National Hardwood Magazine - Christmas 2023

Look back on 2023 and look forward to 2024 with the Christmas issue of National Hardwood Magazine. The issue also features stories on Lauzon Hardwood Flooring, Wolverine Hardwoods, the RTA Annual Symposium & Technical Conference, and much more.

Look back on 2023 and look forward to 2024 with the Christmas issue of National Hardwood Magazine. The issue also features stories on Lauzon Hardwood Flooring, Wolverine Hardwoods, the RTA Annual Symposium & Technical Conference, and much more.


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RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


Since 1936<br />

Cants being sawn into lumber at the resaw<br />

One of three band mills<br />

Dry Kilns<br />

Walnut Steamer<br />

Material<br />

Handling System<br />

Warehouses<br />

S382 Newman Planer<br />

Loading a Container for Export<br />

Annual Production 22,000,000 Board Feet<br />

sawing veneer logs and sawlogs<br />



900,000’ Dry Kiln Capacity • Walnut Steamer • Ripped-to-Width • Planer<br />

bhughes@cardinfp.com • rcardin@cardinfp.com<br />

ghamaker@cardinfp.com<br />

(423) 837-4041 www.cardinfp.com<br />

“Bringing You the Best Mother Nature has to Offer Around the Globe!”

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Season’s Greetings<br />

from your friends<br />

at O’Shea Lumber.<br />

Two Locations to Serve You<br />

11425 Susquehanna Trail<br />

Glen Rock, PA USA 17327<br />

1.717.235.1992 phone<br />

1.717.235.0200 fax<br />

Main Office and Yard<br />

11425 Susquehanna Trail<br />

Glen Rock, PA USA 17327<br />

1.717.235.1992 phone<br />

Satellite Yard<br />

1.717.235.0200 113 North Funk Road<br />

fax<br />

Wooster, OH USA 44691<br />

1.330.263.1100 phone<br />

1.330.263.1101 fax<br />

www.oshealumber.com<br />

E-mail: anton@oshea.com<br />

1.800.638.0296<br />

n@oshea.com<br />

www.oshealumber.com | | anton@oshea.com<br />

est priority.<br />

Your needs are our highest priority.<br />

C ntents<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Christmas</strong> <strong>2023</strong> Volume 97 No. 12<br />

Features & Industry Events<br />

22<br />

24<br />

26<br />

28<br />

32<br />

36<br />

38<br />

42<br />

44<br />


<strong>2023</strong> WAS A YEAR OF STABILIZATION, 2024<br />









STRONG<br />











About The Cover<br />


Deer Park Lumber, Inc. is a secondgeneration<br />

family owned hardwood<br />

sawmill located in the Endless Mountains<br />

of Pennsylvania. We pride ourselves on<br />

providing our customers with quality,<br />

service and reliability. You can be assured<br />

of a continuous, reliable supply of quality<br />

kiln-dried hardwood lumber. We have vast<br />

experience in shipping both domestically<br />

and exporting internationally.<br />

Deer Park produces over 60,000 board<br />

feet of lumber daily. Our annual production is over 15 million<br />

board feet and is sold worldwide.<br />

By partnering with private landowners, Deer Park manages<br />

65,000 acres of high-quality forestland. This vast timber resource<br />

ensures our hardwood customers a quality high yielding<br />

inventory. Our attention to detail…reliability…meeting customer<br />

deadlines and end quality defines Deer Park Lumber, Inc.<br />

For lumber sales please contact:<br />

Joe Zona at joe@deerparklumberinc.com<br />

Jack Monnoyer at jack@deerparklumberinc.com<br />

Joe Benko at jbenko@deerparklumberinc.com<br />

Phone: 570-836-1133 Fax: 570-836-8982<br />

www.deerparklumberinc.com<br />

Founded in 1927 by: O.L. Miller – 1894-1963<br />

Publisher: Paul J. Miller – 1963-2010<br />

• Forest Products Export Directory • Imported Wood Purchasing Guide<br />

• Import/Export Wood Purchasing News • <strong>Hardwood</strong> Purchasing Handbook<br />

• Green Books’s <strong>Hardwood</strong> Marketing Directory<br />

• Green Books’s Softwood Marketing Directory<br />

• The Softwood Forest Products Buyer<br />

Paul J. Miller Jr. – President<br />

Terry Miller – Vice President<br />

Zach Miller – Sales<br />

Sue Putnam – Editor<br />

Cadance Hanson – Staff Writer<br />

Graham Sweeney – Staff Writer<br />

Dolores Buchanan – Who’s Who Coordinator<br />

Rachael Stokes – Graphic Artist<br />

Tammy Daugherty – Production Manager<br />

Jennifer Trentman – Green Book Market Sales<br />

Lisa Carpenter – Circulation Manager<br />

Lexi Hardin – Subscription & List Services<br />


5175 Elmore Rd., Suite 23, Memphis, TN 38134<br />

901-372-8280 FAX: 901-373-6180<br />

Reach us via the Internet at: www.nationalhardwoodmag.com<br />

E-mail addresses:<br />

ADVERTISING: tammy@millerwoodtradepub.com<br />

EDITORIAL: editor@millerwoodtradepub.com<br />

SUBSCRIPTIONS: circ@millerwoodtradepub.com<br />


Chicago, Los Angeles, High Point, Grand Rapids, Portland, Toronto<br />

Controlled circulation postage paid at Memphis, TN<br />

(USPS #917-760)<br />

12 <strong>Hardwood</strong> Calendar<br />

14 Industry News<br />

16 RAHC Update<br />

18 AHEC Report<br />

20 NHLA: Why Knot...<br />

72 <strong>2023</strong> Buyer’s Guide<br />

Product Index<br />

The NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE (ISSN 0194-0910) is published<br />

monthly, except for two issues in December, for $55.00 per year and<br />

$65.00 (U.S. dollars) per year for Canada by <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, Inc.,<br />

5175 Elmore Rd., Suite 23, Memphis, TN 38134. Periodicals Postage paid at<br />

Memphis, TN, and at additional mailing offices.<br />

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>,<br />

P.O. Box 34908, Memphis, TN 38184.<br />

Publications mail agreement No. 40739074.<br />

Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:<br />

P.O. Box 503, RPO W. Beaver Cre., Rich-Hill, ON L4B 4R6.<br />

The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject editorial<br />

content and Ads at the staff’s discretion.<br />

4 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


<strong>Hardwood</strong> Marketing Directory<br />

online will give you access to over 6,000 buyers!<br />

Imported Buyers<br />

Green Book’s<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Marketing<br />

directory<br />

“The World’s Leading Information Source on <strong>Hardwood</strong> Markets!”<br />

71st Edition/<strong>2023</strong><br />

The HARDWOOD PRODUCTS SALES GUIDE that te ls you the species, grades, thicknesses and quantities of<br />


plants in the United States and Canada.<br />

FEBRUARY COVERS <strong>2023</strong>.in d 1 1/16/23 10:40 AM<br />

You can get your share of this market<br />

quicker when these buyers know who you are<br />

and where you’re located!<br />

Advertising Sparks Sales!<br />

These are high grade & low grade<br />

buyers listed with their buying<br />

specifications including distribution/<br />

concentration yards that buy 100,000<br />

board feet or more throughout North<br />

America!<br />


FOR $2,100.00!<br />

Red Oak..........................2535<br />

White Oak........................1692<br />

Poplar..............................1644<br />

Ash..................................788<br />

Hard Maple......................1810<br />

Soft Maple.......................1451<br />

Walnut.............................1203<br />

Cherry..............................1673<br />

Mahogany..................... 746<br />

Sapele.......................... 221<br />

Teak.............................. 125<br />

These are the BIG THREE species in our Imported section<br />

of the <strong>Hardwood</strong> Marketing Directory online!<br />

The <strong>Hardwood</strong> Marketing Directory has 68 years of research helping firms discover new<br />

buying opportunities and contains all North American species and also Imported Woods.<br />


P.O. Box 34908 Memphis, TN 38184<br />

Phone: (901) 372-8280 FAX: (901) 373-6180<br />

www.millerwoodtradepub.com E-mail: greenbook@millerwoodtradepub.com<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


Merry <strong>Christmas</strong><br />

Marketing - Editorial<br />

Paul Miller, Jr. Terry Miller Zach Miller Chris Fehr<br />

Editorial<br />

Art Department<br />

Bookkeeper<br />

Data Entry<br />

Sue Putnam<br />

Cadance Hanson<br />

Rachael Stokes<br />

Camille Campbell<br />

Trudy Baxter<br />

Sarah Hubbard<br />

Our sincere<br />

thanks for<br />

enabling us to<br />

serve you for<br />

97 years.<br />

<strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Tammy Daugherty<br />

Newspapers<br />

Apryll Cosby<br />

Circulation<br />

Directories<br />

Grayce Thurman Jennifer Trentman<br />

Telemarketing<br />

Lisa Carpenter<br />

Lexi Hardin<br />

Emily Heffernan<br />

Publications Edited For Specialized Markets And Distributed Worldwide Include:<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> • <strong>Hardwood</strong> Purchasing Handbook • Green Book’s <strong>Hardwood</strong> Marketing Directory<br />

Green Book’s Softwood Marketing Directory • The Softwood Forest Products Buyer<br />

Import/Export Wood Purchasing News • Imported Wood Purchasing Guide<br />

Forest Products Export Directory • The Softwood Forest Products Buyer NAWLA Special Edition<br />

Miller Wood Trade Publications<br />

PO Box 34908 • Memphis, TN 38184-0908<br />

800-844-1280<br />

www.millerwoodtradepub.com<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

Overseas <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Company<br />

wishes you and yours a<br />


OHC.net | 800.999.7616

Merry <strong>Christmas</strong><br />

from Kepley-Frank <strong>Hardwood</strong> Co., Inc.!<br />

<br />

Wishing you a<br />

Merry <strong>Christmas</strong><br />

Containers can be loaded for the West Coast and export markets.<br />

The firm manufactures 4/4 through 8/4 thicknesses.<br />

About Our Sawmill, Planer Mill and Lumber Inventory<br />

Facilities:<br />

3 Sawmills Processing 50 Million'<br />

750,000' Dry Kiln Capacity<br />

600,000' Fan Shed Capacity<br />

2 382 Newman Planer Mills<br />

50 Bay Bin Sorter<br />

Products Available:<br />

4/4-8/4 Appalachian Lumber<br />

6/4-8/4 Ship Dry Capacity<br />

Crossties (100,000 BF per week)<br />

Timbers up to 18'<br />

1,000,000+ Average KD Inventory<br />

12,000,000+ Average AD Inventory<br />

Species:<br />

• White Oak • Red Oak<br />

• Poplar • Ash • Hickory<br />

• Elm • Beech • Gum<br />

• Hackberry • Pecan<br />

Jimmy Kepley, owner, and Bart Jenkins, lumber sales<br />


Sales: Bart Jenkins bjenkins@kepleyfrank.us<br />

Jimmy Kepley jkepley@kepleyfrank.us<br />

975 Conrad Hill Mine Rd.<br />

Lexington, NC 27292<br />

Phone 336-746-5419<br />

Fax 336-746-6177<br />

www.kepleyfrank.us<br />

Thanks, from Our Family to Yours!<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

From all of us at Nyle Dry Kilns<br />

Learn More<br />

12 Stevens Road<br />

Brewer, ME 04412<br />

(800) 777-6953<br />

kilnsales@nyle.com<br />


Our industry has<br />

stories to tell.<br />

Quality Everything<br />

We’re telling them.<br />

Contribute Now to Build Your World<br />

Contribute Now to Build Your World<br />

Contribute Now to Build Your World<br />

The Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong> Coalition has launched its Build Your World<br />

campaign The Real American in partnership <strong>Hardwood</strong> with Magnolia Coalition Network. has launched The ads its Build are inspiring Your World a national<br />

audience campaign The Real American<br />

by in partnership educating <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

them with on Magnolia Coalition<br />

the benefits Network. has<br />

of launched<br />

Real The American ads its Build are inspiring <strong>Hardwood</strong>® Your World a national products.<br />

audience campaign by in partnership educating them with on Magnolia the benefits Network. of Real The American ads are inspiring <strong>Hardwood</strong>® a national products.<br />

