Constellations Thesis Book by Nesrin Zidan

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Commonly, Asia was known for

being a patron of the arts and sciences

with many notable contributions. There

are numerous contributions of Ancient

India in the field of Astronomy but the

most notable one was by Aryabhatiya.

It is through him that Indian astronomy

veered away from the mystical and religious

and towards the scientific. Although

his works are under the premise that the

world is geocentric, many are still of value

to modern mathematics and astronomy.

Aryabhatiya was able to assume that

the Earth is rotating on its axis and that

the Moon and other planets shine through

the reflected light from the Sun (7 Ancient

Cultures and how they shaped Astronomy,


Astrology was a branch of science

that coexisted alongside astronomy

in Central Asia, as it did in other Muslim

nations. Consequently, al-Biruni, who disagreed

with astrology’s teachings, draws a

dividing line between astronomy and astrology.

He describes astronomy as “ilm

al-nujum” (the science of the stars) or

“ilm hay’at al-nujum” (the science of the

structure of the stars), the word “ilm” being

a reminder that astronomy is a science

(Dani et al., 1992).

On the other hand, he describes

astrology by the terms “sinacat al-nujum,”

“sinacat ahkam,” and “sinacat ahkam

al-nujum” (the art of star-counting,

the art of divination, and the art of predicting

the future by the stars); in other

words, astrology is an art or practice that

is separate from astronomy, which is purely

scientific. Additionally, the word “art”

has connotations of “swindle,” “machination,”

and other similar meanings in all

these contexts that indicate that astrology

does not follow the scientific method.

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