Nor'West News: August 31, 2023

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THURSDAY, AUGUST <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Season of success<br />

for St Andrew’s<br />

• By Jaime Cunningham<br />

ST ANDREW’S College<br />

have had a near-perfect leadup<br />

to this week’s national<br />

tournaments with four of their<br />

girls’ sides making finals within<br />

a week of each other.<br />

The school’s girls football<br />

and basketball senior teams<br />

clinched regional titles in the<br />

Connetics premier first XI and<br />

Whelan Trophy competitions<br />

respectively. St Andrew’s also<br />

made finals for netball and<br />

hockey. St Andrew’s senior<br />

basketball side won the first<br />

title of last week on Tuesday<br />

HISTORY: Sasha<br />

McIntyre chases<br />

the ball down<br />

field during the<br />

premier final.<br />

with a dominant 82-61 win over<br />

Rangiora High. Year 13 Lauren<br />

Whittaker was awarded most<br />

valuable player with a 25-point,<br />

21-rebound, 8-steal statline.<br />

• Turn to page 6<br />

More<br />

groups in<br />

need of<br />

ratepayer<br />

grants<br />

• By Briar Allen<br />


applying for financial help from a<br />

community fund pushing it to its<br />

limit.<br />

The Waimaero Fendalton-<br />

Waimairi-Harewood Community<br />

Board had 65 applications for<br />

grants from its strengthening<br />

communities fund<br />

with 64 approved.<br />

The applicants<br />

requested just over<br />

$1 million in total,<br />

but the board only<br />

has a funding pool<br />

of $491,658.<br />

Last year 46 applications<br />

requested<br />

Sam<br />

MacDonald<br />

about $800,000 from a funding<br />

pool of about $441,905.<br />

Waimairi Ward city councillor<br />

Sam McDonald said the<br />

increase in applicants is due to<br />

the expansion of the community<br />

board boundary line last year,<br />

which now includes more of the<br />

Harewood area. He believes the<br />

rising cost of living has also had<br />

an impact.<br />

McDonald said people are making<br />

sacrifices to pay their rates<br />

and there are no plans to increase<br />

the funding pool.<br />

“I don’t think increasing the<br />

funding pool is the way to go – it<br />

is more being mindful about how<br />

we invest it.”<br />

•Turn to page 7<br />







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what’s on<br />

this week<br />

Te Kahui Ohua<br />

Friday, 5.30-6.30pm<br />

Fendalton Library<br />

Te Kāhui Ōhua is a casual, monthly<br />

reading group that celebrates our Ngā<br />

Pounamu Māori Collection. Each<br />

month you’ll choose any book from<br />

the collection to read - Fiction or Non-<br />

Fiction, in English or Te Reo. Share<br />

your reads with the rest of the group.<br />

All are welcome, bring the whānau.<br />

Wa Korero: Storytimes<br />

Fridays, 10.30-11am<br />

Redwood Library<br />

Meet others in our community when<br />

you and your preschooler join us for<br />

a fun variety of stories, songs and<br />

rhymes which foster children’s literacy.<br />

All whānau and caregivers welcome.<br />

Wa Pepi: Babytimes<br />

Fridays, 10.30-11am<br />

Orauwhata: Bishopdale Library and<br />

Community Centre<br />

Meet others in the community<br />

and join our relaxed, fun group for<br />

interactive songs, rhymes, and books<br />

that will delight and develop your baby<br />

or toddler.<br />

Citizens Advice Bureau<br />

Tuesdays, 2-5pm<br />

Fendalton Library<br />

Citizens Advice Bureau provides free<br />

Bedtime stories, Friday, 6.30-7.30pm Fendalton Library Come and<br />

join Margot for some Friday night fun. Themed stories, songs and simple<br />

crafts will entertain your 4-7 year olds, but the whole family is more than<br />

welcome. Don’t forget to wear your PJs.<br />

and confidential advice to everyone.<br />

We take the time to listen to you<br />

and equip you with the information,<br />

options and support that fit your<br />

needs.<br />

Technology Help<br />

Thursday, 11am-noon<br />

Redwood Library<br />

A drop in session set up to help you<br />

with your device. Discussing help with<br />

email, searching the internet, using the<br />

library catalogue, eBooks, and general<br />

computer queries. Bring your own<br />

device. Free, no bookings required.<br />

Bolivia Card Game<br />

Thursdays, 1-3pm<br />

Orauwhata: Bishopdale Library and<br />

Community Centre<br />

Everyone is welcome to come along<br />

and try their hand at this fun and<br />

friendly card game.<br />

Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Mahjong Group<br />

Fridays, 2-4pm<br />

Fendalton Library<br />

Interested in playing Mahjong? Come<br />

along and learn how to play. For<br />

beginners and advanced players. If<br />

you have your own set please bring it<br />

along, otherwise come and join in a<br />

friendly game.<br />

Councillor for Papanui Ward:<br />

Drop-in Session<br />

Thursday 2-4pm<br />

Redwood Library<br />

Do you have issues that you would<br />

like to discuss with your local City<br />

Councillor? Victoria Henstock, City<br />

Councillor for Papanui Ward will be<br />

available. Appointments are preferred,<br />

but time will be available for enquiries<br />

and chats on a drop-in basis. You can<br />

contact Victoria for an appointment<br />

on 027 224 2075 or at<br />

victoria.henstock@ccc.govt.nz<br />

THE <strong>2023</strong> GENERAL ELECTION<br />

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Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 3<br />