The audience campaign by educating was made them possible on the thanks benefits to of voluntary Real American contributions <strong>Hardwood</strong>® from the<br />

products.<br />

hardwood The campaign industry. was made Your continued possible thanks support to is voluntary critical to contributions advance the from initiative the and<br />

reclaim hardwood The campaign<br />

market industry. was<br />

share made Your for the continued possible<br />

benefit thanks support of all industry to is voluntary critical stakeholders.<br />

to contributions advance the from initiative the and<br />

reclaim hardwood market industry. share Your for the continued benefit support of all industry is critical stakeholders.<br />

to advance the initiative and<br />

Help reclaim Build market Your share World. for Learn the benefit more about of all industry the RAHC’s stakeholders.<br />

promotion efforts,<br />

see Help a Build list of Your supporters, World. Learn and make more a about voluntary, the RAHC’s tax-deductible promotion contribution efforts, at<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry see Help a Build list of Your supporters, World. Learn and make more a about voluntary, the<br />

or RAHC’s<br />

scan tax-deductible the promotion<br />

QR code. contribution efforts, at<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry see a list of supporters, and make a voluntary, or scan tax-deductible the QR code.<br />

contribution at<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry or scan the QR code.<br />

We strive every day to be on the forefront of our industry by offering<br />

first class products and excellent service to our customers.<br />

Building relationships around the world.<br />

bankshardwoods.com<br />

Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong> is a registered trademark, and Build Your World is a trademark of the Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong> Coalition.<br />

8 DECEMBER <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong> is a registered trademark, and Build Your World is a trademark of the Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong> Coalition.<br />

Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong> is a registered trademark, and Build Your World is a trademark of the Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong> Coalition.<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />



January 2024<br />

Appalachian Lumbermen’s Club, Meeting, Embassy Suites., Greensboro, NC.<br />

www.lumberclub.org. Jan. 9.<br />

February<br />

Indiana <strong>Hardwood</strong> Lumbermen’s Assoc., Convention, Indianapolis Marriott Downtown,<br />

Indianapolis, IN. www.ihla.org. Feb. 5-7.<br />

Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong> Manufacturers Inc., Annual Meeting, The Hammock Beach Resort,<br />

Palm Coast, FL. www.appalachianhardwood.org. Feb. 21-25.<br />

<strong>National</strong> Association of Home Builders, International Builders’ Show, Las Vegas, NV.<br />

www.buildersshow.com. Feb. 27-29. n<br />

Premium<br />

Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

• 80-acre site; 95,000 sq. ft. under roof<br />

• 50,000 acres of our own forest lands<br />

in Wisconsin, USA<br />

• Sawing 18,400,000 board feet/year<br />

• 12 on-site KDS Kilns drying up to<br />

780,000 board feet/month<br />

• 1,500,000 board feet of inventory<br />

to meet your needs<br />

• We offer color, width & length sorts to<br />

your specifications behind our planer<br />

• Export prep capabilities<br />

• FSC certified of FSC Mix and<br />

FSC Controlled wood products<br />

From the forests of northern Wisconsin and Michigan,<br />

where rich soil, cold winters and a short growing season combine<br />

to create the perfect atmosphere for producing hardwoods<br />

of unrivaled excellence and beauty – Tigerton Lumber brings<br />

you a full line of northern hardwoods for flooring, kitchen<br />

cabinets, architectural millwork, moldings, door & stair parts.<br />

Contact Mike Schulke at 715.532.2182 today!<br />

mike@tigertonlumber.com • www.tigertonlumber.com<br />

14 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry






Stoltzfus Forest Products, LLC, located in Lancaster,<br />

PA, recently installed a new ripsaw and Walnut steamer.<br />

These installations will allow the company to increase<br />

their ripped to width production and will eliminate unnecessary<br />

trucking when it comes to their Walnut production.<br />

Stoltzfus produces 10.5 million board feet of sawn<br />

lumber and 3.5 million board feet of kiln-dried lumber<br />

annually. They also offer green lumber, low grade lumber<br />

(railroad ties, pallet lumber, industrial blocking and<br />

mat timbers). They offer their kiln-dried lumber sorted to<br />

width and color, as well as ripped to width and surfaced.<br />

“The new four blade ripsaw has allowed us to speed<br />

up our production on the ripped to width and provide<br />

this product to more of our customers,”<br />

said Benuel Stoltzfus, owner of<br />

Stoltzfus Forest Products.<br />

“We handled the trucking that<br />

shipped our Walnut product to another<br />

facility to get it steamed and<br />

then bring it back, so we ordered a<br />

steamer back in the middle of last<br />

year,” Stoltzfus said. This investment<br />

in the new steamer has allowed<br />

the company to cut back on<br />

trucking costs.<br />

For more information, visit<br />

www.stoltzfusforestproducts.net.<br />

Brandon Clark<br />




Clark Lumber Co., headquartered<br />

in Red Boiling Springs, TN, recently<br />

added three more covered air-drying<br />

sheds, each capable of holding<br />

500,000 board feet of lumber or<br />

1.5 million board feet of new drying<br />

capacity, according to Brandon<br />

Clark, vice president of Clark Lumber<br />

Company. This brings their total<br />

covered air-drying capacity to 5 million<br />

board feet.<br />

Clark Lumber operates six sawmills,<br />

producing approximately 50<br />

million board feet of Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong>s in 4/4-8/4<br />

thicknesses. Species produced are: Red and White Oak,<br />

Hard and Soft Maple, Poplar, Ash, Cherry, Hickory, Walnut<br />

and Aromatic Red Cedar. The company has a drying<br />

capacity of 900,000 board feet. All lumber is dried to six<br />

to eight percent moisture content and marketed throughout<br />

North America and around the globe.<br />

For more information, visit<br />

www.clarklumbercompany.com.<br />

Paul Cleereman<br />




Cleereman Industries, located in<br />

Newald, WI, recently made several<br />

large installations at Park Falls <strong>Hardwood</strong>s,<br />

Rockbridge Sawmill/Granite<br />

Valley and Creekmore Lumber/<br />

Kykenkee.<br />

Park Falls <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, located<br />

in Park Falls, WI, recently installed<br />

a Cleereman LP-36 Tilt Linear carriage,<br />

Cleereman Track-Frame,<br />

Cleereman sawyers cab, Cleereman<br />

100 HP Hydrostatic Carriage Drive<br />

with Cleereman Dual Cable Tensioner<br />

and Mellott Manufacturing six-feet<br />

Slant Band mill, according to Paul<br />

Cleereman, vice president of Cleereman<br />

Industries, Inc.<br />

Rockbridge Sawmill/Granite Valley,<br />

based in Richland Center, WI<br />

installed a Cleereman LP-38 Linear<br />

Carriage, Cleereman Controls with<br />

3-D scanning and a Cleereman sawyer<br />

cab.<br />

Creekmore Lumber/Kykenkee, located<br />

in Newcomb, TN, recently in-<br />

stalled a Cleereman LP-36 Linear Carriage, Cleereman<br />

Controls with 3-D scanning, Cleereman sawyer cab and<br />

a Cleereman 100 HP Hydrostatic Carriage Drive with<br />

Cleereman Dual Cable Tensioner.<br />

For more information, visit www.cleereman.com.<br />

Please turn to page 64<br />

16 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />




The world’s largest manufacturer of<br />

rift & quarter sawn white oak products<br />

THANK YOU FOR A SUCCESSFUL <strong>2023</strong>,<br />


This year, the Real American<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Coalition (RAHC) set<br />

out to make Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong>®<br />

products iconic. And to<br />

that end, <strong>2023</strong> was a successful<br />

year for <strong>Hardwood</strong> promotion—<br />

but the RAHC has ambitious<br />

goals for 2024 and your continued<br />

support can help make that<br />

happen. Following is a brief recap<br />

of what the industry-wide initiative<br />

has accomplished and a preview of what’s in store.<br />

An Industry First<br />

In late July, the RAHC officially launched a six-month,<br />

national advertising campaign in collaboration with Magnolia<br />

Network—the growing lifestyle network owned by<br />

Chip and Joanna Gaines and Warner Bros. Discovery.<br />

Built around the RAHC’s Build Your World tagline, the<br />

integrated campaign features five relatable and humorous<br />

vignettes that run in 15-, 30-, and 60-second commercials<br />

during a variety of Magnolia Network programming.<br />

In addition to the television and streaming ads, the<br />

campaign also includes social media ads on Instagram,<br />

Facebook, and YouTube, and digital ads on Google<br />

Search and Google Display Network partner websites.<br />

An advertising campaign on this scale is a first for the<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> industry and not only has it garnered impres-<br />

sive results, it’s exceeding expectations<br />

and industry benchmarks.<br />

Through the first two months of the<br />

campaign, ads have generated:<br />

•More than 16 million digital<br />

impressions<br />

•Nearly 3 million social media<br />

engagements<br />

•1.5 million social media<br />

videos views<br />

•More than 160,500 clicks through to RealAmerican<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com<br />

The campaign will run through January 29, 2024, and<br />

is expected to reach more than 100 million consumers.<br />

Becoming an Influencer<br />

In addition to advertising, the RAHC posts original<br />

content on social media that’s designed to inspire and<br />

educate consumers on a number of topics related to<br />

Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong> products, interior design<br />

trends, and home décor ideas. Utilizing photos, videos,<br />

and giveaways, regular posts highlight the family businesses<br />

that make up our industry and tell their stories<br />

from the forest through to finished products—and even<br />

baked goods. Be sure to follow the RAHC on Instagram<br />

and Facebook at @realamericanhardwood to stay up<br />

to date.<br />

Please turn to page 68<br />

We have the experience, the capacity and state-of-the-art<br />

manufacturing equipment to handle all your White Oak needs.<br />







606-932-3117<br />

sales@grafbro.com<br />

18 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />



In challenging markets, effective promotion<br />

and communication is more vital than ever. The<br />

long-term strategy employed by the American<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Export Council encompasses a<br />

diversified approach in global target markets<br />

to create a positive environment for the<br />

U.S. <strong>Hardwood</strong> industry to promote their<br />

businesses and make sales. Thanks to our<br />

network and FAS funding, AHEC is able to<br />

provide support in ways that may not be easy<br />

or possible for individual companies. Activities<br />

like influencing world fashion, responding to<br />

environmental policies and developments,<br />

creating promotional tools, developing new technologies,<br />

and anticipating market developments are some of what<br />

AHEC does every day to support a healthy <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

industry in America.<br />

One of our most important focuses is the outreach to<br />

the “specifiers”, who are architects, designers, furniture<br />

makers, and those who have the freedom to select what<br />

material to use in a project. While not direct customers of<br />

our industry, their influence on how materials are chosen<br />

and used is vital for sustained growth in our industry. The<br />

AHEC program strategy for outreach to these groups<br />

is achieved through a wide range of creative activities<br />

and by generating significant levels of media publicity,<br />

thus keeping the U.S. <strong>Hardwood</strong> industry and American<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> as a material constantly in the public eye.<br />


Year on year we have demonstrated that this<br />

tactic works to deliver new demand. Some<br />

of these messages have remained constant,<br />

such as the variety of species available and<br />

the strong environmental credentials. What<br />

changes annually are the specific details of<br />

the messages and the methods of delivery.<br />

AHEC programs are based on a<br />

combination of activities to pull demand<br />

through the “wood chain” with designers and<br />

manufacturers, while also working to push<br />

information into the “wood chain” by working<br />

with, and targeting, timber trade and industry.<br />

In order for this strategy to be effective it is important to<br />

bridge the gap in order to create a stronger link between<br />

specifiers and the <strong>Hardwood</strong> sector in each market.<br />

Working with these global user organizations as well as<br />

their respective specifier communities is absolutely vital<br />

to the effectiveness and reach of AHEC’s messaging.<br />

One of the biggest constraints preventing adoption<br />

of American <strong>Hardwood</strong> species is a lack of knowledge<br />

about the material. Without the knowledge of the material<br />

and how it can be used, markets cannot make informed<br />

decisions and therefore U.S. <strong>Hardwood</strong> products will<br />

not get a fair representation or chance to compete. The<br />

major constraints addressed by our programs are:<br />

•lack of technical knowledge of the variety and<br />

potential of U.S. <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />





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Please turn to page 69<br />

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20 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

TOLL-FREE: (800) 647-9547 OFFICE: (228) 832-1899 FAX: (228) 831-1149

NHLA: Why Knot...<br />


The <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> Lumber<br />

Association (NHLA) is ready to take the<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> industry out of the dark ages<br />

and into the reformation. It is time for<br />

new communication methods, renewed<br />

passion, and a little preaching. We have<br />

spent <strong>2023</strong> getting ready for the future.<br />

It all started on New Year's Day when<br />

we welcomed back Desiree Freeman as<br />

the NHLA Controller, Rachel Spiers as the Social Media<br />

Rep, and Mark Bear as a <strong>National</strong> Inspector and hired<br />

Geoff Webb to serve as the Dean of the NHLA Inspector<br />

Training School - so we could start <strong>2023</strong> on the right foot.<br />

