There Is No Devil Sinners Duet Book 2 By Sophie Lark-pdfread

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down their length until you find the openings.

I don’t have to do this, because I already know the way.

I hurtle down the dark alleyway, taking a hard right, then a left. I head to the

next intersection and run down the middle branch, hoping that I’m losing

Shaw with all these turns.

Cole should already be inside the labyrinth, hiding up ahead.

My chest burns, my legs shaking beneath me. I underestimated how

frightened I’d be, and how heavily it would affect me: my legs are rubber, my

feet stone lumps inside of my boots.

I’m starting to worry that I misremembered the turns, and I should have gone

right instead of left at this last turn. The reflective glass disorients me.

Ghostly versions of myself chase along my left and right side, splitting off at

dizzying angles every time I turn. These bits of motion in my peripheral

make me jump and spin, thinking Shaw is right behind me. Now I’m not even

certain if I’m going the right way. I might have turned all the way around.

If I followed the route, then I should meet Cole soon. He should be waiting in

the center of the maze.

I run to the next intersection, expecting to see him. Expecting him to give me

the nod that means, keep running, head to the exit, I’ll get Shaw as he passes.

I burst into the middle of the labyrinth, which is a perfect circle, with eight

pathways leading off like the spokes of a wheel. A black glass obelisk marks

the exact center point, jutting upward to the cloudy sky.

The snow thickens, whirling downward in a spiral.

I see the obelisk, I see the snow, but I don’t see Cole.

He isn’t here. I’m all alone.

Where the fuck is he?

I spin in a circle, searching for him.

We agreed that he’d be here.

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