Savanta - Consumer Unwrapped Webinar
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<strong>Consumer</strong><br />
<strong>Unwrapped</strong><br /><br />
make Make better Better decisions Decisions
The Qualitative<br />
Practice Group<br />
We are a hive mind of brand experts. We are obsessed with<br />
understanding why people act the way they do. Our goal is to<br />
empower through empathy, enabling our clients to walk in the<br />
shoes of their consumers to inspire change and unlock opportunity.<br />
And we’ve been busy! In 2022, we…<br />
40 +<br />
500 +<br />
50 +<br />
23<br />
clients<br />
consumers<br />
research<br />
projects<br />
industries<br />
globally<br />
We’ve learnt a lot.<br />
Here are a few insights we think you should consider as<br />
you plan for the rest of the year…<br /><br />
Let’s go beyond<br />
the obvious…<br />
We get it. Sustainability, cost of<br />
living, ChatGPT, these topics are hot<br />
right now, and every self-proclaimed<br />
guru on LinkedIn and their grandma<br />
is talking about them.<br />
But we've got some fresh ideas that<br />
we think you should also consider.<br />
Here are three themes that are sure<br />
to spice up your thinking:<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
The New<br />
Value Equation<br />
Blurring<br />
Boundaries<br />
Balancing Acts<br /><br />
01<br />
The New<br />
Value<br />
Equation<br />
The consumer’s definition of value is<br />
evolving. Brands must understand and react<br />
to these changes - look beyond price and<br />
creatively assess how their products and<br />
services deliver value. Lucky for you,<br />
consumers have told us all about the factors<br />
that drive purchase consideration.<br /><br />
Ownership alternatives<br />
Fear of commitment? <strong>Consumer</strong>s, especially Youth, are<br />
increasingly interpreting ownership as being “tied down”.<br />
Whether it’s a house, car or even clothes, consumers want<br />
freedom and flexibility in how they experience a product.<br />
Subscriptions such as Volvo, Own the Runway, Love Home<br />
Swap, and Depop succeed in providing value via access<br />
rather than ownership.<br />
What flexibility in ownership do you offer your<br />
consumers?<br />
How can your brand facilitate peer to peer ownership?<br /><br />
Authenticity is king<br />
The Attention Economy forces brands to bombard consumers<br />
with a cacophony of messages and ads across social, digital<br />
and physical mediums. Brands are starting to sound alike,<br />
feeding an inherent distrust and a perception that brands<br />
pretend to care. Instead, consumers are turning to peers for<br />
authentic feedback and relying on social commerce to construct<br />
their perceived value of a brand.<br /><br />
When it comes to<br />
finding the right<br />
product or service…<br />
2/3 young people find ‘customer online<br />
reviews’ and ‘word of mouth’ useful<br />
Vs.<br />
1/3 say ‘brand advertisements’ are useful…<br />
How and when do consumers brag about your brand?<br /><br />
What is your social commerce strategy?<br />
The Warm Glow<br />
Behavioural Science shows that people make choices that support<br />
their personal narrative. These choices may not always be logical,<br />
but they align with what we think about ourselves and give us a<br />
sense of joy and satisfaction (a “warm glow”) when we do our part to<br />
help others or society. <strong>Consumer</strong>s are slowly but surely valuing<br />
brands that reflect their ideals and can deliver ‘warm glow’ moments.<br />
“[Our choices] align with what we<br />
think about ourselves and give us<br />
a sense of joy and satisfaction (a<br />
“warm glow”) when we do our<br />
part to help others or society”<br /><br />
42% of young people say they are highly influenced to buy a<br />
product/ service if it makes them feel good about doing the right thing<br />
for society…<br />
What are the emotional rewards in your<br />
product/service portfolio?<br />
What are the warm glow opportunities?<br /><br />
02<br />
Blurring<br />
Boundaries<br />
The outlines that have defined long-standing<br />
social norms, behaviours and categories are<br />
dissolving. We’ve noticed a blurring of<br />
boundaries in numerous industries and<br />
across varying contexts which present brands<br />
with both opportunities and challenges.<br /><br />
No Labels Needed<br />
Gen Z, Alpha and younger Millennials express a strong aversion<br />
to prescriptive labelling, no matter how implicit. <strong>Consumer</strong>s<br />
deeply value the freedom of authentic self-expression. Whatever<br />
the industry, from fashion to finance, brands need to consider<br />
how their products and services are presented, ensuring that<br />
consumers feel like they have the room to make their own<br />
choices, to forge their own narrative.<br />
Have you made any assumptions about the<br />
consumer in your messaging or marketing?<br />
Do you know how to speak to your consumers?<br /><br />
Dissolving the barrier between<br />
consumer and brand<br />
From hospitality to retail, we are seeing brands re-envision the<br />
traditional consumer dynamic by lifting the veil on the creative<br />
process and inviting consumers to co-create at the earliest<br />
stages of innovation. When done right, this not only generates<br />