For Valentine's Day, I went down to Starkville, MS,<br />

and spoke to the student chapter of the Forest Products<br />

Society to share my love for <strong>Hardwood</strong>s.<br />

On St. Patrick's Day, we told our "Green" story, and<br />

we have not stopped since, talking about Forest Change<br />

and all we do to keep forests as forests for healthy forests<br />

and communities.<br />

At the end of Easter, we celebrated the 125th<br />

anniversary of the NHLA and the 75th anniversary of<br />

the Inspector Training School with a big party at our<br />

headquarters in Memphis, TN.<br />

We had a Memorial Day for the Old Boys Club after<br />

the May board of directors meeting. NHLA<br />

ratified all 26 proposals from the Strategic<br />

Planning Committee, taking us forward<br />

with better purpose and objectives to grow<br />

and stabilize the <strong>Hardwood</strong> industry.<br />

We celebrated Father's Day with a<br />

$500,000 grant from Uncle Sam and the<br />

Forest Service to promote <strong>Hardwood</strong> to<br />

designers and architects.<br />

In July, we declared Independence for the <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

industry with the Launch of the Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Coalition consumer commercials on the Magnolia<br />

Network. We will continue to fight that battle into 2024.<br />

We labored daily to create the new NHLA.com website,<br />

smartphone apps and engage with others to get<br />

more market and technical information in <strong>Hardwood</strong> Matters<br />

<strong>Magazine</strong>.<br />

As proof of our hard work, NHLA staff pulled off a great<br />

convention and board meeting for a Halloween treat.<br />

Thankfully, pilgrims are coming to enjoy the new life<br />

that NHLA offers members as we continue to grow.<br />

Now, it's <strong>Christmas</strong>, and as an early present, we have<br />

rolled out a new communication platform for NHLA<br />

members to connect and keep up to speed on everything<br />

in the <strong>Hardwood</strong> industry.<br />

Please turn to page 70<br />

A fourth-generation<br />

family business.<br />

That has a nice ring to it.<br />

Greentree Forest Products is a locally owned<br />

family business producing approximately<br />

22 million board feet of quality Appalachian<br />

hardwood lumber per year. Since 1952<br />

and four generations of know-how, our<br />

steadfast commitment to excellence<br />

continues to run in the family.<br />

Learn more at greentreeforest.com<br />




MEMPHIS, TN,<br />

901-399-7560<br />


22 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry

2024 <strong>Hardwood</strong> Purchasing Plans<br />

<strong>2023</strong> Was A Year Of Stabilization,<br />

2024 Will Show The New Normal<br />

For Amazing Spaces.<br />

Beautiful and strong; flexible and timeless;<br />

hardwoods offer endless possibilities for<br />

designers, architects and consumers.<br />

For Our Health.<br />

Research shows improved mental health and<br />

well-being in people when surrounded by wood<br />

and other elements from the natural world.<br />

The following is an exclusive annual report compiled<br />

by <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> about the 2024<br />

purchasing plans of several of North America’s largest<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> lumber buyers.<br />

Retail lumber yards and end users alike are looking<br />

for lumber prices to rise in the coming year as there is a<br />

general consensus across the industry that there have<br />

been certain species with prices so low that they aren’t<br />

even worth manufacturing, causing there to be a shortage.<br />

Many respondents agreed that White Oak was the<br />

most preferred specie by far in <strong>2023</strong> with paint grade<br />

following not far behind.<br />

There remains the struggle of hiring skilled and reliable<br />

employees across the industry, with some employers<br />

even going to the lengths of acquiring housing for<br />

employees so that they can live nearby.<br />

Brandon White<br />

ASI Lumber Mfg.<br />

Ware Shoals, SC<br />

I anticipate that prices will be flat<br />

for domestic sales and that there<br />

will be fluctuation in White Oak<br />

prices in 2024.<br />

White Oak and Ash mouldings and paint grade<br />

dimensional lumber sold well for us in <strong>2023</strong>, while<br />

Hickory and darker toned woods have declined.<br />

I noticed that there was a preference towards White<br />

Oak this year.<br />

We have not had any issues with logistics or transportation<br />

as we own our own fleet of trucks.<br />

The labor pool seems to be increasing with the economic<br />

slowdown. We continue to attract and retain employees<br />

by creating a lifestyle culture – working around<br />

family events, important dates and understanding that<br />

life happens.<br />

From a manufacturing perspective, we are subject to<br />

availability from lumber mills for finished good production.<br />

Demand from our customers has softened. Our strategy<br />

is to gain market share by expanding our footprint,<br />

offering top-notch customer service and creating more<br />

intangible value-added services. s<br />

Please turn to page 52<br />

For Our Communities.<br />

The hardwood lumber industry and its related<br />

sectors support millions of jobs and add billions<br />

to the economy.<br />



Learn more at nwh.com<br />

For the Planet.<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s are a natural, renewable,<br />

sustainable material that absorbs and<br />

stores twice as much CO 2 as it emits.<br />

24 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


A family-owned company, Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong> Flooring employs more than 500 people.<br />

Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong> Flooring, Craftmanship<br />

And Technology From Forest To Floor<br />

“We always had the<br />

philosophy to show respect<br />

to nature and protect the<br />

environment by using a<br />

sustainable methodology.<br />

Any development must be<br />

done with the least impact<br />

on the environment and its<br />

sustainability. As such, we are<br />

a carbon-neutral company.”<br />

– David Lauzon Jr.,<br />

Vice President of Sales,<br />

Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong> Flooring<br />

By Michelle Keller<br />

Entrenched in the Canadian forest, Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong> Flooring, located<br />

in Papineauville, Quebec, is a recognized integrated manufacturer,<br />

from forest to floors, of high-quality <strong>Hardwood</strong> products. Inspired<br />

by a vision David Lauzon had in 1985, while walking the forests of the<br />

Outaouais region in Quebec, this entrepreneurial success has grown<br />

from an initial small investment into a large international organization.<br />

All wood is sourced only from eco-responsible forests. To complete<br />

its forestry operation, the company purchases approximately 10 million<br />

board feet annually in Hard Maple, Red and White Oak, Yellow Birch,<br />

Hickory, Black Walnut, Brazilian Cherry and Santos Mahogany (Nos. 1,<br />

2 and 3 Common, 4/4). Through its <strong>Hardwood</strong> Floors flagship division,<br />

Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong> designs and produces unfinished and prefinished<br />

solid and engineered <strong>Hardwood</strong> floors from three locations.<br />

Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong> is an integrated company that encompasses forestry<br />

activities, is among the largest <strong>Hardwood</strong> sawmills in Canada, a<br />

renowned flooring division, has a trading division that supplies wood<br />

to the cabinet and furniture industry, as well as a pellet division that<br />

Through its <strong>Hardwood</strong> Floors flagship division, Lauzon designs and produces unfinished and prefinished solid and engineered <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

floors from three locations.<br />

makes high-performance energy pellets with the sawdust<br />

generated from the sawmill and flooring manufacturing.<br />

A family-owned company, Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

employs more than 500 people with headquarters and<br />

production facilities located in Quebec and sales teams<br />

spread across North America.<br />

“In 1995, faithful to our environmental commitment and zero<br />

waste policy, we created Lauzon Energy Wood Pellet,” Lauzon<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Flooring’s Vice President of Sales David Lauzon Jr.<br />

said.<br />

Its Lauzon Expert 3/4-inch thick <strong>Hardwood</strong> floors<br />

are renowned for their high precision milling and the finest<br />

of their micro-v joints. The Lauzon Expert floors are<br />

available in standard solid, or the innovative solid 2-ply<br />

engineered construction which provides the same sanding<br />

capacity of standard solid with their 5.2 mm top wear<br />

layer, but with added stability due to its core made of<br />

independent sticks of solid wood. They are made of domestic<br />

Red Oak, Hard Maple and Yellow Birch (Select &<br />

Better) in a short-production circuit. They are offered in<br />

a variety of up-to-date color palettes in Exclusive, Character<br />

and Tradition look classifications.<br />

Since its early days, Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong> has committed<br />

to a zero-waste policy and an eco-sustainable process,<br />

from the forest to the finish goods. “In 1995, faithful to<br />

our environmental commitment and zero waste policy,<br />

we created Lauzon Energy Wood Pellet,” Vice President<br />

of Sales David Lauzon Jr. said. “This manufacturing division<br />

is dedicated to recovering wood residue generated<br />

Please turn to page 46<br />

26 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


“Primarily our customers are end users and manufacturers that buy truck<br />

load quantities but we also have customers who buy one pack at a time."<br />

–Javan Mallery, Founder,<br />

Wolverine <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc.<br />

Aerial view of Wolverine <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc. in Allegan, MI.<br />

Wolverine <strong>Hardwood</strong>s:<br />

Providers Of Top-Notch Lumber<br />

To Discerning Customers<br />

Located in Allegan, MI, Wolverine <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc.<br />

has deep connections to the lumber industry's history.<br />

Founder Javan Mallery's path started in Pennsylvania's<br />

lumber trade before bringing him to Michigan in 1993. In<br />

1996, he set out on the Wolverine venture, initially focusing<br />

on wholesaling lumber. However, the turning point<br />

arrived in 2002 when the company acquired the yard<br />

where they are located today.<br />

Specializing in kiln-dried northern <strong>Hardwood</strong> lumber<br />

and plywood, Wolverine <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, as Mallery proudly<br />

attests, offers a wide range of wood species, both local<br />

and imported. “We carry No. 2 and Better grade, primarily<br />

4/4 through 8/4. We sell Ash, Alder, Aspen, Basswood,<br />

Cherry, Beech, Eastern Red Cedar, Hard and Soft Ma-<br />

Please turn to page 49<br />

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RTA Annual Symposium<br />

& Technical Conference:<br />

105 Years Old And Going Strong<br />

Photos By Paul Miller Jr.<br />

Dave Koch, Wheeler Lumber LLC, Whitewood, SD; Claus Staalner, American Wood Technology LLC, Jefferson, GA; and Howard Tomlinson<br />

and Douglas Mellott, Mellott Wood Preserving Co. Inc., Needmore, PA<br />

The Railway Tie Association (RTA) recently held its<br />

105th Annual Symposium and Technical Conference at<br />

the Westin Buckhead Hotel in Atlanta, GA.<br />

The four-day event kicked off with RTA committee<br />

meetings followed by attendee registration and exhibitor<br />

set-up the next day.<br />

In addition to a diverse mix of exhibitor displays to<br />

peruse, attendees enjoyed multiple networking opportunities,<br />

heard from a variety of informative speakers,<br />

and had the option to participate in off-site activities,<br />

such as the Annual RTA Golf Tournament.<br />

In addition to the RTA Annual Awards Ceremony<br />

highlighting scholarship winners as well as the contributions<br />

made by veterans of the wood tie industry, the<br />

conference provided insight on a variety of topics.<br />

Representatives from the Association of American<br />

Railroads, American Short Line and Regional Railroad<br />

Association, GoRail and Georgia Forestry Association<br />

offered updates on legislative affairs impacting the<br />

wood tie industry.<br />

Executives from the <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> Lumber<br />

To learn more, visit www.rta.org.<br />

Association, <strong>Hardwood</strong> Market Report and <strong>National</strong><br />

Wooden Pallet and Container Association offered insight<br />

on <strong>Hardwood</strong> marketplace topics.<br />

Other sessions addressed the latest research and<br />

innovative developments in preservative treatments,<br />

tie evaluations and more; railroad engineering projects;<br />

and projected railroad procurement trends for 2024.<br />

RTA was organized in 1919, with predecessor groups<br />

dating back to the 1800s supporting the railroad tie<br />

industry and working to preserve forests through conservation.<br />

RTA’s mission is keeping the wood tie market strong<br />

and sustainable by advocating for and conducting a<br />

variety of activities, including:<br />

• Research in all aspects of the crosstie industry<br />

• Sound forest management<br />

• Timber resource conservation<br />

• Wood preservation<br />

• Industry safety<br />

RTA is governed by a strict Antitrust Policy. n<br />

Ben Leidy, Stacey McKinney and Ryan Kragnes, Koppers Inc.,<br />

Pittsburgh, PA<br />

Will Cumberland, North American Tie & Timber LLC, Meridian,<br />

MS; Tony Machamer, Koppers Inc., Pittsburgh, PA; and Michael<br />

Bentley, Koppers Inc., Irwinton, GA<br />

Brad Crawford, Stella-Jones Corp., Lexington, KY; Jimmy Edwards, CR Quality Services Inc., Valparaiso, IN; Matthew Netterville, Fred<br />