THEN AND NOW: St Albans Primary School in 1890, its old entrance, and the school today.<br />

School prepares for 150th jubilee<br />

• By Briar Allen<br />

CELEBRATING the past, the<br />

present and the future, people<br />

a part of the St Albans Primary<br />

School community are invited to<br />

its 150th jubilee.<br />

The school was founded in<br />

1873, and teacher Sam Pelham<br />

said they are looking forward to<br />

the weekend of celebrations on<br />

September 15-17.<br />

“We are really excited, it is<br />

really awesome to be able to<br />

connect with the community<br />

through the past, present and<br />

the future of the school, we value<br />

those connections,” she said.<br />

Celebrations include school<br />

tours, performances, and the<br />

tree and time capsule planting<br />

on Friday. On Saturday, tickets<br />

are available for $25 to attend a<br />

morning tea, or $75 to attend the<br />

evening celebrations. On Sunday,<br />

there will be a gala with food<br />

trucks and a community picnic<br />

with musical performances.<br />

“It is a wonderful way to<br />

celebrate the community and<br />

how strong they have been,” said<br />

Pelham.<br />

“It is also nice to be able to<br />

celebrate with so many people<br />

post Covid-19.”<br />

In the lead-up to the official<br />

celebration, the school has been<br />

holding activities, such as a<br />

Back in Time Day where pupils<br />

and staff dressed up as it was<br />

150 years ago.<br />

Pelham said it was a fabulous<br />

day and the children loved the<br />

authenticity, as the teachers<br />

made an effort to act like how it<br />

was back then.<br />

“We used chalk instead of a<br />

whiteboard, had them sitting in<br />

rows, I don’t think we have had<br />

such quiet classrooms. It was<br />

really cool to see them playing<br />

old games like knucklebones and<br />

marbles under the oak tree.”<br />

She said current tamariki<br />

interviewed past students – with<br />

the eldest being 96 – and many<br />

remembered playing marbles<br />

under the same oak tree.<br />

The school has also been<br />

preparing a time capsule to bury<br />

and each pupil is contributing<br />

something to it.<br />

“About 550 items will be added<br />

to the capsule, some things<br />

include drawings, fingerprint<br />

paintings and pictures of children<br />

with their favourite toy.<br />

It allows the children to leave<br />

behind a legacy and represents<br />

them looking to the future.”<br />

Another time capsule was<br />

buried about the time of the<br />

125th anniversary, but Pelham<br />

said they have dug up the whole<br />

field and not managed to find<br />

it, so the latest one will be well<br />

documented.<br />

She said the jubilee and learning<br />

about their cultural narrative<br />

is important for staff and pupils,<br />

as it ties them to the past and<br />

shows them where they have<br />

come from.<br />

“It is a beautiful story to learn,<br />

it allows us to reflect on how<br />

things weren’t always like this<br />

and how life was back then.<br />

“All these people have one<br />

thing that connects them and<br />

that is the school, they have all<br />

gone on to live very different<br />

lives but are connected by their<br />

time here.”<br />

• Tickets can be<br />

purchased from events.<br />

humanitix.com/st-albansschool-christchurch-150thjubilee-weekend<br />

and the<br />

programme can be found<br />

on the school’s website<br />


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Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

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Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 5<br />

