There Is No Devil Sinners Duet Book 2 By Sophie Lark-pdfread

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“It was relentless. Vindictive. Irrational. He’d pretend to be willing to come

to an agreement if I’d meet him for mediation, but then he’d yank the football

away again. I started to worry that even if I could force him to come to terms,

he’d never abide by them. He was already flouting the temporary custody

agreement, refusing to bring Will back to my house, shutting off Will’s

cellphone so I couldn’t call or text. He had family in Saudi Arabia and plenty

of job opportunities overseas … I lived in terror that one day he’d take my

son and never return.”

“I’m so sorry,” I say. “That’s awful.”

Sonia nods, anger still burning in her eyes. “It was.”

“Did the judge sort it out?”

Sonia snorts. “Not fucking likely. The system is a stick in the hand of the

biggest bully. The lawyers get rich and everyone else gets fucked.”

“What happened, then?”

“A miracle,” Sonia says. “I had Will at home for the weekend. For once his

father wasn’t calling and texting, trying to interrupt us, blowing up my phone.

I remember thinking that he must be slammed at work. I certainly didn’t

believe he was turning over a new leaf—I wasn’t that stupid.”

Sonia’s voice goes low and dreamy as she gazes into her tea.

“Monday morning, I drove Will back to my ex’s house. He was renting a

place in Oakland, a little modern bungalow with an attached garage. I parked

out front, noticing that all the lights were off in the house, even though I was

right on time and he should have been expecting us. I told Will, ‘Wait in the

car.’ I must have known something was off. I walked up to the front door,

rang the bell, knocked. No answer.”

I swallow, my throat tight with anticipation, even though this all happened

years ago.

“I heard this sound. Sort of a low rumble, coming from the garage. I couldn’t

have told you what it was, and yet, deep down inside, I already knew. I felt

myself walking over, wrenching up the door. Standing still while exhaust

billowed out all around me.”

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