Netterville Lumber Co., Woodville, MS; and Chad Sorrells, Sorrells Sawmill Inc., Holly Springs, AR<br />

Additional photos on next page<br />

30 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


RTA PHOTOS Continued<br />

Truss Beasley and Ray Turner, Beasley Group, Hazlehurst, GA; Matthew Ray, Stella-Jones Corp., Collinwood, TN; and Grant Beasley,<br />

Beasley Forest Products Inc., Hazlehurst, GA<br />

George Apostolou, Lewis Bolt & Nut Company, La Junta, CO;<br />

Nate Irby, Executive Director, Railway Tie Association, Vicksburg,<br />

MS; and Shelia Gudenrath, Union Pacific Railroad, Omaha, NE<br />

Denise Brazeale, Brazeale Lumber Co. Inc., Sparkman, AR; and<br />

Claus Staalner, American Wood Technology LLC, Jefferson, GA<br />

Jason Thompson, Eric McAlexander and Barry Black, Taylor Machine<br />

Works Inc., Louisville, MS<br />

Jim Maltese, Stella-Jones Corp., East Jordan, MI; and Tina and<br />

David Caldwell, <strong>Hardwood</strong> Market Report, Memphis, TN<br />

Barbara Stacey, Director of Communications, Railway Tie Association,<br />

Vicksburg, MS; Paul Miller Jr., <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>,<br />

Memphis, TN; and Debbie Corallo, Deputy Director/COO,<br />

Railway Tie Association<br />

Anna Cialone, PLMI, Philadelphia, PA<br />

Jeffrey Parrett, Wheeler Lumber LLC, Fort Myers, FL; Gene Barnes and Jim Barnes, Timber Producers LLC, Hamburg, AR; Nate Irby,<br />

Executive Director, Railway Tie Association, Vicksburg, MS; and Dave Koch, Wheeler Lumber LLC, Whitewood, SD<br />

Frances Cooper, Cooper Machine Company Inc., Wadley, GA;<br />

and Denis Dube, J.D. Irving Limited, Clair, NB<br />

32 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


American <strong>Hardwood</strong> Species On<br />

Rise At High Point Market<br />

By Tom Inman<br />

White Oak and Maple continued to lead American<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> species at the High Point Market (HPMarket)<br />

but fall of <strong>2023</strong> saw a return for Cherry.<br />

Several manufacturers expanded existing bedroom<br />

and dining room options to include a group in Cherry.<br />

Designers marked the return of a former leader in dining<br />

room categories with fresh medium brown finishes to<br />

achieve a new look.<br />

HPMarket is held twice annually in central North Carolina<br />

and continues to be the largest home furnishings<br />

market in the world. More than 12 million square feet of<br />

showroom space is located downtown and attracts thou-<br />

Please turn to page 34<br />

Vaughan-Bassett Furniture expanded its Yellowstone collection<br />

to include dining tables, chairs and buffets in White Oak.<br />

The grain of Oak stands out in these bold chairs from CR Laine on<br />

display at the recent High Point Market.<br />

At High Point, Simply Amish offered a solid Walnut dining table<br />

and chairs that were striking.<br />

White Oak with a darker brown finish to highlight the grain was<br />

popular for Baker Furniture at High Point.<br />

Century produced a different look with this White Oak credenza<br />

with a process that made the grain pop.<br />

Producer of Fine Kiln Dried<br />

Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Red Oak, White Oak,<br />

Poplar, Walnut, Hickory<br />

Annual Production 10.5 mmBF<br />

Aerial view of our NEW Walnut<br />

steamer<br />

Green Sales:<br />

Benuel Stoltzfus<br />

sales@stoltzfusforestproducts.com<br />

Lumber production facility with<br />

Newman planer<br />

Ripped to width lumber<br />

KD Sales:<br />

Phillip Smith<br />

p.smith@stoltzfusforestproducts.com<br />

Dry storage warehouse<br />


675 Nottingham Road, Peach Bottom, PA 17563<br />

Ph: (717) 548-2668 Fax: (717) 548-2013<br />

34 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


HIGH POINT MARKET Continued from page 32<br />

sands of manufacturers, retail buyers, designers and<br />

suppliers each April and October.<br />

The fall market was successful for many manufacturers<br />

in mid- and upper-price categories. These retailers<br />

continue to furnish homes for buyers who have not been<br />

hurt by the <strong>2023</strong> economy and rising interest rates.<br />

These manufacturers use solid wood and sliced veneers<br />

in their higher quality pieces. The retailers asked<br />

Please turn to page 48<br />

Simple was the design goal for this solid Red Oak bookcase by<br />

Simply Amish.<br />

Pictured is a Dresden Dining Room table made from Cherry solids<br />

at Bassett Furniture's High Point display.<br />

Solid dining room group in Oak with a medium brown finish by<br />

Vaughan-Bassett Furniture was well-received by retailers seeking<br />

new products at High Point.<br />

The design of this bedroom group from Century focused on the<br />

rich features of Oak.<br />

A Maple chair and table set by Bassett Furniture features dozens<br />

of seating options for retailers who visited High Point.<br />

Crafted Cherry by LMco and designers Ben and Erin Napier was<br />

popular for Vaughan-Bassett Furniture.<br />


Distribution of quality forest products<br />

throughout many areas of Texas, Central<br />

Oklahoma and Northern Louisiana<br />

Fort Worth, Texas<br />

800.580.2352<br />

www.sweeneyhardwoods.com<br />


MARIO LUSSIER - General Manager mlussier@simonlussier.com<br />


36 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

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Domestic And Export Markets For Walnut<br />

Discussed At AWMA Meeting<br />

Photos By Terry Miller<br />

The American Walnut Manufacturers Association<br />

(AWMA) met recently at the NHLA convention in Louisville,<br />

KY. AWMA members indicated decent markets<br />

for green and kiln-dried lumber and robust log markets.<br />

Domestic lumber markets have remained steady for the<br />

past quarter but log exports have ticked up, particularly<br />

to China.<br />

Log yards at the mill are robust but logging capacity<br />

in certain regions of the U.S are a real concern. AWMA<br />

remains focused on market development in India and<br />

they plan to launch promotional strategies for Walnut in<br />

that region of the world. The next meeting of the AWMA<br />

membership will be in Indianapolis at the Indiana <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Lumbermen's Association Convention Feb. 5-7,<br />

2024. n<br />

Learn more at<br />

www.walnutassociation.org.<br />

Bucky Pescaglia, MO PAC Lumber Co., Fayette, MO; Bill<br />

Long, Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company LLC, Maple Grove,<br />

MN; and Matt Yest, Kendrick Forest Products Inc., Edgewood,<br />

IA<br />

Tony Pescaglia, MO PAC Lumber Co., Fayette, MO; Steve<br />

Arnold, Missouri Walnut LLC, Neosho, MO; and Kelly<br />

Hostetter, Kamps <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc., Caledonia, MI<br />

Paul Miller Jr., <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, Memphis,<br />

TN; and Kirby Kendrick, Kendrick Forest Products Inc.,<br />

Edgewood, IA<br />

Terry Miller, <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, Memphis, TN;<br />

Phillip Smith, Stoltzfus Forest Products LLC, Peach Bottom,<br />

PA; and Dallin Brooks, NHLA, Memphis, TN<br />

Tyler Kamps, Kamps <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc., Caledonia, MI; Paul<br />

Miller, <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, Memphis, TN; Rob<br />

Kukowski, Kamps <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc.; and Terry Miller, <strong>National</strong><br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

John Stenson, U-C Coatings LLC, Buffalo, NY; Kevin Evilsizer,<br />

NHLA, Willard, MO; and Tom Byers, NHLA, Tionesta,<br />

PA<br />

Thank You to all our customers during this <strong>Christmas</strong> Season, and always...<br />

from Dickerson Lumber Company and Thoroughbred <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, LLC!<br />

Serving your <strong>Hardwood</strong> lumber needs is our first priority, so contact us for quality Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong>s.<br />

Our band mill operation in Summer<br />

Shade, KY produces approximately<br />

12,000,000 board feet a year.<br />

We manufacture fine Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> lumber, cants and pallets.<br />

Our lumber is cut in 4/4 through 8/4<br />

thicknesses, and we sell it green and/or<br />

kiln dried, rough or surfaced.<br />

We have our own trucks and also use contract trucks as well to make sure our customers’<br />

orders are shipped to them promptly.<br />

Carl Dickerson<br />

Dickerson Lumber Company<br />

P.O. Box 125, Summer Shade, KY 42141<br />

Tel: (270) 428-3644 Fax: (270) 479-6033<br />

Email: cdlumber@scrtc.com<br />

Our sister company, called<br />

Thoroughbred <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, LLC,<br />

is a <strong>Hardwood</strong> lumber concentration<br />

yard with dry kilns.<br />

The main species of Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> lumber we cut are Red Oak,<br />

White Oak, Ash, Poplar, Hard Maple,<br />

Hickory and others upon request.<br />

Mackay Dickerson – (270) 428-3644<br />

Matt Harlow – (270) 428-3644<br />

Thoroughbred <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, LLC<br />

P.O. Box 14, Summer Shade, KY 42166<br />

Tel: (270) 646-0602 Fax: (270) 479-6033<br />

Emails: dmdickerson@hotmail.com<br />

mharlow20@scrtc.com<br />


bdahn@hhp-inc.com • lumbersales@hhp-inc.com<br />

14 Buxton Industrial Drive, PO Box 489,<br />

Henniker NH 03242<br />

603-428-3298 www.hhp-inc.com<br />

New HHP logo...<br />

Same High Quality<br />

HHP, INC.<br />

World Class Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Specializing in 4/4 & 5/4 Production of<br />

Red Oak • Ash • Hard & Soft Maple • Yellow Birch<br />

Premium Quality Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Sawmill • Kilns • Export Prep • Container Loading<br />

13 Million Board Feet Annual Production<br />

38 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


Canadian <strong>Hardwood</strong> Bureau<br />

Embraces Educational Programs<br />

Photos By Terry Miller<br />

The Canadian <strong>Hardwood</strong> Bureau (CHB) recently held<br />

its <strong>2023</strong> Fall Meeting in Louisville, KY, in conjunction with<br />

the NHLA Convention. Chairman Shaun Rowe, of Quality<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd., welcomed delegates and lead the<br />

informative session.<br />

The guest speaker was Geoff Webb, Dean of NHLA’s<br />

Inspector Training School, who outlined NHLA’s Apprenticeship<br />

Program and noted that Class 1 graduated from<br />

Inspector Training School in 1948. There is today an in-<br />

Please turn to page 40<br />

Bill Miller, Haliburton Forest & Wildlife Reserve Ltd., Haliburton, ON; Allison DeFord, North American Forest Foundation,<br />

Collierville, TN; Bob Rutledge, Haliburton Forest & Wildlife Reserve Ltd.; and Philippe LeBlanc, Lumber Resources<br />

Inc., Quebec City, QC<br />

Brian Guilbeault, Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd., Powassan, ON; Richard Lipman, Canadian <strong>Hardwood</strong> Bureau, Ottawa, ON;<br />

Shaun Rowe, Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd.; Mike Penner, Townsend Lumber Inc., Tillsonburg, ON; and Geoff Webb, NHLA,<br />

Memphis, TN<br />

Terry Miller, <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, Memphis, TN;<br />

Francois Bovet, Bois Maron Lumber, St-Eustache, QC;<br />

Stephanie Van Dystadt, Hull Forest Products Inc., Pomfret,<br />

CT; and Sam Glidden, GMC <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc., Medfield, MA<br />

Alain Thibeault, Preverco Inc., Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures,<br />

QC; Claude Cadrin, C.A. Spencer Inc., Laval, QC;<br />

Michael Brooks, Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd., Powassan, ON;<br />

and Max Ross, Ontario <strong>Hardwood</strong> Products Ltd., Toronto,<br />

ON<br />


670 Caney Creek Rd, Caneyville, KY 42721<br />

Phone: (270) 879-4853<br />

Email: doug@caneyvillhardwoods.com<br />


to meet<br />

Your Needs<br />

For our customers, and others interested in<br />

buying our quality Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong> Products,<br />

Dunaway Timber Company Inc. and Caneyville<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, LLC. cut a variety of hardwoods<br />

concentrating heavily in crosstie length.<br />

We focus on 4/4 and 5/4 lumber in all grades. Poplar<br />

is cut 4/4 through 8/4 down to pallet cants.<br />

Our stave mills produce Bourbon staves and heading,<br />

and we buy pulpwood by the ton.<br />

P.O. Box 157, Fordsville, KY 42343<br />

Phone: (270) 276 -3367<br />

Email: henry@dunawaytimber.com<br />

Because nothing says Canadian like Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Nature’s finest<br />