Council’s computers to<br />

the community scheme<br />

Donation for<br />

dementia care<br />

• By Briar Allen<br />

A COMMUNITY organisation<br />

in Redwood is giving the city<br />

council’s old laptops a new lease<br />

on life.<br />

The scheme is administered<br />

by the Waimaero Fendalton-<br />

Waimairi-Harewood community<br />

governance team based at the<br />

Fendalton Library.<br />

The city council’s computers<br />

to the community Scheme has<br />

allowed Styx Living Laboratory<br />

Trust to save money and<br />

electronic waste by using secondhand<br />

laptops.<br />

Programme manager Anita<br />

Spencer said the laptops have<br />

allowed staff to work from home,<br />

the office or out in the field.<br />

“It has been great for the trust.<br />

The laptops may be older, but<br />

they are good quality and we<br />

don’t need the flashiest or newest<br />

ones to get the job done,” she<br />

said.<br />

Spencer said they have applied<br />

for the scheme three times, with<br />

the latest being this year where<br />

they received two laptops.<br />

“It has been really helpful<br />

when we have had some staff<br />

isolate for a week due to Covid as<br />

one of the laptops can have work<br />

loaded onto it that the person<br />

could work on at home and keep<br />

them engaged.”<br />

City council head of<br />

REUSE: Old council laptops are distributed among<br />

organisations who can make use of them. PHOTO: GETTY<br />

community support and<br />

partnerships John Filsell said<br />

the scheme started in 2007 as<br />

a partnership between the city<br />

council’s community support<br />

unit and the information and<br />

technology unit.<br />

“The computer replacement<br />

programme allows the older<br />

model surplus staff laptops and<br />

desktops to be repurposed and<br />

gifted to local not-for-profit<br />

community organisations,” he<br />

said.<br />

“The city council sees this as a<br />

way to acknowledge the amazing<br />

efforts of local groups who work<br />

hard to help build strong and<br />

inclusive communities.”<br />

He said about 400 devices<br />

are donated each year to a wide<br />

range of groups and that many<br />

of them struggle to compete for<br />

limited funding and priority is<br />

given to key costs such as staff<br />

wages and programme costs.<br />

“Obtaining funding for<br />

computers is often quite difficult<br />

and feedback from the groups<br />

says that this scheme has been<br />

a life-saver. It was particularly<br />

useful following the February 22,<br />

2011 earthquake.<br />

“It was also heavily relied on<br />

during Covid with isolation and<br />

many groups needing devices<br />

for staff working from home. We<br />

have also been able to give some<br />

of the older devices to help out<br />

Tonga, the Solomon Islands and<br />

Fiji following devastating natural<br />

disasters as one-off donations.”<br />

The scheme is open all year<br />

round and groups can download<br />

an application form on the city<br />

council’s website.<br />

KIND DONATION: Bishopdale-Burnside Rotary president<br />

Rod Finch (left) hands over the keys to Dementia Canterbury<br />

chief executive officer Darral Campbell. ​<br />

DEMENTIA Canterbury<br />

has a new car courtesy of the<br />

Bishopdale-Burnside Rotary<br />

Club.<br />

Club president Rod Finch said<br />

due to the amazing support the<br />

club receives from the public<br />

they were able to donate a Suzuki<br />

Baleno.<br />

“The support from the public<br />

when we run our annual<br />

Bookarama has meant we have<br />

been able to undertake a number<br />

of meaningful community<br />

projects such as providing<br />

this much needed vehicle for<br />

Dementia Canterbury,” he said.<br />

Dementia Canterbury provides<br />

services that include home visits<br />

for assessment and support,<br />

cognitive stimulation, activity<br />

and support groups, community<br />

cafes and education to a diverse<br />

range of groups.<br />

Dementia Canterbury chief<br />

executive officer Darral Campbell<br />

said the new car will be used by<br />

staff to help them reach out to the<br />

community.<br />

“We are very grateful for this<br />

generous donation from the<br />

Bishopdale-Burnside Rotary.<br />

Club. The new vehicle will be<br />

used by our staff when they<br />

deliver a range of services in<br />

Christchurch and the wider<br />

Canterbury region.”<br />

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6<br />

Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Girls’ teams claim multiple titles<br />

• From page 1<br />

It was also the fourth<br />

consecutive year St Andrew’s<br />

claimed the Canterbury<br />

secondary schools’<br />

championship.<br />

A day later, the success<br />

continued for St Andrew’s in<br />

football.<br />

With the Challenge Shield<br />

already secured, St Andrew’s<br />

were favourites to claim the<br />

Connetics schools premier 1st XI<br />

competition for the third year in<br />

a row, having gone through the<br />

regular season unbeaten.<br />

Kyra Lazor (Year 13) led the<br />

charge for her side, scoring three<br />

goals, while Amber de Wit (Year<br />

11) and Alyssa Sanders (Year 10)<br />

both scored one goal each in St<br />

Andrew’s 5-0 win over Avonside<br />

Girls High.<br />

It capped off a dominant week<br />

for St Andrew’s, which was<br />

preceded by the school’s netball<br />

and hockey sides making their<br />

respective finals.<br />

Despite losing to rivals St<br />

Margaret’s College 34-26 in<br />

the SuperNet final, St Andrew’s<br />

senior A netball side will go<br />

down to Invercargill for South<br />

Island secondary schools with<br />

confidence after their strong<br />

MATCH-UP: Goal keeper<br />

Charlotte Galvan defends<br />

St Margaret’s goal<br />

attack Ivy Brown in the<br />

SuperNet final.<br />

showing against last year’s<br />

national finalists.<br />

They managed to fight back<br />

in the second half following<br />

an 11-4 second quarter to St<br />

Margaret’s.<br />

Meanwhile, the school’s girls<br />

first XI hockey side will be<br />

looking to record their best-ever<br />

finish at the Federation Cup in<br />

Christchurch this week.<br />

St Andrew’s go into the<br />

tournament after they were<br />

narrowly pipped by Rangi Ruru<br />

in the school’s first appearance<br />

in the Connetics secondary<br />

schools premier final.<br />

Despite losing 1-0, St<br />

Andrew’s made Rangi fight for<br />

their win after they scored in<br />

the first four minutes of the<br />

game.<br />

This week’s secondary schools<br />

national winter tournaments are<br />

run in various locations, with<br />

most sports finishing up on<br />

Thursday, Friday or Saturday.<br />

UNBEATEN: St Andrew’s<br />

College capped off an<br />

unbeaten season with a 5-0<br />

win over Avonside Girls’ to<br />

claim the Connetics premier<br />

1st XI football title for the<br />

third year in a row.<br />

• To find out more about<br />

each tournament go to:<br />

https://www.schoolsportnz.<br />

org.nz/Sport-1/Events/<br />

School-Sport-NZ-Events<br />


The Whelan<br />

Trophy was<br />

won by St<br />

Andrew’s<br />

College for the<br />

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Tuesday.<br />

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Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 7<br />

