted to announce that the Inspired<br />
Reader for our "Evolving to Maturity" issue is:<br />
Rebekka Klingshirn of Heidelberg<br />
International <strong>Women</strong>'s Club.<br />
A $50 donation has been made to the Target<br />
Project in her name.<br />
Look out for the next quiz, which will be launched on our<br />
Facebook page at the start of June!<br />
profile<br />
Revisiting 2018 ...<br />
Priscilla Heffelfinger<br />
Liz introduces us to her <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
Woman of 2018, founder of Thrive,<br />
Priscilla Heffelfinger, AWC<br />
Philippines and AWC Thailand.<br />
"I<br />
was inspired by Priscilla’s story<br />
because almost without meaning<br />
to she has created an organization<br />
that really is having a direct positive<br />
impact on children’s lives. It began with<br />
something as simple as visiting a school in a<br />
country she was living in and finding that by<br />
donating 250 bananas (costing just $30) a week<br />
she could help children do better at school as<br />
their diet would be improved. She saw a need<br />
and took action.<br />
The follow up from this simple action grew over<br />
time and by 2018 when we met up with her for<br />
the magazine, she, with others, had set up a<br />
charity that was serving 1000 nutritional meals<br />
a week to children in two countries, Bangladesh<br />
and the Philippines.<br />
Priscilla Heffelfinger<br />
Sometimes when we see things in the world that<br />
aren’t right we tell ourselves there isn’t anything<br />
we can do, that the problem is too big for us to<br />
solve. I liked the fact that Priscilla had started<br />
with something small and manageable that she<br />
could do: donate bananas. Then when that went<br />
well she was determined not to give up and<br />
stop there. I was encouraged to hear that she<br />
believes everyone can make a difference. She<br />
doesn’t look at something and think “why would<br />
I do that?”. She looks at it and says<br />
“why not?” I admire that trait and<br />
I hope that I would do the same if<br />
faced with what she found in the<br />
school all those years ago."<br />
Carrying<br />
bananas to<br />
snack time<br />
Excerpt from the original article.<br />
I grew up as the youngest of six children on a<br />
small lake in the midwest where I learned to<br />
swim before I walked or talked. I spent my<br />
childhood living 90% of the day outdoors,<br />
surrounded by a gaggle of neighborhood<br />
friends for make-believe and mischief.<br />
I studied English and psychology as an<br />
undergraduate, and education in graduate<br />
school. Since then I’ve worked in a variety of<br />
roles in a variety of sectors, including research,<br />
nonprofit management and higher education.<br />
The common denominator throughout has<br />
been a desire to improve children’s lives.<br />
I’ve always been one to say, “Why not?” My<br />
husband and I had four kids in six years; we<br />
moved from state to state and eventually from<br />
country to country. I believe that adding<br />
discomfort and/or challenge to my day (and<br />
life!) offers me the opportunity to expand my<br />
world and live more vibrantly.<br />
For me, activism = service. I put my whole life<br />
toward service. It’s what gives me a sense of<br />
purpose and pure joy. In order to best be of<br />
service, I divide my days and my energy into<br />
four pillars:<br />
• z Family: Nurturing four children to be<br />
citizens of the world, to follow their passions<br />
and to take risks.<br />
<strong>2023</strong> update<br />
Priscilla now lives in Bangkok, Thailand.<br />
Since my story was shared, I’m excited to<br />
share that Thrive has expanded its reach and<br />
is feeding even more hungry children a daily<br />
school meal across Bangladesh and the<br />
Philippines. Our growth reflects deepened<br />
global and local community commitment<br />
and mobilization.<br />
“Goodbyes and New Beginnings”<br />
Of all the people and situations you have said<br />
goodbye to in your life, tell us about two that<br />
you miss the most. Why is that?<br />
My sister, Judy, died of cancer much too young.<br />
I miss her continual sideline boost and<br />
mischievous humor. I try to follow her deep<br />
loyalty — being there for those you love no<br />
matter what. I have found the practice to be an<br />
immeasurable gift.<br />
Nutritious food being handed out to Bangladesh school<br />
children. (above left)<br />
Helping Jaago school children wash their hands before<br />
their Thrive meal. (below left)<br />
As an expat, so many friendships stopped<br />
unwillingly by distance, often suddenly and<br />
unexpectedly. A few, such as Ebba Rusten, came<br />
into my life with such a swoosh of connectivity<br />
on so many levels that replacing it seems<br />
implausible. Of course, modern technology<br />
keeps us informed of each other's days, but<br />
direct interactivity gives way over time.<br />
Of all the “new beginnings” in your life, tell<br />
us about two that you really remember/that<br />
turned out to be unexpectedly important.<br />
I grew up in a small midwest town and had the<br />
same bedroom throughout. By sneakingly<br />
applying (my parents didn’t approve) to study<br />
abroad at Oxford, I think I set our unintentional<br />
nomad life into motion. Unlike many expats I<br />
met, I wasn’t running away from anything<br />
stateside, but rather saying, “why not?” that has<br />
led to an unimaginable, transformable life. A<br />
decade overseas taught me to slow down (at<br />
least a bit) to connect with my family and guided<br />
me, unexpectedly, to find my life’s purpose,<br />
Thrive (feeding school children).<br />
Her brother, James Perry, joining Bangladesh<br />
school visits. (below)<br />
• z Passion: Developing Thrive, the<br />
organization I founded with two other women<br />
in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2012, feeds more<br />
and more schoolchildren in some of the<br />
world’s poorest places.<br />
• z Work: Managing Director at Smarter<br />
Good, supporting non-profits around the<br />
world to achieve their goals.<br />
• z Self: Yoga or spin class most afternoons,<br />
and long hikes with family and friends<br />
for rejuvenation.<br />
Read more/rest of original article by clicking here:<br /><br />
read/62062427/inspiring-women-fall-2018/9<br />
Thrive started on a whim without a plan. I<br />
and two others had just arrived in Dhaka,<br />
Bangladesh, and were alarmed by children<br />
begging on the streets. We asked a school in<br />
the nearby slums how we could help, and the<br />
resounding response was to bring food. The<br />
children were either not showing up or, when<br />
they did, were too tired to learn. We started<br />
with bananas, and with international and local<br />
community support, including many women<br />
from the American <strong>Women</strong>'s Club, we grew to<br />
become an organization that provides healthy<br />
meals to over 2,500 children each school day<br />
at 17 schools.<br />
These “new beginnings” are strung together by<br />
the same motto — “why not?”<br />
What goodbyes do you anticipate for you<br />
in the next two years?<br />
How do you feel about them?<br />
We are gearing up to move back to the States.<br />
Will it happen? <strong>May</strong>be. And if so, what are<br />
the trade-offs? The walk-out-your-front-doorguaranteed-unexpected<br />
will likely carry initial<br />
relief, followed by potential dullness. I know the<br />
daily awareness that I am a visitor in a foreign<br />
land will dissipate, but I hope both are woven<br />
deep within to keep my senses and curiosity<br />
forever heightened.<br />
What new beginnings do you see for yourself in<br />
the next two years?<br />
How do you feel about these?<br />
I plan to continue with the mantra my father<br />
passed to me: life is a leap of faith. I will<br />
continue to jump into many more deep-endof-the-swimming<br />
pool opportunities along the<br />
way. So far, it seems life’s wonder resides in<br />
the unexpected.<br />
Volunteers bring bananas to Bangladesh schools. (right)<br />
Co-founder Regina Landor selects market fresh eggs for<br />
today's school delivery. (below)<br />
feature<br />
A Club Inspires:<br />
IWC Moldova<br />
Maria Marinuta, International<br />
<strong>Women</strong>’s Club of Moldova’s<br />
(IWCM) Administrator,<br />
introduces us to FAWCO’s<br />
newest member club. IWCM<br />
joined FAWCO in 2022 and is<br />
part of Region 5. "Our motto<br />
is connecting people and<br />
cultures, and it says a lot about<br />
us. We are open-minded,<br />
tolerant, ready to help and do<br />
good deeds as women power,<br />
and our treasure is the<br />
diversity of our cultures<br />
and traditions.”<br />
IWCM's members visiting one of the club's many beneficiaries in<br />
the north of Moldova.<br />
Founded in 1997 by the initiative of the<br />
spouse of the USA Ambassador in<br />
Moldova, Georgia Stuart, the<br />
International <strong>Women</strong>’s Club of Moldova<br />
(IWCM) is a community of women from<br />
all over the world who are dedicated to making<br />
a positive difference in the lives of those around<br />
them. It is a unique organization with the aim<br />
of creating a platform where women can meet,<br />
network, and give back to their community.<br />
IWCM brings women together to promote the<br />
values of success, charity, sorority, kindness,<br />
and inspiration.<br />
A collage of<br />
club activities<br />
What does your current<br />
membership look like?<br />
The IWCM is also a hub for<br />
cultural diplomacy, bringing<br />
together women from all<br />
different backgrounds and nationalities to share<br />
their experiences and learn from one another.<br />
This unity of women from all over the world is<br />
a testament to the power of diversity and the<br />
importance of building bridges across cultures.<br />
We have 54 active members now from: Moldova,<br />
USA, Latvia, India, Turkey, Indonesia, Sierra<br />
Leone, Romania, Korea, Myanmar, France, Serbia,<br />
Ukraine, Poland, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Italy,<br />
Belarus, United Kingdom, and Lithuania.<br />
How does the club run?<br />
Led by Club President Olesia Shevchenko, wife<br />
of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic<br />
of Moldova, the IWCM has become a prestigious<br />
organization that is widely respected for its<br />
dedication to charitable projects, kindness, and<br />
cultural diplomacy. The club brings together<br />
women from all different backgrounds and<br />
nationalities to share their experiences and<br />
learn from one another, creating a unity that<br />
is both inspiring and powerful. The Club has a<br />
President, an Administrator, a Board<br />
consisting of seven elected members (four<br />
international and three local women), auditors<br />
and its members, of course. We used to have<br />
a Grants Committee, but now the Board fulfills<br />
this role. The board is elected once every<br />
three years by a majority of votes at a General<br />
Meeting of the members.<br />
Does your club have a signature event?<br />
As women, we have the power to change<br />
the world when we come together and work<br />
towards a common goal. The International<br />
ICB is IWCM's biggest fundraising event. Because<br />
of its popularity and success we are able to<br />
support several charitable initiatives during the<br />
following year.<br />
What other kinds of events do you have in<br />
your club?<br />
The impact of IWCM's charitable initiatives<br />
cannot be overstated. The beneficiaries of<br />
IWCM's projects include orphanages, schools<br />
for children with disabilities, hospitals, and<br />
organizations that provide support to victims of<br />
<strong>Women</strong>'s Club of Moldova is a shining example<br />
of what can be achieved when we harness that<br />
power and use it for the greater good. Our<br />
signature event is the International Charity<br />
Bazaar (ICB), held on the first Sunday in<br />
December, with about 30 Embassies and IOs<br />
participating and dozens of local businesses,<br />
artisans and artists from different countries. A<br />
wide range of products are available, including<br />
handmade crafts, clothing, jewelry and food.<br />
domestic violence. The IWCM also supports<br />
various cultural initiatives, such as promoting<br />
local artisans and supporting local festivals.<br />
Besides this we organize events for socializing,<br />
for our members and our friends, and possible<br />
new members: sports, crafts, travel and wine<br />
tasting, cooking, book reading and meeting<br />
local artists.<br />
International Charity Bazaar (above)<br />
IWC Moldova walking and yoga group (top right)<br />
Tea Party for participants of International Charity<br />
Bazaar 2022 (bottom right)<br />
We raise money for charitable projects<br />
supporting women and children in Moldova.<br />
We also try to be sensitive about major crises<br />
and respond if we can. For example, in the<br />
COVID-19 pandemic we joined a civic movement<br />
in Moldova to help hospital staff with protection<br />
sets, food and oxygen supply. In the recent<br />
refugee crisis we channel our support into<br />
refugee centers. And more recently, we<br />
answered the call of the Turkish Embassy and<br />
bought heaters for earthquake victims.<br />
Tell us a little about your city and Moldova<br />
in general.<br />
Chisinau is a green and beautiful city to visit,<br />
and to live and work in with lovely and friendly<br />
people. There are a lot of museums, theatres,<br />
concert halls, restaurants and coffee shops with<br />
nice entertainment options, affordable and very<br />
delicious food. There are a lot of local festivals<br />
like Descopera, wine festival, and Ia Mania that<br />
value national dress, culture and traditions,<br />
history, and the wine and food of Moldova.<br />
Moldava produces some of the best red wine<br />
in the world. In 2022, the emblematic red blend<br />
Negre by Fautor Winery was awarded the prize<br />
as the best red wine in the world at one of<br />
the most prestigious international wine<br />
competitions – “Concours Mondial de Bruxelles”,<br />
during the “Red & White” Session. The country<br />
has a lot more to be discovered and enjoyed at a<br />
relaxed pace, with hospitable hosts and<br />
adventurous local guides. Cricova underground<br />
wine city with its numerous culture events is the<br />
number one tourist attraction in Moldova.<br />
Plant a million trees global action (below)<br />
Martisor rehearsal; wearing national dresses are Olesya<br />
Sevcenko, IWCM Prezident, Ukraine Ambassador's spouse<br />
and Maria Marinuta, IWCM Administrator (top right)<br />
Bees-y crafting for ICB club booth (bottom right)<br />
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profile<br />
Revisiting 2019...<br />
Karen Lewis<br />
Liz introduces us to her <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
Woman of 2019, Pathways to<br />
Safety International member<br />
Karen Lewis, FAUSA.<br />
"During the FAWCO Biennial<br />
Conference in 2019 in Edinburgh,<br />
I had the opportunity to attend a workshop<br />
hosted by Keri Potts of Pathways to Safety<br />
International and learn more about this<br />
important organization. It’s one of those<br />
organizations that we all secretly hope we<br />
never need to use and would prefer if the<br />
world was a place where it wasn’t necessary for<br />
something like that to exist. But that is a<br />
non-existent pipe dream, so I for one am very<br />
grateful that Keri and the team at Pathways do<br />
the work that they do.<br />
So in 2019 when we published our Health and<br />
Well-Being issue I was fascinated to learn more<br />
about the story of Karen Lewis and thus<br />
Pathways. Karen got involved in Pathways while<br />
she was living in Amsterdam in the early 2000s.<br />
When she repatriated in 2008 she became a<br />
volunteer and even served as president of the<br />
organization from 2013 to 2019.<br />
Karen Lewis<br />
I was also very interested to read more about<br />
her involvement in community health. I think<br />
this is such an important aspect of wellness<br />
and one that can be forgotten in the busyness<br />
that is life in the 2020s. I had no idea that there<br />
was something like the Lady Docs organization<br />
that she mentioned and was impressed to<br />
learn about the ways they support their<br />
local communities."<br />
Karen and her<br />
husband in<br />
Paris at<br />
Christmastime<br />
Excerpt from the original article.<br />