Unsurpassed quality<br />

Rich colour and texture.<br />

With a large inventory base of Canadian Kiln Dried Hard<br />

Maple, Red Oak, Soft Maple, Yellow Birch, White Birch,<br />

Aspen, Basswood, and Cherry, Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd.<br />

is ready to meet your demands. Our knowledgeable<br />

sales team has more than 75 years’ experience and<br />

will quickly process your order. Wherever you are in the<br />

world, we will have your shipment to you on time.<br />

Please contact our sales staff to place an order<br />

Brian Guilbeault – brian@qualityhardwoodsltd.com<br />

Anthony Rapsa – ar@qualityhardwoodsltd.com<br />

Mike Brooks – mb@qualityhardwoodsltd.com<br />

Shaun Rowe – sr@qualityhardwoodsltd.com<br />

Peter VanAmelsfoort – pva@qualityhardwoodsltd.com<br />

Office Number – 705-724-2424<br />

Website - www.qualityhardwoodsltd.com<br />

40 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


CHB Continued from page 38<br />

creased emphasis on “Trades." The program includes<br />

a contract between the employer and apprentice and<br />

featured structured pay increases during Apprenticeship.<br />

The NHLA program is 2,000 hours and 300 of Relevant<br />

Technical Instruction, which includes 144 hours of classroom<br />

instruction. The program is currently registered in<br />

Tennessee and the paperwork is submitted in Pennsylvania.<br />

They expect to register in Michigan and Arkansas<br />

and other states as requested.<br />

Allison DeFord, executive director of the North American<br />

Forest Foundation (NAFF), addressed the meeting<br />

to spread the word about the Back to School with NAFF<br />

fundraiser. NAFF was working to raise the remaining<br />

amounts with their matching sponsor’s contributions in<br />

an effort to be able to educate 75,000 students about<br />

sustainable forestry. They have a keen interest to send<br />

education kits to schools in Canada.<br />

Chairman Rowe reported that since the Bureau’s very<br />

successful meeting back in May, it has been doing some<br />

training and held an English-language <strong>Hardwood</strong> grading<br />

short course in mid-May in Ontario. It was sold out<br />

with almost 30 people enrolled. The practical portion was<br />

to be held at Ontario <strong>Hardwood</strong> Products in Bolton. CHB<br />

held its first-ever French-language short course recently<br />

in Drummondville, QC, at Goodfellow Inc.<br />

Chairman Rowe spoke about the CHB’s successful<br />

Promotions Program, which aims at the great story of<br />

CHB, which resonates with consumers. The goal of the<br />

program is to tell the story of Canadian <strong>Hardwood</strong> as a<br />

beautiful, durable, and sustainable interior building material<br />

to as many consumers as possible. For a second<br />

straight year, CHB secured partial funding and directed<br />

efforts at export markets, specifically the U.S. designers<br />

and architects, who will promote the Bureau's story to<br />

homeowners and commercial end users. CHB is completing<br />

two years of webinars that have been included in<br />

educational events dealing with specifying wood products;<br />

commercial (retail, offices and mixed use), health-<br />

Cameron McRae, McRae Lumber Co. Ltd., Whitney, ON;<br />

Simon Larocque, NHLA, Montreal, QC; Greg Stascavage,<br />

Missouri Walnut LLC, Neosho, MO; and Benji Richards,<br />

NHLA, Lenoir, NC<br />

care; building green: products that support sustainable<br />

design; hospitality (hotel, restaurant etc.); education<br />

(school, college, university); interior finishes and commercial<br />

solutions; and institutional and government etc.<br />

Members asked about undertaking domestic promotion<br />

as well and that will be studied and brought back to the<br />

members at the next meeting in April. n<br />

Learn more at<br />

www.canadianhardwoodbureau.com.<br />

Tom Byers, NHLA, Tionesta, PA; Clayton Miller and Ian<br />

Rowe, Aurora Timberland/Alexandria Moulding Inc., Bradford,<br />

ON; and Shaun Rowe, Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd., Powassan,<br />

ON<br />

Alain Thibeault, Preverco Inc., Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures,<br />

QC; Dallin Brooks, NHLA, Memphis, TN; Nico<br />

Poulos, Weston Premium Woods Inc., Brampton, ON; and<br />

Michael Brooks, Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd., Powassan, ON<br />

Have a Happy Holiday!<br />

We appreciate your patronage and thank you for your friendship.<br />

We We specialize specialize in in manufacturing manufacturing fine, fine, plain plain sawn sawn Walnut, Walnut, and and rift rift and and quartered quartered White White<br />

Oak. Oak. We We also also produce produce Red Red Oak Oak and and Soft Soft Maple Maple lumber, lumber, and, and, all all our our lumber lumber is is sawn sawn in in 4/4 4/4<br />

through through 12/4 12/4 thicknesses, thicknesses, sold sold green green and and rough. rough. The The lengths lengths of of our our lumber lumber are are from from 6 6 feet feet<br />

up up to to 14 14 feet. feet. We We produce produce about about 5,000,000 3,000,000 board board feet feet of of lumber lumber a a year. year. To To better better serve serve<br />

you you we we also also have have modern modern sawmill sawmill equipment equipment such such as as a a McDonough McDonough 7-foot, 7-foot, 17 17 degree degree slant slant<br />

headrig, headrig, a a Cleereman Cleereman carriage carriage and and a a Pendu Pendu four four saw saw edger. edger.<br />



Call us at (641) 722-3348 when we can be of service!<br />


42 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


The Fellowship of Christian Lumbermen (FCL) recently<br />

welcomed members to a meeting in Louisville, KY in<br />

conjunction with the <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> Lumber Association<br />

Convention and Exhibit Showcase.<br />

The FCL exists, according to their website, to encourage<br />

and support one another with the following purposes:<br />

•To be a group of people united by faith and work, striving<br />

together to make a difference in their businesses,<br />

industry, and community.<br />

•Striving, in all things, to glorify God and strengthen<br />

each other in faith.<br />

Fellowship Of<br />

Christian Lumbermen<br />

Hold End-Of-Year Meeting<br />

Photos By Paul Miller Jr.<br />

•To be a mentor.<br />

•To lean on each other when faced with difficult issues.<br />

•To step out and stand for what is right and acceptable<br />

in God’s sight, in accordance with His Word.<br />

•To be a shining example of what a Christ-like life<br />

should be.<br />

•To offer ourselves for accountability and to challenge<br />

us to excellence. n<br />

Learn more about how to become a member of this group by visiting<br />

www.christianlumbermen.wordpress.com.<br />

Scott Hutton, A.W. Stiles Contractors Inc., McMinnville,<br />

TN; Phil Lowndes, BolDesign Inc., Hudson, NC; Tony Honeycutt,<br />

Mullican Flooring, Johnson City, TN; Friederich<br />

Ostertag, BPM Lumber LLC, Lexington, KY; and Brian<br />

Gibson, Cole <strong>Hardwood</strong> Inc., Logansport, IN<br />

Benjamin Bevins, Havco Wood Products LLC, Arlington,<br />

KY; Bob Hurst, Eagle Machinery & Supply Inc., Sugarcreek,<br />

OH; Dean Alanko, Allegheny Wood Products International<br />

Inc., Petersburg, WV; and Jason Johnson, Winston<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Inc., Double Springs, AL<br />

David Caldwell, HMR, Memphis, TN; Paul Miller Jr., <strong>National</strong><br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, Memphis, TN; and George<br />

Crawford, Merrick <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc., Burnside, KY<br />

Chris Fehr, <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, Memphis, TN;<br />

Eric Porter, Abenaki Timber Corp., Kingston, NH; and<br />

Chris Bingaman, Bingaman & Son Lumber Inc., Kreamer,<br />

PA<br />

Merry <strong>Christmas</strong>from<br />

Forest Products, Inc.<br />

Manufacturers and Exporters of Quality Pennsylvania <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Producing 25,000,000 BF annually • 1,500,000 MBF of Kiln capacity<br />

Specializing in Ash • Red Oak • Hard Maple • Soft Maple • Cherry<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Lumber and Logs<br />

Export Packaging and Container Loading<br />

Band Sawn Lumber at Shinglehouse, Pennsylvania (U.S.A.) location.<br />

Log Sales - Bob Mallery<br />

Phone: 814-697-6576 FAX: 814-697-6637<br />

escott@ramforestproducts.com<br />

Lumber Sales - Andy Nuffer<br />

Phone: 336-813-1512 FAX: 336-939-5414<br />

anuffer@ramforestproducts.com<br />

Lumber Sales - Rus Gustin<br />

Phone: 814-697-7185 FAX: 814-697-7190<br />

rgustin@ramforestproducts.com<br />

1716 Honeoye Road • Shinglehouse, PA 16748<br />

Succeeding in business is hard. Buying your hardwoods shouldn’t be.<br />

Contact us today!<br />

We’ll make it simple and easy.<br />

Trust us to be your hardwood advisor and supplier!<br />

WWW.<br />

.COM<br />


(e): INFO@BAILLIE.COM (p): 716-649-2850<br />

44 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


SCMA Hosts Gathering During<br />

NHLA Convention<br />

Photos By Terry Miller<br />

Members of the Southern Cypress Manufacturers<br />

Association (SCMA), along with promotion sponsors,<br />

recently gathered in Louisville, KY, for their <strong>2023</strong> Mid-<br />

Year Meeting. The event took place at the Omni Louisville<br />

Hotel and was held in conjunction with the <strong>National</strong><br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Lumber Association’s Annual Convention and<br />

Exhibit Showcase.<br />

Attendees received updates on the SCMA’s promotion<br />

campaign, previewed projects for the rest of <strong>2023</strong> and<br />

early 2024, learned about the Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Coalition’s advertising campaign on Magnolia Network,<br />

and discussed the current business landscape. The night<br />

prior to the meeting, attendees gathered for a reception<br />

and dinner to network and catch up with peers.<br />

Membership in the SCMA is limited to companies that<br />

engage in the manufacture, processing, or distribution of<br />

Cypress products.<br />

Be sure to mark your calendars now for the SCMA’s<br />

2024 Annual Meeting, which will take place March 25<br />

at The Charleston Place Hotel in Charleston, SC. The<br />

event will take place during the <strong>Hardwood</strong> Manufacturers<br />

Association's 2024 <strong>National</strong> Conference and Expo. n<br />

Cassie Lewis, Turn Bull Lumber Company, Elizabethtown, NC;<br />

and Ian Faight and Linda Jovanovich, SCMA, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

Jon Pace, Hal Mitchell and Zack Rickman, AHC <strong>Hardwood</strong> Group,<br />

Mableton, GA<br />

Aaron Mizell, Beasley Forest Products Inc., Hazlehurst, GA; Terry<br />

Miller, <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, Memphis, TN; and Linwood<br />

Truitt, Beasley Forest Products Inc.<br />

Learn more about the SCMA at<br />

www.CypressInfo.org, and follow<br />

@cypress_info on Instagram and<br />

@southerncypress on Facebook.<br />

Shep Haggerty, Williams Lumber Company, Rocky Mount, NC;<br />

Michael Oakes, ISK Biocides Inc., Memphis, TN; and Truss Beasley<br />

and John Stevenson, Beasley Forest Products Inc., Hazlehurst,<br />

GA<br />

Steve Leddy, McGriff Insurance Services Inc., Cookeville, TN;<br />

Cook Young and Russell Brazell, Roy’s Wood Products Inc., Lugoff,<br />

SC; and Rusty Logue, Battle Lumber Co. Inc., Wadley, GA<br />

MERRY<br />




from your friends at<br />

Celebrating over 40 years of setting the Gold Standard<br />

in American Black Walnut.<br />

4/4 through 16/4 Walnut Proudly NHLA grade certified<br />

www.mopaclumber.com<br />

The<br />

Right<br />

Resource<br />

to help you<br />


inquiry@alumber.com<br />

www.alumber.com<br />

(814) 438-7888<br />


46 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


LAUZON HARDWOODS Continued from page 25<br />

Its Lauzon Expert 3/4-inch thick <strong>Hardwood</strong> floors that are renowned for their high precision milling and the finest of their micro-v<br />

joints.<br />

by our factories, sawmill and those of other manufacturers.<br />

The production result is a highly efficient and environmentally<br />

friendly densified heating pellet.” Lauzon<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> pellets lead the market in terms of heat output<br />

