There Is No Devil Sinners Duet Book 2 By Sophie Lark-pdfread

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would fight my allegations with all the outraged fervor of a man who had

actually been wronged.”

Mara lets out a sigh of frustration, understanding only too well what it feels

like to be on the wrong side of a power dynamic.

“He was only a professor, but he was far more powerful than me in that

particular space. I was an infant in the art world. He could crush me under his

boot if I dared make an accusation. Blacken my name before I even got


“I was furious with myself. I had failed to see Oswald for what he was. Failed

to see his real intentions for me. I was blinded by my desire to be nurtured

and cared for in this endeavor that was personal and emotional to me. I felt

humiliated—not only from the theft, but because I didn’t see it coming.

“I stormed out of his classroom, almost running into Shaw. He was

eavesdropping with his ear practically pressed against the door. I could have

cheerfully ripped his head off his shoulders, but I just shoved past him and

kept walking.

“I told myself I’d let it go. I ripped up the sketch—there was no way to build

it anymore without being called a plagiarist myself—and threw my efforts

into new projects.

“I was having success at school. Getting the accolades I craved from

professors and fellow students. Maybe I really could have gotten over it.

Especially if Oswald made efforts to make it up to me.

“Instead, he did the opposite. And again, this was me not fully understanding

human psychology yet. We both knew there was a debt between us. I wanted

it repaid. But if Oswald acknowledged the debt, he would have to

acknowledge what he did. And he couldn’t stand that.

“The sculpture he stole was the most acclaimed of any he had ever made. It

sparked a renaissance for him, renewing interest in all his previous work.

Buoying him up to new heights in his career.

“The more success he gained from it, the more invested he became in

believing it was all his. At first this manifested as him avoiding me in class,

interacting less with my work. But soon that wasn’t enough—he had to

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