There Is No Devil Sinners Duet Book 2 By Sophie Lark-pdfread

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off the glossy black Steinway, I was hit with the horrible realization that I

wasn’t sure which key was middle C.

It sounds ridiculous after all the years I’ve played, but I always orient my

hands relative to the chipped golden script on our own piano, which reads

Bösendorfer across the fallboard, only missing the second “o.”

I stared at the keys, the seconds ticking past.

I could see my mother standing just offstage, already starting to pace in

agitation, snapping her fingers at me to start.

“I don’t know where to put my hands,” I whispered at her.

“Play the song,” she hissed at me.

I was already sweating under the blazing lights, my hands shaking as they

hovered above the keys.

Desperately, I repeated, “I don’t know where to start.”

She marched across the stage, furious and embarrassed, grabbing my arm and

wrenching me off the bench. She dragged me off, not listening as I tried to

explain that I could play it, I had practiced it over and over and knew it all by

heart, if she would just show me where to put my hands …

That was six months ago. It could be six years past and she’d still enjoy

punishing me for it.

They’re always watching, always waiting for me to make a mistake.

And that is the one thing in which I never disappoint them.

They can always count on me to fuck up.

The girls ahead look back over their shoulders, giggling and whispering

behind their hands.

I can’t hear what they’re saying because I’m wearing headphones. This is the

one gift Randall gave me that I truly love. He didn’t want to hear music

leaking out of my room. Wearing the headphones encloses me in my own

bubble of song. It protects and comforts me. My own little pod that follows

me wherever I go.

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