Issue 05/2023
Highlights Fibres / Textiles Polyurethane / Elastomers
Fibres / Textiles
Polyurethane / Elastomers
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Bioplastics - CO 2 -based Plastics - Advanced Recycling<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE VOL 18<br />
Cover Story<br />
30 Years of European Bioplastics | 14<br />
Highlights<br />
Fibres / Textiles | 18<br />
Polyurethane / Elastomers | 38<br />
ISSN 1862-5258 Sep / Oct <strong>05</strong> / <strong>2023</strong><br />
biobased<br />
mass<br />
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biodegradable<br />
recyclate<br />
hybrid<br />
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dear<br />
Editorial<br />
readers<br />
In your hands, or on your screens, you see the official<br />
2 nd issue of Renewable Carbon Plastics. After the previous<br />
issue had a flashier black and gold look, we are returning<br />
to our old and faithful look. But we were not the only<br />
ones who had things to celebrate with our 100 th issue<br />
and simultaneous rebranding. FKuR turned 20 (or 30<br />
depending on how you count) and EUPB also celebrated<br />
their 30-year anniversary. Bioplastics are getting old y’all,<br />
but we – as an industry – won’t slow down. There is still a<br />
need for trailblazers and innovators that risk challenging<br />
the status quo, rising to new heights.<br />
We are no different as this year we will be hosting our<br />
very first conference across the pond with the 3 rd PHA<br />
World Congress, which will be held on the 10 th and 11 th<br />
of October in Atlanta. It is a very exciting time and the<br />
whole team seems to be buzzing with energy. And we<br />
hope to see many familiar and also many new faces. And<br />
in case you cannot make it to Atlanta shortly after the<br />
Fakuma (Friedrichshafen, Germany) will offer another<br />
opportunity connect or reconnect.<br />
And while many things are changing and evolving<br />
(hopefully for the better) some things remain the same,<br />
like our commitment to bring you the best and most<br />
interesting stories and news. This issue will focus on<br />
Fibres / Textiles as well as Polyurethane / Elastomers.<br />
I will now finish the last round of proofreading before<br />
trying to catch some late summer sun before autumn<br />
claims its place with more windy and rainy weather. Yet,<br />
rainy and windy days are also the perfect atmosphere to stay<br />
inside and read – Renewable Carbon Plastics for example.<br />
In any case, I hope you will enjoy the weather, be it bright or<br />
gloomy – just like I will try to do.<br />
Yours sincerely<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Imprint<br />
Content<br />
Sep / Oct <strong>05</strong>|<strong>2023</strong><br />
Renewable Carbon Initiative<br />
10 RCI Manifesto<br />
Events<br />
12 PLAST review<br />
13 8 th PLA World Congress<br />
Cover Story<br />
14 30 Years of driving the<br />
evolution of bioplastics<br />
On-Site<br />
16 Bioplastics expert: FKuR<br />
Fibres, Textiles<br />
20 Biobased Nylon<br />
20 Mushroom fibres for textiles<br />
22 Algae-based textiles<br />
24 Infinitely recycled Nylon<br />
25 Depolymerization of PA66<br />
using microwaves<br />
26 Sustainable leather<br />
27 Cellulose fibres – a smooth additive<br />
27 Textile yarns for biopolyesters<br />
Advanced Recycling<br />
30 Use biodegradation to recycle conventional<br />
plastics into new biobased materials<br />
From Science & Research<br />
34 Catalysis for a multidimensional circular<br />
economy<br />
Materials<br />
36 Seawead based resins<br />
Polyurethane / Elastomers<br />
38 Polyurethane upcycling approach<br />
39 Sustainable polyurethane<br />
mattress recycling<br />
40 New sustainable materials<br />
Applications<br />
41 Industrially compostable stretch<br />
wrap technology<br />
Opinion<br />
44 Solving the plastics challenge together<br />
FIBRES<br />
ON-SITE<br />
3 Editorial<br />
5 News<br />
32 10 years ago<br />
42 Application News<br />
46 Suppliers Guide<br />
49 Event calendar<br />
50 Companies in this issue<br />
Publisher / Editorial<br />
Alex Thielen, Editor-in-Chief (AT)<br />
Dr Michael Thielen,<br />
Senior Consulting Editor, Publisher (MT)<br />
Samuel Brangenberg, Reporter (SB)<br />
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Media Adviser<br />
Samsales (German language)<br />
phone: +49(0)2161-6884467<br />
fax: +49(0)2161-6884468<br /><br />
Michael Thielen (English Language)<br />
(see head office)<br />
Layout/Production<br />
Philipp Thielen<br />
Photography<br />
Philipp Thielen, Michael Thielen<br />
Print<br />
Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala Ltd.<br />
1004 Riga, Latvia<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE is printed on<br />
chlorine-free FSC certified paper.<br />
Renewable Carbon Plastics<br />
(bioplastics MAGAZINE)<br />
Volume 18 – <strong>2023</strong><br />
ISSN 1862-5258<br />
RCP / bM is published 6 times a year.<br />
This publication is sent to qualified<br />
subscribers (179 Euro for 6 issues).<br />
Renewable Carbon Plastics (bioplastics<br />
MAGAZINE) is read in 100 countries.<br />
Every effort is made to verify all information<br />
published, but Polymedia Publisher<br />
cannot accept responsibility for any errors<br />
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All articles appearing in<br />
Renewable Carbon Plastics<br />
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Renewable Carbon Plastics (bioplastics<br />
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The fact that product names may not be<br />
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Renewable Carbon Plastics (bioplastics<br />
MAGAZINE) uses British spelling.<br />
Envelopes<br />
A part of this print run is mailed to the<br />
readers wrapped bioplastic envelopes<br />
sponsored by Sidaplax/Plastic Suppliers<br />
Belgium/USA).Cover<br />
Cover<br />
Denise Valdix, European Bioplastics<br />
(Photo: Michael Thielen)<br />
Picks & clicks<br />
Most frequently clicked news<br />
Here’s a look at our most popular online content of the past two months.<br />
The story that got the most clicks from the visitors to was:<br /><strong>2023</strong>0829<br />
News<br />
From CO 2<br />
to polyolefins<br />
(29 August <strong>2023</strong>)<br />
Braskem (São Paulo, Brazil) and the University of São Paulo (USP)<br />
have announced a partnership to develop lines of research for converting<br />
CO 2<br />
into chemical products such as olefins and alcohols, thus mitigating<br />
its emissions into the environment and using it as a raw material for the<br />
production of polyolefins.<br />
daily updated News at<br /><br />
PET bottles produced with bio-attributed<br />
materials in Japan<br />
Neste (Espoo, Finland) has entered a cooperation with<br />
Suntory (Osaka, Japan), ENEOS (Tokyo, Japan), and Mitsubishi<br />
Corporation (Tokyo, Japan) to enable the production of PET<br />
made with renewable Neste RE on a commercial scale.<br />
Neste RE is Neste’s feedstock for polymer production,<br />
made 100 % from biobased raw materials such as waste and<br />
residues, e.g. used cooking oil, to replace fossil feedstock<br />
in the value chain. Japanese beverage company Suntory<br />
will utilize the renewable PET resin to produce bottles for<br />
its products in 2024.<br />
A new partner for Neste in Japan, ENEOS will use biointermediates<br />
based on Neste RE to produce bio-PX (bioparaxylene)<br />
at its Mizushima Refinery in Okayama, Japan.<br />
The bio-PX will then be converted to PTA (purified terephthalic<br />
acid) and subsequently to PET resin for Suntory to use to<br />
manufacture their PET bottles. Mitsubishi Corporation<br />
will be coordinating the collaboration between the<br />
value chain partners.<br />
“In order to tackle the imminent climate crisis and its<br />
consequences, companies are required to take responsibility<br />
now. Through partnering along the value chain, Neste can<br />
contribute to reducing the polymers and chemicals industry’s<br />
dependence on fossil resources as well as to manufacturing<br />
of products that have a lower carbon footprint”, says Lilyana<br />
Budyanto, Head of Sustainable Partnerships APAC at Neste<br />
Renewable Polymers and Chemicals business unit.<br />
A mass balancing approach will be applied to allocate the<br />
biobased materials to the PET bottles. AT MT<br /> |<br /> |<br />
Our frame colours<br />
Topics related to the<br />
Renewable Carbon Initiative...<br />
Bioplastics related topics, i.e.<br />
all topics around biobased<br />
and biodegradable plastics,<br />
come in the familiar<br />
green frame.<br />
All topics related to<br />
Advanced Recycling, such<br />
as chemical recycling<br />
or enzymatic degradation<br />
of mixed waste into<br />
building blocks for<br />
new plastics have this<br />
turquoise coloured frame.<br />
When it comes to plastics<br />
made of any kind of carbon<br />
source associated with<br />
Carbon Capture & Utilisation<br />
we use this frame colour.<br />
The familiar blue<br />
frame stands for rather<br />
administrative sections,<br />
such as the table of<br />
contents or the<br />
“Dear readers” on page 3.<br />
If a topic belongs to more<br />
than one group, we use<br />
crosshatched frames.<br />
Ochre/green stands for<br />
Carbon Capture &<br />
Bioplastics, e. g.<br />
PHA made from methane.<br />
Articles covering<br />
Recycling and Bioplastics ...<br />
Recycling & Carbon Capture<br />
We’re sure, you got it!<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
News<br />
daily updated News at<br /><br />
A new era of<br />
renewable carbon<br />
materials<br />
Conagen (Bedford, MA USA), and Sumitomo<br />
Chemical (Tokyo, Japan) have announced to jointly<br />
develop p-hydroxystyrene (HS) and its polymer, poly<br />
p-hydroxystyrene (PHS), using a combination of<br />
biosynthesis, chemosynthesis, and polymerization.<br />
The monomer and the polymer are made of<br />
100 % renewable carbon, marking a new era of<br />
sustainable production.<br />
Developing PHS using a combination of biosynthesis,<br />
chemosynthesis, and polymerization represents a<br />
significant breakthrough in the field of sustainable material<br />
production. Efforts to reduce reliance on petroleum and<br />
transition towards renewable and sustainable alternatives<br />
have gained momentum in recent years.<br />
With renewable biomass as the starting material, this<br />
joint development between Conagen and Sumitomo<br />
Chemical creates an environmentally friendly and<br />
cost-effective product.<br />
This partnership represents a significant milestone in the<br />
development of sustainable materials, and this approach<br />
to PHS production is expected to reduce the carbon<br />
footprint associated with traditional chemical synthesis<br />
methods. It is a crucial step towards more sustainable<br />
manufacturing processes with a positive impact.<br />
The Conagen-Sumitomo partnership leverages<br />
Conagen’s expertise in microbial strain design and<br />
development with Sumitomo Chemical’s proficiency<br />
in chemical production and commercialization.<br />
The collaboration aims to create a platform that enables<br />
the production of sustainable chemicals to replace<br />
petrochemicals in an extended range of many applications.<br />
PHS is used to produce polymers, resins, and other<br />
chemicals. The monomer HS can also be used as an<br />
input for the synthesis of other chemicals, such as<br />
pharmaceuticals and fragrances. The applications of HS<br />
and PHS are limitless and can span uses from electronics<br />
to personal care and other consumer products.<br />
The monomer HS, with the chemical formula C 8<br />
H 8<br />
O, is<br />
a derivative of styrene in which a hydroxyl group (-OH) is<br />
attached to the aromatic ring’s para position (carbon atom<br />
4). The HS and PHS are examples of green chemistry for<br />
minimizing waste, reducing hazardous chemicals, and<br />
using catalysts that can be easily separated and reused.<br />
This joint development project promises to potentially<br />
pave the way for developing novel renewable and<br />
sustainable materials. “Similar technology can be used to<br />
produce other key chemical ingredients by fermentation<br />
at industrial scale, such as cinnamic acid, monohydroxybenzoic<br />
acid, and dihydroxy-benzoic acid”, said J.<br />
McNamara, V.P. of chemical applications at Conagen. AT<br /> |<br />
From CO 2<br />
to<br />
polyolefins<br />
Braskem (São Paulo, Brazil) and the University of São<br />
Paulo (USP) have announced a partnership to develop lines<br />
of research for converting CO 2<br />
into chemical products such<br />
as olefins and alcohols, thus mitigating its emissions into<br />
the environment and using it as a raw material for the<br />
production of polyolefins.<br />
The partnership with USP, through the Research Center<br />
for Greenhouse Gas Innovation (RCGI), which also includes<br />
the participation of the Federal University of São Carlos<br />
(UFSCar), focuses on studying innovative routes for CO 2<br />
conversion through both catalytic and electrocatalytic<br />
processes. While in conventional processes in the chemical<br />
industry, catalysts (materials that trigger chemical<br />
reactions) are thermally activated, electrocatalysis uses<br />
electricity to activate them. As such, renewable energy can<br />
be used partially or fully for CO 2<br />
conversion. AT<br /> |<br />
Chemical recycling<br />
from old plastic to new<br />
adhesives<br />
A recently launched research project by the Fraunhofer<br />
Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced<br />
Materials IFAM in Bremen (Germany) and the German<br />
Plastics Center SKZ in Würzburg aims to add thermally<br />
damaged plastics to the recycling economy through<br />
chemical recycling. The material of choice is PET, which<br />
is already well-established in mechanical recycling.<br />
Thanks to the well-known bottles and the deposit system<br />
in Germany, the material is mostly sorted by type and most<br />
of it is already efficiently recycled. The RezyBond project is<br />
dedicated to PET fractions that have been recycled several<br />
times and are too old, or that do not end up in this (bottle)<br />
cycle at all, such as other PET packaging.<br />
The process is unique in that the chemical recycling is<br />
performed on a standard twin-screw extruder. "Our goal<br />
is to develop a continuous, reactive recycling process for<br />
PET recyclates into polyester polyols. These can then be<br />
used as chemical feedstock", explains Hatice Malatyali,<br />
Group Manager Extrusion and Compounding at SKZ.<br />
The polyols obtained can be used as raw materials for<br />
a wide range of technological applications, such as<br />
adhesives and coatings. In the project, they will be used<br />
as starting materials for adhesive formulations and thus<br />
transferred directly to an application. A demonstration<br />
plant is also planned at the SKZ to make the process<br />
accessible to interested medium-sized companies. AT<br /> |<br />
6 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Novel hybrid PET/F bottle<br />
Origin Materials (West Sacramento, CA, USA) and Husky Technologies (Bolton, ON, Canada) announced a milestone in the<br />
commercialization of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) incorporating the sustainable chemical FDCA (furandicarboxylic acid) for<br />
advanced packaging and other applications.<br />
Origin successfully polymerized the biobased sustainable chemical FDCA into the common recyclable plastic, PET, and Husky<br />
moulded the resulting PET/F hybrid polymer into preforms that were then blown into bottles. The companies used Husky’s injection<br />
moulding technologies and manufacturing equipment, a commercial manufacturing-scale level of processing demonstrating the<br />
ability of PET/F, a polymer made with FDCA, to be integrated into existing PET production systems.<br />
Origin expects to develop and sell a family of 100 % biobased, low-carbon PET/F polymers offering full recyclability and<br />
superior performance compared with traditional 100 % petroleum-derived PET. Origin anticipates that PET/F will offer tuneable<br />
performance, with properties like enhanced mechanical performance and superior barrier properties enabling longer shelf life<br />
controlled by adjusting manufacturing conditions and the quantity of FDCA copolymer.<br />
This innovation demonstrates a pathway for the drop-in market adoption of FDCA to produce superior polymers cost-effectively<br />
from biomass using Origin technology. Origin expects to enable the production of FDCA, PEF (polyethylene furanoate), and PET/F<br />
at commercial scale using its patented technology platform, which turns the carbon found in sustainable wood residues into<br />
useful materials, while capturing carbon in the process.<br />
FDCA is a chemical building block with diverse applications including polyesters,<br />
polyamides, polyurethanes, coating resins, and plasticizers. FDCA is also the<br />
precursor for the next-generation sustainable polymer PEF (polyethylene<br />
furanoate). By combining FDCA with PET, Origin has produced PET/F, a tuneable<br />
hybrid polymer offering performance enhancements and full recyclability.<br />
PEF, another product derived from FDCA, offers an attractive combination of<br />
sustainability and performance benefits for packaging. Origin’s PEF is expected<br />
to be 100 % biobased, fully recyclable, have attractive unit economics, and<br />
offer a significantly reduced carbon footprint, with superior strength, thermal<br />
properties, and barrier properties compared to today’s widely used petroleumbased<br />
materials. AT/MT<br />
News<br />
daily updated News at<br /><br /> |<br />
Textiles aiming to go greener<br />
There’s a growing demand for sustainable products in the<br />
textile sector, meaning the development, production, and<br />
use of biopolymers for such use introduces an alternative<br />
with a very high investment potential.<br />
Within this context, the synergies between<br />
textile and natural resin areas are highly<br />
innovative for the textile and clothing<br />
sector. The RN21 project– Innovation<br />
in the natural resin sector to<br />
strengthen the national bioeconomy<br />
– has received European funding.<br />
The goal of this RN21 project, R&D<br />
line II2.M3A – Application of natural<br />
resin in textiles – is the development<br />
of new and innovative textile structures<br />
produced from rosin-based biopolymers.<br />
The consortium is formed of five partners – Tintex,<br />
United Resins, United Biopolymers, CITEVE, and CeNTI<br />
– promoting the collaboration between the textile sector<br />
and rosin derivatives producers, ultimately increasing the<br />
sustainability and applicability of rosin derivatives in the<br />
textile sector. To achieve such an ambitious goal, and ensure<br />
the promotion and the exploitation of natural resin, distinct<br />
approaches were outlined with a strong focus on<br />
the valorization of the rosin derivatives<br />
on the development of<br />
• biopolymer fibres<br />
and textile structures,<br />
• rosin-derived systems as a<br />
colouring/dyeing auxiliary for<br />
textile structures, and<br />
• films and coatings based<br />
exclusively on biodegradable<br />
biopolymers and rosin derivatives.<br />
The vision is to encourage and<br />
purpose the use of sustainable<br />
biobased materials, such as rosin<br />
derivatives, to decrease the carbon<br />
footprint heading towards green carbon,<br />
within high-added value textile products. MT<br /><br /><br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
New PHA collaboration<br />
Danimer Scientific (Bainbridge, GA, USA), a leading next-generation bioplastics company focused on the development and<br />
production of biodegradable materials, recently announced it is expanding its collaboration with Chevron Phillips Chemical (The<br />
Woodlands, TX, USA) to explore development and commercialization of cast extrusion films, blown extrusion films, injection<br />
moulded parts, and rotational moulded parts using Rinnovo polymers produced in a loop slurry reactor process.<br />
Rinnovo is a type of PHA synthesized from lactones produced using Danimer’s proprietary Novo22 catalyst technology, which<br />
can be used in the production of biodegradable alternatives to traditional plastics. The collaboration expands on Danimer and<br />
CPChem’s previously announced agreement, in which Danimer is evaluating the use of CPChem’s loop slurry reactor design to<br />
develop a continuous reactor system in the manufacturing process for Rinnovo.<br />
Danimer CEO Stephen E. Croskrey said, “Our business relationship with CPChem continues to yield results, and we’re excited<br />
about the further opportunities that lie ahead. CPChem’s Research and Technology lab in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, is a premier<br />
facility staffed with world-class talent that, we believe, will accelerate the path toward adoption of Rinnovo materials in highvolume<br />
applications that will assist in lowering the cost to serve key markets”.<br />
Opened in 1950 by Phillips 66, CPChem’s Bartlesville facility contains first-class research equipment allowing for rapid testing<br />
of products across various processing conditions. Additionally, the facility’s testing and analytical capabilities provide a more rapid<br />
feedback loop, accelerating the development and optimization of resin formulations.<br />
“We continue to be excited about the potential of our MarTECH ® process technology and related collaborations to advance<br />
Danimer’s Rinnovo, another CPChem initiative that can help accelerate change for a more sustainable future”, said Venki<br />
Chandrashekar, CPChem VP of research and technology. AT<br /> |<br />
New cellulosebased<br />
packaging<br />
films<br />
LUT University (Lappeenranta, Finland) and the<br />
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Espoo,<br />
Finland) are developing new environmentally friendly<br />
packaging solutions with 34 industrial partners. In the<br />
Films for Future (F3) research project, a cellulosebased<br />
alternative will replace the plastic films of<br />
cardboard packages. The program is funded by the<br />
European Regional Development Fund.<br />
Packages with biobased and biodegradable<br />
films will make recycling easier because they can<br />
be put straight into the cardboard recycling pile.<br />
Recyclability will also minimize the amount of waste<br />
and tackle littering.<br />
The new film material will also meet the demands<br />
of the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive,<br />
which deals with the shift to a circular economy and<br />
improving the quality of the environment.<br />
In the F3 project, VTT researches and develops<br />
the properties of the cellulose film. LUT University,<br />
in turn, verifies packaging performance, tailors the<br />
converting process, equipment, and tooling, and<br />
examines the value chain of the new product. AT<br /> |<br />
Joint venture for<br />
bio-ethylene<br />
Braskem (São Paulo, Brazil) and SCG Chemicals (Bangkok,<br />
Thailand) have signed a joint venture agreement to create Braskem<br />
Siam Company Limited.<br />
Subject to clearance from the relevant anti-trust authorities<br />
and final investment decision by the partners, this joint venture<br />
aims to produce bio-ethylene from bioethanol dehydration and<br />
to commercialize I’m green biobased polyethylene (PE), using<br />
the EtE EverGreen technology. The technology results from the<br />
partnership agreement between Lummus Technology (Houston,<br />
TX, USA) and Braskem to develop and license this technology.<br />
The bio-ethylene plant, that will enable the production of the<br />
I’m green biobased polyethylene, is the first of its kind outside of<br />
Brazil. The new plant in Thailand will almost double the existing<br />
capacity of I’m green biobased polyethylene to meet the growing<br />
demand for biopolymers globally, with a focus on the fast-growing<br />
demand for sustainable products in Asia.<br />
The combination of Braskem’s biobased plastics know-how with<br />
SCG Chemicals’ position in the Asian market and expertise in PE<br />
production provides a solid business basis for the joint venture.<br />
Braskem will contribute with proven technology through its<br />
partnership with Lummus Technology, operational experience in<br />
the ethanol dehydration process and the I´m green brand strength<br />
in key global markets. SCG Chemicals will provide expertise in<br />
high-quality polyethylene grades for different applications,<br />
operational excellence in polyethylene manufacturing and market<br />
reach in Southeast Asia.<br />
The project will be located in Map Ta Phut, Rayong, Thailand. AT<br /> |<br />
8 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Transforming flies into degradable plastics<br />
Imagine using insects as a source of chemicals<br />
to make plastics that can biodegrade later –<br />
with the help of that very same type of bug.<br />
That concept is closer to reality than you might<br />
expect. Recently, researchers described their<br />
progress, including isolation and purification of<br />
insect-derived chemicals and their conversion<br />
into functional bioplastics.<br />