I grew up in Fort Worth, Texas, as an only child.<br />
As a young teenager, I loved being around<br />
younger children and started babysitting. I did<br />
a training to babysit for special needs kids in<br />
high school and volunteered in a hospital in the<br />
summers and thought I might want to become<br />
a pediatrician. My grandfather was a dentist but<br />
there were no doctors in my family; my dad is<br />
a chemical engineer and my mom is an English<br />
professor. I loved ballet, reading and going on<br />
outdoor adventure trips.<br />
I went to college at Stanford, where I was<br />
pre-med, majoring in psychology and biology.<br />
I volunteered in a low-income school, teaching<br />
health and movement classes, and<br />
participated in Best Buddies all 4 years,<br />
developing a close relationship with a girl<br />
with Down Syndrome and her family. I worked<br />
as a counselor at a summer camp for kids and<br />
adults with disabilities and then as a part-time<br />
caretaker in a group home for adults<br />
with disabilities.<br />
I currently live in Charlotte, NC; we moved<br />
here nearly two years ago for my husband’s job.<br />
His career has brought us to live in many<br />
places, including Amsterdam and most<br />
recently Washington, DC.<br />
I am not really sure where my desire to get<br />
involved in medicine came from, but I<br />
remember always having a strong desire to<br />
help others, especially children who had<br />
health problems, which led me to my<br />
profession. When I was in medical school<br />
and residency, I found that the education I<br />
received was intensive for diagnosing and<br />
treating illnesses but did not have as much<br />
focus on developing healthy lifestyles. I worked<br />
long hours as a resident and though I tried to<br />
make sure to eat well and get exercise, it was<br />
often difficult and I struggled to keep a<br />
positive attitude.<br />
Read more/rest of original article by clicking here:<br /><br />
read/62776601/inspiring-women-fall-2019/16<br />
<strong>2023</strong> update<br />
I did get to meet Lissa Rankin, in her virtual<br />
“Memoir as Medicine” workshop last year!<br />
“Goodbyes and New Beginnings”<br />
Of all the people and situations you have said<br />
goodbye to in your life, tell us about two that<br />
you miss the most. Why is that?<br />
My paternal grandmother loved me<br />
unconditionally, even from afar. Until age three,<br />
I had spent countless hours and weekends<br />
with my grandparents, and missed her after we<br />
moved away. She was always so excited to see<br />
me and so supportive of me through many ups<br />
and downs. I was heartbroken when she died<br />
when I was 14, but her energy and love continue<br />
to inspire me in my everyday life.<br />
My husband, Kevin, and I moved to Amsterdam<br />
in August, 2001. On September 11, I was on a<br />
walking tour with the AWCA during the<br />
horrific events of that day. This group provided<br />
a great community through my years there. Our<br />
daughters, Saskia and Anneke, became<br />
regulars at AWCA events, and I volunteered in<br />
many roles. In March 2008, at the FAWCO<br />
conference in Seoul, Korea, My-Linh Kunst and I<br />
petitioned for the formation of the Ending<br />
Violence against <strong>Women</strong> and Children<br />
Committee, which evolved into the Human<br />
Rights Task Force. I was sad to leave<br />
Amsterdam that summer, but also grateful for<br />
the development it brought me.<br />
Of all the “new beginnings” in your life, tell<br />
us about two that you really remember/that<br />
turned out to be unexpectedly important.<br />
After leaving Amsterdam, we lived briefly in<br />
Corvallis, Oregon, with my in-laws, as Kevin<br />
looked for his next job. Coincidentally, Paula<br />
Lucas, the founder and executive director of<br />
Pathways to Safety International, lived in nearby<br />
Portland. I had been advocating for her<br />
organization within FAWCO, and I was thrilled<br />
to meet her in person. Through deepening<br />
our friendship, training as a call volunteer and<br />
continuing advocacy work, I found meaning and<br />
connection during those uncertain days and laid<br />
the foundation for serving as President of the<br />
Board of Pathways over the next several years.<br />
Daughters Saskia and Anneke at Blowing Rock<br />
In early 2018, soon after we<br />
moved to North Carolina, Saskia’s<br />
intermittent migraines turned<br />
chronic and severe. As a<br />
pediatrician, I felt like I should be<br />
able to make her well. Guilt and<br />
doubt plagued me. I’ve learned<br />
to ramp up my own self-care,<br />
spiritual practices and ability to<br />
tolerate uncertainty. I still want<br />
her pain to go away, but I am<br />
grateful for the ways in which<br />
these experiences have<br />
strengthened our resiliency.<br />
What goodbyes do you anticipate for you in<br />
the next two years?<br />
How do you feel about them?<br />
Answering these questions inspired me to<br />
call my parents, initially to ask for the photo<br />
above. I found myself expressing my love and<br />
gratitude for their presence in my life and their<br />
relative good health. I know that they will pass<br />
(though hopefully not in the next two years!),<br />
and I hope to be present and supportive, no<br />
matter what challenges these next several<br />
years bring.<br />
Karen celebrating her third birthday with<br />
her grandmother. (above)<br />
From Amsterdam times, family outing to<br />
the Keukenhof Gardens (below)<br />
Karen with their dog Audrey (top right)<br />
2009 trip with Paula Lucas for a Pathways<br />
training (bottom right)<br />
If all goes well, both Saskia and Anneke will<br />
graduate in <strong>May</strong> 2024, and head to college. I<br />
have conflicting feelings about this; I will miss<br />
them dearly, and I can’t help but worry about<br />
Saskia’s health, but I am excited to see where<br />
their journeys will take them.<br />
What new beginnings do you see for yourself<br />
in the next two years?<br />
How do you feel about these?<br />
Hopefully no more moves! After living no<br />
more than four years in any one place since high<br />
school, I’ve been celebrating reaching the five<br />
year mark here! Saskia and I have been<br />
training our Vizsla as a therapy dog, and I am<br />
really excited to get started bringing her to the<br />
local library to help shy readers. I am also<br />
cultivating ideas about supporting other<br />
parents of chronically ill children, teens and<br />
young adults; this may be through a new<br />
practice opportunity, a non-profit, writing a<br />
book, or some other avenue, but I feel inspired<br />
and hopeful about this goal.<br />
feature<br />
Embracing Change<br />
Danielle Kuznetsov of the FAWCO<br />
Health Team on using stepping<br />
stones to help cope with change.<br />
We all know that there are not many<br />
guarantees in life. Many people<br />
joke that death and taxes are<br />
the absolutes we can count on. I<br />
would add CHANGE to that short list as well.<br />
Change is something that most people avoid like<br />
the plague. It is unpredictable, uncomfortable,<br />
and usually uninvited. Yet, making peace with<br />
it is vital to our health as individuals, couples,<br />
families, and communities, big and small.<br />
FAWCO is in the midst of exactly this kind of<br />
change; a circle of endings that are beginnings<br />
and beginnings that are endings. What happens<br />
on a small level in our private lives supersizes<br />
in organizations. Creating the space and<br />
opportunity for the people's real needs and the<br />
time to adjust is key in transitioning successfully<br />
from where you are to where you want to go.<br />
As expats we have unique experiences that help<br />
us thrive in change. Generally, planning<br />
strategically, maintaining adaptability and<br />
flexibility, and leading by example are the<br />
staples that keep us moving forward. What<br />
other criteria are needed to celebrate the good<br />
and build upon it so the return on investment<br />
(ROI) of change has lasting value?<br />
As a Life Coach and a woman who has<br />
experienced a huge life transition in the last<br />
few years (empty-nest and moving), I have been<br />
exploring this issue, with many ups and downs.<br />
Danielle Kuznetsov, Heidelberg IWC<br />
Retooling is not something that comes quickly,<br />
and there is no roadmap to follow. Each path<br />
for each person or organization is different.<br />
That being said, I have found common stepping<br />
stones to use as my guide. Here they are:<br />
1. Identify your values. A value is a<br />
principle that gives our life meaning and helps<br />
us to keep going when the going gets tough.<br />
Change, whether internal or external, requires<br />
that we reassess what is meaningful and<br />
necessary for us to move on in a stable and<br />
healthy fashion. A little bit of reflection can bring<br />
great clarity. The internet provides many free<br />
value inventories, making this reflection exercise<br />
fairly easy.<br />
only saw the thing that was on my mind.<br />
Unfortunately, I hurt many people before<br />
I realized that I needed to practice the<br />
Golden Rule daily in all circumstances with<br />
all people. Time and aging have their benefits.<br />
I have improved.<br />
• z Exercise Hope. Hope is a VERB and a skill<br />
set. Augustine of Hippo said, “Hope has two<br />
beautiful daughters; their names are<br />
Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things<br />
are, and Courage to see that they don’t<br />
remain as they are.” Hope starts with the<br />
belief that things can be better, and we all<br />
have a role in making that better happen.<br />
Hope is always in motion.<br />
personal or corporate, helps to see how<br />
close one is hitting the target and if impact<br />
is taking place.<br />
As we celebrate endings that bring about<br />
beginnings, I wonder how effective these<br />
stepping stones would be for an organization<br />
such as FAWCO to continue to strengthen its<br />
foundation, prepare for the unexpected, and<br />
empower its members to live victoriously when<br />
change is just around the next corner.<br />
• z Measure results. Results are where<br />
internal and external change pop like a<br />
firecracker. It is the ultimate accountability<br />
partner. In Change Your World, John Maxwell<br />
and Rob Hoskins propose a positive change<br />
rubric: Discover, Design, Deploy, and<br />
Document. This combination, whether<br />
2. Set your priorities. Priorities may be big or<br />
small, but knowing them and creating intentions<br />
around them is key. In order to keep moving<br />
ahead, I have found that committing to activities<br />
the evening prior is extremely beneficial and<br />
creates order and balance that keeps me<br />
moving in the right direction.<br />
3. Be honest about opportunities and<br />
obstacles. YES! So often, we have high integrity<br />
when it comes to serving others, but not to<br />
ourselves. This is a daily discipline of review<br />
of self.<br />
Are we following through on what we say we<br />
want and is important to us, and are we<br />
delivering in the relationships that matter most?<br />
• z Commit yourself to ongoing learning,<br />
improvement, and development. Change on<br />
the outside is the invitation for change within.<br />
I miss this common sense invitation often,<br />
instead bucking reality. Mistakes have been<br />
my friend in this process as I keep polishing<br />
my skill sets by picking myself up and moving<br />
on. Being teachable is one of my values.<br />
• z Engage in activities that contribute to<br />
the cause. Whether as an individual or an<br />
organization, focus is imperative so the way is<br />
not lost in the process. Having clear, defined<br />
goals or aspirations and a structure that<br />
allows for continual contribution requires<br />
rigorous commitment.<br />
• z Communicate effectively. Francis<br />
of Assisi said, “Use words if necessary.” I<br />
will always be a student when it comes<br />
to communication.<br />
• z Move from good intentions to good<br />
actions. It is ironic that we judge others by<br />
what they do and ourselves by our intentions.<br />
Principle number 3 helps me to assess daily<br />
whether or not my actions are a good<br />
reflection of my hidden intentions.<br />
• z Add value to people every day. My<br />
“Saved my Life” mentor of my 20s would<br />
always repeat, “People are more important<br />
than things.” I was dumbfounded at that<br />
statement until I began to see how often I<br />
failed to see the person in front of me and<br />
Photos courtesy of Annelize Smith, FAWCO member.<br />
Danielle Kuznetsov currently lives in<br />
Speyer, Germany, with her husband Alex.<br />
While in this season of transition, she is<br />
serving the local Russian/Ukrainian<br />
community, maintaining family ties with<br />
kids and grandkids, and helping clients<br />
grow into their best selves. Danielle<br />
enjoys traveling with her husband,<br />
reading, investing in and developing<br />
young mothers, and pursuing God in<br />
prayer. She is a member of the<br />
Heidelberg International <strong>Women</strong>’s Club.<br />
She can be reached at:<br /><br />
profile<br />
Revisiting 2020...<br />
Tamara Krautkramer<br />
Liz introduces us to her <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
Woman of 2020, photographer,<br />
Tamara Krautkramer, AWA Kenya.<br />
"In 2020 the <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> team<br />
decided to launch an issue to<br />
feature some of the many<br />
wonderful photographers from around the<br />
FAWCO world. We knew that there were<br />
plenty of these and we were not disappointed.<br />
The issue, <strong>Women</strong> Visualizing a Point of View,<br />
became more about images than words as<br />
a result.<br />
Tamara Krautkramer<br />
Tamara Krautkramer from AWA Kenya was<br />
nominated. I still remember receiving the<br />
images Tamara sent us. I had visited Kenya<br />
in 2018 myself and so some of her photos<br />
brought back many of my own memories.<br />
The vibrance of the colours in her photos and<br />
the sheer range of subject matter impressed<br />
me greatly.<br />
From her original profile, I especially love the<br />
sad photo of the lioness. Looking into her<br />
eyes, you can see that she is sad, even if you<br />
don't know the background story. Tamara<br />
has definitely captured that emotion in a<br />
wild animal.<br />
I also like her last image, taken before<br />
COVID-19 struck, of the Samburu girls feet.<br />
Somehow even though you can’t even see<br />
the warriors they are hoping to dance with,<br />
you can tell they are anxiously waiting for<br />
something. It’s such a skill to be able to use a<br />
static image to portray something moving.<br />
The new photos Tamara has sent us for<br />
this article are equally beautiful,<br />
and I am sure you will love seeing<br />
them too."<br />
Metal lion<br />
found at tennis<br />
courts in<br />
Nairobi.<br />
Excerpt from the original article.<br />
“Where are you from?” has always been a<br />
difficult question for me to answer as my father<br />
was an Air Force pilot, so growing up, we moved<br />
every couple of years. As the new kid in school,<br />
I had to put myself out there to meet other<br />
children or be lonely. I knew the meaning of<br />
“loquacious” very early in life.<br />
We spent five years in Madrid during my<br />
formative teenage years, so Spain has always<br />
felt a bit like home, but I have also lived all<br />
around the US. As an adult, I have mostly lived in<br />
the Seattle area and Sonoma, California.<br />
My parents gave me an SLR camera for my 16 th<br />
birthday while we lived in Madrid. They were<br />
avid travelers and history buffs, so I was<br />
fortunate to travel extensively with them and<br />
credit them for my lifelong obsession with<br />
exploration, adventure and travel photography.<br />
I have been to more than 50 countries.<br />
At university I studied Economics and Art<br />
History, and photography for me has always<br />
been a mix of left and right brain, to use a cliché.<br />
Going from film to digital was a reinvigorating<br />
challenge, and being able to process images at<br />
home rather than in a dark room made<br />
photography a great hobby again. I joined<br />
photography organizations to improve my skills,<br />
meet other photographers and participate in<br />
competitions and gallery shows. Now my<br />