Survey shines a light<br />

on youth concerns<br />

• By Briar Allen<br />

ISSUES AROUND school,<br />

mental health, trust, emotional<br />

struggles, and growing up are<br />

some of the issues concerning<br />

young people in Hornby.<br />

These issues have been<br />

revealed through a survey<br />

conducted by Te Whare Awhero:<br />

Hope House. The survey will<br />

close next Wednesday but has<br />

already had more than 200<br />

responses.<br />

Director<br />

Carey Ewing<br />

said community<br />

groups and<br />

organisations<br />

have supported<br />

the survey, while<br />

Carey<br />

Ewing<br />

the city council<br />

is keen to see the<br />

results.<br />

“We will analyse<br />

the content before compiling<br />

it into a report, which will be<br />

available on our website.<br />

“I’m hopeful it will provide<br />

information to inform and have<br />

the opportunity to create further<br />

ways to engage with our youth.”<br />

Ewing said the survey<br />

came about after he and a few<br />

others attended the Greater<br />

Hornby Residents Association<br />

community meeting in June<br />

where concerns were raised<br />

WHAT MATTERS: A survey by Te Whare Awhero: Hope<br />

House highlights the concerns of youth in the Hornby area.<br />


about offending youth.<br />

“There was a great deal of<br />

concern around youth and<br />

how they are travelling, and<br />

them engaging in antisocial<br />

behaviours,” he said.<br />

Ewing said they decided to put<br />

out the survey to gain insights<br />

into what matters to youth.<br />

“It is really important. We<br />

need to be hearing from them.<br />

It is really insightful to hear<br />

from our youth and what it is<br />

like growing up in this world,<br />

because it is completely different<br />

to the world I grew up in.”<br />

He said young people have<br />

had to deal with the rise of social<br />

media, Covid-19, the Canterbury<br />

earthquakes and teacher strikes.<br />

• The survey can<br />

be completed at<br />

tewhareawhero.org/youthvoice-survey-<strong>2023</strong><br />

before<br />

September 6<br />

Board aims to get<br />

‘value for money’<br />

•From page 1<br />

“There is more competition<br />

which means the board has to<br />

really look into how it invests<br />

the money it has available and<br />

what is the best return for the<br />

community,” he said.<br />

McDonald said there is only so<br />

much the board can take from<br />

ratepayers while ensuring they<br />

are getting something out of it<br />

too.<br />

“The fund is such . . . value<br />

for money. If the value of<br />

an investment is $1 and the<br />

return is $11, it really makes it<br />

worthwhile.”<br />

Papanui Community Toy<br />

Library grants officer Chantal<br />

Rosenhart said the organisation<br />

was only granted one year of<br />

funding in the latest round.<br />

“The fund allows us to<br />

continue operating without<br />

having to increase our fees,<br />

although we are absolutely<br />

struggling to get people to sign<br />

up due to cost of living,” she<br />

said.<br />

Rosenhart said the fund helps<br />

pay for one employee, its toy<br />

librarian, who provides a good<br />

service to the community.<br />

“This year we applied for a<br />

multi-year grant from the board,<br />

but we were only granted one<br />

year. But we are lucky as where<br />

we are based we also come under<br />

the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-<br />

GIVING: The strengthening<br />

communities fund helps<br />

pay for one employee at the<br />

Papanui Community Toy<br />

Library.<br />

Central Community Board, and<br />

we were granted a three-year<br />

grant from them.<br />

“Others are not so lucky. It<br />

is worrying more people are<br />

applying but every one of them<br />

has a very valid reason for<br />

applying and it is concerning if<br />

the money cannot be increased.”<br />

McDonald said the board<br />

always aims to get the best<br />

return for its investment.<br />

“When I attend some of the<br />

community events and they<br />

thank me for giving them the<br />

money I tell them: ‘This is your<br />

money’.<br />

“I think if we keep thinking<br />

about it that way the better, this<br />

is the community’s investment,<br />

we just redistribute it.”<br />

Bin good with rubbish<br />

Put general rubbish and the items below in your red bin<br />

All lids<br />

All compostable and biodegradable<br />

bags and packaging<br />

Soft plastic items including packets,<br />

wrappers and biscuit trays<br />

Takeaway cups<br />

and containers<br />

By putting the right stuff in your red bin, you’re keeping other bins<br />

free of contaminants.<br />

If in doubt use the handy look-up tool on our app or website.<br />


8<br />

Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

ZR-V a premium passenger experience<br />

HONDA IS looking to take the<br />

sales fight to its many mid-sized<br />

urban SUV rivals with its new<br />

ZR-V, one of the most complete all<br />

round models we’ve seen from the<br />

company in ages, in this part of the<br />

world.<br />

