Constellations Thesis Book by Nesrin Zidan

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An interesting fact states that the first ever radio

telescope was built by Grote Reber in the USA in

1937 A.D. The telescope was used to pick up and

amplify radio waves from astronomical sources

compatible with it (Miller, 2013).

On the other hand, as technology

was advancing to new heights, some

countries were preparing for takeoff.

The Russian Sputnik 1 satellite

was launched into space in 1957

A.D, marking the beginning

of the space age, and became

the first man-made object

to orbit the Earth. Following

them, the Americans’

Apollo 11 mission landed

on the moon’s surface

with Astronauts Neil

Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin

headlining the mission

in 1969 A.D.

This led to more

confidence in launching

several missions into

space. The Voyager 1

spacecraft was launched

in 1977 AD to study the

outer solar system. Furthermore,

it became necessary

to main a consistent

uninterrupted view of the

earth and the solar system.

The Hubble Space

Telescope (HST) was launched

into orbit by the space shuttle

Discovery in 1990 AD. The 2.4-meter

reflecting telescope is still circling

the planet and capturing incredibly

crisp views of space. Following that, radio

astronomers, Wolszczan and Frail, declared

the discovery of the first identification

of exoplanets in 1992 A.D. As of 2022, more than

5,000 planets outside our solar system have been discovered

throughout the years (Miller, 2013).

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