meaningful and memorable interactions, but creates a cuttingedge<br />
brand truly shaped by the consumer and in tune with the<br />
times.<br />
How are you innovating in consumer experience to<br />
remain relevant in the mind of your consumers?<br />
How are you engaging your consumers in a twoway<br />
dialogue?<br /><br />
Redefining home<br />
Lockdowns and remote working have changed the way<br />
people think about home. Not only has home taken on a new<br />
symbolic meaning – more than ever home is felt to be a<br />
sanctuary from the turbulent outside world – but there are<br />
also practical changes in the way we relate to the space we<br />
call home. The blurring of home and work life has not only<br />
given rise to the need for a truly multifunctional space but has<br />
also transformed many of our daily rituals. From how we<br />
make a cup of tea, to how we decide what clothes to wear, to<br />
how we design our homes, to what software we use, there<br />
are myriad opportunities for brands to adapt to consumers’<br />
new ways of living.<br /><br />
80% of young people say they’ve changed their patterns of<br />
behaviour since covid lockdowns<br />
How have your consumers’ in-home rituals<br />
changed?<br />
How has your brand reacted to consumers’ new<br />
way of living?<br /><br />
03<br />
Balancing<br />
Acts<br />
There is a tension between the need for<br />
product curation on the one hand, and the<br />
desire for choice, adventure and discovery on<br />
the other. Brands need to think creatively to<br />
walk this delicate tightrope.<br /><br />
Surprise to delight<br />
<strong>Consumer</strong>s are bored from being pigeonholed. Despite the<br />
expectation for curation, there is a sense that it’s leading to a stifling of<br />
discovery. Brands that manage to challenge consumers’<br />
preconceptions provide the sense of delight and adventure they’re<br />
craving. Unusual collaborations, unexpected product pairings, and<br />
interesting product re-packaging are ways to facilitate brand discovery<br />
without compromising on expectations for personalised curation.<br /><br />
76% of young people find it refreshing/ exciting when brands do a<br />
combination of repackaging, bundling products, forming unexpected<br />
collaborations and / or offering opportunities to personalise a product.<br />
How is your brand surprising and challenging<br />
consumer preconceptions?<br />
How is your brand facilitating the discovery of new<br />
brand elements?<br /><br />
Create environments that<br />
transport<br />
One way brands can tilt the scales in favour of adventure and<br />
discovery is by creating 5-star physical experiences. The<br />
Peak-End cognitive bias means that people tend to judge an<br />
experience based on how it feels at its peak and at its end,<br />
rather than on the average of every moment. Top performing<br />
venues facilitate peak experiences by creating environments<br />
that transport the consumer away from the stresses of their<br />
daily lives. Ensuring that all sensory stimuli - lighting,<br />
textures, sounds and smells - work in harmony to achieve a<br />
carefully curated environment is crucial.<br />
Where are the peak moments in your consumer<br />
journey?<br />
Has your retail or on-trade experience achieved multisensory<br />
harmony?<br /><br />
Elevated personalisation<br />
How can you walk the tightrope of inspiring consumers to access your<br />
wider product range without it seeming forced or irrelevant? One way<br />
that successful brands have tackled this is by suggesting interesting<br />
add-ons, attachments and accessories that allow consumers to<br />
personalise their original purchases. From hair dryers with<br />
customisable barrels and brushes, to shoes with made-to-order soles<br />
and laces, the best consumer experiences combine education and<br />
discovery with opportunity for personalisation.<br /><br />
Young consumers want curation and discovery<br />
in equal measure…<br />
43% only want to see brands<br />
relevant to their interests and do not<br />
care about discovering new brands<br />
41% are bored of overcuration<br />
and want more variety<br />
and discovery<br />
How is your brand encouraging the<br />
discovery of new products?<br /><br />
Can you push the boundaries of<br />
personalisation opportunities?<br />
I know, it’s a lot to<br />
take in.<br />
01<br />
Understand how your consumers’ definition<br />
of value is evolving.<br />
In a nutshell, we<br />
think it’s crucial that<br />
you…<br />
02<br />
03<br />
Identify where the opportunities and<br />
challenges lie as category and societal<br />
boundaries start to blur.<br />
Think creatively about how to reignite that<br />
lost sense of adventure in the consumer<br />
experience.<br />
Let us know if you fancy a chat. We’re here to help.<br /><br />
21<br />
<strong>Savanta</strong> is the full-service global market research and data insight company that helps businesses make better decisions.<br />
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London<br />
W1W 7RT<br />
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New York<br />
NY – 10017<br />
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Grote Bickersstraat 74-78<br />
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+44 (0) 20 7632 3434<br />