In essence, it’s an SUV spinoff<br />

of the thoroughly competent<br />

Honda Civic. With that quality<br />

DNA underpinning it, the ZR-V<br />

is much more capable than your<br />

typical urban SUV. It replaces<br />

the popular HRV that ended its<br />

successful run on our market 18<br />

months ago. With no suitable<br />

replacement available out of Japan<br />

until 2025, Honda here decided to<br />

whistle up the ZR-V as an interim<br />

replacement. It is sold in North<br />

America, as a larger version of the<br />

HRV and does exceptionally well<br />

in one of the world’s toughest new<br />

car markets.<br />

Motoring with Bob Nettleton<br />

Coastal Pacific Tour<br />

For Honda, the ZR-V delivers<br />

the company’s next-level hybrid<br />

electrification technology. The<br />

ZR-V Sport, uses a new 2.0L<br />

e:HEV direct injection petrol<br />

engine with two electric motors<br />

for a collective power output of<br />

135kW and <strong>31</strong>5Nm of torque.<br />

If that doesn’t take your interest<br />

there’s the option of a 1.5L direct<br />

injection turbo that has been a<br />

staple of the Honda range for 8<br />

years.<br />

The hybrid power train is<br />

exclusive to the flagship $55,000<br />

ZR-V Sport, but not the with<br />

$47,000 turbo provided for this<br />

road test. It’s the same price as the<br />

Civic sedan but more appealing<br />

being larger, offering on-trend<br />

SUV styling, and more versatility<br />

and practicality.<br />

Punting the test vehicle<br />

along with plenty of intent is an<br />

Incorporating<br />

best motorbuys<br />

www.drivesouth.co.nz<br />

upgraded version of Honda’s<br />

stalwart 1.5 turbo engine. It’s good<br />

for 1<strong>31</strong>kW of power and 240Nm<br />

of torque, both decent enough<br />

numbers for an engine of this<br />

size. Torque comes into play from<br />

just 1700rpm, although it’s more<br />

about work than play as it unearths<br />

plenty of low-speed pulling power.<br />

In real world driving the motor<br />

is flexible with good throttle<br />

response. It’s quieter in the higher<br />

rev range, to the point where you<br />

aren’t looking to turn up the sound<br />

system to counter engine noise. A<br />

much-improved constant variable<br />

transmission is shared with the<br />

Honda Civic and features normal<br />

and eco driving modes and a<br />

user-selectable sport mode. It’s a<br />

transmission that rarely puts a foot<br />

wrong and feels a good match to<br />

this feisty compact turbo engine.<br />

A generously proportioned cabin<br />

and an equally commodious rear<br />

cargo hatch is among the best in<br />

the compact urban SUV class. A<br />

60-40 split rear seat quickly folds<br />

down for more load space. Quality<br />

is one of the lasting impressions<br />

of the passenger compartment,<br />

and you can only admire the<br />

methodical way Honda have gone<br />

about achieving this. Much of this<br />

is down to the generous use of<br />

quality materials throughout the<br />

cabin, especially on touch points.<br />

Plenty of effort has also gone into<br />

providing a premium look and feel<br />

to the switchgear and controls.<br />

ZR-V Sport and Turbo are<br />

the first models to feature new<br />

Honda Connect emergency<br />

services. This alerts these services<br />

if it detects the vehicle’s airbags<br />

have been activated. An excellent<br />

new single-camera system offers<br />

better visibility. Combined with<br />

software advances and a new, more<br />

powerful processor, the system<br />

is capable of more quickly and<br />

accurately spotting hazards, along<br />

with road lines and signs.<br />

Well-sorted suspension and<br />

steering are the cornerstones<br />

of an agile and nicely balanced<br />

urban SUV that’s right at ease<br />

and taking charge on our roads,<br />

with often-tricky weather and<br />

driving conditions. The suspension<br />

reacts decisively and is a calming<br />

influence in steadying the car<br />

We welcome existing & new customers to our New Spring Tours<br />

Tasman Bay – Motueka Tour<br />

Christchurch, Culverden, Spring Junction, Murchison, Motueka, Nelson,<br />

Picton, Kaikoura, Christchurch<br />

COST : $1,795 PER PERSON<br />

West Coast Adventure Tour<br />

(Price includes dinner, hotel room, breakfast, and boat cruise)<br />

Christchurch, Makarora, Jackson Bay, Haast, Hokitika, Punakaiki, Greymouth,<br />

Arthur’s Pass Train, Christchurch<br />

COST : $1,795 PER PERSON<br />

Christchurch, Kaikoura, Picton, Mail Boat, Coastal Pacific Train, Christchurch<br />

COST : $1,395 PER PERSON<br />

Milford Sound Tour<br />

(Price includes accommodation, bed, breakfast and Trans Alpine train fare from Arthur’s Pass to Christchurch)<br />

(Price includes dinner, hotel room and breakfast, Mail Boat & Coastal Pacific Train)<br />

Christchurch, Omarama, Wanaka, Arrowtown, Te Anau, Milford Sound,<br />

Dunedin, Christchurch<br />

COST : $2,195 PER PERSON<br />

Southland Tour<br />

(Price includes dinner, hotel room and breakfast, Milford Cruise and Lunch onboard)<br />

Christchurch, Omarama, Wanaka, Arrowtown, Gore, Riverton, Bluff, Invercargill,<br />