The researchers presented their results at the<br />
fall meeting of the American Chemical Society<br />
(ACS). ACS Fall <strong>2023</strong> was a hybrid meeting held<br />
virtually and in-person featuring about 12,000<br />
presentations on a wide range of science topics.<br />
“For 20 years, my group has been developing<br />
methods to transform natural products — such as glucose<br />
obtained from sugar cane or trees – into degradable,<br />
digestible polymers that don’t persist in the environment”,<br />
says Karen Wooley, the project’s principal investigator. “But<br />
those natural products are harvested from resources that are<br />
also used for food, fuel, construction, and transportation”.<br />
So Wooley began searching for alternative sources that<br />
wouldn’t have these competing applications. Her colleague<br />
Jeffery Tomberlin suggested she could use waste products<br />
left over from farming black soldier flies, an expanding<br />
industry he had been helping to develop.<br />
The larvae of these flies contain many proteins and<br />
other nutritious compounds, so the immature insects are<br />
increasingly being raised for animal feed and to consume<br />
waste. However, the adults have a short life span after their<br />
breeding days are over and are then discarded. At Tomberlin’s<br />
suggestion, those adult carcasses became the new starting<br />
material for Wooley’s team. “We’re taking something that’s<br />
quite literally garbage and making something useful out of<br />
it”, says Cassidy Tibbetts, a graduate student working on the<br />
project in Wooley’s lab at Texas A&M University.<br />
When Tibbetts examined the dead flies, she determined that<br />
chitin is a major component. This nontoxic, biodegradable,<br />
sugar-based polymer strengthens the shell, or exoskeleton,<br />
of insects and crustaceans. Manufacturers already extract<br />
chitin from shrimp and crab shells for various applications, and<br />
Tibbetts has been applying similar techniques using ethanol<br />
rinses, acidic demineralization, basic deproteinization, and<br />
bleach decolourization to extract and purify it from the insect<br />
carcasses. She says her fly-sourced chitin powder is probably<br />
purer since it lacks the yellowish colour and clumpy texture<br />
of the traditional product. She also notes that obtaining chitin<br />
from flies could avoid possible concerns over some seafood<br />
allergies. Some other researchers isolate chitin or proteins<br />
from fly larvae, but Wooley says her team is the first that she<br />
knows of to use chitin from discarded adult flies, which –<br />
unlike the larvae – aren’t used for feed.<br />
While Tibbetts continues to refine her extraction<br />
techniques, Hongming Guo, another graduate student<br />
in Wooley’s lab, has been converting the purified fly chitin<br />
into a similar polymer known as chitosan. He does this by<br />
stripping off chitin’s acetyl groups. That exposes chemically<br />
reactive amino groups that can be functionalized and then<br />
Photo: Sander Freitas Shutterstock<br />
cross-linked. These steps transform chitosan into useful<br />
bioplastics such as superabsorbent hydrogels, which are 3D<br />
polymer networks that absorb water.<br />
Guo has produced a hydrogel that can absorb 47 times<br />
its weight in water in just one minute. This product could<br />
potentially be used in cropland soil to capture floodwater<br />
and then slowly release moisture during subsequent<br />
droughts, Wooley says. “Here in Texas, we’re constantly<br />
either in a flood or drought situation”, she explains, “so I've<br />
been trying to think of how we can make a superabsorbent<br />
hydrogel that could address this”. And because the hydrogel<br />
is biodegradable, she says it should gradually release its<br />
molecular components as nutrients for crops.<br />
This summer, the team is starting a project to break down<br />
chitin into its monomeric glucosamines. These small sugar<br />
molecules will then be used to make bioplastics, such as<br />
polycarbonates or polyurethanes, which are traditionally<br />
made from petrochemicals. Black soldier flies also contain<br />
many other useful compounds that the group plans to use<br />
as starting materials, including proteins, DNA, fatty acids,<br />
lipids, and vitamins.<br />
The products made from these chemical building blocks<br />
are intended to degrade or digest when they’re discarded,<br />
so they won’t contribute to the current plastic pollution<br />
problem. Wooley’s vision for that process would align with<br />
the sustainable, circular economy concept: “Ultimately,<br />
we'd like the insects to eat the waste plastic as their food<br />
source, and then we would harvest them again and collect<br />
their components to make new plastics”, she says. “So the<br />
insects would not only be the source, but they would also then<br />
consume the discarded plastics”.<br />
The researchers acknowledge support and funding from<br />
the Welch Foundation and a private donation. AT<br /><br />
Info<br />
See a video-clip at:<br /><br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
RCI’s Manifesto for the next<br />
European Commission<br />
CARBON<br />
Dependence on fossil fuels such as crude oil and gas –<br />
the main cause of climate change – must end! Political<br />
support is essential to successfully implement this shift<br />
to renewable carbon use. The RCI Manifesto outlines seven<br />
key recommendations for the next European Commission to<br />
turn this vision into reality.<br />
The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) has published a<br />
Manifesto for the next European Commission (2024 – 2029),<br />
highlighting key issues as policymakers’ awareness<br />
and support is crucial for the much-needed transition<br />
to renewable carbon.<br />
Defossilisation is essential for the chemicals and<br />
materials industry to meet both climate change targets<br />
and the continuing demand for embedded carbon – the<br />
carbon bound within molecules. This can only be achieved<br />
by using renewable carbon sources from biomass, direct use<br />
of CO 2<br />
, or recycling.<br />
The manifesto outlines seven key messages to<br />
policymakers to make this transformation a reality:<br />
1. Ensure renewable carbon is a guiding<br />
principle for policies and targets<br />
Product-related policies do not sufficiently consider the<br />
feedstock base or the carbon source of products. If they<br />
do, they only consider recycled content, as seen in recent<br />
developments around the Packaging and Packaging Waste<br />
Regulation (PPWR) and the Ecodesign for Sustainable<br />
Products Regulation (ESPR). This oversight is detrimental<br />
to climate objectives, as the material and chemical sectors<br />
will then continue to rely on fossil carbon feedstock from<br />
below the ground for their products. The embedded fossil<br />
carbon in these products will eventually be released into<br />
the atmosphere at their end of life through degradation or<br />
incineration – if the products are not collected and recycled.<br />
This embedded carbon needs more political attention as an<br />
important factor for material-related emissions (Scope 3).<br />
2. Stepwise phaseout of fossil carbon by 2<strong>05</strong>0<br />
In order to achieve independence from fossil carbon<br />
from the ground, three sources of renewable carbon are<br />
available: biobased, CO 2<br />
-based, and recycling, including<br />
advanced recycling technologies that complement<br />
mechanical recycling when it falls short (i.e., accumulation<br />
of toxic substances, quality loss, recycled packaging for food<br />
contact). The concept of circular carbon cycles – in which<br />
carbon is emitted, re-captured, recycled, emitted, and recaptured<br />
again through the use of CCU (from point sources<br />
and direct air capture (DAC)), and biomass used as feedstock<br />
– must be an integral part of political thinking. RCI believes<br />
that virgin fossil-based chemicals and materials should not<br />
have a future beyond 2<strong>05</strong>0, and the European Commission<br />
must make this an explicit objective.<br />
3. Enshrine the Sustainable Carbon Cycles<br />
Communication’s 20 % target of non-fossil<br />
carbon in binding legislation<br />
The Sustainable Carbon Cycles Communication has<br />
a visionary target: “At least 20 % of the carbon used in<br />
chemical and plastic products should be from sustainable<br />
non-fossil resources by 2030”. While the RCI agrees with<br />
this target, there is no definition for “sustainable non-fossil<br />
resources”. Therefore, we urge the Commission to adopt<br />
a precise definition that includes all three carbon sources<br />
(biobased, CO 2<br />
-based, and recycling), enshrine the target<br />
in binding legislation, and follow up with concrete political<br />
action for implementation.<br />
4. Establish a Carbon Management Regulation<br />
Establishing a comprehensive legal framework that<br />
promotes the management of sustainable carbon supply<br />
and demand, and that facilitates renewable carbon uptake,<br />
would be a significant step towards a climate-neutral and<br />
circular chemical and material sector. It should be possible<br />
to set targets for Member States or companies to increase<br />
the minimum percentage of renewable carbon in products,<br />
similar to renewable energy targets. In particular, such targets<br />
could be achieved through blending mechanisms and the<br />
trade of renewable carbon credits. Updated methodologies<br />
are needed to accurately account for carbon, including<br />
biogenic carbon, in European production and imported goods.<br />
5. Promote bio – and CO 2<br />
-based content<br />
in addition to recycled content in<br />
product-related legislation<br />
All three renewable carbon sources should be recognised<br />
as preferable alternatives to fossil carbon from the ground.<br />
Product-related regulation (both for short – and long-lived<br />
products) should provide incentives for bio – and CO 2<br />
-based<br />
or – attributed content in parallel to recycled content.<br />
Sustainable primary biomass should be equivalently accepted<br />
as a feedstock for meeting these political ambitions. Such an<br />
approach in regulation also ensures industry competitiveness<br />
and avoids carbon leakage.<br />
6. Enable the deployment of CCU as a key<br />
strategic net-zero technology to supply<br />
sustainable and circular carbon<br />
CCU is an indispensable technology for supplying carbon to<br />
the chemical and material industries without further tapping<br />
into fossil carbon resources from below the ground, making<br />
it an important CO 2<br />
abatement tool. CCU with biogenic or<br />
atmospheric carbon also leads to carbon removals when<br />
used for long-term applications or in combination with<br />
high recycling rates. This should be accounted for in carbon<br />
removal legislation.<br />
10<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Bio-based CO2-based Recycling<br />
Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) Manifesto for the next European Commission (2024-2029)<br />
2<br />
Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) Manifesto for the next European Commission (2024-2029)<br />
3<br />
CARBON<br />
Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI)<br />
Manifesto for the next European<br />
Commission (2024-2029)<br />
Key messages<br />
Circular Economy<br />
1. Ensure renewable carbon is a guiding principle for policies and targets<br />
Product-related policies do not sufficiently consider the feedstock base or the carbon source of products.<br />
If they do, they only consider recycled content as seen in recent developments around the Packaging and<br />
Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) and the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR). This<br />
oversight is detrimental to climate objectives as the material and chemical sectors will then continue to<br />
rely on fossil carbon feedstock from below the ground for their products. The embedded fossil carbon in<br />
these products will eventually be released into the atmosphere at their end of life through degradation or<br />
incineration – if the products are not collected and recycled. This embedded carbon needs more political<br />
attention as an important factor for material-related emissions (Scope 3).<br />
2. Stepwise phaseout of fossil carbon by 2<strong>05</strong>0<br />
In order to achieve independence from fossil carbon from the ground, three sources of renewable carbon are<br />
available: bio-based, CO₂-based and recycling, including advanced recycling technologies that complement<br />
mechanical recycling when it falls short (i.e., accumulation of toxic substances, quality loss, recycled<br />
packaging for food contact). The concept of circular carbon cycles – in which carbon is emitted, re-captured,<br />
recycled, emitted and re-captured again through the use of CCU (from point sources and direct air capture<br />
6. Enable the deployment of CCU as a key strategic net-zero technology to supply<br />
sustainable and circular carbon<br />
CCU is an indispensable technology for supplying carbon to the chemical and material industries without<br />
further tapping into fossil carbon resources from below the ground, making it an important CO 2 abatement<br />
tool. CCU with biogenic or atmospheric carbon also leads to carbon removals when used for long-term<br />
applications or in combination with high recycling rates. This should be accounted for in carbon removal<br />
legislation.<br />
7. Support the transformation of existing chemical infrastructure from fossil to<br />
renewable carbon and support the transformation of biofuels plants<br />
The demand for carbon-containing fuels in road transport is expected to decrease in Europe in the coming<br />
decades. In contrast, the share of chemicals derived from refineries will increase heavily compared to fuels.<br />
This will free up existing biofuel infrastructure which should not be left behind. Instead, the biofuel sector<br />
could grab the opportunity to become one source of raw materials supply for a chemical industry based on<br />
renewable carbon. Investments in production changes are already taking place; this is a unique opportunity<br />
for policymakers to steer these changes in a sustainable direction and support the shift to renewable<br />
CARBON<br />
(DAC)), and biomass used as feedstock – must be an integral part of political thinking. RCI believes that<br />
carbon without discriminating against existing production from renewable feedstock.<br />
1. Ensure that carbon embedded in chemicals and materials is given more political attention as an<br />
virgin fossil-based chemicals and materials should not have a future beyond 2<strong>05</strong>0, and the European<br />
important factor for material-related emissions. Renewable carbon derived from biomass, direct CO 2<br />
utilisation, and recycling must become a guiding principle for policies and targets regulating chemicals<br />
Commission must make this an explicit objective.<br />
and materials.<br />
2. Make a stepwise phaseout of fossil carbon from below the ground for chemicals and materials by<br />
2<strong>05</strong>0 an explicit objective.<br />
3. Enshrine the Sustainable Carbon Cycles Communication’s 20% target of non-fossil<br />
carbon in binding legislation<br />
The Sustainable Carbon Cycles Communication has a visionary target: “at least 20% of the carbon used<br />
in chemical and plastic products should be from sustainable non-fossil resources by 2030”. While the RCI<br />
3. Enshrine the 20% target of non-fossil carbon in chemicals and plastics by 2030 from the Sustainable<br />
agrees with this target, there is no definition for “sustainable non-fossil resources”. Therefore, we urge the<br />
Carbon Cycles Communication in binding legislation and ensure implementation through concrete<br />
Commission to adopt a precise definition that includes all three carbon sources (bio-based, CO₂-based<br />
political action.<br />
and recycling), enshrine the target in binding legislation, and follow up with concrete political action for<br />
4. Establish a ‘Carbon Management Regulation’ to incentivise companies to replace fossil carbon from<br />
implementation.<br />
below the ground with renewable alternatives.<br />
4. Establish a ‘Carbon Management Regulation’<br />
5. Promote bio- and CO 2-based 1 or -attributed content in parallel to recycled content in product-related<br />
Establishing a comprehensive legal framework that promotes the management of sustainable carbon supply<br />
regulation.<br />
and demand and that facilitates renewable carbon uptake would be a significant step towards a climate-<br />
6. Deploy carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) as a key strategic net-zero technology to supply sustainable<br />
neutral and circular chemical and material sector. It should be possible to set targets for Member States<br />
and circular carbon.<br />
or companies to increase the minimum percentage of renewable carbon in products, similar to renewable<br />
7. Support the transformation of existing chemical infrastructure from fossil to renewable carbon and<br />
support the transformation of biofuels plants into chemical suppliers without discriminating against<br />
existing production from renewable feedstock (including primary biomass).<br />
energy targets. In particular, such targets could be achieved through blending mechanisms and the trade of<br />
renewable carbon credits. Updated methodologies are needed to accurately account for carbon, including<br />
biogenic carbon, in European production and imported goods.<br />
5. Promote bio- and CO 2-based content in addition to recycled content in productrelated<br />
legislation<br />
All three renewable carbon sources should be recognised as preferable alternatives to fossil carbon from<br />
the ground. Product-related regulation (both for short- and long-lived products) should provide incentives<br />
1 The use of the term CCU generally refers to the utilisation of carbon dioxide (CO2), but can also include industrial carbon monoxide<br />
(CO) sources prior to flaring or other conversions to CO2 before release to the atmosphere. In the US, CO2 and CO are grouped<br />
together as “carbon oxides” for purposes of Section 45Q CCUS tax credits. In this report, “CO2 utilisation” is meant to also include<br />
for bio- and CO 2-based or -attributed content in parallel to recycled content. Sustainable primary biomass<br />
should be equivalently accepted as a feedstock for meeting these political ambitions. Such an approach in<br />
other carbon oxides.<br />
regulation also ensures industry competitiveness and avoids carbon leakage.<br /> August <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
August <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
August <strong>2023</strong><br />
Full Manifesto<br />
7. Support the transformation of existing chemical<br />
infrastructure from fossil to renewable carbon and<br />
support the transformation of biofuel plants<br />
The demand for carbon-containing fuels in road transport<br />
is expected to decrease in Europe in the coming decades.<br />
In contrast, the share of chemicals derived from refineries will<br />
increase heavily compared to fuels. This will free up existing<br />
biofuel infrastructure, which should not be left behind. Instead,<br />
the biofuel sector could grab the opportunity to become one<br />
source of raw materials supply for a chemical industry based<br />
on renewable carbon. Investments in production changes are<br />
already taking place; this is a unique opportunity for policymakers<br />
to steer these changes in a sustainable direction and support the<br />
shift to renewable carbon without discriminating against existing<br />
production from renewable feedstock.<br />
You can support the efforts of the RCI<br />
by adding your name to the manifesto.<br /><br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Events<br />
PLAST <strong>2023</strong>: the green economy<br />
involves plastics and rubber<br />
Carbon footprints of exhibitors and green innovation among the<br />
novelties at the exhibition<br />
Circularity, sustainability, and energy savings were some<br />
of the guiding themes at the international trade fair<br />
PLAST <strong>2023</strong> (5 – 8 September, Milan, Italy). The green<br />
economy is a hot topic for the entire plastics and rubber<br />
industry and generates a strong push toward innovation and<br />
the search for new production paradigms with a central focus<br />
on emission reduction and environmental protection.<br />
Plast <strong>2023</strong>, with its satellite shows Rubber (rubber industry),<br />
3D Plast (3D printing and related), PlastMat (innovative<br />
materials) and a wide range of cutting-edge technological<br />
solutions on the key subjects of industrial production such<br />
as digitalisation and sustainability, was attended by 1,323<br />
exhibitors, 47 % of whom were foreigners, a figure that once<br />
again confirms the international nature of the event.<br />
The 38,000 visitors who filled the halls were characterised<br />
by a considerable international presence, with 26 % of the<br />
visitors coming from 109 countries.<br />
An exclusive service for exhibitors:<br />
assessment of carbon footprint<br />
As part of its effort to promote sustainability – a theme<br />
guiding the entire industry – and with the consolidated<br />
tradition of Fiera Milano behind it, PLAST provides<br />
exhibitors a service for calculating the carbon footprint of<br />
their organization. Fiera Milano has long been committed<br />
to reducing its environmental impact and CO 2<br />
emissions<br />
generated by events in its facilities by optimizing logistical<br />
operations, properly managing waste, and adopting<br />
sustainable food-service practices in keeping with the PLAST<br />
philosophy, which is shared with all exhibitors.<br />
Working in collaboration with the specialized company<br />
Ambiente Consulenza & Ingegneria, Amaplast supports<br />
and guides exhibiting companies wishing to calculate their<br />
carbon footprint according to standards developed by the<br />
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which<br />
operates under the aegis of the United Nations, applying<br />
internationally recognized protocols (GHG Protocol and ISO<br />
14064). Assessment of the Carbon Footprint of Organization is<br />
one of the most immediate and generally accepted methods<br />
for representing and communicating the environmental<br />
impact of an enterprise. Amaplast has also undertaken this<br />
process for its own internal operations and will share the<br />
initial results during PLAST <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Sustainability at the fair: the French collective<br />
Making its first appearance at PLAST this year, the French<br />
collective, composed of 24 businesses, boasted a significant<br />
number of projects directly related to sustainability with a<br />
particular focus on new, biobased, compostable, or recycled<br />
materials. Sponsored by French Fab, which brings together<br />
the industrial ecosystem across France, the group presented,<br />
among the many novelties, Cabamix by the JM Polymers<br />
Group, which proposes its new Carbomax ® Phoenix range<br />
of 100 % biobased, compostable, or recycled plastics;<br />
Natureplast with new bioplastics obtained from food industry<br />
scrap or by-products (cereals, shellfish, algae, etc.); the<br />
two start-ups Polytopoly, specialized in research, analysis,<br />
and sales of recycled plastics via a digital platform, and<br />
Holimaker, which exhibited a French-made manual injection<br />
press for plastics that is unlike any other in Europe. Known as<br />
the HoliPress, it offers injection moulding of nearly industrial<br />
quality at reduced costs using 3D moulds and offering<br />
options for recycling.<br />
Other companies presenting solutions and materials<br />
from the Renewable Carbon Plastics sector included Biotec,<br />
Cossa Polimeri, Esun, Futerro, Gema Polimer, Gianeco,<br />
Planet Bioplastics, Ruian Applied Biotechnology, Sirmax,<br />
Sunar NP and a few more. MT<br /><br />
Photo: Fiera Milano)<br />
12 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
8 th PLA World Congress<br />
28 + 29 MAY 2024 › MUNICH › GERMANY<br />
organized by<br />
aka<br />
Call for Papers<br />
Save the Date<br /><br />
PLA is a versatile bioplastics raw material from<br />
renewable resources. It is being used for films and rigid<br />
packaging, for fibres in woven and non-woven applications,<br />
injection moulded toys, automotive applications, consumer<br />
electronics and in many other industries. Innovative<br />
methods of polymerizing, compounding or blending PLA<br />
have broadened the range of properties and thus the range<br />
of possible applications. That‘s why Renewable Carbon<br />
Plastics (also known as bioplastics MAGAZINE) is now<br />
organizing the PLA World Congress in its 8 th edition:<br />
28 + 29 May 2024 in Munich / Germany<br />
Experts from all involved fields will share their knowledge<br />
and contribute to a comprehensive overview of today‘s<br />
opportunities and challenges and discuss the possibilities,<br />
limitations and future prospects of PLA for all kinds of<br />