husband would say I am obsessed.<br />
My husband Harold and I were retired and living<br />
in Sonoma, California, but looking for our next<br />
chapter. Luckily we managed to combine our<br />
desire to give back with our love of adventure,<br />
as Harold is currently a volunteer Business<br />
Coach for the Stanford Institute for Innovation in<br />
Developing Economies. Stanford partners with<br />
entrepreneurs in emerging markets to build<br />
thriving enterprises to help end the cycle of<br />
global poverty. We had been in Nairobi for less<br />
than two years when COVID-19 arrived,<br />
temporarily sending us back to the US while we<br />
wait out the pandemic. We love being home in<br />
Seattle but enjoy Kenya and really look forward<br />
to returning.<br />
Read more/rest of original article by clicking here:<br /><br />
read/63740012/inspiring-women-fall-2020/6<br />
<strong>2023</strong> update<br />
The pandemic was, of course, a very difficult<br />
time for most people worldwide. With airports<br />
shutting down, we had to leave Kenya with 48<br />
hours notice and no time for goodbyes.<br />
However, once back home in Seattle, I spent<br />
time with my aged parents, even if behind<br />
masks and shields at first. My father passed at<br />
92 years of age, and I was at his bedside at the<br />
end. The silver lining of Covid-19 for me was the<br />
priceless gift of time with my parents and<br />
siblings. And I found out I could spend 24/7 with<br />
my husband and enjoy every minute of it. We<br />
returned to Nairobi last year and are thrilled to<br />
be back in Africa.<br />
“Goodbyes and New Beginnings”<br />
Of all the people and situations you have said<br />
goodbye to in your life, tell us about two that<br />
you miss the most. Why is that?<br />
As I mentioned, I lost my 92-year-old father in<br />
2021. I loved and respected him, and while he<br />
led a full and happy life, losing a loved one is<br />
always difficult. I am fortunate his wife of 66<br />
years, my 90-year-old mother, is still with us,<br />
albeit a long way away from Nairobi, and I miss<br />
her terribly. Leaving her to return to Kenya in<br />
2022 was difficult, but thank goodness for<br />
instantaneous email, text, and FaceTime. Back<br />
in the Dark Ages, I remember waiting in line for<br />
a phone booth to make an international call<br />
home when traveling for long periods of time.<br />
International phone calls were so expensive we<br />
used to time ourselves so we didn’t talk too long.<br />
Now we can video chat anytime, which really<br />
helps bridge long distances.<br />
Of all the “new beginnings” in your life, tell<br />
us about two that you really remember/that<br />
turned out to be unexpectedly important.<br />
1. My family moved to Spain when I was 12<br />
years old. It was a life-changing experience and<br />
set the stage for a lifetime of exploration. My<br />
parents enthusiastically embraced new<br />
adventures, pitfalls and all, and instilled the<br />
same in all of us. On our first family outing, we<br />
packed everyone into our big Chrysler station<br />
wagon, drove into Madrid and found ourselves<br />
facing oncoming traffic, going the wrong<br />
direction down a major boulevard. My father<br />
managed to turn around safely and just said,<br />
“First lesson learned!” We continued into town,<br />
trying not to get the huge vehicle stuck in the<br />
narrow old streets.<br />
2. The move to Kenya, at 59 years old, was for<br />
a one-year posting, but it is a hard country to<br />
leave. Exploring Kenya and Africa has been<br />
incredibly rewarding; it is an amazing vast<br />
continent with wonderful people and we have<br />
only scratched the surface. We have convinced<br />
many friends in the US to make the long trip to<br />
Africa. They never would have come if we were<br />
not here to encourage them, and every single<br />
one wants to return.<br />
What goodbyes do you anticipate for you<br />
in the next two years? How do you feel<br />
about them?<br />
It will be bittersweet leaving Kenya in the next<br />
few years. New adventures await, but saying<br />
goodbye to friends and life here will be difficult.<br />
The expat life is always filled with hellos and<br />
goodbyes, as we all know too well. At the last<br />
American <strong>Women</strong>’s Association coffee I<br />
attended, I learned a wonderful friend I had<br />
just met at AWA a few months ago is already<br />
leaving. Sad, but so happy I met her, and as she<br />
said, “Now you have a friend in a new country to<br />
come to visit!” Leaving my Kenyan friends will be<br />
difficult but at least I know I can return and see<br />
many friendly faces in one visit to Nairobi.<br />
What new beginnings do you see for yourself<br />
in the next two years? How do you feel<br />
about these?<br />
Who knows? Bring them on! The pandemic<br />
was a reminder that things can change very<br />
quickly. We should never assume anything is<br />
permanent. Remember, our actions affect other<br />
people and always live each day to the fullest!<br />
Photos:<br />
Southern Ground Hornbill eating a snake in<br />
the Massai Mara, Kenya. (page 43, top)<br />
Oxpecker looking for bugs. (page 43, bottom)<br />
Sambura tribal women gather to sing at<br />
sunset. (pages 44 and 45)<br />
Lovely leopard posing in Botswana. (left)<br />
feature<br />
In My Own Words -<br />
"When one door of happiness<br />
closes, another opens"<br />
Liz Janson is the president<br />
of FAUSA, the social and<br />
philanthropic network for former<br />
FAWCO club members and others<br />
repatriating to the United States<br />
and Canada. Liz grew up mostly<br />
in Indiana before starting her<br />
moving ways. She and her<br />
husband have moved an<br />
average of every four years in<br />
their 45 years together, raised<br />
three sons and have four young<br />
grandchildren. With all these<br />
opportunities for reinvention,<br />
Liz has been a museum educator,<br />
knit wire jewelry maker and is<br />
currently passionate about<br />
all things beekeeping. Her<br />
slogan is "Bloom where you’re<br />
planted!" (The bees approve!)<br />
As current and recovering expats, we<br />
all know the bittersweet feelings of<br />
saying goodbye while looking forward<br />
to new beginnings. It’s not easy to say<br />
goodbye, and it’s not easy to start over, be it<br />
in a new country or returning home. As the<br />
president of FAUSA, I’ve heard so many times<br />
how surprising it is to come<br />
home, having had so many<br />
new experiences as an expat,<br />
Hiking in<br />
the UK<br />
only to find returning more<br />
challenging. Old friends are<br />
Liz Janson<br />
often not super interested in hearing about<br />
adventures in Tuscany, weekends in Spain,<br />
desert Jeep tours, safaris in Kenya, and (fill in<br />
the blank!). And our worlds have expanded as<br />
we live in and learn about other ways of living,<br />
health systems, languages, cultures, etc.<br />
I’ve had the fortune of living in five different<br />
countries and coming home to the US three<br />
times. As a 21-year-old returning from a year<br />
as a nanny for an American diplomat’s family in<br />
Moscow, USSR, that readjustment was the most<br />
difficult of all of my homecomings. I wasn’t an<br />
exotic American anymore; no one clamored to<br />
speak English or buy black market blue jeans. I’d<br />
traveled extensively: the trans-Siberian railroad<br />
to Ulan Ude (China wasn’t open to Americans<br />
yet in 1976), the Baltic republics, Uzbekistan<br />
and Leningrad. I’d strayed outside of the area<br />
permitted by my visa and was taken in for<br />
questioning by the KGB, stayed up all night<br />
at an Orthodox Easter vigil in the Moscow<br />
countryside, and learned to drink vodka (though<br />
never very well!). Leaving the USSR was hard;<br />
coming back to the US was harder.<br />
When our sons were 9, 11 and<br />
13, we jumped at the<br />
opportunity to move to Munich,<br />
Germany. We dove into life<br />
there, making dear friends who<br />
still figure prominently in our<br />
sons’ and our lives, traveling<br />
extensively throughout Europe<br />
and feeling like we had wholly<br />
integrated. Sound familiar?!<br />
When we were yanked back to<br />
the US with less than a month’s<br />
notice, we had little time for<br />
goodbyes. Lucky for us, though,<br />
we were able to keep in touch<br />
with friends and goings-on<br />
through emails and visits.<br />
Goodbyes are easier when you<br />
don’t have to schedule a phone<br />
call or wait weeks between<br />
those thin, blue hand-written<br />
letters … remember those?! We threw ourselves<br />
into activities and school upon returning to our<br />
small community in eastern Pennsylvania. I<br />
trained and became a docent at our local<br />
museum and loved it.<br />
Munich International <strong>Women</strong>’s Club members at<br />
Oktoberfest (top left)<br />
Without intending to, however, I stumbled<br />
onto what became a successful strategy when<br />
repatriating: have something new to focus on…<br />
channel the optimism of new beginnings:<br />
look ahead to new<br />
adventures. As the<br />
Buddhist saying goes,<br />
when one door of<br />
happiness closes,<br />
another opens; you<br />
just have to want to<br />
see it. For my first repat<br />
experience, I transferred<br />
to a new school, moved<br />
to a new city, and<br />
hunkered down to learn,<br />
explore and find new<br />
friends. One of these<br />
became my husband of<br />
almost 44 years, Eric,<br />
a fellow midwesterner<br />
who had also lived<br />
abroad, racing cars in<br />
the UK before we found<br />
each other.<br />
Liz Janson, Patricia Lawrence and Hope Moore at<br />
Oktoberfest (bottom)<br />
Liz and family in Yangshuo, China (son Nils and wife<br />
Alicia) (top right, page 51)<br />
A short two years later we moved again, to<br />
Dallas, TX. I sometimes say that move was<br />
similar to moving to a foreign country for me!<br />
I again found a docent gig and upped the ante<br />
by becoming a docent instructor. My biggest<br />
new beginning in Dallas was to go back to<br />
school full time and get my master's in museum<br />
education. Goodbyes weren’t difficult as we<br />
packed and moved to Cambridge, UK. The new<br />
beginnings there included learning how to be<br />
an empty nester for the first time, with all three<br />
kids back in the US, either in university or freshly<br />
graduated. With no option for a work permit<br />
to continue working in the museum world, I<br />
studied for the CELTA certificate to teach<br />
English as a second language. A Munich friend<br />
and I started our tradition of one-week hiking<br />
tours on the UK National Trails. We just<br />
completed our 14th hike together last summer<br />
in Slovenia/Italy/Austria.<br />
The goodbye to Cambridge was easy when Eric’s<br />
job took us back to live in our beloved Munich.<br />
We still had many good friends from our first<br />
time in Munich. One of my new beginnings<br />
was to learn German; I studied at the local<br />
Volkshochschule for the first year so that I<br />
could pass the language and citizenship classes<br />
required for my permanent residence visa.<br />
Another new beginning that was to become a<br />
very important part of my life was to join the<br />
Munich IWC the first week after we moved to<br />
Munich. Our lives were and continue to be<br />
enriched immensely by connecting with this<br />
wonderful community and organization of<br />
international and German women and their<br />
partners. After 18 months in Munich, we had<br />
the opportunity to move to Shanghai for six<br />
months with a group from Eric’s company.<br />
These six months were pretty much one big new<br />
beginning! I immediately joined the FAWCO club<br />
in Shanghai and hit the ground running with its<br />
many activities and volunteer opportunities.<br />
The president of that club lived in our apartment<br />
building and was a big FAWCO fan; she<br />
encouraged me to become more active, and<br />
I became the FAWCO rep for MIWC upon our<br />
return to Munich.<br />
My husband retired in 2017, and we returned to<br />
the US but not to a place we’d ever lived before:<br />
Boulder, CO. As much as we loved living in<br />
Munich, it was the least difficult goodbye and<br />
the easiest new beginning as we had much to<br />
look forward to. We built a new home, and I got<br />
involved in FAUSA. Our children married, and<br />
we now have four grandchildren.<br />
Goodbyes and new beginnings are the circles of<br />
my life. Although we leave parts of ourselves<br />
behind when we move, we take what we’ve<br />
learned and use it to reinvent ourselves, grow<br />
and move forward.<br />
As a member of FAUSA, I’ve been able to stay<br />
connected to friends, teams, and priorities from<br />
my FAWCO and The FAWCO Foundation lives.<br />
I’ve met wonderful people who share and<br />
understand the experience of living globally.<br />
We gather annually at the FAUSA Getaway to<br />
socialize, explore new locations and have our<br />
annual meeting. We share virtual activities and<br />
events across North America. I encourage you<br />
to join FAUSA when you return! You’ll find likeminded<br />
people who are Globally Connected,<br />
Locally Active. And you’ll find that many of those<br />
past doors are not really closed.<br />
Liz and her bees (above)<br />
Liz and Eric in Xi'An, China (below)<br />
Liz as a museum docent, Münchner Stadtmuseum<br />
(Munich City Museum) (top right, page 53)<br />
Tharien’s Art is a boutique art studio in<br />
Antwerp, Belgium,<br />
specializing in hand-painted greeting<br />
cards, prints and paintings.<br />
Painting with a Purpose<br />
Are you looking for a unique greeting card<br />
to send to family or friends, or artwork to<br />
brighten up your home?<br />
Browse the collections on the website –<br /><br />
– now to find a special piece of art.<br />
Proceeds from all sales go to Hope for Girls<br />
and <strong>Women</strong> Tanzania to support the tertiary<br />
education of the girls at the safe houses.<br />
Special announcement:<br />
Tharien’s Art will be<br />
supporting the Target<br />
Program Environment<br />
2022-2025 with a<br />
number special offers.<br />
More details will be<br />
provided in the next<br />
newsletter.<br />
profile<br />
Revisiting 2021...<br />
Sarah Grant<br />
Liz introduces us to her <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
Woman of 2021, nutritionist<br />
Sarah Grant, AWBS.<br />
"T<br />
here were so many inspirational<br />
women featured in our <strong>May</strong> 2021<br />
issue of <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>, which<br />
was all about wellness. But I was<br />
especially drawn to Sarah as she is a fellow Brit<br />
and she even went to the same university as I did,<br />
Leeds. I also happen to think that what she says<br />
about the importance of nutrition for our overall<br />
health and well-being is an important message<br />
for us all.<br />
She had become interested in nutrition after<br />
having had a successful experience herself with<br />
a nutritionist and this had led on to her studying<br />
for various qualifications and setting up her<br />
nutritional practice. Although I didn’t end up<br />
studying the topic, I had also had a similar<br />
experience working with a nutritionist where I<br />
learned how important nutrition is for my overall<br />
health and well-being.<br />
I was particularly interested to read her thoughts<br />
on the importance of eating a rainbow of plantbased<br />
foods daily as this is something I have<br />
been working on incorporating into my life too.<br />
I was also interested to read about her need to<br />
take regular walks in nature and that she had set<br />
up a walking group in her local area to do this<br />
and help others do it too.<br />
Reading her profile made me think that here was<br />
yet another FAWCO woman with whom I would<br />
be very interested to chat, either sitting down<br />
over a coffee or going for a walk."<br />
Sarah Grant<br />
Sarah with<br />
"Friend for Life"<br />
homeopath<br />
Rowena<br />
54 INSPIRING WOMEN Prescot.<br />
Excerpt from the original article.<br />
I grew up in and around Warwickshire, a<br />
leafy green county nestled in the middle of<br />
UK. There was a lot of history to be enjoyed<br />
living on the doorstep of Warwick Castle,<br />
one of England’s finest medieval castles,<br />
and Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of<br />
William Shakespeare.<br />
I was shy as a child but still enjoyed having<br />