Catlins, Dunedin, Christchurch<br />

COST : $2,195 PER PERSON<br />

(Price includes dinner, hotel room and breakfast ONLY)<br />

in response to sudden and<br />

unexpected changes in the road<br />

surface. In around-town driving<br />

the ride may be a bit firm for some.<br />

I didn’t mind it at all and liked<br />

the way it gives the test vehicle a<br />

sportier character than most of its<br />

Japanese and Korean competitor.<br />

However, it’s still shaded by the<br />

more accomplished European<br />

offerings in this market segment.<br />

Rating out of 10: Performance<br />

8, handling 7 , build quality<br />

8, comfort 8, passenger and<br />

load space 8, Styling 6, Fuel<br />

Economy on road test average<br />

consumption 8.9L /100km,<br />

Value for money 6, Safety, Five<br />

Star ANCAP crash rating and<br />

Clean vehicle fee $6,900<br />

Overall points out of 10: 7.5<br />

4 DAYS 3 NIGHTS<br />


05/09/<strong>2023</strong> - 08/09/<strong>2023</strong>;<br />

16/01/2024 - 19/01/2024<br />

4 DAYS 3 NIGHTS<br />


27/11/<strong>2023</strong> - 30/11/<strong>2023</strong>;<br />

16/04/2024 - 19/04/24<br />

3 DAYS 2 NIGHTS<br />


03/10/<strong>2023</strong> - 05/10/<strong>2023</strong>;<br />

27/02/2024 - 29/02/2024<br />

5 DAYS 4 NIGHTS<br />


30/10/<strong>2023</strong> - 03/11/<strong>2023</strong><br />

12/02/24 - 16/02/24<br />

5 DAYS 4 NIGHTS<br />


16/10/<strong>2023</strong> - 20/10/<strong>2023</strong><br />

30/01/24 - 03/02/2024;<br />

29/04/2024 - 03/05/2024<br />



PHONE: (03) 388 6588<br />

FUI JIN 027 2904 304 • RODGER 027 4345 448<br />



Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 9<br />

Finance Available T.A.P. Ph: 027 344 4488<br />

$11,990<br />

$11,950<br />

$13,750<br />

$7,750<br />

2014 niSSAn noTe<br />

Auto, only 37,578kms, air/con, stability control,<br />

airbags, 5 Star Safety rating, reverse cam, attractive<br />

in light blue, economical.<br />

$15,990<br />

2014 ToyoTA ViTz<br />

1300cc auto, white Pearl, 61,000kms, ABS, Stability<br />

control, 5 Star Safety rating, economical.<br />

$10,950<br />

2015 MAzdA deMio<br />

ABS, stability control, air/con, airbags, alloys,<br />

5 Star Safety rating, only 24,956kms, immaculate.<br />

$6,250<br />

$12,750<br />

2008 ToyoTA iST<br />

5dr hatch, 1800cc auto, VVT-I, alloys, airbags, ABS<br />

brakes, excellent value.<br />

$12,250<br />

2014 MAzdA AxelA<br />

2Ltr auto, alloys, CD, Cruise, ABS, ESC,<br />

deep blue pearl, immaculate.<br />

2010 ToyoTA WiSH<br />

1800cc auto, alloys, 7-seater,<br />

ideal family wagon.<br />

2005 dAiHATSu Sirion<br />

NZ new, 5spd manual, very economical,<br />

immaculate, attractive in light blue Mica.<br />

2012 ToyoTA WiSH<br />

7 seater family wagon, 1800 VVT-i auto,<br />

A/C, ABS, ESC, 75,000kms.<br />

2010 Mini cooPer cAMden<br />

Hi Spec, Alloys, 1600cc auto, ABS,<br />

drives superbly.<br />

$12,750<br />

$16,990<br />

$10,950<br />

$13,990<br />

$11,750<br />

2009 ToyoTA WiSH<br />

7-seater, 87,879kms, alloys,<br />

drives superbly.<br />

2014 MAzdA AxelA<br />

2Ltr, 5spd manual, 90,252kms, dark<br />

blue pearl, alloys, ABS, ESC.<br />

2008 dAiHATSu TerioS 4Wd<br />

Auto, NZ new, air/con, ABS, airbags,<br />

nice vehicle in metallic silver.<br />

2010 MercedeS WAgon cgi<br />

Auto, only 64,000kms, immaculate,<br />

drives superb, black interior trim.<br />

2004 niSSAn noTe<br />

5 door hatch, auto, alloys, air/cond, ABS,<br />

ESC, 360˚ camera, 5 Star Safety rating,<br />

economical.<br />

Includes ORC<br />

$21,990 $10,990 $16,990<br />

$11,750<br />

$<strong>31</strong>,990<br />

2015 Ford rAnger<br />

6 speed manual, 3.2 Ltr diesel,<br />

super tidy example & ready to work.<br />

$14,750<br />

MAzdA Bongo Truck<br />

1800cc, 5spd manual, petrol, low kms,<br />

new cambelt done, towbar, drives superb.<br />

$15,750<br />

1999 ToyoTA HiAce SuPer cuSToM<br />

Super Custom, 3L turbo diesel, auto,<br />

8 seater, ideal camper / work vehicle.<br />

$16,490<br />

2007 Suzuki APV VAn<br />

5 speed, 1600cc, manual, NZ new,<br />

5 door, alloys, very clean example.<br />

$14,750<br />

2018 niSSAn nV350<br />

High roof, LWB, 2500cc t/diesel, 5dr auto,<br />

stability control, ABS, accident avoidance<br />

system, super tidy.<br />

$27,250<br />

2010 HondA STePWAgon<br />

Popular 8-seater, fold away seating, ESC,<br />

CD, alloys, fantastic to drive, great Trades.<br />

2011 niSSAn nV-200 VAn<br />

1600cc auto, just arrived, roof rack,<br />

economical commercial van.<br />

2010 niSSAn nV200<br />

1600cc auto, 5 door, economical, ideal<br />

trades van.<br />

1999 ToyoTA HiAce SuPer cuSToM<br />

2.4 auto, 8 seater, air/cond, ABS, alloys,<br />

4 new tyres, sunroof, ideal family coach.<br />

2018 niSSAn nV350<br />

Auto, 123,000kms, immaculate.<br />

113 Main South Rd, RiccaRton • 027 344 4488 • www.RoadwayS.nz<br />

• Free On Road Costs<br />

• NEW Warrant Of Fitness<br />

• 6 Months Registration<br />

• Finance available T.A.P<br />

We Accept:

10<br />

Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11<br />

<strong>31</strong>1<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Every row, column and box should<br />

contain the digits 1 to 9.<br />

WordBuilder<br />


211<br />

6<br />

E G I<br />

P N O<br />

12 13 14 15<br />

16<br />

17 18<br />

19<br />

20 21 22 23 24<br />

words of three or more letters,<br />

How<br />

including<br />

many<br />

plurals,<br />

words<br />

can you<br />

of<br />

make<br />

three<br />

from<br />

or<br />

the<br />

more<br />

six<br />

letters, using each letter only once? No foreign<br />

words or words beginning with a capital are<br />

allowed. There's at least one six-letter word.<br />

once?<br />

TODAY<br />

Good 15 Very Good 19 Excellent 24<br />

letters, including plurals, can you make<br />

from the six letters, using each only<br />

No words beginning with a capital are<br />

allowed. Solution 210: There’s elm, imp, impel, at least lei, lie, one lime, six-letter<br />

limp, lip,<br />

mil, mile, pep, pie, pile, pimp, PIMPLE, pip, pipe.<br />

word.<br />

Good 11 Very Good 15 Excellent 21<br />

25 26<br />

27 28<br />

29 30<br />

<strong>31</strong> 32<br />

33 34<br />

Across<br />

1. Portable computer (6)<br />

5. Choose (6)<br />

10. Goes up (7)<br />

11. Beguile (7)<br />

12. Linger (6)<br />

15. Tradition (6)<br />

16. Business income (7)<br />

17. Swarm (4)<br />

18. Shambles (4)<br />

19. Relate to (7)<br />

20. Food staple (4)<br />

22. Lowest of the low (colloq) (4)<br />

25. Poignant, moving (7)<br />

27. Uproar (6)<br />

28. Stress (6)<br />

<strong>31</strong>. Gun dog (7)<br />

32. Remarkably typical (7)<br />

33. Trickery (6)<br />

34. First-born (6)<br />

Decoder<br />

Down<br />

2. Attribute (7)<br />

3. Dabble (6)<br />

4. Shove (4)<br />

5. Pip (4)<br />

6. Ancient unit of distance (6)<br />

7. Chuckle (7)<br />

8. Dance form (6)<br />

9. Food fragments (6)<br />

13. Daydream (7)<br />

14. Grounded (7)<br />

15. Inquisitive (7)<br />

20. Reject (6)<br />

21. Bloodshed (7)<br />

23. A car’s frame (7)<br />

24. Threaten (6)<br />

25. Commend (6)<br />

26. Leave high and dry (6)<br />

29. Move swiftly and lightly (4)<br />

30. Throb (4)<br />

Crossword<br />

Across: 1. Laptop, 5.<br />

Select, 10. Ascends, 11.<br />

Enamour, 12. Loiter, 15.<br />

Custom, 16. Revenue,<br />

17. Teem, 18. Mess, 19.<br />

Pertain, 20. Rice, 22. Scum,<br />

25. Piteous, 27. Furore,<br />

28. Strain, <strong>31</strong>. Spaniel, 32.<br />

Classic, 33. Deceit, 34.<br />

Eldest.<br />

Down: 2. Ascribe, 3. Tinker,<br />

4. Push, 5. Seed, 6. League,<br />

7. Chortle, 8. Ballet, 9.<br />

Crumbs, 13. Reverie, 14.<br />

Centred, 15. Curious, 20.<br />

Refuse, 21. Carnage, 23.<br />

Chassis, 24. Menace, 25.<br />

Praise, 26. Strand, 29. Flit,<br />

30. Ache.<br />

WordBuilder<br />

ego, eon, gen, gin, gip, gone,<br />

ion, nip, nog, nope, one,<br />

open, opine, peg, pen, peon,<br />

pie, pig, PIGEON, pin, pine,<br />

ping, pion, poi, pone, pong<br />

Sudoku<br />


Each number represents a different letter of the alphabet. Write the<br />

given letters into all squares with matching numbers. Now work out<br />

which letters are represented by the other numbers.<br />

All puzzles copyright<br />

T H E P U Z Z L E C O M P A N Y<br />


Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 11<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Specializing in:<br />

• Roof Painting<br />

• Interior/exterior<br />

residential<br />

• Small commercial<br />

painting<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Painters and Decorators Ltd<br />

Canterbury Owned and Operated<br />

A husband and wife team<br />

Noel 027-411-3596<br />

kemp.painters@gmail.com<br />

kemp painters and decorators<br />


We offer<br />

free quotes<br />

Quality not<br />

Quantity<br />


• Father & son Plumbing Business with<br />

over 40 years experience.<br />

• Specialising in Bathroom Alterations,<br />

Shower Replacements and Cylinder<br />

replacements.<br />

• We do all small jobs.<br />

Call us now for fast friendly service.<br />

Get your problems sorted out<br />

quick smart - on time!!<br />


Previously Elite Plumbing Christchurch<br />

Phone Eugene now<br />

Phone 03 377 1280 | Mobile 021 898 380<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Need your<br />