(BTU) and burn time. “This performance allows us to<br />


Headquarters, Concentration Yard & Kilns in Hickory, N.C.<br />

Phone (828) 397-7481 FAX: (828) 397-3763<br />

www.cramerlumber.com<br />

3 million BF KD<br />

Inventory<br />

Atlanta, GA<br />

Warehouse<br />

770-479-9663<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s • White Pine • Cypress<br />

RGH • S2S • SLR1E<br />

heat all of our facilities from recovered tailings, in addition<br />

to supplying many businesses, institutions and individuals<br />

across eastern Canada and the United States,”<br />

he explained. The company is committed to continually<br />

improve its knowledge and seeks continuous innovation<br />

“LIMBO”<br />

The Lumber Rule<br />

4/4 thru 16/4<br />

thicknesses<br />

Export<br />

Sales<br />

706-736-2622<br />


48 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong> Flooring purchases approximately<br />

10 million board feet annually<br />

in Hard Maple, Red and White Oak, Yellow<br />

Birch, Hickory, Black Walnut, Brazilian<br />

Cherry and Santos Mahogany (Nos. 1, 2<br />

and 3 Common, 4/4).<br />

in the recovery of residual biomass<br />

from wood processing plants. “We<br />

strive to remain one of the largest<br />

manufacturers of value-added energy<br />

products in Quebec,” David<br />

added.<br />

Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong> high quality<br />

performance has been recognized<br />

by the industry. <strong>National</strong> Wood Flooring<br />

Association (NWFA/NOFMA)<br />

certified, Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong> meets<br />

and exceeds industry standards for<br />

grade, configuration, moisture content<br />

and average plank length. “We<br />

are proud to be a part of the NWFA<br />

and the certification is an example of<br />

our performance and commitment to<br />

quality,” David said.<br />

Teamwork, it is often said, makes<br />

the “dream work.” Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

proves this theory with a dedicated<br />

team of employees that are committed<br />

to the well-being of others as<br />

well as that of the planet. “We believe<br />

that by being honest and fostering<br />

a climate of listening, respect<br />

and participation, that we will develop<br />

leadership, competence and<br />

commitment to a dynamic and innovative<br />

environment,” he explained.<br />

“We believe that every individual is<br />

an important element to who we are<br />

and what we strive to convey to our<br />

Please turn the page<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong>, located in Papineauville, Quebec, is a recognized<br />

integrated manufacturer, from forest to floors, of high-quality<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> products.<br />


A Cut<br />

Species Offered RW/L<br />

Ash, Cherry, Hickory<br />

Mahogany, Maple, Poplar<br />

Red Oak, Walnut, White Oak<br />

Tim Girardi<br />

502.413.1010<br />

TG.L2L2U@outlook.com<br />

Mike Gaines<br />

502.439.1892<br />

MG.L2L2U@outlook.com<br />

Above<br />

“Quality always matters – it’s a commitment.”<br />

Earning your business one order at a time.<br />

Specialties<br />

Oak Rules Walnut - RW/L 4/4 - 8/4<br />

Cut to Size Walnut - 1x6”, 8”, 10”, 12”, FAS, 1C & 2C<br />

Cut to Size White Oak - 1x6”, 8”, 10”, 12”, FAS, 1C & 2C<br />

www.L2L2U.net<br />

Paul Newton<br />

502.650.5886<br />

PN.L2L2U@outlook.com<br />

Ron Nentwig<br />

305.431.6995<br />

RN.L2L2U@outlook.com<br />


LAUZON HARDWOODS Continued<br />

customers, suppliers and partners.”<br />

At Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong>, commitment to the environment<br />

is at par with its people. Since its inception in 1985, Lauzon<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> has recognized the importance of the forest<br />

as a natural and sustainable resource. “We always<br />

had the philosophy to show respect to nature and protect<br />

the environment by using a sustainable methodology,”<br />

David said. “Any development must be done with the<br />

least impact on the environment and its sustainability.<br />

As such, we are a carbon-neutral company,” he added.<br />

PO BOX 727 • PARSONS, TN 38368<br />

Fax: (731) 847-4442<br />

PH: (731) 847-4441<br />

Specializing in Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

& Other Species Such as:<br />

White Oak • Red Oak • Poplar • Hard Maple • Soft Maple<br />

Gum • Ash • Beech • Cypress • Aromatic Red Cedar<br />

Stephen Dorris (left) and his son, Grant, are<br />

standing in front of their office building. Both<br />

of them handle sales.<br />

Did you know...<br />

We offer custom cutting<br />

for those in need?<br />

This is a partial view of Volner Sawmill Inc.’s<br />

large log yard.<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

Manufacturing quality<br />

Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong> lumber,<br />

cants & railroad ties<br />

Cutting 4/4 through 8/4<br />

thicknesses of lumber that are<br />

sold green<br />

Manufacturing about 6.5<br />

million board feet of <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

products a year<br />

Have a double-cut bandmill<br />

with 3-D laser scanning as well<br />

as a planer and sorting system<br />

Have our own trucks for<br />

delivering our lumber and<br />

other products<br />

We Purchase Standing Timber<br />

& Land Tracts<br />

These bundles of Appalachian lumber, in the forefront, are<br />

about to be loaded on a truck and shipped to a customer.<br />

Lauzon <strong>Hardwood</strong> Flooring is a member of the <strong>National</strong><br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Flooring Association, Leadership in Energy<br />

and Environmental Design, and Canadian Center<br />

for Architecture. n<br />

For more information visit<br />

www.lauzonhardwood.com.<br />


Continued from page 34<br />

for new designs and species to attract consumers to their<br />

stores for fall and winter.<br />

Century Inc. introduced Cherry<br />

for the dining room and it was wellreceived.<br />

The finish was medium<br />

to darker brown and the style varied<br />

from contemporary to casual.<br />

"It's not your grandma's Cherry<br />

table and the buyers liked it," said<br />

Please turn to page 51<br />


Continued from page 27<br />

Guy Holbrook, Century director of<br />

sales and marketing.<br />

The species has maintained a<br />

lower role for many manufacturers<br />

for the past 10 years as designers<br />

utilized Maple, Oak and international<br />

species. While the trend is<br />

not huge, there were new pieces<br />

scattered throughout High Point.<br />

White Oak was the dominant<br />

Appalachian species at HPMarket.<br />

New pieces in bedroom and<br />

dining were found in most showrooms.<br />

October marked a return to dining<br />

room production for Vaughan-<br />

Bassett Furniture. The company<br />

has made dining products previously<br />

but discontinued because of<br />

production difficulties. Doug Bassett,<br />

president, said this year they<br />

are producing tables and buffets,<br />

as well as assembling and finishing<br />

chairs in the former Vaughn<br />

Furniture plant.<br />

The company added pieces to<br />

its popular Artisan & Post lines<br />

and LMco lines with design and<br />

TV personalities Ben & Erin Napier.<br />

The couple attended HPMarple,<br />

Hickory, Poplar, Red and White Oak, Walnut and a little bit<br />

of imported exotic woods. We have a Newman Planer, so we<br />

plane almost all of our lumber.”<br />

The company sells 12 million board feet of lumber each year,<br />

mainly sourced from Michigan and the surrounding states.<br />

“Most of our lumber comes from Michigan and the northern<br />

midwest – Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Ontario. We<br />

will go a little bit further out for some species that are less<br />

abundant in our area. We get some<br />

White Oak and Poplar from further<br />

away and we do also carry some<br />

Alder that comes out of the Pacific<br />

Northwest,” Mallery commented.<br />

Wolverine <strong>Hardwood</strong>s operates<br />

on a 15-acre site with a 120,000<br />

square-foot facility, where they employ<br />

a skilled team of 30 employees.<br />

Their impressive equipment lineup<br />

is comprised of a Newman planer,<br />

automatic stacker, automatic trimmer,<br />

Weima wood waste grinder,<br />

600hp Hurst wood waste boiler, and<br />

a Johnson gas boiler. In addition to<br />

these, they also use Yardmaster by<br />

Forestry Systems Inc. for their inventory<br />

software.<br />

With eight SII Dry Kilns, two of<br />

which were added in <strong>2023</strong>, boasting<br />

a monthly capacity of 400,000 board<br />

feet, Wolverine <strong>Hardwood</strong>s is at the<br />

forefront of kiln-drying expertise. Notably,<br />

they can also store up to 1.5<br />

million board feet of kiln-dried lumber<br />

and 2.5 million board feet of air-dried<br />

lumber. Quality is their utmost priority,<br />

reinforced by a dedicated team of<br />

five trained lumber inspectors who<br />

meticulously ensure that each board<br />

meets their standards. Additionally,<br />

they have installed fans in their<br />

sheds allowing them to reduce staining<br />

in their white woods. “In 2021 SII<br />

Dry Kilns installed fans in the back of<br />

one of our T-Sheds and it has really<br />

worked well to help us minimize stain<br />

in our white woods. It paid for itself<br />

within the first summer, so I recom-<br />

Please turn the page<br />

Pictured are SII Dry Kilns, kiln 7 and kiln 8 installed<br />

June, <strong>2023</strong> with 50,000-foot capacity each.<br />

Appalachian Kiln Dried<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Lumber<br />

Turman Mercer-Sawmills<br />

Hillsville, VA<br />

lee.daugherty@theturmangroup.com<br />

wil.brush@theturmangroup.com<br />

Turman Tye River, LLC<br />

Arrington, VA<br />

barry.largen@theturmangroup.com<br />

rc.conley@theturmangroup.com<br />

Turman Lumber-Salem<br />

Salem, VA<br />

ross.frazier@theturmangroup.com<br />

Appalachian Shipping Dry<br />

Lumber and Logs<br />

Turman Forest Products, Inc.<br />

Bedford, VA<br />

tfp@theturmangroup.com<br />

josh.bond@theturmangroup.com<br />



SALEM, VA<br />


www.theturmangroup.com<br />

50 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE 51


mend that to anybody,” Mallery added.<br />

Whether it's a one-man woodworking shop or a large<br />

manufacturer, Wolverine <strong>Hardwood</strong>s serves a diverse<br />

range of customers. “Primarily our customers are end<br />

users and manufacturers that buy truck load quantities<br />

but we also have customers who buy one pack at a time.<br />

About 50 percent of our sales are distribution quantities,<br />

one or two packs at a time and that’s why we started<br />

carrying plywood recently because people wanted one<br />

York Legacy Mill Inc.<br />

225 NEEDHAM ROAD<br />

PO BOX 117<br />

MARROWBONE, KY 42759<br />

PH: (270) 864-3134<br />

Specializing in Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Poplar • Red Oak • Soft Maple • Ash • Cherry<br />

Hickory • White Oak • Hard Maple • Walnut<br />

Located in<br />

South Central Kentucky<br />

Matthew York<br />

Owner<br />

Cell (270) 459-0294<br />

yorklegacymill@gmail.com<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

Erika York<br />

Sales Associate<br />

Cell (270) 459-2569<br />

Manufacturing quality Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> lumber, cants & railroad ties<br />

Cutting 4/4 through 8/4 thicknessses<br />

of lumber that are sold green<br />

Specializing in producing high grade<br />

White Oak lumber<br />

2 Mill Locations Grade & Cedar<br />

In House Transportation<br />

We Purchase Standing Timber &<br />

Land Tracts<br />

Rift and Quartersawn White Oak<br />

lumber being graded and stacked<br />

on the planer line.<br />

pack of Hard Maple lumber and<br />

then they wanted one pack of<br />

Hard Maple plywood and we have<br />

been doing that recently in the<br />

last year or two, so it’s quite new,”<br />

Mallery commented. In addition to<br />

their industrial operations, Wolverine<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s runs a retail outlet<br />

for local woodworkers. “We call it<br />

The Lumber Outlet that we have<br />

for walk-in customers who want to<br />

buy only one or two boards or one<br />

sheet of plywood and that’s led<br />

surprisingly into customers turning<br />

into regular big customers. We<br />

have several customers that buy<br />

half a unit at a time or even a full<br />

unit and they started out by just<br />

coming in to look at the lumber in<br />

the retail outlet.”<br />

Wolverine <strong>Hardwood</strong>s takes<br />

pride in producing premium northern<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s unique to their region.<br />

They cater to customers who<br />

demand top-notch lumber for their<br />

projects and ensure that quality,<br />

reliability, and a strong sense of<br />

community remain at the core of<br />

their operations. One of the hallmarks<br />

of Wolverine <strong>Hardwood</strong>s is<br />

their commitment to building relationships<br />

and understanding their<br />

customers' unique needs. It's not<br />

just about providing a quality product;<br />

it's about delivering it promptly<br />

Pictured is 4/4 Rift and Quartersawn<br />

White Oak lumber being planed on a<br />

Newman 282 24-inch planer.<br />

and reliably, said Mallery.<br />

The company is deeply involved<br />

in industry associations, holding<br />

memberships in <strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Lumber Association, Lake States<br />

