There Is No Devil Sinners Duet Book 2 By Sophie Lark-pdfread

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she’s satisfied.

I loathe the way everyone fixates on my clothing—the teachers at school, my

classmates, Randall, and my mother. The taller I grow and the more my tits

come in, the worse it gets.

I don’t get it. It’s not like I have some massive rack like Ella Fitz, who started

growing them even before we left elementary school. Still, every sign of

puberty seems to inflame my mother. She was furious when I got my period

last year, and refused to buy me tampons, even though we have swim class as

part of PE, and even though every other girl uses them. Mandy Patterson was

delighted to tell the whole class the moment she spotted a pad in my bag.

I pull on my baggiest hoodie and jeans, so my mother won’t pitch a fit when

she gets back from wherever she’s gone.

When I return to the living room, Randall has turned up the volume on the

television. Either he turned it down so he could catch me sneaking in the

door, or he’s blaring it now to irritate me.

I take my book bag to the dining room table, which is in his sight range. I

hate how he watches me.

I angle my chair away from him, spreading out my textbooks and notes.

Windsor Academy makes us do a lot more homework than I’m used to. The

other kids have been there since Kindergarten. I’ve been struggling so bad

that my mother hauled me to the doctor for some stupid medication that’s

supposed to help me focus.

It doesn’t help. Actually, it makes me jittery and my hands shake. Worse, it

amplifies the problems I already had with lights being too bright and noises

being too loud. Even normal sounds from the other students—snapping gum

or a pencil tapping against a desk—sound like popcorn exploding inside my

ears. It makes me jolt and twitch. Marcus Green calls me “Spaz,” and some

of the other kids are picking it up too.

Randall’s blaring baseball game is driving me nuts. Every crack of the ball,

every abrupt roar of the crowd, sets my teeth on edge. Even though I’m not

supposed to wear headphones around him, I sneak one of the buds out of my

pocket and slip it into my right ear, under my hair.

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