lots of lovely friends, including a core group<br />
with whom I’m still close. I was an allrounder<br />
at school, grasping the arts and<br />
sciences, but my creative streak is possibly<br />
the thing that most of my peers at school will<br />
remember me for.<br />
A stand-out memory was the school putting<br />
a painting of mine forward for a national<br />
exhibition and finding out it was accepted to<br />
be exhibited at the Mall Galleries in London,<br />
which I proudly attended with my mum!<br />
Moving on ...<br />
I went to Leeds University to study History of<br />
Art, which I really enjoyed, but I didn’t feel<br />
compelled to work in a gallery or museum.<br />
Instead, I decided to apply myself to a career<br />
in digital marketing and online project<br />
management. This was at a time (around<br />
2001!) when most companies and<br />
organizations were still yet to launch their<br />
first websites. The work I did enabled me to<br />
use my creative streak through contributing<br />
to the creative strategy, planning and<br />
design of online media, as well deploying<br />
and developing my organizational and<br />
people skills.<br />
“Goodbyes and New Beginnings”<br />
Of all the people and situations you have said<br />
goodbye to in your life, tell us about two that<br />
you miss the most. Why is that?<br />
I don’t tend to miss situations, even the good<br />
ones, as goodbyes inevitably evolve into new<br />
beginnings anyway.<br />
For example, I have moved house a handful of<br />
times in the past five years, some out of choice<br />
but some through circumstances. This has<br />
presented a challenge for me as I relish feeling<br />
grounded, and having a home environment that<br />
I can really relax in and enjoy is important to me.<br />
However, I have also learned that I can<br />
embrace the challenge of moving and can adapt<br />
to new situations. Looking back, I also value the<br />
contrasting living and life experiences that have<br />
presented themselves as a result of moving.<br />
When it comes to people, I lost my father in my<br />
mid-twenties and I shall always miss him. He<br />
was a rock and his love for me, and all the<br />
family, was unequivocal.<br />
Wellbeing Walk in Great Windsor Park.<br />
Of all the “new beginnings” in your life, tell<br />
us about two that you really remember/that<br />
turned out to be unexpectedly important.<br />
I moved from Kenilworth, Warwickshire to<br />
Englefield Green, Surrey in 2018 to be with<br />
someone. Whilst the relationship didn’t turn<br />
out, the experience proved to be a fantastic<br />
new beginning for other reasons!<br />
Living there for four years, I connected with<br />
wonderful people who helped me create a life<br />
in a new part of the country, and who continue<br />
to play an important role, despite the distance,<br />
now that I’m living in Warwickshire again.<br />
Through groups like AWBS and Real Networking,<br />
and also setting up my own walking group, I met<br />
inspiring, supportive, like-minded people who<br />
have become friends for life.<br />
What goodbyes do you anticipate for you<br />
in the next two years? How do you feel<br />
about them?<br />
I have been through a lot of change and sadly<br />
said goodbye to many people I love who have<br />
passed away. I am currently growing my<br />
Read more/rest of original article by clicking<br />
here:<br /><br />
read/65608060/inspiring-women-magazinemay-2021/17<br />
<strong>2023</strong> update<br />
Disordered eating habits and poor body<br />
images are rife. At a time when we are all<br />
exposed to so much noise and contradictory<br />
information in the media and diet culture about<br />
what we should and shouldn’t eat, I am more<br />
committed than ever to helping people connect<br />
with their health in meaningful, intuitive ways<br />
that empower them to nourish themselves<br />
physically and emotionally.<br />
Hosting a Wellbeing Talk at the Savill Garden. (above)<br />
Representing Gut Reaction at AWBS International<br />
<strong>Women</strong>'s Club's first Wellbeing Day at Wentworth.<br />
(top right)<br /><br />
business and creating a home in Warwickshire.<br />
So, whilst we never know quite what life will<br />
bring, I’m hoping for more stability and less<br />
goodbyes in the next two years.<br />
However, there are some things that I am ready<br />
to let go of in order to help me continue to grow<br />
as a person and in my business. An example is<br />
trying to present everything I do perfectly to the<br />
world! I know this tendency can sometimes get<br />
in the way of me being more vocal and visible<br />
in the wellness industry, and I would love to say<br />
goodbye to it!<br />
What new beginnings do you see for yourself<br />
in the next two years? How do you feel<br />
about these?<br />
My business, Gut Reaction, is ten years old this<br />
year. Whilst this milestone is an opportunity<br />
to celebrate all that I have achieved and<br />
helped others to achieve, it also signifies a<br />
new beginning for Gut Reaction.<br />
I’ve recently consolidated all my learnings from<br />
the past decade into The Gut Reaction Method,<br />
my tried and tested approach that harnesses<br />
the power of nutritional science and intuition<br />
to help people find peace with food and eat in<br />
optimal alignment for their own bodies.<br />
The Gut Reaction Method is the basis of my<br />
personalized holistic nutrition coaching<br />
program, Reconnect, and the Mind-Body-Food<br />
Freedom retreats I host in Turkey. I am also<br />
working on a book – a new beginning that fills<br />
me with both trepidation and huge excitement!<br />
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feature<br />
Through My Lens<br />
"Through My Lens" is a compilation feature<br />
with a photo and short caption from<br />
multiple contributors.<br />
For this "Through My Lens" feature, we have<br />
several FAWCO women's contributions on the<br />
subject matter of Saying Goodbye or New Beginnings.<br />
Kristin D. Haanæs, AWC Oslo<br />
S. Earl Dubbel<br />
From the beginning of my life, my grandfather and I forged a special bond. He was<br />
a brilliant,unassuming man who graduated both from Harvard and Princeton then<br />
took six years off just to read. My grandfather was 69, a Professor Emeritus in English<br />
and a semi-retired Presbyterian minister when I came into his life and was 88 when<br />
he left mine.<br />
Having been an English professor and owning over 4000 books, he quite naturally<br />
shared his love of books and reading with me. He instilled this love of books in me<br />
at a very young age. I was told that he started to read to me every evening from the<br />
time I was three years old, and from the time that I can remember, he would read to<br />
me everything from myths and legends to Shakespeare. When I didn’t understand<br />
something, i.e. Shakespeare, he would explain it to me, so by the time I was seven I<br />
was well versed with Shakespeare’s comedies! From the time I could read myself, he<br />
bribed me into reading many of the classics, such as Austen, Dickens and the Brontë<br />
sisters. After I had read them, we would then discuss the books’ themes and their<br />
characters. That helped me sail through all my English classes in high school and<br />
college! Unfortunately, he died during my first year in college and did not get to see<br />
my A from a graduate English literature course on King Arthur. On the first day of this<br />
class the professor suggested that I drop the course because I was an undergrad and<br />
NOT even an English major. As it turned out, I was the one who received the highest<br />
grade in that course. To this day, thanks to my grandfather, I am a huge bookworm.<br />
Kristin, her<br />
grandfather and<br />
their nightly<br />
reading sessions.<br />
Two empty chairs. The end of a magical holiday, saying goodbye to family and<br />
friends, until next time.<br />
Catharina Hechter<br />
Tharien van Eck, AWC Antwerp<br />
A new beginning – our “lives” are being packed into a container many years ago!<br />
The question in our minds: “What will it be like to live in a new country?”<br />
At the end of a long cypress-lined avenue in the Garden of Alcazar stands the<br />
statue of Christopher Columbus greeted by the Catholic monarchs Isabella<br />
and Ferdinand II. The "New World" discovered on October 12, 1492 was a new<br />
beginning in history that has affected us all! This picture was taken on a tour of<br />
Andalusia in the fall of 2022; the gardens are in Cordoba.<br />
Linda De Keulenaer, AWC Antwerp<br />
Michele Hendrikse Du Bois, FAUSA<br />
Star Magnolia<br />
While we officially celebrate the new year on January 1, for me, the first sign<br />
of the new year is when my star magnolia starts to bloom. The bursting of the<br />
flowers from their winter beds is my signal we are saying goodbye to the old<br />
and welcoming the new year.<br />
The last night – October 2, 2022<br />
Taking my last walk in the beautiful city of Moscow, where I've spent the previous<br />
nine years, discovering the depth of my soul, was a combination of the usual<br />
awe and appreciation, thankfulness and love that I have developed for this<br />
diverse nation. Zaryadya Park was my last stop, with a panoramic view of all<br />
the architecture I fell in love with. My eye caught this huge patch of Yellow<br />
Coneflowers and combined with the night light this image is a true reflection of<br />
my heart. Sad, for what is happening at the moment, but always keep hope for a<br />
future filled with peace and unity for all of us.<br />
Annelize Smith, AWO Moscow<br />
Outgoing and incoming FAWCO Presidents, Emily van Eerten and<br />
Ann Marie Morrow, represent the many goodbyes and new beginnings<br />
as FAWCO leadership roles transitioned at the <strong>2023</strong> Biennial Conference<br />
in Bratislava, Slovakia.<br />
profile<br />
Revisiting 2022...<br />
Sandra Montgomery<br />
Liz introduces us to her <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
Woman of 2022 gardener, Sandra<br />
Montgomery, AWC Bogotá.<br />
"Our <strong>May</strong> 2022 issue of <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
<strong>Women</strong> featured all things gardening<br />
and also went on to become our<br />
very first "live" event with the<br />
Garden Party that we hosted online in June.<br />
Sandra’s story started with a great deal of<br />
trauma in her early years which could easily<br />
have broken her; in fact she was in a life<br />
threatening car crash during this period. But<br />
from those early, very dark years she has moved<br />
on and developed into a woman who is clearly<br />
at peace with herself and her life.<br />
Reading about someone who uses what they<br />
learned through their own personal difficulties<br />
is inspiring. After many years working in the<br />
corporate world, Sandra decided to resign and<br />
retrain in psychology. She subsequently set up<br />
a physical space for others, especially pregnant<br />
teens and those in other vulnerable situations<br />
like the one she had been in many years before,<br />
to come for rest and healing.<br />
While she does this she also has developed a<br />
real passion for gardening and finds it brings<br />
peace to her mind. Not having any formal<br />
training and dealing with gardening in Colombia,<br />
she has learned, mainly by trial and error, what<br />
she can and can’t grow. It clearly has become a<br />
real passion.<br />
Sandra Montgomery<br />
She was good enough to agree to<br />
be one of the presenters at the<br />
Garden Party and it was a real<br />
pleasure to get to know her better<br />
through that experience."<br />
Sandra out in<br />
her gorgeous<br />
garden<br />
Excerpt from the original article.<br />
I am from Bogotá, Colombia. As the<br />
second of four daughters, most of the<br />
time I lived in a small town where my<br />
mother had grown up. Think hot weather,<br />
light clothes. I was a happy girl, a free<br />
spirit who loved to play on the streets<br />
with my friends until late. I did not like<br />
school at all; I used to ride bikes, play<br />
basketball, hide, swim in the river and<br />
enjoy family gatherings.<br />
My early years were hard. I became a<br />
single mother at 15 years old. My first<br />
jobs were cleaning floors and selling<br />
underwear at a chain store. During this<br />
time I went through a period of true<br />
darkness and was using psychoactive<br />
substances and alcohol. Then, in 1993, I<br />
faced death as a result of a car accident<br />
that disfigured my face and my soul. Due<br />
to the trauma, I suffered from panic<br />
attacks, depression, anxiety and being<br />
overweight for many years. But today<br />
I live in Tenjo, Colombia, and enjoy a<br />
harmonious, light and airy figure,<br />
without the need for surgery. Presence,<br />
self-observation, self love and care,<br />
acceptance of emotions and fasting are<br />
my best allies today.<br />
I worked for fifteen years in well-known<br />
corporations, specializing in human<br />
resources management and<br />
administration. In 2006, I decided<br />
to resign to pursue my dream to study<br />
psychology. So in 2007, I began<br />
professional studies in psychology,<br />
integrative Gestalt therapy, integral yoga<br />
and TRE® stress and trauma releasing<br />
exercises, disciplines that today are part<br />
of my everyday life; I specialize in<br />
mindful eating.<br />
Read more/rest of original article by clicking here:<br /><br />
read/66787490/inspiring-women-magazinemay-2022/25<br />
“Goodbyes and<br />
New Beginnings”<br />
Of all the people<br />
and situations you<br />
have said goodbye<br />
to in your life, tell us<br />
about two that you<br />
miss the most.<br />
Why is that?<br />
My most difficult<br />
goodbye was when<br />
my youngest son left<br />
home to start his own<br />
life. My husband and I<br />
were both sad to see<br />
him move to the big<br />
city, but it was a<br />
beautiful opportunity<br />
to understand how<br />
attached we were to him and how focused<br />
our attention was on him. It was a chance for<br />
us to redefine our relationship as a couple<br />
and move on.<br />
Now we enjoy more experiences together. I<br />
also have more time for myself to do the<br />
creative things that I love. I can read, write<br />
and experience new adventures only for me.<br />
That is a treasure!<br />
Of all the “new beginnings” in your life, tell<br />
us about two that you really remember/that<br />
turned out to be unexpectedly important.<br />
I was involved in a car accident, which became an<br />
important “new beginning” for me. It made me<br />
begin a new life, with a new face and new<br />
priorities. I was determined to replace complaints<br />
with gratitude. That’s right, I could have kept<br />
crying and suffering about how my face got<br />
disfigured, how I had to endure surgeries<br />
Harvesting<br />
blackberries in<br />
our garden.<br />
(far left, page 70)<br />
Sitting in her<br />
sanctuary –<br />
her studio used<br />
for workshops<br />
and consulting.<br />
(above)<br />
Corporate<br />
workshop about<br />
stress<br />
management<br />
and selfcare.<br />
(left)<br />
With her husband and number one supporter, Thomas. (right)<br />
What goodbyes do you anticipate for you<br />
in the next two years? How do you feel<br />
about them?<br />
Goodbye to following diets, demanding<br />
exercises, famous models and fitness gurus.<br />
I just want to be myself: authentic, transparent,<br />
living in the present, aware of my own<br />
breathing and listening to the wisdom of my<br />
own body by spending time with myself.<br />
How do I feel? Free! Yes, free. Allowing myself<br />
to enjoy variety, colors, smells and all the<br />
abundant medicinal fruits that Mother Nature<br />
unconditionally provides to us. I want to nurture<br />
myself with self-compassion and appreciation,<br />
to value myself by accepting each part of my<br />
body as it is, including my feelings, emotions<br />
and my cravings! Goodbye to old habits of<br />
looking for external recognition, validation,<br />
appreciation and acceptance.<br />
What new beginnings do you see for yourself<br />
in the next two years? How do you feel<br />
about these?<br />
Every morning is a new beginning, an<br />
opportunity to be grateful to be alive to the<br />
miracle of being able to see, feel, move, think<br />
and to manifest creativity, giving the best to<br />
myself and to the world.<br />
I wish to continue to be surprised with simple<br />