applications. Like the seven previous congresses the<br />
8 th PLA World Congress will also offer excellent networking<br />
opportunities for all delegates and speakers as well as<br />
exhibitors of the tabletop exhibition. Based on our good<br />
experiences the conference will again be a hybrid event.<br />
Participation is possible on-site in Munich as well as<br />
online via live streaming or a recording of all presentations<br />
after the event.<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Cover Story<br />
30 Years of driving the<br />
evolution of bioplastics<br />
European Bioplastics celebrates anniversary<br />
According to legend, it all started in 1993 with the<br />
Interessengemeinschaft Biologisch Abbaubare<br />
Werkstoffe e.V. (IBAW: Interest Group Biodegradable<br />
Materials). Based initially in Rosenheim, Germany,<br />
the association moved to Berlin and opened its first<br />
official office in 2000.<br />
In 2006, the association took a big turn and broadened<br />
its scope to also include durable biobased plastics next to<br />
biodegradable plastics. This transformation is reflected in the<br />
name change: European Bioplastics e.V. (EUBP). “We will now<br />
concentrate on assisting the market introduction of bioplastics<br />
in Europe”, explained Harald Kaeb, Chairman of the association<br />
at the time. An important part of the new activities was to build<br />
a network of stakeholders from the bioplastics industry in<br />
European Union member states. To fulfil its aspirations, in the<br />
same year, European Bioplastics created CEBON, a network<br />
of bioplastics organisations across Europe. To accompany this<br />
shift, the association organised for the first time the European<br />
Bioplastics Conference, in Brussels, which eventually became<br />
the annual leading business and discussion forum for the whole<br />
bioplastics industry. “We are looking forward to welcoming the<br />
readers of Renewable Carbon Plastics at the upcoming edition<br />
of the EBC this December in Berlin”, says Denise Valdix, Head<br />
of Events at European Bioplastics. (See box).<br />
In 2010, the association published the very first annual<br />
Bioplastics Market Data report, a report that would soon become<br />
a reference for the bioplastics industry. From EU policymakers<br />
and other stakeholders, to researchers and media, there is little<br />
literature on bioplastics that doesn’t refer to this data.<br />
Shortly after, the association celebrated its 20-year<br />
anniversary, in 2013. That same year, François de Bie became<br />
Chair of the Board, and the main focus was put on intensifying<br />
advocacy efforts in Brussels. To achieve these goals, EUBP<br />
created the Regulatory Affairs Working Group in 2016, which is<br />
now counting more than 100 participants.<br />
The last decade has certainly been the decade of change.<br />
In 2017, EUBP became a member of EUBA, the European<br />
Bioeconomy Alliance, to strengthen its position in the EU<br />
Institutions and build synergies with the various stakeholders<br />
of the bioeconomy. It is also that same year that EUBP started<br />
its engagement in several EU-funded research projects, where<br />
the association mainly provides support with communication,<br />
dissemination, and production of deliverables.<br />
Coming back to the present year. Earlier in <strong>2023</strong>, EUBP opened<br />
its second office, marking the beginning of a new adventure.<br />
The association now has a physical foot in the Brussels Bubble,<br />
with the second office located a mere 10-minute walk away<br />
from the EU Institutions.<br />
In the last 30 years, EUBP’s work has been instrumental in the<br />
growth of the bioplastics market. The association has a strong<br />
membership base of 90 companies from across the bioplastics<br />
value chain. This gives EUBP a unique voice and allows it to<br />
represent the interests of the industry effectively. Its dedicated<br />
team of experts enables the association to provide its members<br />
with valuable insights and support.<br />
In addition to the milestones listed above, EUBP<br />
has also been active over the years in a number<br />
of other areas, including:<br />
• Developing standards for bioplastics<br />
and most notably EN 13432<br />
• Owning and protecting the correct use<br />
of the Seedling ® logo<br />
• Promoting research and development in<br />
the bioplastics sector<br />
• Working with policymakers to create a supportive<br />
regulatory environment for bioplastics<br />
• Raising awareness of the benefits of bioplastics<br />
among consumers and businesses<br />
Renewable Carbon Plastics wishes a happy birthday. AT/MT<br /><br />
Info:<br />
If you are interested in learning more about EUBP<br />
or bioplastics in general, get your tickets for<br />
EBC 23, 12-13 December in Berlin. More info at:<br /><br />
Francois de Bie (Chairman of the Board 2013-2022)<br />
and Denise Valdix<br />
14 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
available at<br />
O<br />
OH<br />
HO<br />
OH<br />
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OH<br />
HO<br />
OH<br />
O<br />
OH<br />
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OH<br />
© | 2021<br />
Natural rubber<br />
Cellulose-based<br />
polymers<br />
Lignin-based polymers<br />
PFA<br />
Casein polymers<br />
Starch-containing<br />
polymer compounds<br />
Unsaturated polyester resins<br />
Polyurethanes<br />
Furfuryl alcohol<br />
ECH<br />
MPG<br />
Fatty acids<br />
11-AA<br />
All figures available at<br />
fossil<br />
available at<br />
All figures available at<br />
PE<br />
Epoxy resins<br />
Furfural<br />
NOPs<br />
PP<br />
Building blocks<br />
for UPR<br />
Glycerol<br />
Sebacic<br />
acid<br />
Castor oil<br />
DDDA<br />
PHA<br />
renewable<br />
Hemicellulose<br />
HMDA<br />
EPDM<br />
Building blocks<br />
for polyurethanes<br />
Casein<br />
Caprolactame<br />
PA<br />
Propylene<br />
DN5<br />
APC<br />
Aniline<br />
Naphthta<br />
Natural rubber<br />
Non-edible milk<br />
Plant oils<br />
Lysine<br />
Isosorbide<br />
Waste oils<br />
Lignocellulose<br />
Sorbitol<br />
Ethylene<br />
Starch<br />
Vinyl chloride<br />
Saccharose<br />
Glucose<br />
Lactic<br />
acid<br />
Lactide<br />
Methyl methacrylate<br />
Ethanol<br />
PVC<br />
Isobutanol<br />
Itaconic<br />
acid<br />
PLA<br />
Fructose<br />
Succinic<br />
acid<br />
Adipic<br />
acid<br />
3-HP<br />
MEG<br />
2,5-FDCA<br />
5-HMF/5-CMF<br />
Acrylic<br />
acid<br />
allocated<br />
PMMA<br />
ABS<br />
1,3 Propanediol<br />
p-Xylene<br />
Terephthalic<br />
acid<br />
THF<br />
Levulinic<br />
acid<br />
1,4-Butanediol<br />
FDME<br />
PEF<br />
PBS(x)<br />
Superabsorbent polymers<br />
PBAT<br />
PET<br />
PBT<br />
PTF<br />
PTT<br />
SBR<br />
© | <strong>2023</strong><br />
conventional<br />
© | 2021<br />
Adipic acid (AA)<br />
11-Aminoundecanoic acid (11-AA)<br />
1,4-Butanediol (1,4-BDO)<br />
Dodecanedioic acid (DDDA)<br />
Epichlorohydrin (ECH)<br />
Ethylene<br />
Furan derivatives<br />
D-lactic acid (D-LA)<br />
L-lactic acid (L-LA)<br />
Lactide<br />
Monoethylene glycol (MEG)<br />
Monopropylene glycol (MPG)<br />
Naphtha<br />
1,5-Pentametylenediamine (DN5)<br />
1,3-Propanediol (1,3-PDO)<br />
Sebacic acid<br />
Succinic acid (SA)<br />
© | 2020<br />
Mechanical<br />
Recycling<br />
Extrusion<br />
Physical-Chemical<br />
Recycling<br />
available at<br />
Refining<br />
Dissolution<br />
Physical<br />
Recycling<br />
Polymerisation<br />
Formulation<br />
Processing<br />
Use<br />
Enzymolysis<br />
Biochemical<br />
Recycling<br />
Depolymerisation<br />
Solvolysis<br />
Thermal depolymerisation<br />
Enzymolysis<br />
Purification<br />
Dissolution<br />
Plastic Product<br />
End of Life<br />
Plastic Waste<br />
Collection<br />
Separation<br />
Different Waste<br />
Qualities<br />
Solvolysis<br />
Chemical<br />
Recycling<br />
Monomers<br />
Recycling<br />
Conversion<br />
Pyrolysis<br />
Gasification<br />
Depolymerisation<br />
Thermochemical<br />
Recycling<br />
Pyrolysis<br />
Thermochemical<br />
Recycling<br />
Incineration<br />
CO2 Utilisation<br />
(CCU)<br />
Gasification<br />
Thermochemical<br />
Recycling<br />
Recovery<br />
Recovery<br />
Recovery<br />
CO2<br />
© | 2022<br />
© | 2020<br />
nova Market and Trend Reports<br />
on Renewable Carbon<br />
The Best Available on Bio- and CO2-based Polymers<br />
& Building Blocks and Chemical Recycling<br />
Summer<br />
Special<br />
Category<br />
20 % Discount<br />
Code: Summer<strong>2023</strong><br />
( 01.06 – 31.08.23 )<br />
Carbon Dioxide (CO 2)<br />
as Feedstock for Chemicals,<br />
Advanced Fuels, Polymers,<br />
Proteins and Minerals<br />
Technologies and Market, Status and<br />
Outlook, Company Profiles<br />
Bio-based Building Blocks<br />
and Polymers<br />
Global Capacities, Production and Trends 2022–2027<br />
Mapping of advanced recycling<br />
technologies for plastics waste<br />
Providers, technologies, and partnerships<br />
Polymers<br />
Building Blocks<br />
Diversity of<br />
Advanced Recycling<br />
Intermediates<br />
Feedstocks<br />
Plastics<br />
Composites<br />
Plastics/<br />
Polymers<br />
Monomers<br />
Monomers<br />
Naphtha<br />
Syngas<br />
Authors: Pauline Ruiz, Pia Skoczinski, Achim Raschka, Nicolas Hark, Michael Carus.<br />
With the support of: Aylin Özgen, Jasper Kern, Nico Plum<br />
April <strong>2023</strong><br />
This and other reports on renewable carbon are available at<br /><br />
Authors: Pia Skoczinski, Michael Carus, Gillian Tweddle, Pauline Ruiz, Doris de Guzman,<br />
Jan Ravenstijn, Harald Käb, Nicolas Hark, Lara Dammer and Achim Raschka<br />
February <strong>2023</strong><br />
This and other reports on renewable carbon are available at<br /><br />
Authors: Lars Krause, Michael Carus, Achim Raschka<br />
and Nico Plum (all nova-Institute)<br />
June 2022<br />
This and other reports on renewable carbon are available at<br /><br />
Mimicking Nature –<br />
The PHA Industry Landscape<br />
Latest trends and 28 producer profiles<br />
Bio-based Naphtha<br />
and Mass Balance Approach<br />
Status & Outlook, Standards &<br />
Certification Schemes<br />
Chemical recycling – Status, Trends<br />
and Challenges<br />
Technologies, Sustainability, Policy and Key Players<br />
Plastic recycling and recovery routes<br />
Principle of Mass Balance Approach<br />
Virgin Feedstock<br />
Renewable Feedstock<br />
Feedstock<br />
Process<br />
Products<br />
Monomer<br />
Secondary<br />
valuable<br />
materials<br />
Chemicals<br />
Fuels<br />
Others<br />
Polymer<br />
Use of renewable feedstock<br />
in very first steps of<br />
chemical production<br />
(e.g. steam cracker)<br />
Utilisation of existing<br />
integrated production for<br />
all production steps<br />
Allocation of the<br />
renewable share to<br />
selected products<br />
Primary recycling<br />
(mechanical)<br />
Plastic<br />
Product<br />
Secondary recycling<br />
(mechanical)<br />
Tertiary recycling<br />
(chemical)<br />
CO 2 capture<br />
Product (end-of-use)<br />
Quaternary recycling<br />
(energy recovery)<br />
Energy<br />
Landfill<br />
Author: Jan Ravenstijn<br />
March 2022<br />
This and other reports on renewable carbon are available at<br /><br />
Authors: Michael Carus, Doris de Guzman and Harald Käb<br />
March 2021<br />
This and other reports on renewable carbon are available at<br /><br />
Author: Lars Krause, Florian Dietrich, Pia Skoczinski,<br />
Michael Carus, Pauline Ruiz, Lara Dammer, Achim Raschka,<br />
nova-Institut GmbH, Germany<br />
November 2020<br />
This and other reports on the bio- and CO 2-based economy are<br />
available at<br />
Genetic engineering<br />
Production of Cannabinoids via<br />
Extraction, Chemical Synthesis<br />
and Especially Biotechnology<br />
Current Technologies, Potential & Drawbacks and<br />
Future Development<br />
Plant extraction<br />
Plant extraction<br />
Cannabinoids<br />
Chemical synthesis<br />
Biotechnological production<br />
Production capacities (million tonnes)<br />
Commercialisation updates on<br />
bio-based building blocks<br />
Bio-based building blocks<br />
Evolution of worldwide production capacities from 2011 to 2024<br />
4<br />
3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2024<br />
Levulinic acid – A versatile platform<br />
chemical for a variety of market applications<br />
Global market dynamics, demand/supply, trends and<br />
market potential<br />
HO<br />
OH<br />
diphenolic acid<br />
H 2N<br />
O<br />
OH<br />
O<br />
O<br />
OH<br />
5-aminolevulinic acid<br />
O<br />
O<br />
levulinic acid<br />
O<br />
O<br />
ɣ-valerolactone<br />
OH<br />
HO<br />
O<br />
O<br />
succinic acid<br />
OH<br />
O<br />
O OH<br />
O O<br />
levulinate ketal<br />
O<br />
H<br />
N<br />
O<br />
5-methyl-2-pyrrolidone<br />
OR<br />
O<br />
levulinic ester<br />
Authors: Pia Skoczinski, Franjo Grotenhermen, Bernhard Beitzke,<br />
Michael Carus and Achim Raschka<br />
January 2021<br />
This and other reports on renewable carbon are available at<br /><br />
Author:<br />
Doris de Guzman, Tecnon OrbiChem, United Kingdom<br />
Updated Executive Summary and Market Review May 2020 –<br />
Originally published February 2020<br />
This and other reports on the bio- and CO 2-based economy are<br />
available at<br />
Authors: Achim Raschka, Pia Skoczinski, Raj Chinthapalli,<br />
Ángel Puente and Michael Carus, nova-Institut GmbH, Germany<br />
October 2019<br />
This and other reports on the bio-based economy are available at<br /><br /><br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
On-site<br />
Bioplastics experts<br />
Renewable Carbon Plastics visited FKuR in Willich, Germany<br />
Two friends who studied plastics engineering at<br />
RWTH University Aachen (Germany) and earned their<br />
doctorates in the 1980s met a few years later at a<br />
trade show in Germany. It was in those days that plastics<br />
recycling became kind of a hot topic for the first time. But it<br />
seemed that nobody really felt responsible to take the lead<br />
here. So, Heinz Breuer and Edmund Dolfen had the idea,<br />
that a kind of recycling institute was needed. Heinz Breuer,<br />
who was a professor at the University for Applied Sciences<br />
in Krefeld (Germany) at that time, suggested to simply<br />
found such an institute connected to the university. And so,<br />
in 1992, they did it.<br />
Research Institute<br />
With a start-up funding from the German Federal State<br />
of North Rhine-Westphalia, the institute started with a<br />
name that today will certainly ring in many ears: FKuR.<br />
This abbreviation stands for the German words for Research<br />
Institute for Plastics and Recycling. Almost at the same time,<br />
a support association was founded to determine the destiny<br />
and research goals, along with additional industrial funding.<br />
The total number of about 60 members included machine<br />
manufacturers, recycling companies, and others, but also<br />
the DKR (German Society for Circular Economy and Raw<br />
Materials, creator of the Green Dot). First research topics<br />
included the recycling of rubber tyres or plastic pallets.<br />
Services like consulting and certification rounded off the<br />
FKuR portfolio. Our Michael Thielen remembers very well his<br />
visit to the first Recycling Colloquium in Krefeld, a conference<br />
with 40 exhibitors. And finally, the FKuR also founded the<br />
first Quality Association for Recycled Standard Polymers<br />
to prove and certify that plastic recyclates can indeed offer<br />
reproducible qualities.<br />
Plastics – made by nature!<br />
End of the 1990s, plastics recycling had outgrown its infancy<br />
in Germany. At the time, Edmund Dolfen was convinced that<br />
nature itself is the best recycler. That was the time when<br />
FKuR focused on the development of biodegradable plastics.<br />
“Not many in the market believed in bioplastics end of the<br />
nineties”, says Patrick Zimmermann, today one of the three<br />
managing directors of FKuR, “bioplastics were a child treated<br />
stepmotherly and not given much chance for the future”.<br />
“As a matter of fact, in the context of the circular economy<br />
and the waste management legislation different endof-life<br />
options were discussed”, adds Carmen Michels,<br />
Managing Director of FKuR, “and organic recycling is<br />
definitely a solution”.<br />
Already experienced in the field of conventional recycling,<br />
including the technologies of sorting, cleaning, preparation,<br />
and compounding, it was just a logical step to investigate<br />
biodegradable plastics, Carmen explains. And soon it became<br />
a specialty of FKuR to develop tailor-made compounds for<br />
certain applications. A first example was a biodegradable<br />
packaging for poultry meat with certain water vapour barrier<br />
and flexibility properties. The result was a special compound<br />
based on PLA, a biodegradable copolyester, and certain<br />
fillers to laminate already existing starch-based trays. “The<br />
challenge was to create a compound that would offer all: the<br />
biodegradability, water vapour barrier, flexibility (not too stiff<br />
and not too soft) that could be processed on a film blowing<br />
line and subsequently be laminated onto a tray in a kind of<br />
thermoforming process”, Patrick explains.<br />
The first range of products included different PLA/<br />
copolyester compounds branded as Bioflex ® , soon to be<br />
followed by the Biograde ® cellulose acetate-based materials.<br />
For Biograde Patrick describes the challenges with the<br />
need for a biodegradable heat-resistant material that can<br />
be injection moulded in short cycletimes, and transparent,<br />
if desired. The experience and know-how in the area of<br />
compounding, finding the secret recipe to build on the<br />
strengths of the individual ingredients while offsetting their<br />
weaknesses, would become a core competence of FKuR.<br />
In 1998, FKuR started its cooperation with the Fraunhofer<br />
Institute UMSICHT (Oberhausen, Germany), which soon<br />
proved to be a fruitful symbiosis.<br />
A new company<br />
As the scope of material developments took on an everincreasing<br />
scale, and the need to commercially produce<br />
larger amounts of resins increased, the decision was made<br />
in 2003 to found a separate company. FKuR the research<br />
institute became FKuR Kunststoff GmbH, the company, which<br />
is now celebrating its 20 th anniversary.<br />
In the course of time, the Bioflex and Biograde range was<br />
complemented by more and more products, such as Fibrolon ®<br />
natural fibre filled compounds, or Ceroflex ® biobased and<br />
compostable starch compounds for fast degrading films –<br />
their development was often initiated by customer requests.<br />
Milestones<br />
A significant milestone and highlight for Carmen was the<br />
installation and commissioning of their first large turnkey<br />
compounding line in 2012 in addition to the lines they had<br />
engineered and built themselves over the years.<br />
Patrick likes to remember the start of their US facility and<br />
company FKuR Plastics Corp. in Texas, USA in 2009 and SKYi<br />
FKuR Biopolymers Pvt Ltd. In India in 2019.<br />
Another milestone is definitely the cooperation with<br />
Braskem that started in 2011.<br />
Increasing the portfolio<br />
In addition to different special, and – if desired – tailor-made<br />
biobased and/or biodegradable compounds, FKuR started<br />
to act as a sales organization for other biobased plastics.<br />
These materials are for example Eastlon 30 % biobased PET<br />
for transparent packaging and recyclable bottles. As a drop-<br />
16 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
with roots in recycling<br />
On-site<br />
By: Alex and Michael Thielen<br />
in bioplastic, bio-PET has the same mechanical and thermal<br />
product properties as fossil PET and is 100 % recyclable.<br />
Braskem’s I’m green polyethylene, distributed in Europe by<br />
FKuR, can upon request, also be compounded for special<br />
properties. Such special compounds are marketed under<br />
FKuR’s trade name Terralene ® . Other Braskem products<br />
include I’m green EVA biobased ethylene vinyl acetate.<br />
Terraprene ® biobased TPE compounds for extrusion and<br />
injection moulding with individually adjustable hardness<br />
grades from 40 Shore A to 40 Shore D and Terrasol ®<br />
biodegradable and water-soluble plastics made from PVOH<br />
(polyvinyl alcohol) for packaging round off the portfolio of<br />
FKuR’s bioplastic materials.<br />
Back to the roots<br />
Just recently, in kind of a back to the roots, FKuR started<br />
re-strengthening its focus on recycling. So, the company is<br />
now also offering EuCertPlast-certified PE and PP plastic<br />
recyclates from post-consumer or pre-consumer sources<br />
and Terralene ® rPP – Hybrid compounds based on recycled<br />
polypropylene (PP) and renewable raw materials.<br />
Outlook<br />
The clear focus of FKuR is on three main pillars, all of<br />
them aiming at sustainable plastic products. In addition to<br />
their self-developed products and the trade products, the<br />
third is the recent focus on recycled products. “We are no<br />
longer the bioplastics specialists that we were”, as Daniel<br />
Peltzer, Managing Direcor of FKuR points out, “we are<br />
now a sustainability specialist. And often, there is not one<br />
single solution. Often a dovetailing of different approaches<br />
is necessary to find the technically, economically, and<br />
environmentally best solution”. And finally, Carmen tells us<br />
about their next steps: new properties they just purchased in<br />
the vicinity to further increase their capacities.<br />
FKuR is a mere 20-minute ride from our Renewable<br />
Carbon Plastics offices, so rest assured that we’ll keep you<br />
updated about all developments of this bioplastics pioneer<br />
with a promising future.<br />
Left to right: Daniel Pelzer, Patrick Zimmermann, Carmen<br />
Michels (Mananging Directors of FKuR), Alex Thielen<br />
Melanie Schreurs and Niklas Voß explain some details on<br />
biodegradable products<br />
(Photos: Philipp Thielen)<br /><br />
Edmund Dolfen (Photo: FKuR)<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Fibres / Textiles<br />
Biobased nylon<br />
A combination of electrons and microbes<br />
T-shirts, stockings, shirts, and ropes – or as a component<br />
of parachutes and car tyres – just a few examples,<br />
thatpolyamides are used everywhere as synthetic fibres.<br />
At the end of the 1930s, the name Nylon was coined for<br />
such synthetic polyamides. Nylon-6 and Nylon-6.6 are two<br />
polyamides that account for around 95 % of the global nylon<br />
market. Until now, they have been produced from fossilbased<br />
raw materials. However, this petrochemical process is<br />
harmful to the environment because it emits around 10 % of<br />
the climate-damaging nitrous oxide (laughing gas) worldwide<br />
and requires a great deal of energy. “Our goal is to make the<br />
entire nylon production chain environmentally friendly. This is<br />
possible if we access biobased waste as feedstock and make<br />
the synthesis process sustainable”, says Falk Harnisch, head<br />
of the Electrobiotechnology working group at the Helmholtz<br />
Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ (Leipzig, Germany).<br />
The Leipzig researchers led by Falk Harnisch and Rohan<br />
Karande (University of Leipzig/Research and Transfer Centre<br />
for bioactive Matter b-ACTmatter) have described how this<br />
can be achieved in an article published in Green Chemistry.<br />
For example, nylon consists of about 50 % adipic acid, which<br />
has so far been industrially extracted from petroleum. In<br />
the first step, phenol is converted to cyclohexanol, which is<br />
then converted to adipic acid. This energy-intensive process<br />
requires high temperatures, high gas pressure, and a large<br />
amount of organic solvents. It also releases a lot of nitrous<br />
oxide and carbon dioxide. The researchers have now developed<br />
a process in which they can convert phenol into cyclohexanol<br />
using an electrochemical process. “The chemical<br />
transformation behind it is the same as in the established<br />
processes. However, electrochemical synthesis replaces the<br />
hydrogen gas with electric energy which takes place in an<br />
aqueous solution and requires only ambient pressure and<br />
temperature”, explains Harnisch. For this reaction to run<br />
as quickly and efficiently as possible, a suitable catalyst is<br />
needed. This would maximise the yield of electrons needed<br />
for the reaction and the efficiency of the conversion of phenol<br />
to cyclohexanol. In laboratory experiments, the best yields<br />
(almost 70 % electrons and just over 70 % cyclohexanol) were<br />
shown with a carbon-based rhodium catalyst. “The relatively<br />
short reaction time, the efficient yield, and the effective use<br />
of energy as well as synergies with the biological system<br />
make this process attractive for a combined production<br />
of adipic acid”, says Micjel Chávez Morejón, UFZ-chemist<br />
and first author of the study. In earlier research, two other<br />
UFZ working groups led by Katja Bühler and Bruno Bühler<br />
discovered how the bacterium Pseudomonas taiwanensis<br />
can convert cyclohexanol into adipic acid in a second step.<br />
