There Is No Devil Sinners Duet Book 2 By Sophie Lark-pdfread

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“Maybe he won’t come,” Cole says. “That cop’s still poking around. He

came to the studio this morning, did I tell you that?”

I shake my head.

“Janice didn’t let him upstairs, but he made such a nuisance that Sonia had to

come talk to him. He’s insisting on meeting with me later this week.”

“Meeting with you?” I frown. “What for?”

“He pretended like it was all ticking boxes. But I’m pretty sure he’s running

his own investigation, separate from what the SFPD thinks they’re doing.”

I know Cole has been keeping tabs on it all through a casual acquaintance in

the vice department.

I remember Officer Hawks. I remember his perfectly polished shoes, his neat

haircut and black-framed glasses. This is a man who ticks boxes. But also a

man who notices small details and doesn’t leave a job half-done.

“He’s perceptive,” I tell Cole. “Not like that first idiot that interviewed me.

Don’t underestimate him.”

“I don’t underestimate anyone,” Cole says. “I’m not as arrogant as you


“But you don’t think Shaw will be here tonight.”

Cole shrugs. “If he’s smart, he’s laying low. And besides, he killed four girls,

one more than usual. He should be satiated.”

I don’t like Erin being grouped in as one of the four, like she’s just another

grape on the stem shoveled into Shaw’s mouth. Erin had talent—she made

watercolors so beautiful you could weep. She was funny and blunt. She loved

to tease me and Frank, but never to the point of actually hurting our feelings.

She loved her life, and Shaw had no fucking right to take it from her.

I’m sure all those other girls were just as unique, just as wonderful, if only I’d

had the chance to know them.

“I want that cop to catch him,” I say. “I want him to rot in a cell for a hundred


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