Lumber Association, Indiana <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Lumbermen's Association,<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Manufacturers Association<br />

and Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong>.<br />

These affiliations highlight their commitment<br />

to staying updated with industry<br />

advancements. n<br />

Learn more at<br />

www.wolverinehardwoods.com.<br />


Continued from page 48<br />

ket and talked about the use of solid<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> in their bedroom designs.<br />

Bassett Furniture had great success<br />

with two groups in Oak and<br />

Maple. It expanded the BenchMade<br />

Collections and retailers placed orders,<br />

said Jeb Bassett, vice president.<br />

The company has increased<br />

its purchase of dimension parts and<br />

chairs. It completes assembly and<br />

finishing in Virginia.<br />

"It was said at this market that people<br />

traveled in 2022 and early <strong>2023</strong><br />

and spent disposable income there,"<br />

Please turn the page<br />

Nolan Mulder, a lumber buyer at Wolverine <strong>Hardwood</strong>s,<br />

jumps in to inspect the quality of incoming lumber on the<br />

green chain.<br />

Loading 4/4 Prime Soft Maple into one of two American Wood Dryers’<br />

kilns with 100,000 bd. ft. capacity per charge.<br />

Manufacturers of fine kiln dried<br />

Pennsylvania <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Offering 4/4 Red Oak, White Oak, Cherry, Soft Maple,<br />

Hard Maple, Tulip Poplar, Walnut and White Ash<br />

2253 State Rte. 227<br />

Pleasantville, PA 16341<br />

Phone: (814) 590-6730 • Fax: (814) 589-7831<br />


52 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


HIGH POINT MARKET Continued<br />

one company rep said. "Now they want to be comfortable<br />

at home and want new furnishings."<br />

Officials with Baker, Simply Amish and others who<br />

build quality bedroom and dining room learned from their<br />

retail buyers that consumers are looking more closely at<br />

species, build and origin. Kevin Kaufman, president of<br />

Simply Amish, said a new solid Walnut table with eight<br />

chairs that can be expanded to 10 was popular.<br />

Learn more at www.highpointmarket.org.<br />



Ryan Peterson – Sales Manager<br />

(715) 533-6193<br />

rpeterson@northernhardwoods.com<br />

Matt Grube<br />

(920) 740-9140<br />

mgrube@northernhardwoods.com<br />

Atlantic Mine, MI<br />

Newberry, MI<br />

www.northernhardwoods.com<br />

The report from low-mid and lower priced categories<br />

was not as robust as budgets for furniture purchases<br />

have shrunk. These consumers are spending more income<br />

on necessities.<br />

Imported pieces made in Vietnam and Malaysia were<br />

up slightly. There were also manufacturers from Poland,<br />

Turkey, Mexico and China showing at High Point. n<br />

The next HPMarket is set for<br />

April 13-17, 2024. For details, visit<br />

www.highpointmarket.org.<br />

2024 HARDWOOD<br />


Continued from page 22<br />

Tim Copeland<br />

Copeland Furniture<br />

Bradford, VT<br />

I expect prices to stay level or rise<br />

going into 2024.<br />

Contemporary furniture made of<br />

Walnut sold well for us throughout<br />

<strong>2023</strong>.<br />

I noticed that there was a growing<br />

interest in light Oak this year.<br />

Going into 2024, we plan on continuing<br />

to offer soft seating with<br />

exposed <strong>Hardwood</strong> frames and at<br />

least one new bedroom suit.<br />

We have not had many issues<br />

with transportation or logistics this<br />

year. These have been much improved<br />

since the end of Covid.<br />

We have continued to struggle in<br />

attracting and hiring new workers.<br />

Demand from our customers has<br />

not been particularly robust. We are<br />

responding to this by adding new<br />

products in new categories. s<br />

Darrel Jones<br />

CP&W Custom<br />

Millwork<br />

Benton, AR<br />

We believe the prices will remain<br />

about the same in 2024 as they<br />

were in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Hopefully we will see some of the<br />

species come back down a bit, making them a “Design<br />

Option” again.<br />

White Oak seems to be the specie<br />

that we saw more orders for throughout<br />

the year while Select and Better<br />

Maple seemed to just drop off the order<br />

forms.<br />

We did not really notice one specie<br />

being preferred over another. Paint<br />

grade products held strong for us<br />

just because most of our new construction<br />

projects are paint grade.<br />

Our CNC products will continue to<br />

be what we will push to sell in 2024.<br />

We can cut custom parts with the<br />

CNC for our customers, and we also<br />

offer “Custom Designed Cabinets”<br />

for ourselves and customers’ projects.<br />

Our door production helps to<br />

keep everyone moving and growing.<br />

We are constantly trying to add new<br />

designs or features to help set us<br />

apart from the choices the customers<br />

have in front of them.<br />

Our stock and deliveries have<br />

healed themselves through our<br />

sheet stock suppliers and cabinet<br />

accessories suppliers. It also helped<br />

to some extent by moving up to buy<br />

more items in bulk.<br />

We started to aggressively hire<br />

employees early/mid <strong>2023</strong>. We were<br />

able to find some good people to add<br />

to our workforce. We also began to<br />

challenge and mentor some others.<br />

We believe we have one of the best<br />

staffs on the floor that we have had<br />

in 23 years of business.<br />

It seems like all our suppliers are<br />

sitting in good positions to fill the<br />

current needs of production. We still<br />

see times, however, where we have<br />

caught our suppliers off guard, and it feels like we are<br />

right on their heels some weeks. To avoid this, we try and<br />

forecast out further.<br />

In our part of the country, “new construction” is still<br />

strong. Our customer base seems to still be busy, not<br />

like it was but, busy nevertheless. We will keep pushing<br />

to grow our customers’ business. s<br />

Please turn the page<br />

54 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

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Clayton Miller<br />

Aurora Timberland<br />

Bradford, ON<br />

I am looking at <strong>2023</strong> as a readjustment<br />

period to the wild ride of<br />

the two to three years that preceded<br />

it. Every person in the <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Quality Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong> Lumber<br />

1,200,000 B.F. Kiln Capacity<br />

Quentin Moss, KD-Lumber Sales/<br />

GR-Lumber Sales/Purchasing<br />

quentin@gfhardwoods.com<br />

9880 Clay County Hwy. Moss, TN 38575-6332<br />

PHONE: 1-800-844-3944 FAX: 1-931-258-3517<br />

www.gfhardwoods.com<br />

librium. These wild swings of lumber<br />

availability and prices are not sustainable.<br />

The wild swings also continue<br />

to open the door for competing<br />

products that are not real wood.<br />

There has been an uptick in demand<br />

heading into fall. End users<br />

continue to examine ways to improve<br />

their production methods and bottom<br />

line. Our best customers are the<br />

customers who are the most profitable.<br />

We are trying to work closely<br />

with customers to figure out product<br />

mixes that work best for their needs.<br />

In many cases it is about educating<br />

them on products that are out there<br />

that they aren’t buying, that they<br />

should buy.<br />

Many of our customers have started<br />

buying only odd lengths such<br />

as 9-foot only or 11-foot only, even<br />

4-foot to 5-foot lumber. We have<br />

always sold these products, but I<br />

would say demand for these lengths<br />

was up over 300 percent year over<br />

year.<br />

The best way we can raise demand<br />

and continue to grow is developing<br />

products that work best for our<br />

customers. Every year that passes<br />

we are buying less random width<br />

and random length loads. A vast malumber<br />

supply chain is starting to come to the realization<br />

that supply will likely never be what it was “pre-COVID”.<br />

The fourth quarter of <strong>2023</strong> it seemed that the supply and<br />

demand balance was on a razor’s edge. Based on how<br />

low demand was for many products, that is concerning.<br />

Lumber prices must go up, if they do not the viability of<br />

many producers is going to be difficult.<br />

If there is a sharp rebound in demand in both domestic<br />

and foreign markets to start 2024 the upward momentum<br />

of many species will accelerate.<br />

White Hard Maple and Red<br />

and White Oak I think will rebound<br />

in a big way in 2024.<br />

When overall demand slowed at<br />

the start of the year, we focused<br />

a lot of our energy on creating<br />

custom solutions for our customers<br />

throughout North America and<br />

Vietnam. We worked very closely<br />

with our great suppliers to offer<br />

products that were a little less<br />

available on the market or harder<br />

to do at a high level.<br />

We saw the greatest jump in<br />

8/4 FAS Poplar to our interior door<br />

customers in the United States<br />

and Canada. Width sorted 4/4<br />

Poplar, 5/4 Red Oak and 8/4 Red<br />

Oak were very big movers for us<br />

in Ontario and New York. Our biggest<br />

mover to Vietnam was Walnut<br />

and White Oak. Like so many<br />

others, Hard and Soft Maple<br />

were dogs through our distribution<br />

channels. The largest drop in<br />

volume we saw was in 4/4 No. 1<br />

Common Basswood.<br />

Walnut and White Oak were the<br />

hot items among high end millwork<br />

customers. The momentum<br />

for both species will remain strong<br />

throughout 2024, especially in<br />

Walnut.<br />

Aurora Timberland is going to<br />

continue to actively try and offer<br />

solutions to our customers that<br />

maximize their yield. Last January<br />

we moved our distribution<br />

center from Toronto to Alexandria,<br />

Ontario. Over the past six months we have seen very<br />

strong growth in our lift lot distribution to points in Eastern<br />

Canada. Our best new product in 2024 will be our great<br />

logistics network. Our growth will continue to be fueled<br />

by our ability to provide products to customers who love<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> lumber anywhere in the world.<br />

Luckily we have not had issues with transportation or<br />

logistics over the course of this past year.<br />

There is little doubt in my mind that the industry will<br />

never again reach the production<br />

levels of even five or six years ago.<br />

The reasons for this are many. Supply<br />

has been poor the second half of<br />

the year and demand has been flat,<br />

if not below average. We all need to<br />

find a point at which demand and<br />

supply can remain in relative equi-<br />



jority of what we do and what we want to do is to stock<br />

lumber that is going to move. We have to be intentional<br />

on how we buy. Every pack has a purpose, a destination,<br />

a specific customer in mind.<br />

Our customers are overall optimistic that 2024 will be<br />

a much better year in terms of demand for the products<br />

they make. The sense I get is that everyone feels that<br />

this year was a sort of cleansing of the system. Many are<br />

telling us that they expect a much better year ahead. s<br />

Please turn the page<br />

Producing Over<br />

90 Million Feet of Quality<br />

Appalachian and Northern<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s Annually!<br />

Buying Standing Timber and<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Logs Year Round!<br />


Ash, Cherry, Hard Maple,<br />

Red Oak, White Oak, Soft Maple<br />

and More!<br />

Wagner Lumber<br />

4060 Gaskill Road<br />

Owego, NY 13827<br />

607-687-5362<br />


Wagner <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Route 24<br />

Cayuta, NY 14824<br />

607-594-3321<br />

www.WAGNERLUMBER.com<br />

56 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


MERRICK 1/2 PAGE ISLAND 4.5625x7.50 IN<br />


Doug Settele<br />

Keiver-Willard<br />

Lumber Company<br />

Newburyport, MA<br />

MERRICK GROUP : Merrick <strong>Hardwood</strong>s •<br />

Somerset Pellet Fuel • Kentucky <strong>Hardwood</strong> Lumber<br />

Company, Inc. • Interstate <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.<br />