“Until now, it had not been possible to microbially convert<br />
phenol to cyclohexanol. We have closed this gap with the<br />
electrochemical reaction”, says Rohan Karande, who is<br />
now continuing this work in cooperation with the UFZ at the<br />
University of Leipzig.<br />
The Leipzig researchers were able to close yet another gap<br />
in environmentally friendly nylon production by developing<br />
an alternative for phenol produced from fossil-based raw<br />
materials. To achieve this, they used monomers such as<br />
syringol, catechol, and guaiacol, all of which are produced as<br />
a degradation product of lignin – a waste product of the wood<br />
industry. “For these model substances, we have been able to<br />
show that together we can go all the way to adipic acid”, says<br />
Harnisch. Rohan Karande adds, “Around 4.5 million tonnes of<br />
adipic acid are produced worldwide. If we were to use waste<br />
products from the wood industry for this, it would have a<br />
considerable effect on the world market”.<br />
However, there is still a long way to go before lignin-based<br />
nylon is ready for the market. For example, the scientists<br />
have so far achieved a yield of 57 % for the 22-hour overall<br />
process (i.e. from the monomers from lignin residues utilizing<br />
microbial and electrochemical reaction steps to adipic acid).<br />
“This is a very good yield”, says Micjel Chávez Morejón. The<br />
results are still based on laboratory tests on a millilitre<br />
scale. The prerequisites for scaling up the process are to<br />
be created in the next two years. This technology transfer<br />
requires not only a better understanding of the entire process<br />
but also, among other things, the use of real lignin mixtures<br />
instead of model mixtures (as has been the case so far) and<br />
the improvement of the electrochemical reactors. Harnisch<br />
and Karande agree: “The process for the lignin-based<br />
nylon exemplifies the great potential of electrochemicalmicrobial<br />
processes because an optimal process chain<br />
can be set up through the intelligent way in which various<br />
components are combined”.<br />
The process for developing biobased nylon is funded by the<br />
UFZ’s “transfun” innovation programme, which supports the<br />
translation of ideas into applications at the UFZ. The project<br />
funding of EUR 250,000 is supplemented by the University of<br />
Leipzig’s own contributions. AT<br /><br />
Publication:<br />
Micjel Chávez Morejón, Alexander Franz, Rohan Karande, and<br />
Falk Harnisch: Integrated electrosynthesis and biosynthesis for<br />
the production of adipic acid from lignin-derived phenols. Green<br />
Chemistry,<strong>05</strong>D<br />
18 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Category<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Fibres / Textiles<br />
Mushroom fibres for textiles<br />
Chitosan for the textile industry obtained from fungal biomass<br />
The textile sector is facing a turning point: It is<br />
already clear that one of the most important market<br />
drivers of the future will be the growing demand for<br />
environmentally friendly textiles. This is shown by a look at<br />
neighbouring sectors such as the food industry, which is<br />
increasingly relying on organic products. However, the share<br />
of biobased fibres in the textile industry does not yet reflect<br />
this trend. Quite the opposite: for decades, the worldwide<br />
consumption of synthetic fibres has been rising continuously.<br />
On the one hand, this is due to the increased functionality<br />
of polyester fibres in recent years and on the other hand, due<br />
to the low production costs. The raw material for these fibres<br />
is crude oil, the price of which has remained at a constantly<br />
low level for years and ensures that cheap synthetic fibres<br />
flood the textile market.<br />
The environmental impact is huge: greenhouse gas<br />
emissions during production, growing mountains of textile<br />
waste for disposal, and microplastic pollution of the oceans,<br />
to name but a few. Cotton, as a widespread alternative, is<br />
hardly less harmful to the environment: from the use of<br />
toxic pesticides during production to the immensely high<br />
water and energy consumption during processing, the<br />
environmental balance sheet of this textile raw material<br />
source hardly looks any better.<br />
Environmentally friendly alternatives are therefore urgently<br />
needed. Of all the natural fibre base materials, cellulose as a<br />
plant fibre has seen the fastest increase in all textile substrates<br />
in recent years, as it is the most abundant biopolymer on<br />
earth. The second most naturally occurring polymer is chitin.<br />
While cellulose is a polymer of glucose, chitin is a polymer of<br />
the closely related molecule N-acetylglucosamine. It is the<br />
main component of the cell walls of fungi and is also found in<br />
nature in caterpillar skins, butterfly wings, the exoskeleton<br />
of insects or in a strong mixture with calcium carbonate in<br />
crab and crustacean shells. Chitosan can be obtained by the<br />
deacetylation of chitin.<br />
In the past 20 years, several chitin extraction plants have<br />
been built, mainly in the Asia-Pacific region and in Japan,<br />
using a raw material obtained from transformed shrimp<br />
and crab shells. In Europe, there is practically no production<br />
of chitin or chitosan today. The remarkable properties of<br />
chitosan such as biodegradability, antibioticity (inhibition of<br />
bacterial growth), and compatibility with cotton and cellulose<br />
make it a promising bioplastic for the production of synthetic<br />
fibres for textile applications.<br />
The production volume of chitin and chitosan is mainly<br />
limited by the availability of the biological feedstock.<br />
Worldwide demand for chitin in 2015 was above 60,000<br />
tonnes, worldwide production of chitin the same year was<br />
Mould<br />
(Aspergillus Niger)<br />
Gene modification,<br />
cultivation and<br />
fermentation<br />
Extraction and<br />
deacetylation<br />
Solvent<br />
spinning<br />
Yarn development Fabric development Product prototyping<br />
20 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
around 28,000 tonnes. It is expected that the worldwide<br />
market for chitin derivatives (including chitosan) should<br />
reach USD 63 billion by 2024, following a report from<br />
Global Industry Analysts (chitin and chitosan derivatives<br />
market report – 2015).<br />
To overcome feedstock dependency and other<br />
disadvantages of the current chitin supply chain (such as,<br />
low traceability, a lack of reproducible and standardised<br />
processes, and a lack of quality control) an alternative,<br />
reliable, reproducible, and highly scalable production<br />
process is needed. Recent studies have shown that chitosan<br />
can be extracted and processed from fungal biomass.For<br />
example, as a byproduct of biotechnological processes in<br />
which filamentous fungi are already used on a large scale<br />
as natural cell factories for the production of platform<br />
chemicals, organic acids, proteins, enzymes, antibiotics,<br />
pharmaceuticals, dyes, and fuels at particularly low costs.<br />
The aim of current research projects is to produce chitosan<br />
from the fungus Aspergillus niger, which is one of the most<br />
important fungal cell factories used in biotechnology.<br />
The fungus achieves enormous throughput in a short<br />
time, with reproducible high quality and purity for gentle<br />
extraction and multiple refining and conversion options with<br />
fully verifiable and tailor-made specifications that meet the<br />
requirements of the relevant markets. In addition to its high<br />
growth and multiplication rate, its acceptance of a broad<br />
food spectrum, including starch, pectins and lignocellulosic<br />
waste from agriculture and forestry, is an advantage. Up to<br />
30 % of its cell walls consist of chitin, which can be further<br />
increased by gene modification and the addition of stressors<br />
in the culture environment.<br />
Chitosan production from fungal biomass can draw on<br />
both primary feedstock streams (direct industrial fungal<br />
cultivation for polymer production) and secondary feedstock<br />
streams (waste streams from established industrial fungal<br />
cultivation for chemical and active ingredient production).<br />
In particular, the use of secondary raw material streams,<br />
i.e. a coupled production of polymer and other substances,<br />
represents a cost advantage that other biopolymers do not<br />
have, which means that chitosan has higher chances of<br />
being truly competitive compared to conventional petroleumbased<br />
polymers. For this reason, the development of a<br />
chitosan industry in Europe is also conceivable, which<br />
serves numerous current demands for regional, sustainable<br />
production, the limitation of water and land requirements as<br />
well as spatially short and traceable supply chains. As the<br />
infrastructure of industrial fungi cultivation is already an<br />
established industrial standard, and chitosan can be spun on<br />
conventional spinning lines used for cellulose and processed<br />
on available textile machines, only the chitin to chitosan<br />
conversion has to be created.<br />
For use in clothing, the fungus-based polymers are very<br />
suitable. Their performance and quality do not have to fear<br />
comparison with cotton or cellulose fibres. Some properties<br />
By:<br />
Simon Kammler, Scientific Assistant<br />
Department of Chemical Technologies for Textile and Fibre Innovations<br />
Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University<br />
Aachen, Germany<br />
are even superior to those of petroleum-based polymers,<br />
the material offers a very pleasant natural feel and high<br />
wearing comfort. The odour-inhibiting effect is just as much<br />
in favour of the mushroom fibres as the temperature – and<br />
climate-balancing function, as the material is characterised<br />
by high moisture absorption and good moisture retention.<br />
The material is visually appealing with its light, silky sheen.<br />
The antibiotic properties of chitosan fibres make them<br />
particularly suitable for medical applications such as hospital<br />
garments and wound dressings, sportswear and footwear,<br />
and clothing where the chitosan can inhibit bacterial growth,<br />
improve hygiene, and prevent odour. The biobased origin and<br />
biodegradability of chitosan fibres contribute to the ongoing<br />
transition of the textile market to more environmentally<br />
friendly products, and are also suitable for use in disposable<br />
textiles. The fact that chitosan is non-toxic and does not<br />
form toxic degradation products makes it additionally<br />
attractive as a raw material, as there are no disposal or<br />
environmental problems.<br />
The low use of resources speaks in favour of the chitosan<br />
polymers, as the production can take place with a closed<br />
water cycle. In addition, the mushrooms can be used<br />
completely within the framework of a coupled production.<br />
In addition, no entire production facilities have to be built,<br />
neither in the raw material production nor in the yarn<br />
production. Antimicrobial treatment with problematic<br />
chemicals is not necessary, nor is the use of pesticides,<br />
herbicides, and artificial fertilisers. In addition, the chitosan<br />
is biodegradable. Currently, the focus is on the fungal strain<br />
Aspergillus niger, but the use of other fungal species is<br />
conceivable in the future.<br />
The research described in this article is part of the project<br />
“Fungal Fibers”, funded by the German Federal Ministry<br />
for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection within the<br />
BioTexFuture Innovation Space.<br /><br /><br />
Fibres / Textiles<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Fibres / Textiles<br />
Algae-based textiles<br />
Qualifying PA 6.9 for sporting goods and technical yarns<br />
BIOTEXFUTURE is one of four innovation spaces<br />
which are funded by the German Federal Ministry of<br />
Education and Research (BMBF) in the course of the<br />
National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030 [1]. The vision<br />
of BIOTEXFUTURE is the conversion of the textile value<br />
chain from petroleum-based to biobased. In order to fulfil<br />
this vision, in the AlgaeTex subproject, the development of<br />
microalgae as a raw material basis for plastic filaments to<br />
produce sustainable textile products is being researched.<br />
In particular, the AlgaeTex project aims to demonstrate the<br />
applicability of algae-based multifilament fibres for textiles in<br />
the sports industry, such as knitted shoe uppers or T-shirts.<br />
The crimp contraction, modulus, and stability were<br />
determined to be about 16/6/93 % (DIN 53841-1), which<br />
needs some more improvement with a better false-twist<br />
texturing process. Microscopy images of sample PA 6.9 DTY<br />
are shown in Fig. 3.<br />
In order to approve and qualify the new material for the<br />
sporting industry, polyamide 6.9 has to be investigated and<br />
qualified for the intended usage.<br />
Therefore, in AlgaeTex, the first Adidas shoe was produced<br />
a short while ago at a lab scale from flatbed-knitted<br />
non-algae biobased PA 6.9 yarns which were<br />
melt-spun and textured at ITA (Fig. 1).<br />
Fig. 3: Microscopy images of PA 6.9 DTY in a loose state (top) and<br />
under tension (bottom<br />
Fig. 1: Adidas shoe<br />
made from non-algae<br />
biobased PA 6.9 yarns<br />
spun at ITA<br />
Additionally, the first finer textured yarns for apparel were<br />
produced at ITA at lab scale from the same commercially<br />
sourced PA 6.9, and they will soon be processed into<br />
sportswear at Adidas. Thus, further proving the selection of<br />
PA 6.9 as a suitable choice for the textile industry.<br />
Furthermore, very fine and strong fully-drawn yarns (FDY)<br />
for technical applications like car interiors in automotive<br />
use were successfully developed, in order to explore<br />
further application scenarios. During tensile testing (DIN<br />
EN ISO 2060 and 2062), a tenacity with up to 42,7 cN/dtex<br />
and an elongation at max. force between 31 and 46 % was<br />
determined (Fig. 4).<br />
The measured tenacity reaches up to 44,3 cN/dtex and the<br />
elongation at max. force lies between 18 and 30 % (Fig. 2).<br />
These values are well-comparable to commercial DTY.<br />
Tenacity [cN/tex]<br />
45<br />
40<br />
35<br />
30<br />
25<br />
20<br />
15<br />
10<br />
5<br />
0<br />
V9<br />
V15<br />
V16<br />
V17<br />
V18<br />
V20<br />
V26<br />
V27<br />
V28<br />
V29<br />
V31<br />
V32<br />
35<br />
30<br />
25<br />
20<br />
15<br />
10<br />
5<br />
0<br />
Elongation [%]<br />
Tenacity [cN/tex]<br />
45<br />
40<br />
35<br />
30<br />
25<br />
20<br />
15<br />
10<br />
5<br />
FDY 1<br />
FDY 2 FDY 3<br />
120<br />
100<br />
80<br />
60<br />
40<br />
20<br />
0<br />
Elongation [%]<br />
Tenacity<br />
Elongation<br />
Tenacity<br />
Elongation<br />
Fig. 2: Tenacity and elongation at max. force of the PA 6.9 DTY<br />
for apparel<br />
Fig. 4: Tenacity and elongation at max. force of the PA 6.9 FDY<br />
22 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Fibres<br />
FDY production was possible at a pilot scale with up<br />
to 37 dtex and 24 filaments in the yarn, which results in<br />
1,54 dtex/filament. The production was merely limited<br />
by the current machine parameters, and the polymer<br />
can most likely withstand even higher stresses while<br />
spinning it, resulting in even finer yarns that are suitable<br />
for technical applications.<br />
COMPEO<br />
Leading compounding technology<br />
for heat- and shear-sensitive plastics<br />
To further validate the usability of the spun yarns for<br />
textile applications, the yarns were processed on different<br />
knitting machines. In the knitting trials, the unwinding<br />
properties and the general loop formation were comparable<br />
with industrial yarns.<br />
Fig. 5: Knitted PA 6.9 – DTY (left) and FDY (right)<br />
Following on from the current evidence that PA 6.9 is<br />
generally suitable, in the next months, the first algae-based<br />
polymers will be produced and processed at ITA to create<br />
an algae-based shoe demonstrator for the project. Next,<br />
algae-based apparel and technical yarns are to be produced<br />
to showcase the versatile suitability of biobased PA 6.9.<br /><br />
By:<br />
H. Löcken, M. Ortega, T. Gries<br />
ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University,<br />
Aachen, Germany<br />
Uniquely efficient. Incredibly versatile. Amazingly flexible.<br />
With its new COMPEO Kneader series, BUSS continues<br />
to offer continuous compounding solutions that set the<br />
standard for heat- and shear-sensitive applications, in all<br />
industries, including for biopolymers.<br />
Acknowledgements<br />
The authors want to thank the Federal Ministry<br />
of Education and Research (BMBF) for funding<br />
the innovation space BIOTEXFUTURE and<br />
this research project.<br />
• Moderate, uniform shear rates<br />
• Extremely low temperature profile<br />
• Efficient injection of liquid components<br />
• Precise temperature control<br />
• High filler loadings<br /><br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Fibres / Textiles<br />
Infinitely recycled Nylon<br />
The athletic apparel brand lululemon (Vancouver,<br />
Canada) recently formed a partnership with Australian<br />
biotech start-up Samsara Eco (Sydney, Australia)<br />
in form of a multi-year collaboration. The goal is to scale<br />
circular textile-to-textile recycling of Nylon 66 and polyester,<br />
which they call infinite recycling.<br />
Samsara is still a rather young company and was founded<br />
in late 2021 at the Australian National University (ANU).<br />
The enzymatic recycling technology is based on two PhD<br />
students, Matthew Spence and Vanessa Vongsouthi, who are<br />
two of the four founders of the company.<br />
Samsara Eco’s enzymatic library can already break down<br />
plastics back into their monomers that are difficult to recycle<br />
mechanically. But the company also claims that it is better<br />
than other advanced recycling technologies as it can recover<br />
and reuse many of its chemicals and consumables, water,<br />
and energy. Its infinite recycling does not generate any toxic<br />
or harmful by-products.<br />
“Unlike our competitors, these differences make our<br />
technology carbon-neutral and affordable, with minimal<br />
environmental impact”, it says on Samsara’s website. CEO<br />
and Founder of Samsara Eco Paul Riley said, “Plastic is one<br />
of the greatest inventions of the 20 th century and provides<br />
enormous utility because of its durability, flexibility, and<br />
strength. Yet, it’s also an environmental disaster, with<br />
almost every piece of the nine billion tonnes ever made<br />
still on the planet”.<br />
While still relatively young, the cooperation with lululemon<br />
is already a significant milestone for the ambitious start-up<br />
and shows the need for innovative recycling technologies.<br />
Paul Riley, CEO and Founder (l.) with Vanessa Vongsouthi, Head of<br />
Protein Engineering & Research and Founder (r.)<br />
Currently, Samsara Eco’s enzymatic library can break<br />
down challenging plastics including coloured, multi-layered,<br />
mixed plastics and textiles like polyester and nylon 6,6. Riley<br />
said: “You can’t solve the climate crisis unless you solve the<br />
plastics crisis”. Samsara’s objective is to deliver climate<br />
repair through infinite recycling. Its technology maturity<br />
roadmap involves developing proprietary libraries of enzymes<br />
addressing multiple plastics and textiles over the next six<br />
months to two years.<br />
And Samsara doesn’t shy away from big goals. “Our 2030<br />
ambition is to recycle 1.5M+ tonnes of plastic and textile<br />
waste per annum, saving 2.5M tonnes of CO 2<br />
emissions”,<br />
said Riley. “If the Samsara technology is applied across the<br />
plastic and chemical manufacturing industries, it could<br />
save us around five per cent of global annual CO 2<br />
emissions<br />
(2.5 Gt of CO 2<br />
)”. AT<br /> |<br />
“Nylon remains our biggest opportunity to achieve our 2030<br />
sustainable product goals. This partnership demonstrates<br />
what’s possible through collective innovation to solve unmet<br />
needs. Through Samsara Eco’s patented enzymatic process,<br />
we’re advancing transforming apparel waste into highquality<br />
nylon and polyester, which will help us live into our<br />
end-to-end vision of circularity”, said Yogendra Dandapure,<br />
Vice President, Raw Materials Innovation at lululemon.<br />
There is a need for these technologies and a need for<br />
trailblazers like Samsara that will soon open a new Research<br />
& Development facility at Queanbeyan (Australia), which is<br />
expected to be operational by late 2024.<br />
“We’ve had fantastic growth out of our ANU lab so far, but<br />
the plastic problem is growing fast”, Riley comments. “As we<br />
gear up towards commercialisation, access to our first R&D<br />
facility will enable us to accelerate the capabilities of infinite<br />
recycling and scale our solution which breaks down plastics<br />
in minutes, not centuries”.<br />
24 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Depolymerization of PA66<br />
using microwaves<br />
Asahi Kasei (Tokyo, Japan) produces fossil fuel–derived<br />
hexamethylenediamine (HMD) and adipic acid (ADA)<br />
as intermediates to manufacture Leona PA66, an<br />
engineering plastic featuring outstanding heat resistance<br />
and rigidity. PA66 is used in various applications, including<br />
plastic parts for automotive and electronic products,<br />
and yarn for airbag fabric, and its demand is expected<br />
to increase worldwide.<br />
As the world moves toward carbon neutrality, attention<br />
is increasingly focused on manufacturing processes for<br />
reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from chemical<br />
products derived from fossil fuels. One such approach is<br />
recycling, and recently chemical recycling has become<br />
a more viable solution. There are many approaches to<br />
advanced or chemical recycling, ranging from using<br />
enzymes to microwaves. Microwave Chemical, as the name<br />
suggests, focuses on the latter. They developed a process<br />
which can directly and selectively heat target substances<br />
with high energy efficiency with, you guessed it, microwaves.<br />
Their proprietary technology platform for decomposing<br />
plastic using microwaves is called PlaWave .<br />
Microwave Chemical is promoting technological and<br />
business development to achieve carbon neutrality in<br />
the industrial sector, focused on process development<br />
using microwaves, which can directly and selectively<br />
heat target substances with high energy efficiency.<br />
For chemical recycling, Microwave Chemical is advancing its<br />
proprietary PlaWave technology platform for decomposing<br />
plastic using microwaves.<br />
Laboratory-scale studies that began in fiscal 2021 have<br />
confirmed the high-yield depolymerization of PA66 using<br />
microwaves, as well as the principle of the separation and<br />
purification process after depolymerization. Bench-scale<br />
equipment will now be assembled at Microwave Chemical’s<br />
Osaka Factory (Japan) by the end of fiscal <strong>2023</strong>, and a<br />
small-scale demonstration trial using this equipment will<br />
be performed in fiscal 2024 to collect basic process data<br />
for commercialization.<br />
The manufacturing process for PA66 using HMD and ADA<br />
obtained by depolymerization using PlaWave is expected to<br />
reduce GHG emissions compared to the conventional PA66<br />
manufacturing process, while further reduction of GHG<br />
emissions may be achieved utilizing renewable energy for<br />
the power required to generate the microwaves.<br />
The small-scale demonstration trial will be analysed in<br />
detail to decide whether commercialization of the process<br />
makes sense, Asahi Kasei plans to come to a decision by<br />
fiscal 2025. Concurrently with the small-scale demonstration<br />
trial, construction of a business model that involves the<br />
entire value chain in the chemical recycling of PA66 will be<br />
advanced, aiming to achieve a circular economy together with<br />
stakeholders in the PA66 value chain.<br />
Asahi Kasei aims to be a global partner for its PA66<br />
customers by providing optimal solutions for their carbon<br />
neutrality initiatives through studies of the practical<br />
application of material recycling and chemical recycling, as<br />
well as trials for the commercialization of PA66 made using<br />
biomass-derived intermediates.<br />
Microwave Chemical is working to increase the scale of<br />
equipment and to make PlaWave more generally applicable<br />
in order to achieve the practical application of the chemical<br />
recycling of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA, also called<br />
acrylic resin), automotive shredder residue (ASR), plastic<br />
containers and packaging, flexible polyurethane foam, etc. AT<br /><br />
