Constellations Thesis Book by Nesrin Zidan

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• Kamal: An Arabian navigational device

used to estimate latitude from the North

Star. With the top edge aligned with the

North Star and the bottom edge aligned

with the horizon, sailors would hold a

rectangular plate in front of their faces.

They could establish the ship’s latitude by

measuring the distance between the plate

and the tip of their noses using a thread

fastened to the plate’s center (History of

Navigation at Sea: From stars to the modern-day

GPS, 2019).

• Sextant: Thomas Godfrey in America

and John Hadley in England separately

developed the sextant in the 18th century.

The sextant is a double-reflecting navigational

tool. It’s employed in celestial navigation

to determine latitude and longitude

and to find the angle between the horizon

and a celestial body, such as the Sun,

the Moon, or a star (What is a Mariner’s

Astrolabe?). The tool consists of a circle

with a degree-marked arc and a revolving

moveable radial arm in the middle. The

horizon is aligned with a telescope that is

rigidly attached to the structure. The sextant’s

arc spans 60°, which is one-sixth of

a circle; thus its name (Britannica, 2019).

Fig. 3.3. A Kamal and how to weild it

Fig. 3.4. A typical Sextant

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