There Is No Devil Sinners Duet Book 2 By Sophie Lark-pdfread

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Each word is a slap across my cheek. I can hear my own voice, my own

thoughts, immature and desperate, crying in my ear:

I love you, Mommy, I love you.

I’m sorry.

Please don’t leave.

I won’t be bad.

Even my name signed at the bottom makes my stomach clench, the bile rising

in my throat.

Little Mara. Desperate, pathetic, begging.

Every word of it is true—I wrote it. I felt it, at the time.

My deepest fear was that she would leave like my father did. She used to

threaten me with it when I fucked up. When I forgot something or broke

something of hers.

Later, it was me who wanted to leave. Who dreamed of doing it.

She’s throwing it in my face, the intense connection I had to her. The love to

which I clung no matter what she said to me, no matter what she did. It took

years longer for that love to wither and die. Even now, some perverse

remnant endures, lodged deep in my guts.

I still think about her. I still yearn for what I wanted her to be.

I hate that about myself.

I hate my weakness.

I hate that she wields it against me as a weapon. Shaming me because I loved

her. Guilting me because I want to stop.

Cole comes into the kitchen, dressed as I expected in a dark brocade jacket.

“What is it?” he demands, seeing the look on my face.

Without waiting for an answer, he grabs the laptop and turns the screen

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