Fibres / Textiles<br />
Expected effect of<br />
microwave process<br />
- Atmospheric<br />
pressure and low<br />
temperature<br />
- Shorter processing time<br />
- Lower energy<br />
consumption<br />
Heating plastics in solvent<br />
microwave<br />
Adipic acid (ADA)<br />
Hexamethylenediamine (HMD)<br />
Conventional<br />
Process<br />
- High temperature<br />
- Longer processing<br />
time<br />
- Higher energy<br />
consumption<br />
Heating plastics in solvent<br />
Adipic acid<br />
(ADA)<br />
Hexamethylene<br />
diamine<br />
(HMD)<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Fibres / Textiles<br />
Sustainable leather<br />
alternatives for fashion<br />
Lenzing (Lenzing, Austria) has teamed up with NFW<br />
(Natural Fiber Welding, Peoria, IL, USA) to offer<br />
TENCEL branded fibres as another backer option for<br />
NFW’s patented plant-based technology, MIRUM ® .<br />
are compostable and biodegradable, enabling complete<br />
circularity of finished products. The collaboration creates a<br />
uniquely sustainable alternative for leather applications, as<br />
both Tencel fibres and Mirum are versatile enough to be used<br />
in multiple applications.<br />
“At NFW, we believe that plant matter is the only material<br />
that can scale to replace conventional plastic. Since its<br />
inception, Mirum has been engineered to benefit our planet.<br />
By adding fabrics made of Tencel to Mirum, we can enhance<br />
material transparency and traceability, while guaranteeing<br />
comfort and great hand feel on the skin. We are thrilled to join<br />
hands with the Tencel brand, and we will continue creating<br />
greener alternatives for the fashion industry”, said Oihana<br />
Elizalde, Vice President and General Manager of Mirum at<br />
NFW. One of the best examples of the collaboration is the<br />
Allbirds Plant Pacer, which was released last fall. The shoe’s<br />
upper is made with Mirum lined with Tencel.<br />
Mirum is an ideal option for designers and brands looking<br />
to reduce their environmental footprint and expand their<br />
creative palettes. Tencel fibres are soft and pleasant on the<br />
skin, with outstanding moisture management. Adding backer<br />
material made of Tencel fibres to Mirum not only creates a<br />
truly sustainable option but also one that enhances the<br />
comfort level of products made from leather alternatives.<br />
Mirum is a categorically unique material class, perfect<br />
for luxury accessories, fashion, footwear, automotive, and<br />
home goods. Tencel Lyocell and Modal fibres are derived<br />
from sustainable wood sources and produced using<br />
environmentally responsible processes. The fibres are<br />
identifiable, verifiable, and traceable through Lenzing’s<br />
Fiber Identification technology which enables a physical<br />
identification of fibre origin at different stages of production.<br />
This enables full traceability of the fibre materials used during<br />
the production process, be it on a piece of fabric or finished<br />
product, like garments or footwear. Mirum is made from<br />
natural rubber, plant and mineral pigments, plant-based oils<br />
and waxes, and an all-natural fabric backing. Each Mirum<br />
recipe is unique, but the commitment to using only natural<br />
ingredients is unchanging. Instead of relying on PU binders,<br />
a characteristic of most leather alternatives, Mirum uses<br />
natural rubber and plant oils for binding.<br />
“This partnership is a perfect example of how the<br />
combination of our sustainable Tencel fibres and innovative<br />
materials like Mirum can go beyond traditional textiles.<br />
With innovation at heart, there are infinite possibilities for<br />
application of the new material. Tencel fibres used as backer<br />
not only increase the level of transparency and traceability of<br />
Mirum, but also enhance comfort – and with a very low carbon<br />
footprint. We are confident that the versatile material will be<br />
loved by supply chain partners and brands across footwear,<br />
fashion apparel, accessories, furniture, and even automotive<br />
industries”, said Birgit Schnetzlinger, Head of Business<br />
Development Functional Wear and Footwear, Global Textiles<br />
Business at Lenzing. AT<br /> |<br />
NFW’s unique approach incorporates a diversity of natural<br />
ingredients like biobased charcoal, clay, cork powder, rice<br />
hulls, coconut fibres, recycled denim or seaweed to develop<br />
colour or add visual interest. At the end of its life cycle,<br />
products made with Mirum can be recycled into new Mirum<br />
or ground up and returned to the earth, while Tencel fibres<br />
26 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Cellulose nano fibres –<br />
a smooth additive<br />
The next big event, the FAKUMA (Friedrichshafen,<br />
Germany) is just around the corner and Asahi Kasei<br />
(Tokyo, Japan) will present, among other things, their<br />
cellulose nano fibre (CNF). Renewable Carbon Plastics talked<br />
to Tomofumi Maekawa, General Manager XRP Development<br />
Project at Asahi Kasei’s Sustainable Polymers Laboratory,<br />
about the material. “The material is derived from cotton linter,<br />
a by-product of the cotton yield, which is usually considered<br />
as a waste material. We only use cotton linter which is already<br />
GRS-certified or in the process of acquiring the certification”,<br />
said Maekawa. “CNF is generated from fibrillated pulp.<br />
Going down to the nanoscopic scale makes our fibre boast<br />
high strength and elasticity, in addition to its lightweight”.<br />
One field of application is to replace glass fibre, as the<br />
material shows a reinforcing effect when used in small<br />
amounts while being lighter than glass fibre. “Naturally,<br />
we aim for glass fibre replacement in plastic compounds.<br />
Since our CNF is a very soft material, it is suitable for sliding<br />
part applications as a filler that does not damage the mating<br />
material. It also shows less material degradation in the<br />
recycling process than glass fibres, which is another added<br />
value”, comments Maekawa. “There is a broad range of<br />
possible applications. One is, for example, in gears and other<br />
moving parts, which can benefit from CNF’s outstanding<br />
sliding properties. Due to its thixotropic behaviour, it also<br />
features a unique viscosity, making it suitable for 3D printing<br />
applications. Compared to other additives, CNF contributes<br />
to a smoother surface appearance after the printing process”.<br />
In Table 1 you can see some of the technical data for<br />
CNF when used with PA6. The table shows reinforced PA6<br />
with 10 % CNF content, as well as reinforced PA6 with<br />
15 % GF content. PA6/CNF10 % shows a high stiffness and<br />
low specific gravity. Compared to PA6/GF15 % the specific<br />
flexural modulus is 7 % higher.<br />
Tensile modulus retention rate / %<br />
Another potentially added value is its biodegradability,<br />
which makes it a great additive for biodegradable applications.<br />
The biodegradability is not certified yet, but Asahi Kasei is<br />
currently considering the certification of their CNF material.<br />
“CNF is a great material, not only does it offer a broader<br />
range of outstanding properties, compared to standard filler<br />
materials, but it also shows a superior recyclability with less<br />
material degradation”, Maekawa concludes.<br />
You can find Asahi Kasei at booth 5319, in Hall B5 during<br />
the Fakuma <strong>2023</strong> (from 17 to 21 October). AT<br />
120<br />
100<br /><br />
80<br />
60<br />
40<br />
20<br />
0<br />
Properties of 100% recycled material<br />
★Tensile modulus retention rate of PA6/CNF10%<br />
materials after 5 times 100% recycle is 92%.<br />
PA/GF15%<br />
Tensile modulus retention after using<br />
100 % regrind (5 cycles).<br />
PA/CNF10%<br />
0 1 2 3 4 5<br />
Times of using 100% regrind<br />
Fibres / Textiles<br />
Items Method Condition unit PA6_CNF10% PA6_GF15%<br />
Specific gravity (ρ) ISO 1183 23°C ― g/cm 3 1.16 1.25<br />
Equilibrium water<br />
absorption<br />
ISO 1110<br />
similar<br />
Table 1: PA/CNF10 % Datasheet. Current development data may change without<br />
notification. The data stated are measured values, not guaranteed values.<br />
23°C / 50%RH % 2.6 2.4<br />
Tensile Strength (TS) ISO 527 23°C<br />
DRY<br />
95 110<br />
MPa<br />
WET 63<br />
70<br />
Tensile Modulus (TM) ISO 527 23°C DRY MPa 5,800 5,300<br />
Tensile Elongation (TE) ISO 527 23°C<br />
DRY<br />
3 3<br />
%<br />
WET 15 15<br />
Flexural Strength (FS) ISO 178 23°C<br />
DRY<br />
135 190<br />
MPa<br />
WET 60 100<br />
Flexural Modulus (FM)<br />
ISO 178 23°C DRY<br />
5,000 5,000<br />
MPa<br />
ISO 178 23°C WET 2,500 2,800<br />
ISO 178 80°C DRY MPa 1,700 1,950<br />
Specific Flexural Modulus ( 3 √FM/ρ) 23°C DRY MPa 14.7 13.7<br />
Molding Condition: Compliant with ISO 294<br />
Test piece: ISO 20753 type A1<br />
Mold temp.=80<br />
WET condition : 23°C, 50%RH<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Fibres / Textiles<br />
Textile yarns from<br />
biopolyesters<br />
KORTEKS (Bursa/Türkiye) is one of the largest suppliers<br />
of polyester yarn. In addition, a new plant for processing<br />
recycled polymer has been commissioned with a daily<br />
capacity of 20 tonnes. Korteks is also active in the development<br />
of yarns from various biopolymers. The experimental design<br />
of all yarn developments is carried out on a pilot scale<br />
melt spinning machine with a 5-zone extruder, spinnerets,<br />
quenching line, drawing godets and winder.<br />
In 2017 and 2020, respectively, Korteks started to develop<br />
filament yarns from PLA, PHA, and PBS. After the first<br />
results and observations, industrial trials were carried out<br />
for the three biopolymers.<br />
PLA<br />
PLA has inherent properties such as flame retardancy,<br />
UV resistance, low density, and low-emperature dyeability.<br />
However, the production of PLA fibre/yarn is challenging due<br />
to its hydrolytic degradation and brittle structure.<br />
In an initial research programme, PLA Pre Oriented<br />
Yarn (POY) was spun and then texturised to give volume,<br />
elasticity, and crimp properties like natural fibres. 100, 150,<br />
300 denier PLA filament yarns have been developed on an<br />
industrial scale. In addition, dope dyed coloured texturised<br />
PLA yarns could be produced. PLA filament yarns have<br />
sufficient strength and elongation properties for weaving<br />
and knitting processes. As PLA is sensitive to alkaline<br />
conditions and high temperatures, PLA yarns and fabrics<br />
require some modifications in dyeing. In addition, finishing<br />
processes of PLA fabrics show close processes with PET<br />
fabrics, but considering the chemical properties of PLA,<br />
some modifications should be made with R&D studies.<br />
PBS<br />
Polybutylene succinate (PBS) is an aliphatic polyester that<br />
can be synthesised from both fossil fuels and monomers<br />
derived from biobased feedstocks. Biodegradability and<br />
excellent melt processability make PBS suitable for<br />
sustainable textiles [1]. The fact that its production costs are<br />
lower than PHAs and that it is more ductile than PLA puts<br />
PBS at the forefront. In addition, PBS has a wide processing<br />
temperature range and good thermal stability compared<br />
to other biopolymers.<br />
Due to the high elongation properties of PBS, the<br />
problem of tight winding is often encountered during the<br />
process. Furthermore, in order to eliminate the melt flow<br />
problems, PBS trials are carried out with different ranges of<br />
melt flow rate polymers.<br />
PHA<br />
The production of biodegradable fibres from P3HB has<br />
been investigated by previous researchers on a laboratory<br />
or pilot scale. The common problem was the formation of<br />
irregular, large crystallites with low density, resulting in<br />
inadequate mechanical properties. Various solutions have<br />
been proposed to improve the structure development.<br />
However, none of these studies were suitable for largescale<br />
production. In studies investigating the thermal<br />
behaviour of PHB, it was found that the molecular weight<br />
starts to decrease just above the melting point around 185°C,<br />
and weight loss and chain breaks occur in the polymer<br />
above 200°C. Initial experiments conducted above 180°C<br />
resulted in degraded, discontinuous melt flow. Extruder<br />
temperatures, residence time, and spinneret exit pressure<br />
Figure 1. Samples of PHA and PBS filament yarns<br />
(from left to right respectively, raw POY, air texturized<br />
PHB, and raw POY and texturized PBS)<br />
Figure 2. Samples of PLA filament yarns (from left to<br />
right respectively, raw white POY, FDY, and dope dyed<br />
green POY and DTY bobbins)<br />
28 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
By:<br />
H. Aybige Akdag Ozkan, R&D Center/Chief of Int.Projects and Fundings<br />
Onur Celen, R&D Center deputy manager<br />
Cansu Uludogan, R&D Center/ Chief of Project and Test Analysis<br />
Korteks Mensucat<br />
Bursa/Türkiye<br />
Category<br />
should be investigated and the quenching line modified<br />
to prevent thermal degradation and the formation of<br />
heterogeneous large crystallites prior to drawing to<br />
provide chain orientation.<br />
On the other hand, the biodegradability of PHAs is<br />
much more advanced. The reasons for this are the<br />
influence of crystallinity, crystal structure, molecular<br />
orientation, melting temperature (Tm) and glass<br />
transition temperature (Tg), as well as the percentage<br />
of degrading microorganisms for each polyester [2].<br />
Despite the fact that PLA and PBS are texturised on<br />
an industrial scale, the PHA yarn experiment is still at<br />
the melt-spinning stage and only a few air texturisation<br />
trials have been carried out. The results showed that the<br />
mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation) of<br />
PHB yarns can be improved by high draw rates rather<br />
than by increasing the speed. Therefore, the stressstrain<br />
relationship should be investigated.<br />
Conclusions<br />
To conclude, biopolyesters have a tolerable and<br />
improvable processability for making textiles. Thermal<br />
degradation is an important parameter that needs<br />
to be carefully controlled during the process. The<br />
development of PLA and PBS products is moving<br />
faster than PHB due to their relatively coherent thermal<br />
properties with PET.<br />
Considering that synthetic fibres have the highest<br />
market share with 64 %, of which 54 % is fossil-derived<br />
PET, switching to biopolymers from conventional<br />
thermoplastics and using them in the textile industry<br />
can be an alternative to reduce the processing<br />
of fossil fuels. However, materials and designed<br />
products should be well assessed for environmental<br />
impact. Government regulations and changes in<br />
consumer behaviour will also be very important<br />
to enable this change.<br />
NOW!<br />
For your registration scan this QR code<br />
or go to<br />
events/ebc/registration<br />
12 – 13 Dec <strong>2023</strong><br />
Titanic Hotel, Berlin, Germany<br /><br />
References<br />
[1] Rudnik, E. (2013). Plastic films in food packaging (pp. 217-248).<br />
William Andrew Publishing.<br />
[2] Tokiwa, Y., & Calabia, B. P. (2007) Journal of Polymers and the<br />
Environment, 15, 259-267.<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Advanced Recycling<br />
Use biodegradation to recycle<br />
conventional plastics into new<br />
biobased materials<br />
AIMPLAS (Valencia, Spain), the Plastics Technology<br />
Centre, forms part of the BioICEP project (Bio<br />
Innovation of a Circular Economy for Plastics), which<br />
started in February 2020 and is funded by the Horizon 2020<br />
programme. The goal of the project is to develop sustainable<br />
and environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional<br />
petroleum-based plastics.<br />
The project used an innovative cascade process by<br />
applying and combining chemical and biological methods<br />
to turn fossil-based plastic waste into natural, biologically<br />
degradable substitutes to be used in the packaging<br />
and pharma industries.<br />
The role of Aimplas in the project involved the pretreatment<br />
of plastics using microwave-assisted thermochemical<br />
degradation. This new technology provided promising<br />
results by turning non-biodegradable plastic waste<br />
(such as low-density polyethylene) into easily biologically<br />
degradable materials. Another technique used was the<br />
depolymerization of polyamides to obtain the monomers of<br />
these polymers. Microorganisms are then able to degrade<br />
these monomers, so they can be turned into products<br />
as building blocks (monomers, or low molecular weight<br />
molecules – oligomers and derivatives) for new bioplastics,<br />
e.g. PHB or nanocellulose.<br />
Likewise, Aimplas used reactive extrusion technologies<br />
that made changes to the structure of the polymeric chains to<br />
improve the biological degradation of these plastics. Aimplas<br />
is also the coordinator in charge of dissemination and<br />
exploitation of results, as well as communication activities.<br />
Reducing the amount of<br />
plastic in the environment<br />
The solution proposed by the BioICEP project focused<br />
on the use of three technologies that enhance, accelerate,<br />
and increase the degradation of plastics to levels far beyond<br />
what is currently possible. A triple-action depolymerization<br />
system broke down plastic waste through three consecutive<br />
processes. The first consisted of chemical disintegration<br />
processes, including a new microwave-based technology that<br />
reduces the molecular weight of base polymers to improve<br />
biological degradation. The second process was biocatalytic<br />
digestion with improved enzymes using different innovative<br />
techniques, including screening with fluorescent sensors<br />
and directed evolution. Finally, in the third process, microbial<br />
consortia developed from best-in-class single microbial<br />
strains were used in combination to produce the highly<br />
efficient degradation of mixed plastic waste streams. The<br />
products of this degradation process will be used as building<br />
blocks for the synthesis of new polymers and bioproducts to<br />
enable a new plastic waste-based circular economy.<br />
To avoid misunderstanding<br />
It should be clear, that this kind of biological degradation<br />
is a completely different process that does not aim at a<br />
biodegradation in the meaning of an alternative disposal<br />
option comparable to composting (complete assimilation by<br />
microorganisms and conversion into CO 2<br />
, water, and biomass).<br />
The consortium and funding<br />
The BioICEP project is funded by the European Union<br />
within the framework of the H2020 programme, topic<br />
CE-BIOTEC-<strong>05</strong>-2019 “Microorganism communities for<br />
plastics bio-degradation”, agreement number 870292.<br />
Besides Aimplas, thirteen partners from nine European<br />
and Asian countries are participating: Acteco (Spain),<br />
Avecom (Belgium), Technische Universität Clausthal<br />
(Germany), Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko<br />
inženjerstvo (Serbia), Instituto de Biologia Experimental e<br />
Tecnológica and Logoplaste Innovation LAB LDA (Portugal),<br />
Technological University of the Shannon and The Provost,<br />
Fellows, Foundation Scholars and other Members of Board<br />
of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen<br />
Elizabeth near Dublin (Ireland), Microlife Solutions (the<br />
Netherlands), National Technical University of Athens –<br />
NTUA (Greece) and Beijing Institute of Technology, Institute of<br />
Microbiology – Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shandong<br />
University (China). MT<br /><br /><br />
Mixed Plastic Waste<br />
Triple Action Depolymerisation<br />
Fermentation<br />
BioICEP Diagram<br />
1) Physical/Green<br />
Chemical<br />
2) Biocatalysis<br />
3) Microbial Consortia<br />
Monomer<br />
Recovery<br />
Bioproducts<br />
30 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Category<br />
3 rd<br />
Edition<br />
NEW<br />
NEW<br />
NEW<br />
NEW<br />
This book, created and published by Polymedia Publisher<br />
– maker of bioplastics MAGAZINE, is available in English<br />
and German (now in the third, revised edition), and<br />
brand new also in Chinese, French, Spanish and Polish.<br />
Intended to offer a rapid and uncomplicated introduction<br />
to the subject of bioplastics, this book is aimed at all<br />
interested readers, in particular those who have not yet<br />
had the opportunity to dig deeply into the subject, such<br />
as students or those just joining this industry, as well<br />
as lay readers. It gives an introduction to plastics and<br />
bioplastics, explains which renewable resources can be<br />
used to produce bioplastics, what types of bioplastics<br />
exist, and which ones are already on the market. Further<br />
aspects, such as market development, the agricultural<br />
land required, and waste disposal, are also examined.<br />
The book is complemented by a comprehensive<br />
literature list and a guide to sources of additional<br />
information on the Internet.<br />
The author Michael Thielen is the publisher of<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE.<br />
He is a qualified mechanical design engineer<br />
with a PhD degree in plastics technology from<br />
the RWTH University in Aachen, Germany. He<br />
has written several books on the subject of<br />
bioplastics and blow-moulding technology<br />
and disseminated his knowledge of plastics<br />
in numerous presentations, seminars, guest<br />
lectures, and teaching assignments.<br />
3 rd<br />
Edition<br />
ORDER<br />
NOW<br /><br />
email:<br />
phone: +49 2161 6884463 31<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Automotive<br />
Casein is a protein that makes up to 80% of milk protein and<br />
Category<br />
10<br />
Years ago<br />
Published in<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE<br />
Fibers & Textiles<br />
What is casein?<br />
Fibers & Textiles<br />
is thus one of the major proteins in milk. Casein is employed<br />
as a binder and excipient. In milk the casein consists of 18 out<br />
of the known 22 amino acids. Casein has an extremely high<br />
content of glutamine and calcium. With approximately 20% of<br />
glutamine no other protein contains as much glutamine as<br />
casein.<br />
Qmilk is particularly suitable for underwear, as this kind<br />
of apparel is worn directly in contact with the skin. Thus skin<br />
kindness and hygiene are of utmost importance. In addition<br />
to the antibacterial and moisture regulating properties the<br />
Qmilk fibres feel very smooth and, thanks to their smooth<br />
surface, skin irritations and itching are effectively avoided<br />
Asked whether she feels she has been dressed in a<br />
Treehugger-Shop when wearing apparel from Qmilk, Tanja<br />
says: “Absolutely not. That kind of fashion in the 70s and 80s<br />
wanted to differentiate itself from the conventional fashion of<br />
those days. Fashion from Qmilk is not only sustainable, but<br />
also beautiful, fashionable and sexy.”<br />
Other typical fibre applications are pillow cases, bed sheets<br />
and mattress covers. Niten Trasy, purchasing manager<br />
of Sunham Home Fashion in New York, is convinced that<br />
sleeping in a Qmilk-bed is healthier than in any other textile<br />
[2]. Potential applications apart from fibres and textiles can<br />
be found for example in toys or in dashboard components<br />
for automobiles. Since Qmilk features a natural resistance to<br />
diesel, ethanol, E10, polyethylene glycol, acetic acid, sodium<br />
hydroxide, and oleic acid, it fulfils many requirements that<br />
could be applied in the automotive industry.<br />
Qmilk collect<br />
Qmilk are working to build the first logistics system for the<br />
collection of unused, and so far technically, unmarketable<br />
milk.<br /><br /><br />
References<br />
[1] (Website of Qmilch Deutschland GmbH, last<br />
accessed Sep. 18, 2013<br />
[2] Qmilk, natural fibre, Brochure of Qmilch Deutschland GmbH<br />
[3] Polymerization: From Milk to Plastic - University of Manitoba,<br />
[4] Food wastage footprint: Impacts on natural ressources, FAOreport,<br />
Sept. 2013<br />
Technical Specifications:<br />
Fineness 1.6 dtex<br />
fibre cross section* round<br />
colour milky white<br />
specific weight 1.17 g/cm 3<br />
cutting length 30-60 mm<br />
number of filaments 1400<br />
thermal shrinkage (150°C} 0.4 (ow Fest)<br />
decomposition temperature 200 °C<br />
loop strength 72%<br />
moisture absorption 13.6- 16.3 %<br />
*Special cross-sections and titers upon request<br />
Fibers & Textiles<br />
The fibres<br />
In a first step the casein powder is mixed with water and<br />
melted in an extruder to become a biopolymer-precursor.<br />
Already now the material can be dyed. This avoids the<br />
additional need for water in a later dyeing step, as is required<br />
for example with cotton fibres. Now the biopolymer mass is<br />
pressed into a specially shaped spinneret in a continuous<br />