things in life — a flower, a tree, a landscape,<br />
the rain, the sun, a hummingbird — as if I were<br />
always on vacation. That’s right, I want my life to<br />
become an endless vacation: no rush, no need<br />
to run, just be calm and joyful. I see myself<br />
enjoying life in acceptance and presence,<br />
continuing with my passion of leading corporate<br />
workshops, facilitating fasting and silent retreats,<br />
sharing knowledge for others’ self-care, personal<br />
development, self-regulation and multiplying<br />
physical, mental and emotional wellness.<br />
and lost my job, but I never lost my positive<br />
attitude. I was happy because I had made it<br />
out alive, and that allowed me to recover and<br />
move on. We humans are resilient beings.<br />
I have been thankful about everything ever<br />
since — the good stuff and also the not so<br />
good stuff — because that’s life: suffering<br />
and joyfulness, pleasure and pain, life and death,<br />
frosts and droughts. Every day is an opportunity.<br />
It is up to us to use days as trampolines for our<br />
personal evolution.<br />
Fountain where hummingbirds and other colorful birds<br />
come to play. (above)<br />
Facilitating a visualization/meditation during a silent and<br />
72 INSPIRING WOMEN fasting retreat. (right, page 73)<br />
feature<br />
24 Hours in ... Aberdeen!<br />
Who best to tell us about the best<br />
places to visit in a new city than<br />
those who live there? AWA<br />
Aberdeen members Kristen<br />
Belknap and Mimi Glimore-<br />
Maurer take us on a whistlestop<br />
tour of Aberdeen, Scotland.<br />
The Association of American <strong>Women</strong> of Aberdeen<br />
was originally founded by six American women<br />
who felt there was not enough contact among<br />
the US expatriate community in Aberdeen. The<br />
club was formed to make social contacts with<br />
fellow expatriates, help newcomers settle in,<br />
provide support when the going got tough and<br />
make lasting friendships. February 1, 1985 was<br />
the first meeting of our club.<br />
We have 71 members, who are mainly expats.<br />
We are women from all walks of life, united in our<br />
interest to foster and develop a fun, welcoming<br />
environment for newcomers and expatriates in<br />
Scotland while getting involved in the local<br />
community through charity and volunteer work.<br />
We organize the largest Holiday Craft Fair in<br />
Aberdeen in November, as well as many other<br />
social club events and philanthropic fundraising<br />
events. Each year our membership votes on a<br />
local charity to sponsor for the upcoming year's<br />
philanthropic events.<br />
Bullers of<br />
Buchan<br />
Aberdeen has a population of 227,430<br />
(2021) and is the third most populous city<br />
in Scotland. The city is a combination of<br />
Scots and expatriates due to Aberdeen<br />
being the oil capital of Europe. Aberdeen has the<br />
highest proportion of expatriates in Scotland.<br />
People are mostly brought to our city through the<br />
oil and gas industry or the fishing and shipping<br />
industries. Aberdeen is also known as a major<br />
fishing hub in the UK. The largest population<br />
group is aged 25-44 and the smallest is aged 75<br />
and older.<br />
When to visit...<br />
April - October, with June and July, are the<br />
premium months to visit Aberdeen. The<br />
glens, forests, rivers and beaches are all at<br />
their most glorious. You get a taste of all<br />
seasons in those months, as well as access<br />
to all attractions that close during snowfall<br />
months. Being on the east coast we have<br />
fewer issues with midges.<br />
ADay in Aberdeen<br />
Start the day well...<br />
It is not common to go out for breakfast in<br />
Scotland; however, a traditional breakfast<br />
could be porridge, Scotch pancakes, or a<br />
cooked breakfast. A cooked breakfast would<br />
usually include sausage, maybe Lorne (a<br />
square sausage slice), black pudding, eggs,<br />
baked tomato, tattie scone, baked beans<br />
and bacon. Normally, locals might go out for<br />
coffee, scones, cake, and/or a breakfast roll.<br />
The breakfast roll is usually sausage or<br />
bacon, possibly with egg if requested, in a<br />
white bread roll with a choice of HP/brown<br />
sauce or tomato/ketchup sauce. Most cafés<br />
tend to offer a brunch menu rather than a<br />
breakfast menu, as most do not open until<br />
10:00 am. Your hotel is where you are most<br />
likely to find a full Scottish breakfast at a<br />
more average time for breakfast.<br />
But if in fact you want to go out of the hotel ...<br />
Scottish Cooked Breakfast<br />
Boxcar Coffee & Yard<br />
Banchory Lodge<br />
Time for a break...<br />
It is really a mix and depends on what<br />
you want. Restaurant services tend to<br />
run very leisurely and slow; you can end<br />
up at a sit-down restaurant for upwards<br />
of 2 hours. However, cafés offer a range<br />
of sandwiches and snacks for a quicker<br />
option. There are really many good<br />
lunch spots, both casual, on-the-go and<br />
more formal.<br />
Banchory Lodge<br />
Not right the city - it’s out in Banchory –<br />
but a total gem<br />
Dee St, Banchory AB31 5HS<br /><br />
Amuse 1<br />
Queen's Terrace, Aberdeen AB10 1XL<br />
htts://<br />
The Silver Darling<br />
Pocra Quay, Aberdeen AB11 5DQ<br /><br />
The Craftsman Company –<br />
Coffee & Ale House<br />
2 Guild St, Aberdeen AB11 6NE<br /><br />
The Albyn<br />
11 Albyn Pl, Aberdeen AB10 1YE<br /><br />
CUP Tea Salon<br />
Best picks for breakfast –<br />
Foodstory<br />
11-15 Thistle St, Aberdeen AB10 1XZ<br /><br />
Boxcar Coffee & Yard<br />
1 Station Rd, Cults, Aberdeen AB15 9NP<br /><br />
CUP<br />
9 Little Belmont St, Aberdeen AB10 1JG<br /><br />
Climate...<br />
Always be prepared for four seasons<br />
in one day; for instance in one day you<br />
can experience rain, hail, sunny blue<br />
skies, wind, snow and fluctuations in<br />
temperature. The winter can be quite<br />
cold and wet with limited hours of<br />
daylight and a handful of snows.<br />
However, the long, temperate summer<br />
days make up for it. Late spring,<br />
summer and early fall can be absolutely<br />
gorgeous and the outdoors beckon.<br />
A<br />
fternoon activities...<br />
Aberdeen City Beach<br />
If you head out to the west slightly to a small<br />
town called Banchory, you can take a short<br />
hike up Scolty Hill and then end with tea at<br />
Banchory Lodge. If you fancy a bit of beach,<br />
but not far, you can head down to Aberdeen<br />
city beach and enjoy a stroll on the boardwalk,<br />
but don’t forget to check the tide table before<br />
venturing. It wouldn’t be much fun if most of<br />
the beach was under water. We have drastic<br />
tides in these parts.<br />
Puffin Watching at<br />
Bullers of Buchan<br />
A great place to stop is<br />
BrewDog Brewery in<br />
Ellon on the way back<br />
from Cruden Bay.<br />
Unit Balmacassie<br />
Industrial Estate,<br />
Ellon AB41 8BX,<br /><br />
Puffins at<br />
Bullers of Buchan<br />
Ruins of Slains Castle<br />
If you fancy a beach, a<br />
castle and a natural wonder<br />
in rock formations with puffin<br />
sightings, you can head up<br />
to Cruden Bay Beach. It’s a<br />
dramatic cliff-side walk that<br />
takes you past the ruins of<br />
Slains Castle, the inspiration<br />
for Dracula, and then on to<br />
the Bullers of Buchan, where<br />
there is a blowhole, along<br />
with several natural arches<br />
and puffin sightings in the<br />
spring. You can walk back the<br />
same way you came for three<br />
hours total or catch a bus on<br />
the main road back to Cruden<br />
Bay. You should note that,<br />
while the sun is out past<br />
midnight in the summer,<br />
restaurants for dinner still<br />
prefer to close somewhere<br />
near 9:00 pm. You can have a<br />
late afternoon adventure, but<br />
not too late if you still want a<br />
good meal.<br />
Greyhope Bay is on the south side of<br />
Aberdeen harbor and close to where<br />
the brand-new, additional Aberdeen<br />
harbor is now located. It is a lovely<br />
beach where you can go tide-pooling,<br />
watch ships going in and out of the<br />
harbor and stop at the new, little café<br />
with great dolphin watching. The café<br />
is at the top of the hill near the parking<br />
for the beach, with toilets and superb<br />
views of the city and the North Sea.<br />
It’s called The Liberty Kitchen.<br />
Greyhope Bay Center, Greyhope Rd,<br />
Aberdeen AB11 8QX,<br /><br />
This page and next, Greyhope Bay<br />
View from The Liberty Kitchen<br />
Or ...<br />
afternoon shopping, anyone?<br />
Many of the shops are local and showcase<br />
unique gifts, many from local crafters, in<br />
small quaint settings. They are not brand<br />
names and are a pleasure to visit for things<br />
that will give you a feel for Scotland.<br />
Cloudyblue<br />
165 Rosemount Pl, Aberdeen AB25 2XP<br /><br />
Blue/100044418056609/<br />
Rosemount Market<br />
217-219 Rosemount Pl, Aberdeen AB25 2XS<br /><br />
Juniper<br />
35 Belmont St, Aberdeen AB10 1JS<br /><br />
Curated Aberdeen<br />
George St, Aberdeen AB25 1HZ - located<br />
inside Bon Accord Aberdeen<br /><br />
Garden Centers<br />
Garden centers are popular here and have<br />
cafés attached to them. They have a wide<br />
range of gifts and local crafts. They are our<br />
go-to for when we are getting gifts and<br />
Scottish treats to pack in our suitcases for<br />
family and friends back in the USA.<br />
Dobbies Garden Center<br />
Whitemyres House, New Park farm, Lang<br />
Stracht, Aberdeen AB15 6AX<br /><br />
aberdeen?utm_source=google&utm_<br />
medium=organic&utm_campaign=LPM_<br />
google_Aberdeen<br />
Raemoir Garden Center<br />
Raemoir Rd, Banchory AB31 4EJ<br /><br />
Union Square (for high street stores)<br />
Guild St, Aberdeen AB11 5RG<br /><br />
After-dark fun...<br />
The locals like to arrange to meet<br />
for drinks and dinner, which<br />
usually turns into walking around<br />
going for more drinks at the unique<br />
bars and pubs. Late-night<br />
transportation post-COVID-19 is an<br />
issue in this city, so be prepared for<br />
cab lines or late nights due to lack<br />
of transport.<br />
Cafe Boheme<br />
23 Windmill Brae,<br />
Aberdeen AB11 6HU<br /><br />
Moonfish<br />
9 Correction Wynd,<br />
Aberdeen AB10 1HP<br /><br />
Nargile<br />
77-79 Skene St,<br />
Aberdeen AB10 1QD<br /><br />
NargileRestaurant?locale=en_GB<br />
Tarragon (traditional)<br />
137 Rosemount Pl,<br />
Aberdeen AB25 2YH<br /><br /><br />
Aberdeen's Nightlife …<br />
Yes, there are many great places for dinner,<br />
drinks, and more drinks from whiskey dens to<br />
wine bars and cutting-edge bars. You can find<br />
upscale establishments with creative drink<br />
menus or live Irish music in a pub at Malones<br />
Irish Bar. There are theater options, concerts<br />
at P&J Live Arena, live music in pubs, breakout<br />
rooms, bowling and candlelight concerts.<br />
Kristen Belknap at BrewDog<br />
Malones Irish Bar<br />
90 Shiprow, Aberdeen AB11 5BZ<br /><br />
Cheerz Gay Bar (late night)<br />
2 Exchange St, Aberdeen AB11 6PH<br /><br />
Krakatoa<br />
2 Trinity Quay, Aberdeen AB11 5AA<br /><br />
Soul Bar<br />
333 Union St, Aberdeen AB11 6BS<br /><br />
City Snaps<br />
Aberdeen City<br />
Photo- Michelle Sandra Aitken<br />
The Mercat Cross<br />
Marischal College<br />
Brig o'Balgownie over the River Don<br />
(from left to right)<br />
Aberdeen city mural<br />
(page 84)<br />
Marischal Square<br />
Leopard<br />
(page 84)<br />
Looking east on<br />
Rosemount Viaduct<br />
Out and About<br />
Doonies Rare Breeds<br />
Farm (right)<br />
Sunset at Aberdeen City<br />
Beach (below)<br />
New Slains Castle<br />
(middle, page 87 )<br />
Stonehaven Sculptures<br />
Walk (far right and below<br />
right, page 87)<br />
profile<br />
The "Pandemic President"<br />
FAWCO’s outgoing President, Emily van Eerten, AWC The Hague, says<br />
"goodbye" to her role as President.<br />
Emily van Eerten<br />
I<br />
grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma and until I<br />
was 12 had never been further than the<br />
surrounding states. That year, my older<br />
brother was part of a local youth<br />
symphonic band that toured Europe. My<br />
parents had never been abroad at that point<br />
either, so they signed up to be chaperones and<br />
my younger brother and I got to tag along as<br />
well. It was a “if this is Tuesday, this must be<br />
Belgium” kind of tour, with concert stops in<br />
London, Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Copenhagen<br />
and Oslo. I loved it.<br />
When I was 16, my life changed dramatically<br />
when my older brother and his best friend<br />
were broadsided by a concrete-mixer truck.<br />
Nothing can prepare a family for that news,<br />
and although we still got up every morning and<br />
got through the subsequent days and years,<br />
the harsh lesson that life is a gift with an<br />
unknown expiration date hit me in such a<br />
way that I approached every future decision<br />
with the question, if not now, when? I decided<br />
I would see the world, starting with Rice<br />
University out of state. In my sophomore year, I<br />
decided somewhat late that I should go abroad<br />
for my junior year. Too late for any established<br />
programs, I wrote to the British consulate,<br />
got a list of universities, wrote to ten of them,<br />
applied directly to three, and chose the one<br />
with the most appealing brochure, St. Andrews<br />
in Scotland. Luckily this ended up being even<br />
cheaper than Rice, so my parents reluctantly<br />
agreed. It was a fabulous<br />
experience, which included a<br />
spring break trip to Israel and<br />
Egypt, acting in a theatre group<br />
and performing at the Edinburgh<br />
Emily as<br />
FAWCO<br />
President in<br />
2005<br />
1990: Attorneys by day, theatre producers by night<br />
(left, page 90)<br />
1995: Officer's wife (top right)<br />
2021: North Sea sailing (bottom right)<br />
Fringe Festival that summer. After finishing<br />
my philosophy degree at Rice the next year,<br />
I returned to Tulsa for law school, where I<br />
continued to do theatre on the side. After<br />
sitting for the bar exam, I toured Europe for two<br />
months until the results were in and I had to<br />
start my adult life as a lawyer. Still bitten by the<br />
theatre bug, I also helped found and run a new<br />
theatre company, producing and directing four<br />
to five contemporary American plays per year<br />
for the next five years.<br />
One of my law school friends invited me to join<br />
her in Cheyenne, Wyoming, for Frontier Days,<br />
the Daddy of ‘em All Rodeo Festival. She<br />
promised a great girls' week, and it was. Of<br />
particular note, though, was a Dutch naval<br />
officer I met briefly in the Cheyenne Club one<br />
night. We only shared a couple of dances and<br />
some conversation that evening, but we exchanged<br />
addresses. He sent me a postcard a<br />
couple of days later, and I wrote back. To make<br />
a long three-and-a-half-year story short, we<br />
married. As we were discussing who would<br />
quit their job and move where, he was offered<br />
command of a ship on Curaçao, and we decided<br />
starting our married life on a Caribbean island<br />
was the way to go. In the FAWCO world, this kind<br />
of leap of faith is not uncommon, but it remains<br />
the defining moment of my life, uprooting<br />
myself, leaving my legal career and my theatre<br />
company, my family and friends.<br />
Getting involved with FAWCO<br />
As a newlywed on the Dutch island of Curaçao, I<br />
was relieved to discover the American <strong>Women</strong>’s<br />
Club and their Out to Lunch bunch, allowing me<br />
to make some English-speaking friends and get<br />
to know the island. We then moved to Somerset<br />
in the UK, where there was no such group. When<br />
we moved on to Haarlem in the Netherlands,<br />
with a baby in tow, one of my first calls was to<br />
the AWC Amsterdam. They had a Haarlem-area<br />
group and I was quickly involved in a Moms and<br />
Tots Group and book club as I adjusted to life<br />
in the Netherlands. One of the members also<br />
offered a class on HTML and I was happy to sign<br />
up. She had just been to her first FAWCO<br />
conference in London and had offered to<br />
redesign the infant FAWCO website and signed<br />
me up to help. Soon after, she divorced and<br />
repatriated and I took over, getting FAWCO’s<br />
new Virtual Clubhouse up and running, as well<br />
as starting the FAWCO web hosting program.<br />
I attended my first FAWCO conference in<br />
