There Is No Devil Sinners Duet Book 2 By Sophie Lark-pdfread

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collective exhibition in the spring.

“It’s an all-female show,” Brisk says pompously. “Supporting women’s

voices. Nobody loves women more than me.”

“Obviously,” Cole says. “That’s why you’ve been married four times.”

“Five, actually,” Brisk says, roaring with laughter. “I could fund the UN with

all the alimony payments I’ve made.”

The pretty young thing on Brisk’s arm, sporting an engagement ring that

looks quite new, does not seem as amused by this conversation. When she

flounces off and Jack Brisk chases after her, Sonia sidles up to me and says,

“She’s just mad ‘cause she’s the first one he’s making sign a prenup.”

As Cole gets pulled into a conversation with Betsy Voss, Sonia amuses me

by whispering other bits of gossip about everyone else who passes.

“That’s Joshua Gross over there—he tried to throw a pop-up show this

summer. Displaying paintings in posh houses all over the city. Mixing art

with architectural porn.”

“Not a bad idea,” I say.

“It was a fucking disaster. July was blazing hot, and everybody with money

had gone to Malibu or Aspen or the Hamptons. Those of us stupid enough to

attend were stuck in traffic for six hours trying to drive between houses. It

turned out that he never got the right permits to sell paintings out of houses.

The city slapped him with so many fines that I doubt he made a dollar off the


Poor Joshua still looks frazzled, with unshaven stubble and a haunted look on

his face as he gulps down a glass of champagne, a second glass clutched in

his other hand.

“And her over there—” Sonia gives a subtle nod toward a slim Asian girl

with a long fall of shining dark hair. “That’s Gemma Zhang. She’s the newest

writer for the Siren. Now this I don’t know for certain, but I have my

suspicions …”

I lean in close so no one but Sonia and I can hear.

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