process to form the fibres. Since the process temperature is<br />
below 100°C the special properties of the milk-casein can be<br />
maintained. Water is used as a plasticizer.<br />
Qmilk offers a wide range of cross-sections and versatilities<br />
in clothing, home textiles and technical textiles. The Qmilk<br />
fibre can be obtained as a staple fibre and filament.<br />
Because of its smooth surface it is ideal for sensitive skin<br />
and gives the feeling of wearing something rather silky.<br />
26 bioplastics MAGAZINE [<strong>05</strong>/13] Vol. 8<br />
Special Features of the fibres are:<br />
• antibacterial<br />
• pleasant to touch<br />
“Sustainability is an integral part of our corporate culture<br />
and we are committed to our corporate values i.e. to work<br />
sustainably and in a socially responsible manner”, says<br />
Anastasia Bresler, PR Manager of Qmilk.”In the focus of<br />
our sustainable policy are our products, innovations and<br />
technologies. We set new standards in the field of man-made<br />
fibre.”<br />
• temperature regulating<br />
• controlled shrinkage<br />
• natural UV filter<br />
• B2 flammability in accordance with DIN 41021<br />
and DIN 75200<br />
• heat resistant up to 200°C<br />
The raw material: No food<br />
• washable up to 60°C<br />
To develop sustainable innovations and processes and to<br />
take advantage of natural materials, are the cornerstones of<br />
the Qmilk company‘s philosophy.<br />
• lower density than cotton and silk<br />
• non allergic<br />
The casein, which is the main resource of Qmilk’s products,<br />
is made from raw milk that is no Ionger suitable for sale<br />
and, under the current legislation cannot be used as food.<br />
ln Germany alone every year 1.9 million tonnes of milk must<br />
be disposed of. Globally more than 100 million tonnes of milk<br />
are wasted every year [4]. Reasons for this are, for example,<br />
heat, cellular problems, or germs. This kind of milk must be<br />
be disposed of at the expense of the farmer. In many cases<br />
this milk ends up – albeit prohibited – in the sewerage. But<br />
not only milk that does not fulfill the hygiene requirements<br />
of the dairy industry is abuntantly available. There are also<br />
waste products e.g. from cheese making etc. that need to be<br />
disposed.<br />
• good moisture absorbance<br />
• good colouring performance<br />
Antibacterial Activity<br />
Qmilk is naturally antibacterial. There is no need to use<br />
anti-bacterial treatment. It is another advantage of crosslinked<br />
polymers (see above) that textiles made with such<br />
fibres cannot mildew and will behave absolutely neutral<br />
in terms of their odour. Qmilk also has an antibacterial<br />
action against E. coli and even Staphyllococcus aureus. The<br />
bacteria cannot multiply in the Qmilk fibre and thus it gives a<br />
However, this milk still contains valuable ingredients and<br />
offers great potential for technical purposes. “We use a raw<br />
smoothing freshness throughout the day.<br />
Moisture absorption<br />
The Qmilk fibre easily absorbs moisture and is therefore<br />
particularly suitable for applications in underwear, functional<br />
sports clothing, and the home textiles sector, but also for<br />
technical textiles.<br />
Fire protection class<br />
The Qmilk fibre reaches fire protection class B2 according<br />
to DIN 4102-1 and DIN 75200 and can therefore be used in<br />
home decoration, but also in the automotive industry.<br />
The textiles<br />
The smooth surface of the Qmilk fibre avoids skin irritation<br />
and promotes an optimum skin feeling. Qmilk fibre can<br />
be modified in its visual aspects and properties for textile<br />
surfaces.<br />
“The fibres are very smooth and on my skin it feels like<br />
silk,” says Tanja Berthold, fashion tailoress at Qmilk. “I love it<br />
for my pyjamas”, she adds. “I don’t want to sleep in anything<br />
else – ever!” At night she never feels cold, or sweats, thanks<br />
to the excellent moisture properties of Qmilk.<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE [<strong>05</strong>/13] Vol. 8 27<br />
material which inevitably becomes available and thus we only<br />
extend its product life cycle”, says Anastasia. “Additionally,<br />
we pay attention to sustainable animal husbandry by our<br />
suppliers.”<br />
The bioplastic<br />
Fibers & Textiles<br />
N<br />
The principle of converting milk into a biopolymer and<br />
eventually into fibre products is based on the concept of<br />
white biotechnology, one of today’s key technologies. The<br />
biotechnological advances allow many new industrial<br />
processes which are cheaper and more ecological. In<br />
addition, the use of renewable resources was brought to the<br />
fore, and we all strive to reduce the use of raw material and<br />
energy.<br />
The advantage of the new manufacturing process is the<br />
ability to produce a biopolymer comprised of 100% natural<br />
and renewable raw materials - milk. “The production of 1kg<br />
of the biopolymer needs only 5 minutes and a maximum of<br />
2 liters of water”, explains Ines Klinger, head of technical<br />
development at Qmilch. “This implies a particular level of<br />
cost efficiency and ensures a minimum of CO 2 emissions.”<br />
There are lots of options for modification of the polymer<br />
which offers the potential for numerous applications.<br />
However, one has to keep in mind the fact that Qmilk is a<br />
cross-linked, thermoset material. The cross-linking of<br />
the molecules makes the material (including the fibres)<br />
water resistant, as opposed to approaches in the past when<br />
chemicals had to be added to achieve water resistant caseinbased<br />
fibres.<br />
The material can be made flexible or rigid. It absorbs colour<br />
very easily and has good colour brilliance. It is antibacterial<br />
and therefore complements a wide range of applications<br />
even outside the fibre and textile industry.<br />
Qmilk is resistant to water, ethanol, acetone, methanol,<br />
fuels, and oils, weak acids, alkalis and minerals. Its<br />
temperature stability is above 200°C and the density is at<br />
1.17 g/cm³. The Qmilk biopolymer is compostable in a few<br />
weeks.<br />
ature produces a versatile resource, namely milk. Incredible<br />
amounts of milk have to be disposed of every<br />
day because it is longer marketable and legislation<br />
says that it should not be used as food. Qmilch Deutschland<br />
GmbH (Hanover, Germany) have developed an innovative and<br />
unique technology for the production of textile fibres made<br />
from the milk protein, casein. Qmilk ® produces textile fibres<br />
for various applications including clothing, home textiles,<br />
industrial applications, medical equipment and automotive<br />
equipment. And the company is working continuously to advance<br />
the unique biopolymer with an excellent product quality<br />
and an outstanding performance in the field of man-made<br />
fibres.<br />
The company<br />
Bioplastic fibres from m<br />
Founder of the company is Dipl.-Biologist Anke Domaske<br />
who originally was searching for chemically untreated<br />
clothing for her stepfather who had cancer, and eventually for<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE [<strong>05</strong>/13] Vol. 8 25<br />
By M<br />
other people who were suffering from allergies,<br />
Then she had the idea of creating a product th<br />
only help people, but is also good for the environm<br />
Eventually milk proteins came to her notice. Suc<br />
had already been processed into textiles in the 1930<br />
fibres were treated with various chemicals and produ<br />
complex process.<br />
Qmilk began as a classic start-up – however, not in a g<br />
but in a kitchen. Since the company and its developm<br />
not a university spin-off, there was initially no laborato<br />
work in, just the idea of developing a fibre that is chemic<br />
untreated. The necessary equipment was bought in a groc<br />
store and built into a laboratory for about € 200.<br />
In April 2011 the Qmilch GmbH was founded. There is now<br />
a group of companies – Qmilch IP GmbH, Qmilch Holding<br />
GmbH and Qmilch Deutschland GmbH – engaged in the<br />
production and development of biopolymers, based on milk<br />
proteins and other natural and renewable raw materials.<br />
24 bioplastics MAGAZINE [<strong>05</strong>/13] Vol. 8<br /><br />
32 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Automotive<br />
Stay informed<br />
the fastest way!<br />
Categroy<br />
for example.<br />
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ilk<br />
ichael Thielen<br />
In September <strong>2023</strong>, Anke Domaske<br />
(now Anke Nagler),<br />
founder of Qmilk, said:<br />
Even if the development of biopolymers and<br />
fibres from milk-based protein was a great<br />
success, our main focus today is on dental care<br />
products for dogs and cats. This<br />
may sound strange, but<br />
our extensive research<br />
about 10 years ago<br />
also revealed a very<br />
positive influence of milk<br />
protein-based products<br />
on the oral flora. So, we<br />
not only put our emphasis<br />
on polymers and fibres, as<br />
described in the article, but<br />
also on other applications.<br />
After a couple of really<br />
successful years, however,<br />
for different reasons, the<br />
pandemic and its influence on<br />
the textile market on the one<br />
hand, but also changing personel<br />
and shifting priorities in our<br />
partner companies made it difficult<br />
recently to successfully market<br />
our initial products.<br />
Our current main focus on pet oral care<br />
showed very good market opportunities,<br />
and the success in Germany as well as in<br />
many other countries proves us right. You<br />
may want to check our website.<br />
But even if our focus today is on such<br />
kinds of products, we are still active in some<br />
segments of the initial applications and we are<br />
still interested to partner with companies that<br />
want to bring milk protein-based polymers and<br />
fibres to successful products into the market.<br />
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bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
From Science& Research Category<br />
Catalysis for a multidimensional<br />
circular economy<br />
The chemical industry supplies indispensable substances<br />
for our health, nutrition, and current standard of living.<br />
However, many of the chemical products accumulate as<br />
waste at the end of their product life. Due to their chemical<br />
complexity and diversity of substance mixtures, no viable<br />
recycling concepts exist for most waste streams to date; they<br />
are therefore often used thermally, landfilled, or introduced<br />
into natural ecosystems, thus leading to environmental<br />
pollution. The resulting ecological challenges are particularly<br />
evident in the case of plastic waste, e.g. microplastics are now<br />
found in the most remote areas of the world. The politically<br />
and socially demanded resource and energy transition<br />
therefore requires transforming the traditionally linear<br />
structure of production and use in the chemical industry<br />
into a holistic circular economy in which economic growth is<br />
decoupled from primary resource consumption and waste is<br />
understood as a valuable resource. This requires viable new<br />
recycling concepts for chemical products.<br />
Regina Palkovits and Jürgen Klankermayer of RWTH<br />
Aachen University (Aachen, Germany), together with an<br />
interdisciplinary team of researchers in “catalaix – Catalysis<br />
for a Circular Economy”, want to ensure chemical products<br />
become valuable resources of an integrated circular economy<br />
according to the open-loop principle at the end of their product<br />
life. The chemical building blocks created in open-loop<br />
recycling will be tailored and flexibly fed into a wide variety<br />
of value chains and material cycles in line with demand.<br />
The aim is to create a flexible, multidimensional circular<br />
economy that supports the sustainable transformation of<br />
the chemical industry. This will be achieved by developing<br />
customized chemo-, bio – and electro-catalyst systems and<br />
integrating renewable raw materials and energy sources into<br />
the recycling process.<br />
Using the example of plastics recycling, the researchers<br />
have already demonstrated the technical feasibility of this<br />
concept for diverse classes of plastics. As one example, the<br />
PalkovitsLab was able to transform the biobased plastics<br />
polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and polylactic acid (PLA) with<br />
easily separable solid catalysts back into the monomers.<br />
This was possible for both pure polymer streams and<br />
mixtures of the two bioplastics. The strategy could even<br />
be extended to PET as a non-biopolymer. Here, PHB and<br />
PLA were converted with similar yields as in the previous<br />
mixed recycling approach of the bioplastics, whereas PET<br />
remained largely intact in solid form and could therefore be<br />
easily separated from the reaction solution. Furthermore,<br />
the Klankermayer group demonstrated the effective<br />
and selective catalytic depolymerization of polyester/<br />
polycarbonate wastes into various diols using a tailormade<br />
molecular catalyst that tolerates polymer additives.<br />
Investigations on the integration of biobased diols in the<br />
chemical recycling of POM (polyoxymethylene) polymers<br />
enabled the selective production of chemical building blocks<br />
from the plastics mainly used in automotive construction.<br />
These flexible building blocks can then serve as solvents,<br />
fuel additives, pharmaceutical intermediates, and even<br />
as monomer materials for polymerization reactions. The<br />
showcases exemplify the potential and capability of chemical<br />
recycling of real mixed waste streams, with the possibility<br />
of avoiding extensive sorting and purification steps prior<br />
to depolymerization.<br />
“Catalaix – Catalysis for a Circular Economy” is one of six<br />
finalists in the competition for a new WSS research centre<br />
for the sustainable use of the planet’s resources that have<br />
each already received a WSS research prize of 1 million<br />
Swiss francs (~ EUR 1 million). A total of 123 proposals were<br />
submitted in the competition for the “project of the century”<br />
of the Werner Siemens Foundation (WSS). Based on their<br />
ideas, the finalists will develop their detailed concepts by the<br />
end of October <strong>2023</strong>. The final competitive decision will be<br />
announced in January 2024. The WSS research centre will<br />
be funded with 100 million Swiss francs (~EUR 1<strong>05</strong> million)<br />
over a funding period of ten years. The Werner Siemens<br />
Foundation initiated the competition on the occasion of its<br />
100 th anniversary. MT/AT<br />
Magnetic<br />
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34 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Category<br />
FUTURE<br />
NPE is the largest plastics trade show in the<br />
Americas and one of the most innovative<br />
business events in the world with 55,000<br />
leaders from 110 countries representing every<br />
industry — from automotive to healthcare,<br />
consumer products to construction and more.<br />
Registration now open.<br />
Use promo code BIOPLAS to register<br />
for FREE, visit<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Materials<br />
Seaweed based resins<br />
come to Europe<br />
An innovative seaweed resin that replaces single-use<br />
plastic at scale and disappears into compost and soil<br />
after it’s used is now available to European plastics<br />
manufacturers and processors globally.<br />
Loliware, the first of-its-kind seaweed resin technology<br />
firm based in San Francisco (CA, USA), announced its<br />
partnership with Florida-based distributor Montachem<br />
International in September. Loliware seaweed resins<br />
are the only biomaterials available through Montachem,<br />
which has historically offered polyethylene, polypropylene,<br />
polystyrene, PVC, and PET. Loliware’s SEA Tech resins can be<br />
processed on existing manufacturing equipment and require<br />
no new infrastructure.<br />
“Our ocean-safe resin is a 1-to-1 replacement for<br />
fossil-fuel-based polymers”, Loliware Founder and CEO<br />
Sea Briganti says. “We’re fulfilling consumer demand for<br />
products needed in daily life, while at the same time creating<br />
an opportunity to end the plastic pollution that is destroying<br />
the ocean and significantly contributing to climate change”.<br />
Loliware is the first company worldwide to scale seaweed<br />
as a high-performance, cost-effective replacement for<br />
conventional plastics. A full agreement with Montachem<br />
will be signed by the end of <strong>2023</strong>, leading to a multiyear<br />
program to distribute the extrusion and injection<br />
moulding grade resins.<br />
The global plastics market is projected to reach USD 753<br />
billion by 2026, with increasing demand for plastic products,<br />
according to KPMG estimates. “Plastic alternatives are<br />
flooding the market, but many use fossil fuel-based<br />
components. Loliware’s seaweed resin is accepted under<br />
even the strictest regulations because its inputs are modified<br />
in nature”, Briganti says.<br />
Loliware produces, via a partnership with manufacturer<br />
Sinclair & Rush based in Missouri, a straw to showcase the<br />
function of the resin. The straw behaves identically to its<br />
plastic counterpart until a few hours after use when it begins<br />
to break down. Once added to a compost pile or into soil, it<br />
disappears within weeks.<br />
“The straw was our proof of concept”, Briganti says.<br />
“It shows that there is a regenerative, ocean-safe way to<br />
replace single-use plastics”.<br />
One hundred million straws are being produced each<br />
year. They are used at restaurants owned by the Jose<br />
Andres Group, as well as by eco-luxury hotel chain 1Hotels<br />
and other major brands. A new line of utensils will be<br />
available later this year. MT<br /><br />
“We aim to be fully engaged with environmentally-friendly<br />
materials that contribute to our ESG mission (Environmental,<br />
Social, Governance), and Loliware was the clear<br />
standout”,says Montachem President and CEO Jerry Murcia.<br />
Loliware is 100 % USDA BIOBASED certified and home<br />
compostable. Additionally, it is plastic-free verified and<br />
100 % marine safe (ISO 19679). “Loliware’s SEA Tech resins<br />
break down within about 50 days via aerobic degradation”,<br />
says Victoria Puinova, Loliware’s Chief Technology Officer.<br />
There are just four resin inputs – seaweed, water, limestone<br />
and mineral colour – but can be processed on conventional<br />
plastics equipment through injection moulding, extrusion,<br />
and thermoforming to create a wide range of replacements<br />
for single-use plastics.<br />
“Our resins make it easy for processors to transition<br />
from petroleum-based commodity resins”, Puinova says.<br />
Only subtle changes are needed, such as melt temperature<br />
adjustment and post-processing, she adds. A wide range of<br />
single-use plastic replacements is possible with the resins.<br />
Loliware partners with ocean-farmed seaweed producers<br />
around the world, including Atlantic Sea Farms based in<br />
Maine (USA). Seaweed captures five to 20 times more carbon<br />
than land-based forests per unit area, including permanently<br />
storing some of it at depth/the seafloor.<br />
36 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Conference <strong>2023</strong><br />
28–29 November<br />
Cologne (Germany)<br />
Hybrid Event<br /><br />
Category<br />
Diversity of<br />
Advanced Recycling<br />
of Plastic Waste<br />
All you want to know about advanced recycling technologies<br />
and renewable chemicals, building blocks, monomers, and polymers<br />
based on recycling<br />
Organiser<br />
Contact<br />
Dominik Vogt<br />
Conference Manager<br /><br />
Sponsor<br />
Sessions – Day 1<br />
• Policy, Markets & Strategy<br />
• Pyrolysis<br />
• Dissolution<br />
• Versatility of Extruders &<br />
Advanced Mechanical Recycling<br />
Sessions – Day 2<br />
• Depolymerisation<br />
• Gasification<br />
• Pre- / Post-treatment & Upgrading<br />
• LCA & Environmental Aspects<br />
• Pyrolysis & Other Thermochemical Approaches<br />
Program online<br /><br />
The Unique Conference Focused<br />
on Cellulose Fibres – in Textiles, Hygiene<br />
and Packaging<br />
The conference will give deep insights into the promising future of cellulose fibres,<br />
which perfectly fits the current trends of circular economy, recycling and sustainable<br />
carbon cycles.<br />
1<br />
FIBRE<br />
2024<br />
S P O N S O R E D B Y G I G K A R A S E K<br />
I N N O V A T<br />
B Y N O V A -<br />
I N S T I T U T E<br />
I O N<br />
A W A R D<br />
• Strategies, Policy Framework<br />
of Textiles and Market Trends<br />
• Cellulose Fibres at the<br />
Forefront of the Race to Replace<br />
Single-Use Plastic Products<br />
• Sustainability and<br />
Environmental Impacts<br />
• Circular Economy<br />
and Recyclability of Fibres<br />
• Alternative Feedstocks<br />
and Supply Chains<br />
• Ionic Liquids and<br />
New Technologies for Pulps,<br />
Fibres and Yarns<br />
• New Technologies<br />
and Applications beyond<br />
Textiles<br />
• Cellulose Fibre Based<br />
Hygiene and Packaging<br />
Products<br />
Submit your Applications:<br />
Call for Abstracts until<br />
15 October <strong>2023</strong><br />
Call for Innovation until<br />
15 December <strong>2023</strong><br />
Organiser<br />
Award<br />
Sponsor<br />
Sponsors<br /><br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Polyurethane / Elastomers<br />
Polyurethane upcycling approach<br />
Groundbreaking upcycling approach for the manufacture of<br />
customized polymer aerogels<br />
The RAMPF Group (Grafenberg, Germany) has developed<br />
a pioneering upcycling approach for the manufacture<br />
of customized polymer aerogels. In contrast to<br />
conventional methods that involve costly sorting processes,<br />
Rampf’s new technology enables the processing of mixed<br />
polyurethane-based production scraps into eco-friendly<br />
and ultralight materials for use in thermal insulation,<br />
lightweight fillers, rheology additives, and oil binding<br />
agents, amongst others.<br />
The chemical recycling of plastics is increasingly becoming<br />
the focus of attention for its role in reducing the dependence<br />
on fossil fuels and mitigating the global plastic pollution<br />
crisis. It essentially involves breaking down plastic waste<br />
into its chemical components so that it can be reused as<br />
feedstock to produce new products instead of being landfilled<br />
or exploited in incineration plants.<br />
as biobased precursors, could significantly accelerate the<br />
development of holistic circular economies. We are convinced<br />
that it has the potential to pave the way for a new generation<br />
of sustainable value-added polymers and can effectively<br />
contribute to the reduction of plastic waste in our ecosystem”.<br />
The project has received funding from the German Federal<br />
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and is part<br />
of the German cluster “Aerogels for Energy Efficiency” led by<br />
Irina Smirnova, Head of the Institute of Thermal Separation<br />
Processes and Vice President Research of the Hamburg<br />
University of Technology. “This unique combination of aerogel<br />
and recycling technology is a very promising candidate for the<br />
industrialization of aerogels. Furthermore, the work being<br />
done by Rampf demonstrates that implementing robust<br />
circular economy value chains can sometimes demand outof-the-box<br />
thinking”, she says.<br />
Whilst conventional chemical recycling methods usually<br />
involve costly sorting and separating processes for different<br />
plastics into single-origin material flows or demand a<br />
high energy input, Rampf has developed a groundbreaking<br />
chemical solution for the direct upcycling of unsorted<br />
polyurethane scraps into customized polymer aerogels.<br />
This comprises the<br />
1. Glycolysis of mixed polyurethane scraps to<br />
obtain a recycled polyol.<br />
2. Synthesis of a polyurethane-based gel.<br />
3. Supercritical drying of the wet gel to obtain an aerogel.<br />
Gerd-Sebastian Beyerlein, Director of New Business<br />
Development at Rampf and Technology Lead says: “During<br />
the course of this development, we found that the technical<br />
properties of the aerogels are highly dependent on their<br />
physical microstructure, while the purity of the feedstock<br />
plays a less significant role. The aerogels we synthesized<br />
from different batches of mixed production scraps possess<br />
a well-defined and adjustable mesoporous microstructure,<br />
as well as very low thermal conductivity in the range of<br />
comparable high-performance insulation materials.<br />
This demonstrates the robustness of this novel upcycling<br />
approach, which was developed completely in-house with<br />
regard to the materials used”.<br />
Potential for upcycling diverse types of polymers<br />