Washington, DC in 2000. The next year I joined<br />
the Board as 1st Vice President. Within a few<br />
months I discovered I was pregnant with my<br />
third child. Thinking I would resign, my husband<br />
asked incredulously, “What kind of women’s<br />
organization would make you resign just<br />
because you were pregnant?” Indeed. I kept my<br />
position and ended up bringing my six-week-old<br />
baby (and my mother) to the Florence<br />
conference. I was elected FAWCO President for<br />
the 2005–2007 term, and ended up having to<br />
negotiate an international move (to Norfolk,<br />
England). More international moves followed,<br />
to Ontario, Canada, and eventually back to the<br />
Netherlands. During that time I served in<br />
several other FAWCO capacities. I was shocked<br />
in 2019, though, when I was contacted three<br />
weeks before the Edinburgh conference. The<br />
presidential nominee had to withdraw and<br />
would I be willing to take on the presidency once<br />
more? My family was surprisingly supportive<br />
and I agreed.<br />
As we approached the 2020 conference, not<br />
only did we have to deal with the onslaught of<br />
the pandemic, but one of my daughters was<br />
diagnosed with an extremely rare disease that<br />
required immediate surgery. I am so grateful to<br />
the FAWCO Board and members who helped get<br />
the organization through those dark days, while<br />
I was also dealing with her care. Because of<br />
COVID-19, FAWCO ended up having to embrace<br />
newer technologies that included virtual<br />
meetings and conferences. This abrupt change<br />
in work-ways made it difficult to recruit a new<br />
president for 2021–<strong>2023</strong> so I ended up signing<br />
on for another term.<br />
The role of FAWCO President is as a conductor<br />
for an orchestra. FAWCO is active: providing<br />
organizational support for our member clubs;<br />
engaging our members on global issues;<br />
advocating for the interests of Americans<br />
abroad; and actively pursuing philanthropic<br />
goals. We have over 150 volunteers who are<br />
passionate about their respective areas. There<br />
is a need thus to keep the organization in<br />
balance, remaining non-partisan, adopting new<br />
technology as necessary, and all the while being<br />
mindful of good governance, avoiding<br />
information overload and respecting data<br />
privacy. The most satisfying part of working<br />
with FAWCO is the exceptionally high quality<br />
of our volunteers, who are well educated,<br />
engaged with their local and global communities<br />
and passionate about their FAWCO and club<br />
work. The presidency is a full time commitment<br />
at times, but I have always felt that I have gotten<br />
more out of it than I put in — and I have had the<br />
privilege of meeting hundreds of amazing<br />
people along the way. The work can be intense,<br />
and, although I will be happy to pass the baton<br />
to Ann Marie, I will miss all of the wonderful<br />
people I have been in constant contact with<br />
for the past four years. I will think of my four<br />
years as the Pandemic Presidency, dealing with<br />
canceled conferences, virtual engagement and<br />
new thinking on contracts and communications,<br />
but as FAWCO moves forward we are poised<br />
once again to set our sights on larger goals.<br />
“Goodbyes and New Beginnings”<br />
Of all the people and situations you have said<br />
goodbye to in your life, tell us about two that<br />
you miss the most. Why is that?<br />
I try not to think in terms of goodbyes as much<br />
as au revoirs. The worst goodbyes of my life<br />
were during those years before my husband<br />
and I decided we would get married. We spent<br />
more than three years writing actual letters and<br />
making expensive phone calls. When we did get<br />
together in Amsterdam or Oklahoma, when I<br />
was on vacation or he was on leave from<br />
the navy, the farewells at the airport were<br />
devastating because we literally did not know<br />
if we would see each other again. Long-distance<br />
relationships are brutal and not for the faint of<br />
heart. But we overcame our fears and doubts.<br />
For the 28+ years I have been abroad I have<br />
maintained relationships with those who are<br />
important in my life; distance hasn’t broken<br />
our connections.<br />
Of all the “new beginnings” in your life,<br />
tell us about two that you really<br />
remember/that turned out to be<br />
unexpectedly important.<br />
New beginnings are a hallmark of our<br />
lives to date. Having already made four<br />
international moves, when we moved back<br />
to the Netherlands in 2011, my husband<br />
promised that our kids would be able to<br />
complete their high school education here,<br />
and they have. One of the by-products of an<br />
international life, though, is that your<br />
children have learned to think internationally.<br />
My oldest went to the UK for university, with<br />
summer internships in France, Austria and<br />
Germany, and now is in Germany for her<br />
PhD. My son ended up getting recruited to<br />
play pro rugby in France and will complete<br />
his bachelor's there this year on the side.<br />
Another daughter is now on a semester<br />
abroad in Chile, while my youngest is<br />
thinking of law school in the US. Where will<br />
they be — where will we be? Who knows<br />
what is ahead of us? I have learned to live<br />
life as it comes, without a net.<br />
Emily and her mom on the FAWCO Foundation<br />
Cruise (left, page 92)<br />
Emily with Giulia and Silke (above)<br />
feature<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> Reads: Secrets<br />
of a Summer Village<br />
Born and raised in Atlanta,<br />
Georgia, Saskia E. Akyil<br />
began her art by keeping a<br />
journal and writing letters<br />
to her friends, pen pals,<br />
cousins and grandparents.<br />
Since moving to Germany<br />
with her husband in 2005,<br />
she hasn’t been able to use<br />
her “ very useful degree” in<br />
Teaching English as a<br />
Second Language. As a<br />
hobby, she writes stories<br />
and articles, does metalsmithing<br />
and feeds her<br />
husband and three sons. In<br />
pursuit of a new career, she<br />
is now studying towards a<br />
MSc in epidemiology. She<br />
hopes that one day she can<br />
combine her interest in<br />
writing and science.<br />
Ashort summary of the book<br />
When she doesn’t get a place in a Mexican<br />
study abroad program, Rachel anticipates another<br />
summer behind the counter of a coffee shop until<br />
an unexpected opportunity to spend a month with a<br />
family in Turkey drastically changes the course of her<br />
summer. In a summer village on the western coast of<br />
Turkey, you’ll meet Rachel, who doesn’t know what<br />
she wants; Aylin, who doesn’t know if she wants the<br />
one who wants her; and Leyla, who knows<br />
who she wants, but doesn’t know if she’ll get<br />
him. Love and romance are secret pleasures<br />
in the summer village, which only make them<br />
more exciting.<br />
Can coffee grounds tell your future? Will fate<br />
bring you to your soul mate thousands of<br />
miles from home? Would the evil eye dare<br />
stop two souls on their paths to each other?<br />
Travel with Rachel on her journey far from the<br />
comforts of home, to a place that will captivate<br />
her and leave her changed forever.<br />
Secrets of a Summer Village is a novel in which<br />
modern, middle-class Turkish culture is seen<br />
through the eyes of an American teenager. In<br />
the coming-of-age story, Rachel learns that<br />
many aspects of Turkish culture are different<br />
from her own, but that family, friendship and<br />
love are universal.<br />
What was your inspiration for the book?<br />
My husband’s stories were my inspiration for<br />
the book. His parents have a summer house<br />
on the Aegean coast of Turkey and, like the<br />
characters in the book, he spent his summers<br />
there. I can already hear you asking – no, I did<br />
not meet him on an exchange program and the<br />
story is not autobiographical.<br />
How long did it take you to write the book?<br />
From start to finish, including all edits, it took<br />
me about two years. I started writing this book<br />
when my second son was six weeks old, and<br />
he was a few years old by the time I completed<br />
the book. I mostly wrote in the evenings, after<br />
the children had gone to bed.<br />
What kind of research do you do, and how<br />
long do you spend researching before<br />
beginning a book?<br />
I didn’t do dedicated research prior to<br />
starting to write. I had already experienced<br />
many weeks visiting my husband’s summer<br />
village, and had been hearing his stories about<br />
it for eight years before I started to write.<br />
While writing, I did research as appropriate.<br />
What is the most important thing you want<br />
readers to take away from your book?<br />
I’d like them to get a taste of secular Turkish<br />
culture and traditions from the book. News<br />
media provide a very different picture of<br />
Muslim-majority countries than<br />
the reality lived by many people,<br />
and vacationing in a country is not<br />
the same as spending time there<br />
with locals.<br />
When did you start writing?<br />
I started writing as soon as I learned<br />
how to write. I believe I wrote my<br />
first book when I was in first or<br />
second grade. It was about Cabbage<br />
Patch Kids.<br />
What’s your favorite underappreciated<br />
novel?<br />
My favorite novel is The Poisonwood<br />
Bible by Margaret Kingsolver. I don’t<br />
think it’s underappreciated, but it<br />
may have somewhat fallen off the<br />
radar. Is The Little Prince a novel? If so, that’s<br />
also my favorite novel. Fortunately, it’s not<br />
underappreciated, either. I haven’t answered<br />
your question, have I? I am incredibly picky<br />
when it comes to novels, so I tend to read<br />
more non-fiction books.<br />
What is your favorite childhood book?<br />
As a child, I loved Anne of Green Gables. As<br />
for my favorite children’s book now, I would<br />
say that it’s too hard to pick. Children’s<br />
books are often much better than books<br />
intended for adults because they are more<br />
straightforward, more succinct, and are<br />
usually unpretentious. My favorite picture<br />
books are possibly The Gruffalo by Julia<br />
Donaldson and Axel Scheffler and Lost and<br />
Found by Oliver Jeffers.<br />
What are you reading now?<br />
I most recently finished reading What My<br />
Bones Know by Stephanie Foo and can<br />
absolutely recommend it.<br />
If you could tell your younger writingself<br />
anything, what would it be?<br />
To join a writing group because it helps<br />
immensely on many levels, from improving<br />
writing through workshopping to providing<br />
a community – writing can be a very<br />
isolating activity.<br />
What’s next for you? Are you working on<br />
anything new you’d like to share with<br />
our readers?<br />
I’m not actively writing fiction at the<br />
moment, though I do have one more<br />
published work – a children’s picture<br />
book about the winter solstice called<br />
Moonflower and the Solstice Dance, which is<br />
available in four languages – English,<br />
Turkish, German and Swedish. I also have<br />
a completed manuscript that I may<br />
publish one day, and I have a partiallywritten<br />
manuscript that I have shelved for<br />
now, but hope to get back to one day.<br />
The Existential<br />
Traveller<br />
Bridging Borders since 1984<br />
Explore your dreams…<br />
Enhance your mind…<br />
Enrich your soul…<br />
Why US?<br />
Professional and Personal Service<br />
• We are personally connected to the places you’ll visit.<br />
• We are committed to preserving environmental integrity and<br />
to supporting local economies.<br />
• We are dedicated to your enjoyment and pleasure.<br />
Special Tours available for FAWCO Clubs!<br />
For More Information:<br />
Contact: Linda Johnson, FAUSA member<br /><br />
Phone: +212693842357<br />
Books presented in the<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> Reads feature are<br />
available for purchase via<br />
the FAWCO website in the<br />
Books by Members or Books<br />
by Clubs sections.<br />
Enjoy!<br />
profile<br />
Moving FAWCO into a<br />
Post-COVID-19 World<br />
Ann Marie Morrow, AWC Finland, tells us about herself and her<br />
"new beginning" as FAWCO’s incoming President.<br />
We moved around a lot when I was<br />
younger, mostly within upstate New<br />
York. I remember enjoying moving<br />
to new places, starting new schools<br />
and getting to know new people. Changing high<br />
schools was perhaps more challenging than<br />
changing a school when I was younger, but I was<br />
always on board for another adventure. I even<br />
went to three different universities, but managed<br />
to graduate a year early. I was somehow in a<br />
hurry, taking extra classes, working, volunteering,<br />
and, of course, partying too. My Finnish husband<br />
and I met at university in the US. I never imagined<br />
that I’d live so long in one place as I have now. I’ve<br />
been in Finland for more than 20 years; I came<br />
for one year and continue to “renew my contract”<br />
each year.<br />
Ann Marie<br />
A defining moment in my life was when I was a<br />
freshman at university. I spent a lot of time with<br />
my three-year old cousin, who was getting cancer<br />
treatment. She and her family were staying at a<br />
nearby Ronald McDonald House, and I would stay<br />
there on Fridays as well (Pizza Fridays!) Meeting<br />
all the families and children going through such<br />
battles for life and death was a real perspective<br />
wakeup call for an 18-year-old. The wisdom and<br />
grace of the children and their families was<br />
humbling. It really shaped my outlook and<br />
perspective on what is important in life. I<br />
realized how short and fragile life is.<br />
I don’t want to waste my time doing<br />
things that don’t matter and I try to<br />
spend my time in a way that I won’t<br />
Winter<br />
wonderland<br />
in Finland.<br />
Saying goodbye to those who move off the<br />
board is bittersweet. You get so used to being in<br />
regular contact via WhatsApp or email that it<br />
feels like you’ve lost a friend for a while when<br />
jobs change. But, FAWCO being what it is, luckily<br />
we still get to see each other on various teams<br />
and at in-person meetings. How fabulous it was<br />
to see Rozanne in Belgium this past November<br />
and to bump into Shweta at sunset at the top of<br />
the MAS building in Antwerp! I haven’t tested it<br />
much yet, due to COVID-19 restrictions the past<br />
years, but it really feels like the FAWCO family<br />
will welcome you wherever you go. I love seeing<br />
pictures of people I now know meeting up for<br />
coffee in Paris, a museum tour in New York<br />
or wine in London! A worldwide circle of<br />
friendly connections.<br />
As I look forward to the next board term, I<br />
imagine helping support this dynamic<br />
organization into a post-COVID-19 world by<br />
building on the strengths we have, bridging the<br />
virtual with in-person meetings and becoming<br />
stronger with diversity and inclusiveness, helping<br />
to make FAWCO a place where members will<br />
feel empowered and have agency and a sense<br />
of belonging.<br />
“Goodbyes and New Beginnings”<br />
Of all the people and situations you have said<br />
goodbye to in your life, tell us about two that<br />
you miss the most. Why is that?<br />
I don’t think I’m alone in sometimes missing the<br />
person I thought I was going to be. I never<br />
imagined I would live in a foreign country, let<br />
alone one so close to the Arctic Circle. I often<br />
tell the story of how I didn’t want to date anyone<br />
from Canada – just in case – as I didn’t want to<br />
live anywhere cold. I somehow skipped that<br />
geography class where they talked about Finland.<br />
I do miss not having my own family or circle of<br />
friends from childhood around me. It has been<br />
tough at times. Luckily I really like my kids,<br />
husband and dog, and we have carved out a life<br />
Ann Marie with family on Bourbon Street, 2016<br />
2012 Regional meeting group photo in Stockholm (below)<br />
regret. There is an old adage that when<br />
someone is dying, no one regrets not having<br />
worked more. They wish they had spent more<br />
time with family and friends. Living in Finland<br />
has given me that possibility. Life is a lot slower<br />