hot water fixed<br />

quicksmart?<br />

Call your<br />

specialist<br />

for a FREE<br />

quote!<br />

0800 468 928<br />

hotwatershop.co.nz<br />


Dominion Trading Co Ltd<br />

• Scrap metal buyers<br />

• Canterbury owned & operated<br />

• Top prices paid $$$<br />

• Open Saturday morning<br />

Open Mon-Fri 8am – 4.30pm Sat. 8.30am-12.30pm<br />

www.happyscrappy.co.nz<br />

03 343 9993 333 Blenheim Rd<br />

Trades & Services<br />

ROOF<br />

PAINTING 24/7<br />

Rope & harness<br />

a speciality,<br />

no scaffolding<br />

required,<br />

30 years of<br />

breathtaking<br />

experience.<br />


20% OFF other<br />

roof quotes<br />

Exterior staining,<br />

exterior painting,<br />

water blasting.<br />

Moss and mould<br />

treatment $300.<br />

Phone Kevin<br />

027 561 4629<br />

Trades & Services<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

40 years bricklaying<br />

experience. UK trained.<br />

Insurance work, EQC<br />

repairs. Heritage<br />

brickwork & stonework<br />

a speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governers Bay.<br />

Home 329 9344. Cell<br />

027 684 4046. E mail<br />

georgelockyer@xtra.co.nz<br />


New builds, alterations,<br />

decks, fencing. 30 yrs in<br />

the trade has given me<br />

ability to build to a high<br />

standard. Free quotes. Ph<br />

Brent 027 241 7471<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Phone John on 0800<br />

00<strong>31</strong>81, 027 240 7416<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />


Quality<br />

local<br />

professionals. E: corban@<br />

highspecpainters.co.nz Ph:<br />

027 846 5035<br />


Best price guarantee Tony<br />

0275 588 895<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

CARAVAN. With, shower<br />

& toilet . Any condition.<br />

Reasonable price. Ph<br />

Steve 027 622 0011.<br />

TOOLS, Garden garage,<br />

saw benches, Lathes. Cash<br />

buyer Phone 355-2045<br />

Public Notices<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />


Sporting Notices<br />


Want to attract new<br />

members or advertise<br />

your sports clubs<br />

open days for the<br />

upcoming season?<br />

Call Vicky 364-7419<br />

Public Notices<br />

oN sAle Now!<br />

Now only<br />

$35.80<br />

Plus $5 P&H per copy<br />

AvAilAble from stAr mediA:<br />

Level One, 359 Lincoln Road<br />

Addington, Christchurch<br />

Phone 379 7100<br />

OUR bUSInESS IS gROwIng...<br />

here’s how we can help grow yours too!<br />

Deliver your mailers to your<br />

customers with us:<br />

.<br />

We can deliver your mailer targeted locally to the customers most<br />

likely to buy from you or offer you mass reach via our South Island<br />

network.<br />

Your mailer can be delivered as an insert in our paper or separately<br />

in the letterbox.<br />

Contact us today for<br />

a plan to suit your<br />

business.<br />



We have delivery rounds available<br />

across all areas of Christchurch.<br />


If you are aged 11 or older, join our<br />

dynamic team and deliver<br />

The Star <strong>News</strong>paper to local homes<br />

every Thursday.<br />


To be a supervisor you will need:<br />

• A suitable van, mobile phone and computer with internet access<br />

• Ability to handle deliveries of large quantities each week<br />

• Ability to manage your own team of deliverers<br />

Contact Cathy Mark Payne Kelly South Distribution Island Distribution Manager Manager<br />

P: P: 021 029 340 983 7712293 | E: cathy.payne@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />

| E: mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz

12<br />

Thursday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

$ 11 90<br />

ea<br />

$ 13 00<br />

ea<br />

$ 14 00<br />

ea<br />

Lindauer<br />

Classic 750ml<br />

(Excludes Special<br />

Reserve & Free)<br />

Stoneleigh 750ml<br />

(Excludes Rapaura, Latitude,<br />

Wild Valley & Organic)<br />

Yealands 750ml<br />

(Excludes Reserves)<br />

$ 16 00<br />

ea<br />

$ 24 99<br />

pk<br />

$ 36 00<br />

pk<br />

Oyster Bay Still<br />

750ml<br />

(Excludes Pinot Noir)<br />

Corona Extra<br />

12 x 355ml Bottles<br />

Speight's Summit Ultra Low Carb Lager<br />

24 x 330ml Bottles<br />

$<br />

7 49<br />

EA<br />

Toblerone Chocolate 360g<br />

$<br />

9 99<br />

EA<br />

$ 10 99<br />

ea<br />

$ 22 00<br />

pk<br />

Cadbury Kiwi Edition<br />

Favourites 520g<br />

Two Dudes Daily Face Wash<br />

125ml or Shave Butter 130ml<br />

Behemoth<br />

6 x 330ml Cans<br />

Certain products may not be available in all stores. Savings are based on non-promotional prices. As each participating<br />

store’s usual price may differ from the recommended non-promotional price, the savings from a stores usual price<br />

may differ. The in-store price may be lower than advertised. Price Promise prices may change without notice. Limits<br />

may apply, trade not supplied. Prices apply from Monday 28th <strong>August</strong> to Sunday 3rd September <strong>2023</strong>, or while stocks<br />

last. Promotions exclude FreshChoice City Market.<br />

OWNED &<br />



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