For the development of a first proof of concept, mixed<br />
polyurethane production scraps from Rampf Tooling<br />
Solutions RAKU ® Tool modelling boards were used. However,<br />
preliminary tests indicate that the valorization approach is<br />
not limited to a certain type of polymer. This could open a path<br />
of cutting-edge research that will propose solutions for the<br />
treatment of complex plastic waste.<br />
Michael Rampf, CEO of the Rampf Group, concludes:<br />
“With this new approach we have again demonstrated that<br />
we are a true chemical recycling pioneer. Whilst our company<br />
Rampf Eco Solutions has been developing and optimizing the<br />
processing of sorted production scraps for more than two<br />
decades, we have now found a revolutionary solution that<br />
could signal the end of unsorted residues being incinerated<br />
or thrown in landfills”. MT<br /><br />
mixed PUR<br />
scraps<br />
Info:<br />
glycol +<br />
catalyst<br />
recycled<br />
polyol<br />
solvent +<br />
isocyanate +<br />
catalyst<br />
PUR based<br />
wet gel<br />
supercritical<br />
drying<br />
PUR based<br />
aerogel<br />
Detailed information on this technological development can be<br />
found in the recently published open-access manuscript “Novel<br />
robust upcycling approach for the manufacture of value-added<br />
polymers based on mixed (poly)urethane scraps”. It can be<br />
downloaded from<strong>05</strong><br />
Beyerlein, who has been involved in the development of<br />
aerogel technology for over a decade, explains: “The transfer<br />
of this newly developed approach to other polymers, as well<br />
38 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Sustainable polyurethane<br />
mattress recycling<br />
Evonik (Essen, Germany) is one step closer to its goal of<br />
closing the material cycle in the polyurethane industry:<br />
The company has joined forces with the REMONDIS<br />
Group (Lünen, Germany), one of the world’s leading recycling<br />
companies, to secure the supply of end-of-life mattress<br />
foams. The cooperation will support Evonik as it develops its<br />
chemical recycling process to the next level.<br />
Evonik’s innovative hydrolysis process makes it possible<br />
to recover the main components of polyurethane foam and<br />
reuse them as high-quality building blocks in the production<br />
of new mattresses. The result of this hydrolysis process is a<br />
dark brown liquid containing pure polyol and an amine (TDA).<br />
This amine can be converted into the isocyanate TDI in a<br />
subsequent reaction. These substances, which are needed<br />
for the production of polyurethane, are recovered. In order for<br />
the molecules to be building blocks for new foam, they have<br />
to be cleanly separated from each other.<br />
This process is currently being tested in a pilot plant in<br />
Hanau (Germany), and in a next step, the recycling process<br />
will be tested in a larger demonstration plant.<br />
The Remondis Group contributes its expertise in sorting<br />
PU flexible foams from waste and feeding them into the<br />
cycle in constant quality so that they can be converted into<br />
chemical recyclates using Evonik’s hydrolysis process. “By<br />
working together with Remondis, we can evolve from the<br />
current linear value chains to functioning circular loops.<br />
True circularity only works in networks, that’s why we are<br />
actively expanding our collaborations”, said Patrick Glöckner,<br />
Head of Evonik’s Global Circular Economy Program.<br />
The cooperation with the flexible foam producer The<br />
Vita Group (Manchester, UK), started in 2021, has already<br />
successfully demonstrated that Evonik’s hydrolysis process<br />
recovers raw materials of significantly higher quality, and<br />
thus improved usability compared with previous recycling<br />
technologies. Increased use of recycled materials lowers<br />
the dependence on fossil raw materials and reduces the<br />
ecological footprint of the PU industry. According to findings<br />
so far, Evonik’s process significantly reduces the CO 2<br />
footprint compared with mattress production using fossil raw<br />
materials. The demonstration plant intends to prove that this<br />
also applies on a larger scale.<br />
Polyurethane / Elastomers<br />
According to estimations, more than 250,000 tonnes of PU<br />
foam from old mattresses are incinerated or landfilled in<br />
Europe every year. Evonik and Remondis want to help reduce<br />
this with the goal of ensuring fewer fossil raw materials are<br />
used in the PU value chain by returning valuable materials<br />
to the raw material cycle. “Circularity in the field of<br />
flexible polyurethane foams is very important both for the<br />
environment, and for the future viability of our business. It gives<br />
us the opportunity to act in the interests of the environment,<br />
the industry, and consumers”, said Thomas Wessel,<br />
the member of Evonik’s Executive Board<br />
responsible for sustainability.<br />
“For us, closing material life cycles is not only a business<br />
objective but also an expression of our responsibility<br />
towards society as a whole. Conserving raw materials<br />
around the world and processing them again and again is<br />
a fundamental prerequisite for sustainable environmental<br />
and climate protection”, said Jürgen Ephan, Managing<br />
Director of Remondis Recycling. “Remondis reintegrates<br />
enormous quantities of materials back into the production<br />
cycle. Every year, we collect more than 30 million tonnes<br />
of recyclable materials, process them and make them<br />
available to the industry as raw materials, with the numbers<br />
continuing to increase. What drives us is the constant<br />
development of new processes to close or optimize material<br />
cycles. Therefore, we are very pleased to be working<br />
with Evonik to tackle the challenge of finding<br />
an efficient solution for the raw material<br />
recovery of foam mattresses”.<br />
The initial focus of the project is on<br />
the region of North Rhine-Westphalia,<br />
Germany. However, the goal is to<br />
develop a scalable technology<br />
and a business model that can be<br />
expanded internationally. MT<br /><br /><br />
Strengthening the cycle<br />
How hydrolysis can be used to<br />
recycle PU foam<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Polyurethane / Elastomers<br />
New sustainable materials<br />
Adhesives and inks for packaging, polyurethanes for shoe soles and<br />
plasticisers for PVC<br />
C.O.I.M., headquartered in Buccinasco, Italy, is a<br />
multinational company that has manufactured<br />
chemical products since 1962 and that operates all<br />
over the world through nineteen manufacturing and trading<br />
companies. Recently, at the PLAST trade fair (Milan, Italy,<br />
4 – 8 September) the company presented a wide range of<br />
innovations inspired by maximum efficiency and sustainability.<br />
“COIM’s approach to sustainability is both integrated –<br />
environment, economy, and society – and, on the product<br />
development front, open. In fact, it takes account of the<br />
various opportunities with which sustainable policies may<br />
develop: raw materials from biological sources, recyclable<br />
raw materials, biodegradable and compostable systems, and<br />
Low VOC systems, control and abatement of CO 2<br />
emissions<br />
along the entire supply line and recovery downstream of<br />
finished products for polyurethane recycling. The innovations<br />
that we propose are of the drop in type, sustainable also<br />
from the operational point of view: they can be used by our<br />
customers without modifying their production processes<br />
or purchasing new machines. Our customers can also<br />
obtain integrated and personalized solutions from COIM,<br />
thus reaching maximum efficiency in supply, use and<br />
performance. Plast <strong>2023</strong> will be an important opportunity<br />
to present the results of our commitment to innovation<br />
and sustainability to the entire sector”, explained Giuseppe<br />
Librandi, President and CEO of COIM.<br />
Sustainable solutions for flexible packaging<br />
With its Novacote and Coiminks ranges, COIM offers flexible<br />
packaging manufacturers a 3-in-1 solution: the proposal of<br />
adhesives, coatings, and inks by a single supplier represents<br />
a peculiar feature that makes COIM one of the most complete<br />
players on the world scene in this sector.<br />
Environmental sustainability, a top priority for<br />
COIM, is realized in this sector according to which are<br />
four main directives:<br />
Compostable solution offer: COIM presents the new<br />
solvent-based adhesive NOVACOTE ® NE 810 S + CE 510,<br />
tested in accordance with the EN 13432 standard and OK<br />
Compost Industrial certified, in accordance with the TÜV<br />
Austria, Seedling, and BPI standards.<br />
The CoLam FX series of inks of COIMINKS has recently<br />
obtained and renewed its TÜV Austria OK Compost Industrial<br />
certificate that enables converters who use substrates and<br />
components certified as compostable, with ink within the<br />
maximum limit of application indicated on its certificate, to<br />
produce compostable packaging materials.<br />
Transition from fossil to renewable sources in<br />
the shoe material sector<br />
Urexter RS and Laripur RS are used to produce soles for<br />
fashion shoes also in the sectors of luxury, casual, sports<br />
and safety shoes, they are the fruit of accurate development<br />
towards maximum sustainability due to their formulation<br />
with a percentage of raw materials from renewable<br />
sources of over 70 %.<br />
For the shoe sector, the substitution of materials from fossil<br />
sources with materials from renewable sources represents a<br />
real breakthrough towards environmentally friendly solutions<br />
on a large scale: the biobased materials developed by COIM<br />
using renewable vegetable sources ensure a better CO 2<br />
footprint, without altering the durability of the products and<br />
allowing the manufacturers to avoid making changes to their<br />
machinery and consolidated production techniques.<br />
New series of polymeric plasticizers with<br />
a content of raw materials from renewable<br />
sources of up to 50 %<br />
COIM has been operating on the market of polymeric<br />
plasticizers for PVC-based compounds for decades.<br />
The evolution of the range towards sustainable solutions<br />
began several years ago with the Plaxter P-L products,<br />
which offer innovative solutions using in part raw materials<br />
from renewable sources. The products in the Plaxter P-L<br />
series are present on the market with large volumes in all<br />
the applications that involve plasticized PVC products, such<br />
as transparent stretch film for food, faux leathers for the<br />
fashion and waterproof fabric sectors, the coating of special<br />
electrical cables, technical liquid or gas conveying pipes,<br />
special seals for food packaging and specific applications.<br />
With the new Plaxter E-LB series of products, COIM meets<br />
the growing market need for more sustainable plasticizers<br />
and offers products with a content of raw materials from<br />
renewable sources of up to 50 %, responding at the same<br />
time to the higher technical market needs. The Plaxter E-LB<br />
products can be industrialized through drop-in substitutions,<br />
in which the fossil source materials are replaced without<br />
making any changes to the process.<br />
The solutions in the new Plaxter E-LB series have been<br />
compared to the standard products also from the point of view<br />
of their potential CO 2<br />
emissions, by conducting a comparative<br />
life cycle analysis (LCA) so as to be able to provide the user<br />
also with a documental estimate of emission reductions. MT<br /><br />
40 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Industrially compostable<br />
stretch wrap technology<br />
Now protected by US patent<br />
Applications<br />
Cortec Corporation (St. Paul, MN, USA) has been<br />
awarded a US patent for its commercially compostable<br />
industrial strength stretch film technology, also known<br />
as Eco Wrap ® film. This patent is a significant milestone<br />
in Cortec’s ongoing quest to develop environmentally<br />
responsible products and distinguishes Cortec ® as a leader<br />
in green packaging technology.<br />
Eco Wrap is a specialty wrapping film that meets the EN<br />
13432/ASTM D6400 standards for commercial composting<br />
and was certified industrially compostable by TÜV Austria<br />
(#TA8012106218) in 2021. It is extremely elastic and suited<br />
for general machine stretch wrapping applications. It can be<br />
used to replace conventional plastic stretch wrap with the goal<br />
of improving the user’s environmental image and reducing<br />
conventional plastic waste when the material is properly<br />
disposedof in a commercial composting environment,<br />
operated in accordance with best management practices.<br />
Eco Wrap can be used on most existing automated machines<br />
and is easily applied by adjusting (typically increasing) the<br />
tension on standard stretch wrapping equipment. It has<br />
also been tested on an orbital wrapping machine without<br />
breaking, showing greater strength than another film that<br />
did not successfully pass the trial. In another case, a coffee<br />
distributor who tried Eco Wrap for stretch wrapping pallets<br />
of coffee bags was pleased with the results.<br />
Due to the extensive use of stretch film in today’s world,<br />
Eco Wrap has many exciting possible uses across multiple<br />
industries wherever palletization is needed.<br />
• Manufacturing: Countless raw materials and finished<br />
goods need to be placed on pallets and wrapped before<br />
storage or shipping. Items may include raw material<br />
drums, auto parts, computers, tools, wires, cables,<br />
carpets, and much more.<br />
• Online retail: Online shopping represents a growing<br />
market share of retail and is a natural consumer of<br />
stretch wrap for palletizing boxed goods. Companies can<br />
use Eco Wrap in an effort to reverse their negative<br />
image of contributing heavily to plastic packaging waste.<br />
By using Eco Wrap within their own supply chain, they<br />
will also have better oversight of making sure the film is<br />
disposed of in the proper waste stream after use.<br />
• Agriculture: Firewood, lumber, hay bales, and<br />
other agriculture materials can be bundled and<br />
wrapped with Eco Wrap.<br />
• Baggage and furniture handling: Eco Wrap can be used<br />
to corral luggage at the airport or securely wrap furniture<br />
before loading it onto the moving van. These are two<br />
more applications where users have better oversight of<br />
disposal due to internal use.<br />
• Food industry: The food industry presents a major<br />
opportunity for palletizing cans, crates, bottles, cartons,<br />
and bags. Eco Wrap can be used for stretch-wrapping in<br />
these countless bulk packaging applications where there<br />
is no direct contact with food.<br />
While today’s society is placing increasing pressure on<br />
industries to conform to new environmental goals, Cortec<br />
has long been on its own mission to use biodegradable or<br />
biobased materials where possible. The new Eco Wrap patent<br />
is an excellent example of how that motivation has turned<br />
Cortec into a leader in “green” packaging development. MT<br /><br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Application News<br />
PHA/PLA-blend for<br />
premium skincare<br />
products<br />
RIMAN to blend CJ Biomaterials’ patented PHA<br />
technology with PLA in packaging for premium skincare<br />
INCELLDERM products<br />
CJ Biomaterials (Woburn, MA, USA), a global leader in<br />
the manufacture of PHAs, announced on August 23, <strong>2023</strong>,<br />
that it is working with RIMAN Korea to blend its patented<br />
PHA technology with polylactic acid (PLA) to create<br />
packaging for Riman’s premium line of INCELLDERM<br />
products. The new packaging is more environmentally<br />
friendly and helps reduce Riman’s usage of fossil-fuel<br />
based packaging for its skin care products in line with<br />
Riman’s sustainable packaging initiatives.<br />
PHAs work well as modifiers to other polymers or<br />
biopolymers and can be used to increase biobased<br />
content, accelerate biodegradation and improve the<br />
functional properties of resins and finished products.<br />
The company produces its PHA under the brand name<br />
PHACT , which stands for PHA + Action, demonstrating<br />
CJ Biomaterials’ commitment to help preserve the planet.<br />
The combined PLA-PHA material will be used to<br />
package Incellderm Active Cream EX, Dermatology<br />
First Package Booster EX and Vieton Oil Mist, all offered<br />
through Riman Incellderm brand. These three products<br />
alone account for more than 5.4 million unit-sales each<br />
year, and the company plans to gradually expand use of<br />
CJ Biomaterials’ PHA across more of its product line.<br />
Riman and CJ Biomaterials also intend to broaden their<br />
collaboration to develop 100 % PHA solutions for injection<br />
moulding applications.<br />
This is another in a series of collaborations CJ<br />
Biomaterials has entered to develop products based on<br />
its PHA technology. Over the past year, the company has<br />
also announced agreements with NatureWorks, Dongil<br />
Platech, Banila Co., CJ Olive Young, and others. AT/MT<br /><br />
Compostable singleuse<br />
packaging for<br />
extra virgin olive oil<br />
ADBioplastics (Valencia, Spain) and the oils and dressings<br />
producer and marketer, Capricho Andaluz (Córdoba, Spain),<br />
have developed a compostable single-use packaging for extra<br />
virgin olive oil together.<br />
The material used for this single-use packaging is “PLA-<br />
Premium”, which has been developed by ADBioplastics.<br />
It is an industrial compostable bioplastic and is able to be<br />
disposed of in the organic bin (where permitted). These<br />
single-use products will be marketed in the coming months,<br />
initially under the Capricho Andaluz and Borges brands.<br />
According to ADBioplastics, PLA-Premium improves<br />
elongation at break by up to 70 % compared to conventional<br />
virgin PLA, making it less brittle and more elastic. The<br />
material has further improvements such as better toughness<br />
and impact resistance, cycle times and density that are<br />
comparable to PET, improved barrier properties (water<br />
vapour and oxygen), and transparency levels similar to PET.<br />
This important innovation adds to the already consolidated<br />
sustainability strategy of the Borges group, which works<br />
daily to reduce its environmental impact, through the<br />
TecnoBi product line, which consists of grades specifically<br />
designed for processing by cast extrusion and blow moulding<br />
technologies. These grades are OK Compost certified by TÜV<br />
Austria, which guarantees that, under industrial conditions,<br />
the material reaches the disintegration stage within a<br />
maximum of 3 months.<br />
In addition, this material is suitable for food contact in<br />
accordance with the applicable European legislation (FCM),<br />
allowing its use in packaging applications for food, beverages,<br />
cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other products. AT<br /><br />
42 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Biobased and biodegradable eyewear<br />
Wingram (Hong Kong) is a leading sustainable materials<br />
producer, most commonly known for its material of<br />
BioAcetate S70. BioAcetate S70 has an excellent ecoprofile<br />
as it’s a material derived from<br />
plants and is biodegradable as well.<br />
Furthermore, it is made with no harsh<br />
chemicals and is tested to be nonskin-irritant<br />
and non-skin sensitizing.<br />
BioAcetate S70 has its primary<br />
applications within the eyewear<br />
industry (alternative applications<br />
include: household appliances,<br />
e-cigarette parts, and smartphone<br />
accessories) and is typically produced<br />
into 3 types of frames:<br />
1. Traditional Injection Frames<br />
BioAcetate S70 injection frames are made from BioAcetate<br />
S70 injection pellets/granules. These frames are made<br />
traditionally, like with CP or Nylon frames, where a frame’s<br />
colour/design are colour sprayed and varnishing is required.<br />
These frames have much flexibility in colours/designs and<br />
offer great scalability due to the frames being injected.<br />
2. Injection Acetate Frames – BioAcetate S70 injection<br />
acetate frames are made from BioAcetate S70 pellets/<br />
granules. Injection acetate frames are unique to BioAcetate<br />
S70 injection frames, which feel and<br />
look like handmade frames. Since<br />
no varnishing or colour spraying for<br />
colours/designs are required, these<br />
frames offer the superior quality and<br />
touch of handmade frames but at the<br />
scalability of injection frames.<br />
3. Handmade Acetate Frames –<br />
BioAcetate S70 Handmade Frames are<br />
made from BioAcetate S70 sheets/slabs.<br />
Handmade frames have a superior<br />
quality and touch when compared<br />
to injection frames. BioAcetate S70<br />
handmade frames have extra durability,<br />
longevity, and flexibility in designs due to its Hardness<br />
Enhanced CA (HECA) characteristics.<br />
Since the launch of BioAcetate S70, many companies and<br />
brands have been using the sustainable material BioAcetate<br />
S70 and have found that the material is a perfect balance of<br />
high-performance and sustainable friendliness. MT<br />
Application News<br /><br /><br />
The Future Sustainable Chemical and<br />
Materials Industry will be based entirely<br />
on Recycling, Biomass and CO2<br />
The Number One Meeting Point for Global Leaders<br />
in Industry, Science, and Politics.<br />
A wide range of concepts and technologies will be addressed<br />
at the conference: circularity, renewable refineries, and chemical recycling<br />
as well as new process technologies. Technologies to produce more sustainable<br />
chemicals, building blocks, polymers, plastics and fine chemicals based on<br />
renewable carbon: recycling, biomass or CO2.<br />
Call for Innovation<br />
Submit your Application<br />
for the “Renewable Material<br />
of the Year 2024” by the<br />
end of February<br />
Call for Abstracts<br />
is open!<br />
OF THE<br />
1<br />
YEAR 2024<br />
Organiser<br />
Award Sponsor Platin Sponsor Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsor<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Opinion<br />
Solving the<br />
plastics challenge together<br />
We have to solve what’s wrong with plastics: their<br />
dependence on fossil resources and too little of<br />
plastic waste being recycled.<br />
What may sound easy is a mammoth task. The demand<br />
for plastic is set to grow, alternative feedstocks need to be<br />
extended many times over and plastic waste management<br />
systems are not yet existing in many regions of the world.<br />
And yet, it’s an inevitable task if we want to continue to reap the<br />
benefits of plastics in a climate-neutral and environmentally<br />
conscious future society.<br />
A new White Paper by Neste (Espoo, Finland) takes a look<br />
at what’s wrong with plastics and what is required to change<br />
it. It considers challenges and opportunities – and it picks up<br />
on the need to cooperate if we are to overcome the barriers<br />
to make the change happen.<br />
Neste invites companies along the plastics value<br />
chain to collaborate and join them on this journey.<br />
The complete White Paper can be downloaded (link below).<br />
A circular and renewable plastics economy is possible<br />
Plastics are versatile materials that make things better<br />
in many ways. They are part of the complex value chains<br />
that underpin our lives – and behind most of the life-saving<br />
advances of modern medicine. At the same time, poorly<br />
managed plastic waste is choking the world’s oceans,<br />
piling up in landfill, polluting the planet, and putting people<br />
and wildlife at risk.<br />
Plastic also contributes to climate change. Most of it is made<br />
from fossil resources and around 20 % is incinerated at end<br />
of life, which releases the carbon back into the atmosphere.<br />
From fossil-based to renewable and recycled<br />
Technologies exist that can replace the fossil resources<br />
in plastic with renewable and recycled materials.<br />
Through new recycling technologies, more material could<br />
be kept circulating in the loop, reducing the need for virgin<br />
plastic production, fossil resources, landfill and incineration,<br />
as well as turning waste plastic into a valuable resource – all<br />
while also drastically reducing the carbon impact.<br />
Along with a more environmentally-conscious approach to<br />
how to use and reuse plastic, these changes, if adopted, could<br />
be transformative on a global scale. But progress towards<br />
this transition is still too slow and tentative.<br />
The need for concerted action<br />
This white paper from Neste looks at the problems with<br />
plastic, the potential solutions, the business opportunities<br />
in a circular and renewable future, and how to overcome the<br />