here. When I first arrived, I couldn’t imagine<br />
what anyone would do with four weeks of<br />
vacation! Now I know, and we have enjoyed<br />
amazing family trips together most every year.<br />
Getting involved with FAWCO<br />
My first taste of FAWCO connections happened<br />
in Stockholm at a Regional I attended there in<br />
September 2012 while I was president of AWC<br />
Finland. It was exciting being around other<br />
women who were living such similar lives. We<br />
swapped stories and bonded over shared<br />
experiences of Nordic life.<br />
A standout memory was on the Sunday<br />
walking tour of the old town, Gamla Stan. We<br />
were in an ideal spot along the waterfront on<br />
this foggy morning, enjoying the iconic view of<br />
the Stockholm City Hall, when a local member<br />
from China asked if we’d like to try an<br />
impromptu Tai Chi session. I can still feel the<br />
mist on my face and see the peace and glow on<br />
everyone’s faces as we stretched and moved as<br />
one. Amazing experiences like this seem to<br />
happen whenever FAWCO friends gather.<br />
I helped organize a Regional in Helsinki in April<br />
2017, during Finland’s 100-year anniversary of<br />
independence, while I was FAWCO Region 2<br />
Coordinator. We hosted and met FAWCO<br />
members from seven different countries –<br />
connections that led somehow to my being<br />
asked to serve as 1st VP Communications. This<br />
was an unexpected new beginning for me, and<br />
I’m glad I was open to new challenges.<br />
I have learned so much and gained so much<br />
from all my work and time on the FAWCO<br />
board since March 2019. Our first board served<br />
during the beginning of COVID-19. What a time<br />
of upheaval, isolation and turmoil. The women<br />
on that board in 2019–2021 were kind, smart,<br />
caring and resilient, and after working with<br />
colleagues like that, I only wanted to continue<br />
being around that inspiring energy. Many of<br />
us stayed on for the 2021–<strong>2023</strong> board and I’m<br />
grateful for the time I get to be around and<br />
learn from all of them.<br />
that was unexpected, but one that ticks all the<br />
boxes. Plus, did I mention vacations are long<br />
and lovely in the Nordics?! I continually check<br />
in with myself and make sure that I’m trying to<br />
make the most of my time. I’ve had family<br />
members and friends pass away too young.<br />
These are goodbyes one is never prepared for<br />
or gets used to.<br />
I look around me and think – what would I want<br />
to do with my time if it were limited? And guess<br />
what? All our time here on earth is limited! If<br />
I live to 90, perhaps I’ll have eaten too much<br />
chocolate, not worked enough, cleaned enough<br />
or made enough money. But, one never knows.<br />
I’m not a hedonist, but I have tried to gauge my<br />
choices along these lines of making the most of<br />
today. I have a quote in Finnish on my fridge –<br />
it says “Tämä päivä on aina täällä, huominen ei<br />
koskaan.” There are many popular versions of<br />
it, but it roughly translates to, “Today is always<br />
here, tomorrow never comes.” In other words,<br />
a new beginning is always here.<br />
Ann Marie in Bali with monkey on her shoulder in 2017<br />
(above)<br />
Ann Marie in the Haaga Rhododendron Park, Helsinki (right)<br />
FAWCO Board 2019 (far right top, page103)<br />
2022 Luxembourg Conference, Region 2 group picture<br />
(far right bottom, page 103)<br />
feature<br />
Who Are We? ...<br />
Introducing the New<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> Team<br />
With this issue, <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is saying goodbye to several long-serving<br />
members and welcoming a new team. We are saying goodbye to Editor Liz MacNiven,<br />
Distribution Manager Karen Boeker and Profiles Coordinator Haley Green. Last year,<br />
we said goodbye to Social Media Manager Berit Torkildsen.<br />
As we knew these transitions were approaching, we took the time to redesign the<br />
roles and responsibilities of the team. Last year, we welcomed Kristin Haanæs as our<br />
Layout Coordinator. She’s been a huge asset to the team as she continues to improve<br />
the magazine’s layout and design. We also decided to create a Marketing Manager<br />
position which would combine the work of the Distribution, Social Media, and PR<br />
Managers. Elsie Bose is remaining on the team as Advertising and Sponsorship<br />
Manager, and Michele Hendrikse Du Bois is moving from Features Coordinator to<br />
Editor-in-Chief. Connie Phlipot will be taking over the Features Coordinator position.<br />
Cristin Middlebrooks is the new Profile Coordinator, and Hollis Vaughen is filling the<br />
new Marketing Manager position.<br />
We thought you’d like to meet the new team, so we asked each team member to tell<br />
you a little about where they grew up, their involvement with their local clubs and<br />
FAWCO and what they are looking forward to as part of the <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Magazine</strong> team.<br />
Michele Hendrikse Du Bois Editor<br />
FAUSA<br />
2011 FAWCO Conference in Morocco<br />
(above)<br />
Kunu and a young Michele (above right)<br />
Michele's family (middle right)<br />
Michele and husband Remco in The<br />
Dalles, 2011 (bottom right)<br />
Michele and Remco, Belfast 2017 (below)<br />
While our extended family stayed in Kentucky<br />
and Illinois, my parents put their 6-month-old<br />
daughter (me) and Alaskan Malamute in their<br />
Plymouth Fury station wagon and ventured<br />
west. After a short stop in Idaho, where my<br />
sister joined us, we moved on to Bellevue,<br />
Washington and settled in. As a teen and young<br />
adult, I always wanted to travel to Europe, but<br />
my personal budgeting habits never allowed me<br />
to save enough for that type of travel. No one<br />
at that time would have guessed I’d end up<br />
managing multi-million-dollar budgets (and<br />
getting an international corporate award for my<br />
budgeting management skills)! In the spring of<br />
1991, I met a “nice Dutch boy” who was finishing<br />
up his LLM at the University of Washington. I got<br />
my first passport, and that December I took my first trip overseas to meet Remco’s<br />
family and tell them we were getting married the following summer. We have now<br />
enjoyed over 30 years of wonderful adventures together. In addition to living near<br />
Amsterdam and in Munich, we enjoyed two shorter secondments in Singapore and<br />
Istanbul. Between my travels with FAWCO and The FAWCO Foundation and my<br />
husband’s business travel, we had the opportunity to visit many countries.<br />
I love cooking, reading, traveling, hiking/walking, and photography. Having the<br />
opportunity to live in different countries and explore so many different places has been<br />
a true gift.<br />
My husband and I wanted to live in Europe, but we never intended to live in the<br />
Netherlands. Then, in 2005, a unique opportunity arose with my husband’s company,<br />
and we spent the next three and a half years living in a small town just outside of<br />
Amsterdam. While there, I joined the AWC Amsterdam, serving in several roles,<br />
including club president. That is also when I discovered FAWCO and started attending<br />
conferences. One of my favorite roles was as speaker coordinator at the 2008<br />
conference in Seoul, South Korea. After a short return to Washington, we jumped on an<br />
opportunity to go back to Europe and live in Munich. Even before moving, I contacted<br />
the Munich IWC, and on December 31, 2011, our second night in town, we attended our<br />
first social event with the club. At the same time, I became the president of The FAWCO<br />
Foundation. I loved working with The Foundation’s board, attending regional meetings<br />
and gifting Development Grants and Education Awards to inspirational and deserving<br />
FAWCO club charities, their club members, and members’ children. In 2017, after five<br />
years in Munich, we returned to Washington, and I joined FAUSA, where I coordinate the<br />
Seattle Metro/PNW Region, FAUSA in Motion, and the virtual Mah Jongg group.<br />
After two years as Features Coordinator, I am looking forward to moving into the<br />
Editor position and working with the new <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> team. We are excited to<br />
explore fresh ideas and introduce renewed energy to the production of this beautiful,<br />
informative, and engaging magazine that brings the stories of FAWCO’s inspiring women<br />
alive and delivers them directly to our subscribers’ inboxes.<br />
Elsie Bose Founder &Advertising Manager<br />
FAUSA & AWG Paris<br />
Elsie making a new friend at the<br />
Abu Dhabi Falcon Clinic. (above)<br />
AWC Brussels Board, breaking ground<br />
for the clubhouse renovation,1996.<br />
(above right)<br />
AWC Toronto donated $60,000 to the<br />
University of Toronto scholarship<br />
program. (middle right)<br />
Elsie was the keynote speaker at the<br />
AWG Paris 100th Anniversary Gala held<br />
last April. (bottom right)<br />
Elsie with Speaker of the House of<br />
Commons, Gilbert Parent, in Ottawa.<br />
(below)<br />
I was born in New York, the eldest of four girls.<br />
My dad was a Navy pilot, so moving and living<br />
in different places was normal to me. I studied<br />
at Mary Washington College in Virginia, but<br />
graduated from the University of Maryland<br />
with a BA in criminology. My grandfather, who<br />
was a judge in New York, got me an interview<br />
with his local congressman for an internship on<br />
the Hill. The interview went very well, and the<br />
congressman referred me to the Interns’ Office<br />
to sort out the details. I walked in behind a<br />
man who was also being considered for an<br />
internship. He was directed to an interview<br />
room. When it was my turn, I was directed to a<br />
typewriter. When I asked why, the receptionist<br />
said, “We don’t expect men to type.” I said, “Well,<br />
don’t expect me to either.” And I left. I had a job in the local DC department store while<br />
in school and went full time. That led to a career as a buyer and executive with several<br />
major retail chains.<br />
I met and married my husband Bob in Washington. Opportunities and promotions for<br />
both of us sent us to Pittsburgh, then Denver. From Denver, a major career move for<br />
Bob included a chance to move to Brussels, Belgium. Unsure what I was going to do, I<br />
joined the American <strong>Women</strong>’s Club of Brussels. I served on the board as Vice-President<br />
and chair of the clubhouse renovation committee, and I am proud to say that the<br />
renovation came in on time, and under budget. In 1997, we relocated to Toronto,<br />
Canada. We lived downtown. It was so exciting! I became active in the American<br />
<strong>Women</strong>’s Club of Toronto, becoming its president.<br />
In the fall of 1999, Bob told me he had been offered a new job, and what would I think<br />
about living in Paris? I went to the closet, got a suitcase, and turned to him and said,<br />
“let’s go!” I joined AWG Paris and was President from 2002–2005. We had an enthusiastic<br />
Board and vibrant membership. AWG began the Woman of the Year awards, the OOPS<br />
Auction, and published a cookbook.<br />
I attended my first FAWCO conference in Stockholm, Sweden. Later, I was asked to join<br />
the Board of The FAWCO Foundation. I oversaw the Development Grants program and<br />
went on to serve as The Foundation’s president from 2008–2010. In 2013, we moved<br />
to Dubai, where we lived until 2017. The FAWCO President, Monica Jubayli, lived there<br />
too, and she seemed to think I needed something to do, so she asked me to be the<br />
Advertising and Sponsorship Manager for FAWCO, a role in which I continue to serve<br />
from Texas.<br />
The intent of the magazine is to create a fun and informative magazine with “mass”<br />
appeal to individual club members by introducing them to other FAWCO members,<br />
clubs, and countries. The <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> team loves the “what if?“ question. Answering<br />
that question has helped us grow a loyal readership, add social media, organize<br />
workshops, and host live events. I hope we will continue to accept that challenge with<br />
our new team and have a blast doing it!<br />
Kristin D. Haanæs Layout Coordinator<br />
AWC Oslo<br />
My mother, who is Norwegian, married my<br />
father in Norway and moved to central<br />
Pennsylvania, to my father’s hometown of<br />
Huntingdon, in the late 1950s. In the mid-80s I<br />
did the exact opposite and married a Norwegian<br />
and moved to Norway.<br />
All dressed up! (above left)<br />
Kristin's family out celebrating her 60th birthday (above)<br />
I grew up with one set of grandparents living in<br />
Oslo and the other set just literally a field away.<br />
Both of my parents were teachers and had<br />
summers off, so by the time I was 12, I had<br />
crossed the ocean by boat nine times for<br />
summer visits to my Norwegian grandparents.<br />
During the school year, with both my parents<br />
teaching, my paternal grandparents were the<br />
ones who were there for me and my two sisters.<br />
My father was not only a history teacher, but also became a professional photographer.<br />
So, by the time I was in high school, my summer job was the occasional gig as a<br />
photographer’s assistant for weddings – but mainly I was set to hand mask and crop the<br />
negatives that were going to the lab for printing. Thus began my<br />
interest in layout and design. Some of my other interests include<br />
playing the bodhrán (badly), cooking and handicrafts. I always have<br />
felt that the best way to learn something is to just jump right in with<br />
both feet.<br />
Upon moving to Norway with my husband, I have worked as a<br />
restaurant manager in an Oslo hotel and have been the owner of a<br />
gourmet chocolate shop. In the 1990s, due to medical problems, I<br />
was given the opportunity to reschool myself. I chose layout and<br />
design and I have been working with that since then. Going into design<br />
led me down another hobby path, one of creating silver jewelry.<br />
Playing the bodhrán at a "session" at an Irish pub<br />
in Oslo<br />
Receiving the Caroline Curtis Brown Spirit Award<br />
at the Biennial Conference in Edinburgh<br />
During the early 90s, I became involved with our women’s club in<br />
Oslo. Through the years I have held board positions of president,<br />
newsletter editor, website coordinator, librarian and FAWCO Rep<br />
(for which I was honored by receiving the FAWCO Rep Appreciation<br />
Award). At one of the FAWCO conferences, I ended up volunteering<br />
my services to the new 1st VP, Monica Jubayli, and became part of<br />
the Communications team. Since then I have helped with layout<br />
and design of several conference newsletters and directories, been<br />
website updater, designed the Target Education Project donor<br />
badges and been layout editor for The Forum. At the Biennial<br />
Conference in Edinburgh, I was gobsmacked at receiving the<br />
Caroline Curtis Brown Spirit Award for just doing something that I enjoy doing.<br />
With the decision to cut out production of The Forum, I was at loose ends, so when I was<br />
approached last year to join <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>’s team as layout editor and help redesign<br />
the magazine I was flattered to be asked and jumped at the chance. I have enjoyed<br />
working with the team so far and look forward to working with my new team members.<br />
Hiking in Austria (top left)<br />
Favorite SDG (middle left)<br />
In Verona (bottom left)<br />
Connie's grandparents (top right)<br />
Hiking with her husband (middle right)<br />
Connie Phlipot Features Coordinator<br />
AWA Vienna<br />
In Paris (bottom right)<br />
A summer studying Russian in the Soviet<br />
Union 47 years ago ignited my passion for living<br />
abroad. I grew up in a rural area near Cleveland,<br />
Ohio, home to one of the largest settlements of<br />
Eastern European immigrants in the US. My own<br />
maternal grandparents – whom I admired and<br />
adored – emigrated in the early part of the<br />
20th century from the Russian Empire, in what<br />
is now Belarus. My Soviet studies experience<br />
navigating culturally and logistically in unknown<br />
lands inspired and empowered me to pursue a<br />
career as a US diplomat. Early on in my career, I<br />
met and subsequently married a wonderful<br />