barriers to change. As one company among many, Neste<br />
understands that real change is hard to achieve alone. That is<br />
why they are inviting companies, consumers, and regulators<br />
to join them on this endeavour – to move the dial on the<br />
chemicals and polymers industry from being seen as part of<br />
the problem to integral to the solution.<br />
The white paper includes 4 sections and a conclusion.<br />
1) The challenge<br />
The goalposts are moving: we need to act now<br />
Despite ongoing efforts to recycle plastic and reduce its<br />
fossil content, it is still not happening at scale. Less than<br />
10 % of all plastic waste is currently recycled, with the<br />
majority going to incineration or landfill. The vast majority of<br />
production is still virgin plastic, made from fossil resources<br />
that contribute to carbon emissions.<br />
That volume can be expected to multiply as global demand<br />
for plastic is projected to increase dramatically in future<br />
decades (they are currently estimated to triple by 2<strong>05</strong>0<br />
compared to current demand).<br />
Here regulators, consumers and major brands<br />
are called to action:<br />
Increasing evidence of the impact of plastic waste on<br />
oceans, ecosystems, food chains, and climate change<br />
are ringing alarm bells. Environmental campaigners,<br />
governments and policymakers are looking for ways to<br />
limit the impact, while consumers and brands are also<br />
taking more of a stand.<br />
2) The solutions<br />
The solutions exist, but they need to be adopted at scale<br />
Reducing our use of plastics, particularly in packaging<br />
and single-use items, is essential – as is moving away from<br />
our throwaway culture to one that is focused on reuse and<br />
recycling. That means increasing the volumes of plastic<br />
waste recycled by current methods and curbing the growth<br />
of single-use plastic applications.<br />
But those changes will not be enough to solve the problems<br />
caused by plastics on their own. There are still significant<br />
barriers – for example, many of the plastic products made<br />
today are not recyclable in practice. Existing recycling<br />
technologies also result in a loss in material quality, which<br />
restricts the number of times materials can be recycled.<br />
To achieve change at the scale that is needed, the industry<br />
needs to embrace a wider range of solutions and technologies.<br />
What are the solutions?<br />
Of course, everyone will agree to the buzzwords: reduce,<br />
reuse, refurbish, repair, and of course recycle using existing<br />
methods. But there are more solutions:<br />
Rethink recycling to close the materials loop.<br />
Chemical recycling: break down existing plastics into<br />
hydrocarbons at a molecular level, so they can be reused to<br />
make virgin quality plastic time and time again.<br />
Make plastics from renewable sources, such as waste and<br />
residue oils and fats, biomass or plant-based feedstocks<br />
such as corn and sugar cane.<br />
44 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
A new White Paper by Neste asks to join forces<br />
to make plastic more sustainable<br />
summarized by Michael Thielen<br />
Opinion<br />
3) The opportunities<br />
Seizing the opportunity through early adoption<br />
To solve the plastic challenge on a global scale, everyone<br />
needs to play their part. Governments and regulators need<br />
to create a level playing field, incentivise the shift away from<br />
virgin fossil resources. Brand owners need to be open to<br />
change and new technologies. Consumers need to vote with<br />
their wallets and embrace sustainable solutions.<br />
The chemicals and polymers industry is in a unique position.<br />
It can lead the change that is needed by showing what is<br />
possible. The sector has the solutions and technologies in its<br />
hands today that can accelerate innovation and develop new<br />
greener business models.<br />
By acting now, the industry can:<br />
• seize an enormous business opportunity by developing<br />
the plastics that everyone will want in the future<br />
• shift supplies of raw materials and feedstocks away<br />
from fossil sources, which are declining and may be<br />
restricted over time<br />
• increase traceability of raw materials throughout the<br />
product life cycle and across the value chain – helping<br />
to reinforce sustainability claims and get ahead of<br />
regulations coming down the road<br />
• reduce the carbon in plastics and their<br />
overall climate impact<br />
Early adopter companies that invest in innovative<br />
technologies today will stand to gain the greatest advantage<br />
as they become the industry norm.<br />
Research suggests consumers are more likely to support<br />
businesses that show environmental responsibility.<br />
Change will also bring opportunities and benefits<br />
throughout the value chain, from creating a stable market<br />
for renewable feedstock crops to supporting reuse and repair<br />
business models and sorting and recycling infrastructure.<br />
The cost of not acting<br />
As time goes on, chemicals and polymers companies will<br />
come under increasing pressure to defossilise and take<br />
responsibility for how they source raw materials through the<br />
supply chain and for what happens to products at their end<br />
of life. These longer-term and hidden costs are not captured<br />
in short-term price calculations.<br />
4) Collaboration<br />
What is needed: more collaboration across the value chain<br />
Making change at the scale that is needed requires more<br />
exchange, trust, and transparency. Competition remains<br />
important as a driver of innovation and transformation. But it<br />
can also hold back development at an industry and global<br />
level. Collaboration and co-creation are essential.<br />
For a very long time, the mantra of the polymers and<br />
chemicals industry has been every person for himself – and<br />
it worked quite well. However, going forward and to meet<br />
corporate and societal targets, this won’t be enough anymore.<br />
It will take a joint effort to accelerate the transformation.<br />
Through collaboration, risks can be shared and reduced.<br />
Best practices can be shared, and everyone can learn from<br />
each other. This will not only help us move towards a circular<br />
plastics economy and reduce climate impacts – it can bring<br />
real and lasting benefits for all the businesses involved,<br />
creating win-win situations.<br />
Thinking more circular, less linear<br />
The industry needs to go beyond linear supplier-companycustomer<br />
relationships and consider a wider range of<br />
stakeholders and longer-term life cycle impacts. To gain<br />
the deepest benefits from collaboration, businesses must<br />
engage more with companies and industries with which they<br />
do not have direct business relationships, but which are part<br />
of the same circular economy.<br />
That means being open to new things: for example, taking<br />
a step toward waste management so that waste materials<br />
can be recovered, moving closer to genuinely closed material<br />
cycles. It is important to understand all parties who are part of<br />
the value chain, from polymerisation to cracking, from waste<br />
managers to brand owners. What are their goals and needs?<br />
And how can barriers to collaboration be broken down?<br />
Conclusions<br />
In the conclusions, Neste’s White Paper invites: let’s work<br />
together to make it happen.<br />
For all their amazing properties and uses, plastics have<br />
become a bad news story. And on current trajectories, with<br />
production, waste, and carbon impacts continuing to rise,<br />
the public perception of plastics is only going to get worse.<br />
The chemicals and polymers industry has solutions at hand<br />
that could make plastics more sustainable and change some<br />
of those negative stories into positive ones.<br />
It can be part of the transition to a circular economy by<br />
producing plastics from renewable and recycled materials<br />
and making it possible to recycle them more often, creating<br />
a closed materials loop with less plastic waste.<br />
Neste is committed to making this transition. They are<br />
open to partnering and working with anyone who shares their<br />
aim to create a sustainable future for plastic. “We would love<br />
to welcome you on the journey”, the paper ends.<br /><br />
Download the full<br />
White Paper<br /><br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Suppliers Guide<br />
1. Raw materials<br />
AGRANA Starch<br />
Bioplastics<br />
Conrathstraße 7<br />
A-3950 Gmuend, Austria<br /><br /><br />
Mixcycling Srl<br />
Via dell‘Innovazione, 2<br />
36042 Breganze (VI), Italy<br />
Tel.: +39 04451911890<br /><br /><br />
Biofibre GmbH<br />
Member of Steinl Group<br />
Sonnenring 35<br />
D-84032 Altdorf<br />
Tel.: +49 (0)871 308 – 0<br />
Fax: +49 (0)871 308 – 83<br /><br /><br />
39 mm<br />
Simply contact:<br />
Tel.: +49 2161 6884467<br /><br />
Stay permanently listed in the<br />
Suppliers Guide with your company<br />
logo and contact information.<br />
For only 6,– EUR per mm, per issue you<br />
can be listed among top suppliers in the<br />
field of bioplastics.<br />
For Example:<br />
Polymedia Publisher GmbH<br />
Hackesstr. 99<br />
41066 Mönchengladbach<br />
Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 2161 664864<br />
Fax: +49 2161 631045<br /><br /><br />
Sample Charge:<br />
39mm x 6,00 € = 234,00 €<br />
per entry/per issue<br />
Sample Charge for one year:<br />
6 issues x 234,00 EUR = 1,404.00 €<br />
The entry in our Suppliers Guide<br />
is bookable for one year (6 issues)<br />
and extends automatically if it’s not<br />
cancelled three months before expiry.<br />
Arkema<br />
Advanced Bio-Circular polymers<br />
Rilsan ® PA11 & Pebax ® Rnew ® TPE<br />
WW HQ: Colombes, France<br /><br /><br />
BASF SE<br />
Ludwigshafen, Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 621 60 – 6692<br /><br /><br />
Gianeco S.r.l.<br />
Via Magenta 57 10128 Torino - Italy<br />
Tel.: +390119370420<br /><br /><br />
Tel.: +86 351 – 689356<br />
Fax: +86 351 – 689718<br /><br /><br />
Bioplastics – PLA, PBAT<br /><br /><br /><br />
PTT MCC Biochem Co., Ltd.<br /> /<br />
Tel.: +66(0) 2 140 – 563<br />
MCPP Germany GmbH<br />
+49 (0) 211 520 54 662<br /><br />
MCPP France SAS<br />
+33 (0)2 51 65 71 43<br /><br />
Xiamen Changsu Industrial Co., Ltd<br />
Tel.: +86 – 92-6899303<br />
Mobile: +86 185 5920 1506<br />
Email:<br />
Xinjiang Blue Ridge Tunhe<br />
Polyester Co., Ltd.<br />
No. 316, South Beijing Rd. Changji,<br />
Xinjiang, 831100, P.R.China<br />
Tel.: +86 994 2716195<br />
Mob.: +86 186 99400676<br /><br /><br />
PBAT, PBS, PBSA, PBST supplier<br />
Zhejiang Huafon Environmental<br />
Protection Material Co.,Ltd.<br />
No.1688 Kaifaqu Road,Ruian<br />
Economic Development<br />
Zone,Zhejiang,China.<br />
Tel.: +86 577 6689 01<strong>05</strong><br />
Mobile: +86 139 5881 3517<br /><br /><br />
Professional manufacturer for<br />
PBAT /CO 2<br />
-based biodegradable materials<br />
1.1 Biobased monomers<br />
1.2 Compounds<br />
Earth Renewable Technologies BR<br />
Estr. Velha do Barigui 1<strong>05</strong>11, Brazil<br /><br /><br />
eli<br />
bio<br />
Elixance<br />
Tel.: +33 (0) 2 23 10 16 17<br />
Tel PA du +33 Gohélis, (0)2 56250 23 Elven, 10 16 France 17 - elixb<br /><br /> - www.elixb<br />
FKuR Kunststoff GmbH<br />
Siemensring 79<br />
D - 47877 Willich<br />
Tel.: +49 2154 9251-0<br />
Tel.: +49 2154 9251 – 51<br /><br /><br />
P O L i M E R<br />
Ege Serbest Bolgesi, Koru Sk.,<br />
No.12, Gaziemir, Izmir 35410,<br />
Turkey<br />
+90 (232) 251 5041<br /><br /><br />
Global Biopolymers Co., Ltd.<br />
Bioplastics compounds<br />
(PLA+starch, PLA+rubber)<br />
194 Lardproa 80 yak 14<br />
Wangthonglang, Bangkok<br />
Thailand 10310<br /><br /><br />
Tel.: +66 81 9150446<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Microtec Srl<br />
Via Po’, 53/55<br />
30030, Mellaredo di Pianiga (VE),<br />
Italy<br />
Tel.: +39 041 5190621<br />
Fax: +39 041 5194765<br /><br /><br />
BIO-FED<br />
Member of the Feddersen Group<br />
BioCampus Cologne<br />
Nattermannallee 1<br />
50829 Cologne, Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 221 88 88 94 – 00<br /><br /><br />
GRAFE-Group<br />
Waldecker Straße 21,<br />
99444 Blankenhain, Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 36459 45 0<br /><br />
46 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
Green Dot Bioplastics Inc.<br />
527 Commercial St Suite 310<br />
Emporia, KS 66801<br />
Tel.: +1 620 – 73-8919<br /><br /><br />
a brand of<br />
Helian Polymers BV<br />
Bremweg 7<br />
5951 DK Belfeld<br />
The Netherlands<br />
Tel.: +31 77 398 09 09<br /><br /><br />
Kingfa Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd.<br />
No.33 Kefeng Rd, Sc. City, Guangzhou<br />
Hi-Tech Ind. Development Zone,<br />
Guangdong, P.R. China. w<br />
Tel.: +86 (0)20 6622 1696<br /><br /><br />
Natureplast – Biopolynov<br />
6 Rue Ada Lovelace<br />
14120 Mondeville – France<br />
Tel.: +33 (0)2 31 83 50 87<br /><br />
NUREL Engineering Polymers<br />
Ctra. Barcelona, km 329<br />
50016 Zaragoza, Spain<br />
Tel.: +34 976 465 579<br /><br /><br />
Plásticos Compuestos S.A.<br />
C/ Basters 15<br />
08184 Palau Solità i Plegamans<br />
Barcelona, Spain<br />
Tel.: +34 93 863 96 70<br /><br /><br />
Sukano AG<br />
Chaltenbodenstraße 23<br />
CH-8834 Schindellegi<br />
Tel.: +41 44 787 57 77<br />
Fax: +41 44 787 57 78<br /><br />
TECNARO GmbH<br />
Bustadt 40<br />
D-74360 Ilsfeld. Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 (0)7062/97687-0<br /><br />
Trinseo<br />
1000 Chesterbrook Blvd. Suite 300<br />
Berwyn, PA 19312<br />
+1 855 8746736<br /><br />
1.3 PLA<br />
Shenzhen Esun Industrial Co., Ltd.<br /><br /><br />
Tel.: +86 – 55-26031978<br />
TotalEnergies Corbion bv<br />
Stadhuisplein 70<br />
4203 NS Gorinchem<br />
The Netherlands<br />
Tel.: +31 183 695 695<br /><br /><br />
Zhejiang Hisun Biomaterials Co.,Ltd.<br />
No.97 Waisha Rd, Jiaojiang District,<br />
Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China<br />
Tel.: +86 – 76-88827723<br /><br /><br />
1.4 Starch-based bioplastics<br />
BIOTEC<br />
Biologische Naturverpackungen<br />
Werner-Heisenberg-Strasse 32<br />
46446 Emmerich/Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 (0) 2822 – 92510<br /><br /><br />
Plásticos Compuestos S.A.<br />
C/ Basters 15<br />
08184 Palau Solità i Plegamans<br />
Barcelona, Spain<br />
Tel.: +34 93 863 96 70<br /><br /><br />
Sunar NP Biopolymers<br />
Turhan Cemat Beriker Bulvarı<br />
Yolgecen Mah. No: 565 01355<br />
Seyhan /Adana,TÜRKIYE<br /><br /><br /><br />
Tel.: +90 (322) 441 01 65<br />
Parque Industrial e Empresarial<br />
da Figueira da Foz<br />
Praça das Oliveiras, Lote 126<br />
3090 – 51 Figueira da Foz – Portugal<br />
Tel.: +351 233 403 420<br /><br /><br />
1.5 PHA<br />
Bluepha PHA<br />
A Phabulous Blend With Nature<br /><br /><br />
CJ Biomaterials<br /><br /><br />
Kaneka Belgium N.V.<br />
Nijverheidsstraat 16<br />
2260 Westerlo-Oevel, Belgium<br />
Tel.: +32 (0)14 25 78 36<br />
Fax: +32 (0)14 25 78 81<br /><br />
TianAn Biopolymer<br />
No. 68 Dagang 6th Rd,<br />
Beilun, Ningbo, China, 315800<br />
Tel.: +86 – 57 48 68 62 50 2<br />
Fax: +86 – 57 48 68 77 98 0<br /><br /><br />
1.6 Masterbatches<br />
Albrecht Dinkelaker<br />
Polymer- and Product Development<br />
Talstrasse 83<br />
60437 Frankfurt am Main, Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 (0)69 76 89 39 10<br /><br /><br />
GRAFE-Group<br />
Waldecker Straße 21,<br />
99444 Blankenhain, Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 36459 45 0<br /><br />
Treffert GmbH & Co. KG<br />
In der Weide 17<br />
55411 Bingen am Rhein; Germany<br />
+49 6721 403 0<br /><br />
Treffert S.A.S.<br />
Rue de la Jontière<br />
57255 Sainte-Marie-aux-Chênes,<br />
France<br />
+33 3 87 31 84 84<br /><br />
1.7 Composites<br />
Sustainable Composites<br />
Tel.: +1 604 – 372-4200<br /><br />
2. Additives/Secondary raw materials<br />
GRAFE-Group<br />
Waldecker Straße 21,<br />
99444 Blankenhain, Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 36459 45 0<br /><br />
3. Semi-finished products<br />
3.1 Sheets<br />
Customised Sheet Xtrusion<br />
James Wattstraat 5<br />
7442 DC Nijverdal<br />
The Netherlands<br />
+31 (548) 626 111<br /><br /><br />
4. Bioplastics products<br />
Bio4Pack GmbH<br />
Marie-Curie-Straße 5<br />
48529 Nordhorn, Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 (0)5921 818 37 00<br /><br /><br />
Suppliers Guide<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Suppliers Guide<br />
Minima Technology Co., Ltd.<br />
Esmy Huang, Vice president<br />
Yunlin, Taiwan (R.O.C)<br />
Mobile: (886) 0 – 82 829988<br />
Email:<br />
Website:<br />
w OEM/ODM (B2B)<br />
w Direct Supply Branding (B2C)<br />
w Total Solution/Turnkey Project<br />
7. Plant engineering<br />
EREMA Engineering Recycling<br />
Maschinen und Anlagen GmbH<br />
Unterfeldstrasse 3<br />
4<strong>05</strong>2 Ansfelden, AUSTRIA<br />
Phone: +43 (0) 732 / 3190-0<br />
Fax: +43 (0) 732 / 3190 – 23<br /><br /><br />
9. Services<br />
10.2 Universities<br />
IfBB – Institute for Bioplastics<br />
and Biocomposites<br />
Heisterbergallee 12<br />
30453 Hannover, Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 5 11 / 92 96 – 22 69<br />
Fax: +49 5 11 / 92 96 – 99 - 22 69<br /><br /><br />
Naturabiomat<br />
AT:<br />
DE:<br />
NO:<br />
FI:<br /><br />
Osterfelder Str. 3<br />
46047 Oberhausen<br />
Tel.: +49 (0)208 8598 1227<br /><br /><br />
Institut für Kunststofftechnik<br />
Universität Stuttgart<br />
Pfaffenwaldring 32<br />
7<strong>05</strong>69 Stuttgart<br />
Tel.: +49 711/685 – 62801<br /><br /><br />
Natur-Tec ® - Northern Technologies<br />
4201 Woodland Road<br />
Circle Pines, MN 55014 USA<br />
Tel.: +1 763.404.8700<br />
Fax: +1 763.225.6645<br /><br /><br />
Innovation Consulting Harald Kaeb<br />
narocon<br />
Dr. Harald Kaeb<br />
Tel.: +49 30 – 8096930<br /><br /><br />
Michigan State University<br />
Dept. of Chem. Eng & Mat. Sc.<br />
Professor Ramani Narayan<br />
East Lansing MI 48824, USA<br />
Tel.: +1 517 719 7163<br /><br />
10.3 Other institutions<br />
NOVAMONT S.p.A.<br />
Via Fauser , 8<br />
28100 Novara - ITALIA<br />
Fax: +39.0321.699.601<br />
Tel.: +39.0321.699.611<br /><br />
6. Equipment<br />
6.1 Machinery & moulds<br />
nova-Institut GmbH<br />
Tel.: +49(0)2233 – 60 14 00<br /><br /><br />
Bioplastics Consulting<br />
Tel.: +49 2161 664864<br /><br />
Green Serendipity<br />
Caroli Buitenhuis<br />
IJburglaan 836<br />
1087 EM Amsterdam<br />
The Netherlands<br />
Tel.: +31 6 – 4216733<br /><br />
10. Institutions<br />
10.3 Other institutions<br />
10.1 Associations<br />
Buss AG<br />
Hohenrainstrasse 10<br />
4133 Pratteln / Switzerland<br />
Tel.: +41 61 825 66 00<br /><br /><br />
6.2 Degradability Analyzer<br />
BPI – The Biodegradable<br />
Products Institute<br />
331 West 57th Street, Suite 415<br />
New York, NY 10019, USA<br />
Tel.: +1 – 88-274 – 646<br /><br />
GO!PHA<br />
Rick Passenier<br />
Oudebrugsteeg 9<br />
1012JN Amsterdam<br />
The Netherlands<br /><br /><br />
MODA: Biodegradability Analyzer<br />
Based on ISO 14855-2, ISO 13975<br />
143 – 10 Isshiki, Yaizu,<br />
Shizuoka, Japan<br />
Tel.: +81 – 54-624 – 6260<br /><br /><br />
European Bioplastics e.V.<br />
Marienstr. 19/20<br />
10117 Berlin, Germany<br />
Tel.: +49 30 284 82 350<br />
Fax: +49 30 284 84 359<br /><br /><br />
48 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
You can meet us<br />
3 rd PHA platform World Congress – <strong>2023</strong> USA<br />
10.10. – 11.10.<strong>2023</strong>, Atlanta, USA<br />
by bioplastics MAGAZINE<br /><br />
The Greener Manufacturing Show North America<br />
11.10. – 12.10.<strong>2023</strong>, Atlanta, USA<br /><br />
Fakuma<br />
17.10. – 21.10.<strong>2023</strong>, Friedrichshafen, Germany<br /><br />
15 th Bioplastics Market<br />
18.10. – 19.10.<strong>2023</strong>, Bangkok, Thailand<br /><br />
The Greener Manufacturing Show Europe<br />
08.11. – 09.11.<strong>2023</strong>, Cologne, Germany<br /><br />
European Congress on Biopolymers and Bioplastics<br />
16.11. – 17.11.<strong>2023</strong>, Rome, Italy<br /><br />
Upcoming Events<br />
Diversity of Advanced Recycling of Plastic Waste<br />
28.11. – 29.11.<strong>2023</strong>, Cologne, Germany<br /><br />
European Sustainable Plastics Summit <strong>2023</strong><br />
21.11. – 22.11.<strong>2023</strong>, Frankfurt/M, Germany<br /><br />
European Bioplastics Conference <strong>2023</strong><br />
12.12. – 13.12.<strong>2023</strong>, Berlin, Germany<br /><br />
ArabPlast<br />
13.12. – 15.12.<strong>2023</strong>, Dubai, UAE<br /><br />
2 nd Annual World Biopolymers and Bioplastics Innovation Forum<br />
28.02. – 29.02.2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br /><br />
Subject to changes.<br />
For up to date event-info visit<br />
Suppliers Calendar Guide<br />
daily updated eventcalendar at<br /><br />
Next issues<br />
<strong>Issue</strong><br />
Month<br />
Publ.<br />
Date<br />
edit/ad/<br />
Deadline<br />
Edit. Focus 1 Edit. Focus 2 Trade Fair Specials<br />
06/<strong>2023</strong> Nov/Dec 04.12.<strong>2023</strong> 03.11.<strong>2023</strong> Films / Flexibles / Bags Barrier materials<br />
01/2024 Jan/Feb <strong>05</strong>.02.2024 23.12.<strong>2023</strong> Automotive Foam<br />
02/2024 Mar/Apr 10.04.2024 10.03.2024 Thermoforming / Rigid Packaging Masterbatch / Additives NPE Preview<br />
03/2024 May/Jun 03.06.2024 06.<strong>05</strong>.2024 Injection moulding Beauty / Healthcare NPE Review<br />
Subject to changes.<br />
bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18<br />
Companies in this issue<br />
Company Editorial Advert Company Editorial Advert Company Editorial Advert<br />
1Hotels 36<br />
GO!PHA 48 Qmilk 32<br />
ADBioplastics 42<br />
Grafe 46,47 Ramof 38<br />
Adidas 22<br />
Green Dot Bioplastics 47 Remondis 39<br />
Agrana 46 Green Serendipity 48 Renewable Carbon Initiative 10<br />
AIMPLAS 30<br />
Hamburg Univ. Techn. 38<br />
Res. Ctr. GHG Innovation 6<br />
Amaplast 12<br />
Helian Polymers 47 Riman 42<br />
Ambiente Consulenza & Ing. 12<br />
Helmholtz Ctr. f. Envir. Res. 18<br />
Ruian Gregeo 12<br />
Americal Chemical Society 9<br />
Husky 7<br />
RWTH Univ. Aachen 34<br />
Arkema 46 Inst. F. Biopl & Biocomposites 48 Saida 48<br />
Arteco 30<br />
Inst. Texttechnik RWTH Aachen 20,22<br />
Samsara Eco 24<br />
Asahi Kasei 16,27<br />
Inst. za molekularnu genetiku 30<br />
SCG Chemicals 8<br />
Atlantic Sea Foundation 36<br />
Institut f. Kunststofftechn., Stuttgart 48 Shenzhen Esun Industries 12 47<br />
Australian National Univ. 24<br />
JinHui ZhaoLong 46 Sinclair & Rush 36<br />
Avecom 30<br />
JM Polymes Group 12<br />
Sirmax 12<br />
BASF 46 Kaneka 47 SKZ 6<br />
Beijing Inst. Techn. 30<br />
Kingfa 47 Sukano 47<br />
Bio4Pack 47 Kompuestos 47 Sumitomo Chemical 6<br />
Bio-Fed 46 Korteks 28<br />
Sunar NP 12 47<br />
Biofibre 46 LAB CDA 30<br />
Suntory 5<br />
Biotec 12 47,51 Lenzing 25<br />
Tech. Univ. Clausthal 30<br />
BluePHA 47 LG Chem 46 Tech. Univ. Shannon 30<br />
BPI 48 Loliware 36<br />
TECNARO 47<br />
Braskem 5,6,8,16<br />
Lululemon 24<br />
Texas A&M Univ. 9<br />
BUSS 23,48 Lummus Technology 8<br />
Tianan Biologic’s 47<br />
Capricho Andaluz 42<br />
LUT Univ. 8<br />
Tintex 7<br />
Caprowax Dinkelaker 47 Michigan State University 48 TotalEnergies Corbion 47<br />
CeNTI 7<br />
Microtec 47 Treffert 47<br />
Chevron Phillips 8<br />
Minima Technology 48 Trinseo 47<br />
Chinaplas (Adsale) 19 Mitsubishi Corporation 5<br />
TÜV Austria 40,42,44<br />
CJ Biomaterials 42 47 Mixcycling 46 United Biopolymers 7 47<br />
COIM 40<br />
Montachem 36<br />
United Resin 7<br />
Conagen 6<br />
narocon InnovationConsulting 48 Univ. Leipzig 18<br />
Cortec Corporation 41<br />
Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens 30<br />
Univ. São Carlos 6<br />
Cossa Polimeri 12<br />
Naturabiomat 48 Univ. São Paulo 5,6<br />
CTK 47 Natural Fiber Welding 25<br />
Univ. Stuttgart (IKT) 48<br />
Customized Sheet Xtrusion 47 Natureplast-Biopolynov 12 47 Vita Group 39<br />
CUTEVE 7<br />
NaturTec 48 VTT 8<br />
Danimer Scientific 8<br />
Neste 5,44<br />
Werner Siemens Foundation 34<br />
Earth Renewable Technologies 46 nova-Institute 15,37,43,48 Wingram Industrial 43<br />
Elixance 46 Novamont 48,52 Xiamen Changsu Industries 46<br />
ENEOS 5<br />
NPE 35 Xinjiang Blue Ridge Tunhe 46<br />
Erema 48 NTUA 30<br />
Zeijiang Hisun Biomaterials 47<br />
European Bioplastics 1,14 29, 48 Nurel 47 Zeijiang Huafon 46<br />
Evonik 39<br />
Origin Materials 7<br />
Univ. Stuttgart (IKT) 46 64<br />
Fakuma (Schall) 27 Planet Bioplastics 12<br />
University of Queensland 16<br />
FKuR 16 2,46 PLAST Milan 12<br />
UPM Biofuels 53<br />
Fraunhofer IFAM 6<br />
Plasticker 34 Wageningen UR 16<br />
Fraunhofer UMSICHT 16 48 Plásticos Compuestos 34 47 Xiamen Changsu Industries 10 62<br />
Futerro 12<br />
polymediaconsult 48 Xinjiang Blue Ridge Tunhe 62<br />
Gema Polimer 12 46 Polytopoly 12<br />
Zeijiang Hisun Biomaterials 63<br />
Gianeco 12 46 PTT/MCC 46 Zeijiang Huafon 62<br />
Global Biopolymers 46<br />
50 bioplastics MAGAZINE | Renewable Carbon Plastics [<strong>05</strong>/23] Vol. 18
BIOPLAST 700<br />
BIOPLAST 800<br />
PLA-free Transparent Biodegradable<br />
Food contact Compostable Sealable<br />
Compostable >60% BBC High Temperature<br />
Heat Stable Biodegradable Thermoforming<br />