fellow US diplomat. This June we will celebrate<br />
our 35th wedding anniversary. Many countries later – sometimes in the same place,<br />
sometimes not – we ended up retiring in Vienna. The Organization for Security and<br />
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) played – and continues to play – a big role in our life<br />
in Vienna.<br />
My second passion is writing and reading. Soon after I moved to Vienna, I joined the<br />
Sunday Writers Club, a fabulous group of English-speaking writers from a multitude<br />
of countries who come together on Sundays to write and share their works in a café<br />
or online. On my own, I’ve been working (slowly) on a novel loosely based on my<br />
experiences in Eastern Europe. At least once a year, I join an election observation<br />
mission under OSCE auspices as either a short-term or long-term observer. I’ve recently<br />
joined the local Vienna organization of <strong>Women</strong> in International Security and eagerly<br />
participate in forums on international relations in Vienna. I am also an obsessive<br />
runner, hiker, biker, word puzzler and – if there is ever enough snow – cross-country<br />
skier. I began running in college to accompany a friend who was taking jogging to<br />
meet her phys. ed. requirement. After twenty years of making fun of my running habit,<br />
my husband joined me and together we began to participate in races, including<br />
half-marathons.<br />
I discovered FAWCO during a discussion on the Target Project soon after I became an<br />
AWA member in 2019. Excited to find a group of women interested in the global issues<br />
that I care about, I joined AWA’s small FAWCO liaison team. During the COVID-19 years,<br />
we took advantage of social media to raise our club’s awareness of SDGs and the UN<br />
campaign against violence against women. My first major FAWCO event was helping<br />
organize the 2022 Region 5 FAWCO meeting in Vienna. Currently, I am co-chair of the<br />
local organizing committee for the <strong>2023</strong> Bratislava Conference. I have also contributed<br />
to the AWA magazine, Highlights, as writer and editor.<br />
Two of the writers I most admire are the Russian and Belarusan women Svetlana<br />
Alexievich and Lyudmila Ulitskaya, whose works focus on the lives of so-called “ordinary”<br />
women doing extraordinary things – like the inspiring women of FAWCO. I hope that my<br />
contribution to the <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> team will be to help promote their fabulous stories.<br />
Cristin Middlebrooks Profiles Coordinator<br />
AWC Antwerp<br />
I come from Portland, Oregon – home to<br />
mountains and beaches that I still miss every<br />
day. After graduating from the University of<br />
Oregon – a proud third-generation Duck – I<br />
worked as an editor at a small Portland paper<br />
and then taught kindergarten for several years.<br />
I married my husband, Scott, in 2005. A year<br />
later our son Sawyer was born, and we moved<br />
to the Netherlands. My husband had an expat<br />
contract to work for ASML, a software company<br />
outside of Eindhoven. Within a year, our son<br />
Parker was born, and our lives were full of good<br />
friends and adventures. We were only supposed<br />
to be in Europe for three years, but when ASML<br />
offered Scott a local contract, we began looking for a house of our own.<br />
Missing the space we were so spoiled with back in Oregon, we bought a house in<br />
Belgium with a big backyard, where we've been happy ever since. I'm not really sure<br />
where the years have gone; watching my boys grow up has been bittersweet. It's been a<br />
blur of non-stop activity, acting as chauffeur, personal chef, study coach and all-around<br />
cheerleader. Now that their college days loom near, it's time for me to figure out the<br />
next part of my story: how to make my life more meaningful beyond my boys.<br />
A few years ago I began taking piano lessons at the local music academy. It’s fun, but<br />
performing in front of people still makes me nervous. I love reading historical fiction<br />
novels that have some romance thrown in and have begun writing my own. I also enjoy<br />
baking, watching old movies and going for long walks. I’m even training to walk a<br />
marathon along the Belgian coast this spring.<br />
With her son Parker (top left)<br />
With her son Sawyer (bottom left)<br />
Cristin and her boys (top right)<br />
Hiking outside Antwerp with<br />
AWCA friends (bottom right)<br />
In 2021, I joined the AWC Antwerp, hoping to connect with other Americans, make<br />
some new friends, and go on new adventures – best decision I've made in a long time.<br />
Everyone has been so kind, welcoming and incredibly inspirational. Last spring, I joined<br />
the board as Activity Director and served on several committees, including organizing<br />
our annual Founders' Day lunch, hosting a monthly writers workshop and organizing<br />
monthly nature hikes outside of Antwerp. In December, our FAWCO Rep, Tharien van<br />
Eck, heard about vacancies at <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> and suggested I contact them. I’m so<br />
glad I did.<br />
The team is amazing, and the women profiled by the magazine truly are inspiring,<br />
proving that every woman, everywhere has a story. For some women, inspiration comes<br />
from the simple need to help others. Others inspire with their desire to live each day to<br />
the fullest. I’m so happy to be part of an organization that provides a way for their<br />
stories to be told.<br />
Hollis Vaughen Marketing Manager<br />
AWC Berlin<br />
I am originally from Kentucky and went to<br />
college in Virginia. I have lived, worked and<br />
studied in North Carolina, Japan, California,<br />
Germany and Washington State. It’s hard to say<br />
exactly why I moved around so much – some of<br />
it was by design, some by circumstances out of<br />
my control – but it’s been an adventure to<br />
experience a teeny portion of the world this<br />
way. My number of moves pales in comparison<br />
to those who relocate every two or three years,<br />
but as someone who didn’t get to explore much<br />
beyond the southeastern US for her first 25<br />
years, it’s been a wild ride.<br />
November 2021 – my favorite SDGs at the FAWCO Region 5<br />
meeting in Vienna;<br />
photo credit My-Linh Kunst (top left)<br />
<strong>May</strong> 2022 with AWC Berlin FAWCO Rep Frances Durocher at the<br />
FAWCO Interim Meeting in Luxembourg;<br />
photo credit My-Linh Kunst (top right)<br />
April 2022 with my family in Madrid, Spain;<br />
photo credit Jovan Gibson-Aviance (bottom)<br />
Career-wise, I’m a Recovering Engineer – i.e. I<br />
have the degree and two-plus years of work<br />
experience but it didn’t suit me. So, I left the industry and went to business school for an<br />
international MBA. I sort of fell backwards into marketing and have done a wide array<br />
of jobs for a wide array of companies. About ten years ago, I started doing social media<br />
management, first for my kids’ school and the non-profit organizations I belonged to,<br />
then later for paid clients.<br />
My husband and I have three kids, ages 13, 15 and 18. We lived in Berlin from 2017 to<br />
2018 and moved back in August 2021. We really like living in this one-of-a-kind European<br />
capital and exploring the surrounding continent. In addition to going to many places<br />
within Germany as a family, we’ve visited Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, France,<br />
Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Cyprus. (We’ve all been<br />
able to take some solo trips as well.) Most recently was spring break in Switzerland<br />
because our oldest was a FAWCO Youth Cultural Ambassador Volunteer in Zurich!<br />
We’re hoping for more trips in the second half of <strong>2023</strong>, because our list of places to visit<br />
is very long.<br />
I love conversation, traveling, volunteering, reading, walking, yoga, and swimming. I’ve<br />
always been interested in learning about other cultures and languages. In Berlin, I<br />
relish trying new-to-me cuisines and visiting at least one museum per month. My<br />
German classes are another source of enjoyment.<br />
When we first moved to Berlin, the wife of my husband’s co-worker was an AWC<br />
member and I joined on her recommendation. I have been the club‘s treasurer, the<br />
Nominating Committee Chair, and have been the co-Social Media Manager since 2020.<br />
The Marketing Manager role for <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> is my first FAWCO position.<br />
I wasn’t able to attend any FAWCO events until the Region 5 meeting in November 2021<br />
and am excited to make up for lost time! They check so many boxes for me –<br />
travel, community, education and more. In 2022, I attended the Interim Meeting in<br />
Luxembourg and the Region 5 meeting in Frankfurt. This year, I went to the <strong>2023</strong><br />
Biennial Conference in Bratislava and plan to attend the Region 5 meeting in the fall.<br />
As part of the <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> magazine team, I’m excited to try and learn new things,<br />
as well as getting to know my fellow FAWCO members. There’s still so much I don’t know<br />
about FAWCO and the amazing work our organization does!<br />
our next issue<br />
To nominate candidates for profiles, please send the candidate's name, candidate's email<br />
address and a brief description (50-100 words) of why you think they are inspiring and fit the<br />
theme for the issue. Send the information to<br />
To submit a feature: We use features to complement the theme. This can be broadly applied;<br />
let us know what you'd like to write about! Our features are 700-800 words plus photos.<br />
Contact Connie at<br />
Deadline for Nominations<br />
The deadline for submitting<br />
nominees and feature topics for<br />
our next issue is ...<br />
Call for September Nominees!<br />
Coming in<br />
September <strong>2023</strong><br />
"We are Talking Fashion: Innovators,<br />
Trendsetters, Changemakers and ... Activists"<br />
For the next issue of <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>, we want to<br />
examine the who, what and why of clothes. It is a<br />
world of creativity, color, and cloth. The elements that<br />
go into a garment and the process that gets them<br />
from the sketch pad to the shop floor are fascinating.<br />
We are looking for women in our clubs to profile who<br />
have interesting stories to tell about their experience<br />
in the world of fashion – designers, influencers,<br />
stylists, models, marketers, and retailers. We read<br />
about fashion so who writes about it? Let’s hear<br />
about all of them.<br />
Is there someone in your club who has worked in a<br />
non-traditional role in the fashion world, “activists"<br />
who have made the industry look at their customers in a different way? Challenging brands to<br />
make clothes to fit real bodies. Or calling on manufacturers to make sustainable clothing and<br />
treat workers fairly. And we plan to have some real fun in this issue with some features that<br />
reflect how the FAWCO “gets their fashion on.” Let’s take advantage of our worldwide<br />
community and give us your ideas for good fashion. And what would a fashion issue be<br />
without your photos?<br />
<strong>May</strong> 30 th<br />
inspiring you<br />
Founded in 1931, FAWCO is a global women's NGO (non-governmental organization), an<br />
international network of independent volunteer clubs and associations comprising 58 member<br />
clubs in 31 countries on six continents. FAWCO serves as a resource and a voice for its members;<br />
seeks to improve the lives of women and girls worldwide, especially in the areas of human rights,<br />
health, education and the environment; advocates for the rights of US citizens overseas; and<br />
contributes to the global community through its Global Issues Teams and The FAWCO Foundation,<br />
which provides development grants and education awards. Since 1997, FAWCO has held special<br />
consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council.<br />
our mission statement<br />
FAWCO is an international federation of independent organizations whose mission is:<br />
• to build strong support networks for its American and international membership;<br />
• to improve the lives of women and girls worldwide;<br />
• to advocate for the rights of US citizens overseas; and<br />
• to mobilize the skills of its membership in support of global initiatives for<br />
education, the environment, health and human rights.<br />
Advertising disclaimer<br />
FAWco receives financial remuneration for page space from advertisers. Views expressed or<br />
benefits described in any display advertisement, advertorial or in any webpage visited online<br />
directly from these adverts are not endorsed by FAWCO.<br />
copyright <strong>2023</strong> fawco<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>© <strong>Magazine</strong> is owned and published electronically by FAWCO.<br />
All rights reserved. All bylined articles are copyright of their respective authors as indicated herein<br />
and are reproduced with their permission. The magazine or portions of it may not be reproduced<br />
in any form, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means – electronic,<br />
mechanical, photocopy or otherwise – without written consent of the publisher.<br />
Photographs are integral to our magazine.<br />
We end each issue with a page of a photograph<br />
that offers a unique perspective on its theme.<br />
The photo can be provocative, amusing,<br />
entertaining and/or a photo that you think says<br />
"That's Inspired!" for each issue.<br />
Please contact:<br /><br />
Our photo-centric feature "Through My Lens" is a<br />
compilation of photos and short captions in<br />
keeping with the issue’s theme.<br />
Please contact:<br />
inspiringwomenfeatures<br /><br />
more about<br />
this issue<br />
The <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> Team<br />
That's<br />
Inspired!<br />
Liz Elsie Kristin Michele Cristin Hollis<br />
For more information about this magazine, please contact a member of the <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> team:<br />
Editor in Chief, Liz MacNIven*,<br />
Advertising and Sponsorship Manager, Elsie Bose,<br />
Layout Coordinator, Kristin D. Haanæs,<br />
Features Coordinator, Michele Hendrikse Du Bois*,<br />
Profiles Coordinator, Cristin Middlebrooks,<br />
Marketing Manager, Hollis Vaughen,<br />
(*As of <strong>May</strong> 12, Editor in Chief, Michele Hendrikse Du Bois and Features Coordinator, Connie Phlipot)<br />
Acknowledgements:<br />
Thanks to our profilees (Ann Marie, Bella, Emily, Karen, Priscilla, Sandra, Sarah and Tamara) and<br />
our feature contributors (Catharina, Danielle, Kristen B, Kristin H, Linda, Liz, Maria, Michele, Mimi,<br />
Saskia and Tharien) for their work on the articles and also for the use of their photos and those of<br />
their friends and families.<br />
The cover photo was taken by Paul MacNiven in Coventry, England in February <strong>2023</strong>. Liz says<br />
“Tristan (16 months old) has only recently started walking, actually he definitely toddles to be<br />
honest. We were waiting for his play activity to start but he was determined to see what was at the<br />
bottom of the field. So I took his hand and off we went. I think we look rather like Pooh and Piglet<br />
walking off into the distance together.”<br />
While Liz is saying "Goodbye" to us at <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>, she has, amongst other things, the "New<br />
Beginning" that Tristan represents to look forward to.<br />
Special thanks to the proofreading team of Karen Boeker (AWC Denmark), Laurie Brooks (AWC<br />
Amsterdam and The Hague/FAUSA), Mary Stewart Burgher (AWC Denmark), Sallie Chaballier (AAWE<br />
Paris), Kit Desjacques (AAWE Paris), Mary Dobrian (AIWC Cologne), Janis Kaas (AAWE Paris/FAUSA),<br />
Carol-Lyn McKelvey (AIWC Cologne/FAUSA), and Jenny Taylor (AIWC Cologne and Düsseldorf).<br />
Please note: images used in this publication are either sourced from our team, the authors<br />
themselves, or through or<br />
Please post the link for this issue of <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>,<br />
"Goodbyes and New Beginnings," in your club<br />
publications until "We are Talking Fashion ..." is published<br />
on September 14, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Finnish lake<br />
at sunset<br />
Photo by<br />
Ann Marie Morrow,<br />