(606) 678-2842 • merrickhardwoods.com<br />

I expect prices to be similar in<br />

2024 to where they are now, depending<br />

on supply levels.<br />

Poplar, White Oak, Walnut and<br />

Douglas fir all have done well for us<br />

<br />

Merrick <strong>Hardwood</strong>s has few limits.<br />

Our Appalachian species are among the finest.<br />

Plus, with multiple facilities and large<br />

capacities, we can fill virtually any size order.<br />

Best of all, our advanced logistics<br />

enable us to reliably deliver to virtually every<br />

continent<br />

Trust Merrick to make<br />

a world of difference around the world.<br />

throughout <strong>2023</strong>. Cherry, Hickory, Birch, eastern white<br />

pine and Sapele however, seem to have been fairly quiet.<br />

All of the other species that we offer seem to have<br />

been steady.<br />

White Oak, rift and plainsawn were our preferred products<br />

this year.<br />

I anticipate that we will offer more specialty woods in<br />

2024.<br />

We have not had any issues with transportation or logistics<br />

this year.<br />

We have continued to struggle<br />

with retaining and attracting new<br />

employees. We offer competitive<br />

pay and benefits and it seems that<br />

we are always four to five people<br />

short in the mill and the yard.<br />

I wouldn’t really say that we are<br />

heavily affected by any supply and<br />

demand issues as I buy based on<br />

a rotation and my customers’ demands<br />

are what drive my buying<br />

amounts.<br />

Our customers seem to be<br />

steady at best in their demands. s<br />

Lita Abele<br />

US Lumber Inc.<br />

Woodbury Heights, NJ<br />

I anticipate that our lumber buying<br />

prices in 2024 will compare to<br />

what they were in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Throughout <strong>2023</strong> our lumber<br />

and plywood products sold well,<br />

while our <strong>Hardwood</strong> products did<br />

not sell as well. I noticed that over<br />

the course of <strong>2023</strong> we sold a lot of<br />

spruce and fir.<br />

Going into 2024, we will continue<br />

to produce and provide products<br />

that we know will move well.<br />

We have not noticed any issues<br />

when it comes to transportation and logistics.<br />

We have retained our employees by treating them like<br />

family and with respect. The CEO has an open-door policy<br />

for all employees. We also continue to provide benefits<br />

to our employees.<br />

US Lumber always has high demand from our clients.<br />

We are able to meet these high demands by having a<br />

24-hour turn around, delivering on Saturdays if needed<br />

and always providing good customer service. US Lumber<br />

is always there on the jobsite, whether it is large or<br />

small. s<br />

Kent Barnes<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Floors<br />

of Hillsboro<br />

Hillsboro, WI<br />

I believe we will be the same or<br />

slightly more in lumber purchases in<br />

2024 compared to <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Products that have sold well for<br />

us throughout <strong>2023</strong> were Red and<br />

White Oak and Maple. We struggled<br />

to sell Hickory and Walnut. I did notice<br />

that there was a preference towards<br />

White Oak over the course of<br />

the year.<br />

Availability of lumber will be key<br />

in the early and mid-parts of 2024<br />

when it comes to introducing new<br />

products.<br />

We have fortunately had zero<br />

transportation problems in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

We have started securing housing<br />

for our employees, which has<br />

helped retain our employees.<br />

Currently we have no supply issues,<br />

but we do believe it will happen<br />

in 2024; lumber for some items<br />

will be close to non-existent.<br />

Our customers are only buying<br />

hand to mouth. They are waiting for<br />

the sky to fall.<br />

We have lowered flooring prices<br />

on some items to move inventory,<br />

trying to motivate a sale! s<br />

Lumber prices have stayed low<br />

through <strong>2023</strong>. We anticipate this will<br />

likely increase in 2024 as the supply<br />

is low and demand is high.<br />

We offer Select Red Oak 2.25 and 3.25-inch unfin-<br />

Happy<br />

Holidays<br />

Thank you for<br />

a great <strong>2023</strong>!<br />

763-425-8700 | inquiries@midwesthardwood.com<br />

9540 83rd Avenue North, Maple Grove MN, 55369<br />

midwesthardwood.com<br />

Chris Murphy<br />

Missouri <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Products<br />

Brighton, MO<br />

Please turn the page<br />

58 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />



ished solid <strong>Hardwood</strong> flooring that sold very well for us<br />

on a distributor level and Hickory 3-inch and 4-inch on a<br />

retail level.<br />

Red Oak took off at the first of the year with a bang and<br />

has not slowed down.<br />

We are possibly looking into offering <strong>Hardwood</strong> pellets<br />

for heating in 2024.<br />

We have not had any logistic issues for <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Finding and retaining labor has been difficult this year.<br />

We have tried advertising in the paper, with online job<br />

Frank Miller half-island ad 10-03-17.pdf 1 10/3/17 1:08 PM<br />

sites, Facebook, posters and word of mouth. Our strict<br />

attendance policy has made it difficult retaining employees.<br />

We have increased wages and promotions within.<br />

Supply has been very low for our area due to low lumber<br />

prices. Loggers aren't cutting because they can't get<br />

what they want on pricing. Lumber yards aren't able to<br />

pay what the loggers want because by the time they sell<br />

to us, there isn't any room for profit.<br />

Red Oak is in huge demand from our customers. In<br />

order for us to keep getting the supply we need we are<br />

paying 10 cents per board foot<br />

above market pricing. We also<br />

are purchasing kiln-dried lumber<br />

to supplement our supply until our<br />

kilns open since we are running<br />

out of supply before they open.<br />

The lumber isn't able to sit in the<br />

yard as long as we would like it to,<br />

so it is having to stay in the kilns a<br />

bit longer. s<br />

Dan Cox<br />

Peach State Lumber<br />

Kennesaw, GA<br />

Lumber prices will increase in<br />

2024 with less production and<br />

inventory at the sawmills. Demand<br />

domestically will still be strong,<br />

especially in the Southwest and<br />

Southeast. We are still getting<br />

inquiries for large quotes to begin<br />

2024.<br />

The biggest movers in <strong>2023</strong><br />

were White Oak (4/4 through 8/4)<br />

and Poplar (4/4 through 12/4).<br />

Other items that increased from<br />

2022 were Hickory, Rift Sawn<br />

White Oak, and Quarter Sawn<br />

White Oak. Red Oak and Soft Maple<br />

were down for the year. Cherry<br />

was being requested more of late<br />

and I expect higher sales in 2024.<br />

White Oak was our most requested, especially wide<br />

and long. As mentioned, all grades and cuts were up significantly<br />

in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Panel products (both imported and domestic) will be<br />

on the increase in 2024 especially in high grade faces.<br />

Cypress is another species that we will increase in 2024.<br />

Transportation delays have decreased in <strong>2023</strong>. Loads<br />

are being delivered on a regular basis and on time.<br />

Inflation and cost of living has created havoc in our<br />

job market. Pressure to keep quality employees has increased<br />

payroll. We provide extensive benefits and paid<br />

time off to attract qualified workers and sales professionals.<br />

We expect more of the same in<br />

2024.<br />

Alternative products help address<br />

supply issues with our customers.<br />

Having a knowledgeable sales staff<br />

allows us to offer options when demand<br />

for limited species has been a<br />

problem.<br />

We have more new accounts that<br />

have been established this year over<br />

previous years. More customers<br />

are finding us on social media and<br />

through customer visits posted on<br />

social media. s<br />

Happy<br />

Holidays<br />

from<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Mike Williams<br />

Millwork 360<br />

Tampa, FL<br />

FAS Poplar pricing has been dropping<br />

most of the year and we anticipate<br />

5-10 percent increase in 2024.<br />

All other species represent 15 percent<br />

of our volume and we don’t expect<br />

much of an increase over today’s pricing with White<br />

Merry <strong>Christmas</strong><br />

and<br />

Happy New Year<br />

from<br />

www.awscontractorsinc.com<br />

Please turn the page<br />

A.W. STILES<br />


Lee Stiles Cell (931) 409-0144 n Email: lee@awscontractorsinc.com<br />

Casey Miller Cell (931) 607-7451 n Email: casey@awscontractorsinc.com<br />

Glenn Thompson Cell (615) 372-4261 n Email: glenn@awscontractorsinc.com<br />

Office: (931) 668-8768 n Fax: (931) 668-7327<br />

286 Bass Lane, McMinnville, TN 37110<br />

60 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />



Oak and Walnut prices increasing over the past three<br />

months.<br />

FAS Poplar, White Oak, and Select Cypress continue<br />

to be our biggest movers. Walnut has been steady; Nos.<br />

1 and 2 in Hard Maple has picked up a little this year.<br />

FAS Red Oak, Cherry and Soft Maple, however, have<br />

been slow.<br />

I noticed that FAS Flat Cut White Oak was preferred<br />

over the past year.<br />


While we will not be adding new products or services,<br />

we will be adding automated equipment to lower labor<br />

costs and be more competitive with current offering.<br />

Transportation and logistics have not posed a problem<br />

for us and I have noticed that truck freight has come<br />

down over the past six months and availability is better.<br />

We have been able to cover our labor needs. We have<br />

increased wages to stay competitive and attract quality<br />

employees.<br />

We have not had any supply issues that stand out,<br />

and our demand has been strong<br />

all year. Demand has been good<br />

all year, up 20 percent over 2022.<br />

We anticipate 2024 being steady<br />

with only a 10 percent increase in<br />

revenue. s<br />

what’s new (www.WhiteRiver.com).<br />

We ship LTL for outbound orders to our customers and<br />

have a good relationship with our drivers. Ocean freight<br />

has been good. Prices on transportation have also been<br />

good.<br />

We are actively looking for two or three skilled employees.<br />

They are out there but you have to have patience<br />

at times.<br />

We have not had any real issues with the supply chain,<br />

except with some machine parts coming from overseas.<br />

Our lead times are less than a week<br />

and transit for thousands of stock<br />

items. Lead times on custom items<br />

are three to four weeks. We work on<br />

some of the largest homes in America<br />

and pride ourselves on designing and<br />

developing some of the most exquisite<br />

interior millwork in America. s<br />

turers, as well as decking installers.<br />

Some sectors of our market like <strong>Hardwood</strong> plywood<br />

and millwork, including <strong>Hardwood</strong> moulding and S4S<br />

boards remain fairly steady, while others experienced<br />

a noteworthy decline in volume. Our decking business<br />

declined in <strong>2023</strong> and we anticipate that trend to stay the<br />

same into 2024. Decking surged during and immediately<br />

post Covid, but between high costs and a saturated mar-<br />

Please turn the page<br />

Patrick Lumber Company<br />

Over 100 Years in Business<br />

Est 1915<br />

Our Specialized Services Include:<br />

• Shipping Dry Lumber<br />

• Kiln Dried Lumber<br />

• Clear Strips<br />

• Surfacing-2-Sides (S2S)<br />

• Gang Ripping / Parallel Sawing<br />

• Straight Line Ripping<br />

• Optimized Cross Cut<br />

• Molding Millwork<br />

• Edged & Face Glued Products<br />

• End Matching (Cabinet Parts & Flooring)<br />

Wheeland Lumber Company, Inc.<br />

3558 Williamson Trail • Liberty, PA 16930-0965 USA<br />

P: 570-324-6042 • F: 570-324-2127<br />

Ben Johnson<br />

White River<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Fayetteville, AR<br />

We anticipate prices to stay<br />

steady in 2024.<br />

White Oak has been in high<br />

demand for us over the past year<br />

while we continue to run FAS<br />

Poplar as our daily <strong>Hardwood</strong> for<br />

production and stock mouldings.<br />

Other <strong>Hardwood</strong>s we run weekly<br />

are Cherry, Hard Maple and Mahogany.<br />

We anticipate that we will continue<br />

to introduce new products<br />

throughout 2024, which will be<br />

an exciting year for White River.<br />

Our new products range from<br />

wood to plaster materials offering<br />

hundreds of new SKUs. We introduce<br />

new products and services<br />

throughout the course of the year,<br />

please check our website to see<br />

Eric Boer<br />

Mason’s Mill<br />

& Lumber Co.<br />

Houston, TX<br />

<strong>2023</strong> started off pretty briskly for<br />

us and maintained steady activity<br />

through the first three quarters. We<br />

noted an overall decline in activity<br />

starting in our 4th quarter. This was<br />

expected as interest rates and inflation<br />

continue to take their toll on<br />

the construction market. There is<br />

still both residential and commercial<br />

building underway but it has cooled<br />

down from the robust market we saw<br />

emerge post Covid. Mason’s Mill &<br />

Lumber supplies the custom residential<br />

and commercial builder market,<br />

as well as the industrial trades that<br />

service that market including cabinet<br />

shops, custom door and window<br />

manufacturers and flooring manufac-<br />

Patrick Lumber Company is a secondary manufacturer and exporter of niche<br />

high-grade wood products sold to a network of worldwide distribution.<br />

Products:<br />

Doug Fir<br />

Western Red Cedar<br />

Southern Yellow Pine<br />

Western Hemlock<br />

Alaskan Yellow Cedar<br />

West Coast Softwoods<br />

West Coast <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Services:<br />

Remanufacturing<br />

Packaging & Transport<br />

Consultation<br />

Procurement<br />

33415 Noon Rd.,<br />

Philomath, OR 97370<br />

503-222-9671<br />

sales@patlbr.com<br />

Follow us on Instagram<br />

@Patricklumber<br />

patlbr.com<br />

2022 Impact Advertising • 22WLC-PFC-PA<strong>Hardwood</strong>s-ProgAd-Aug-B<br />

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RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />



Continued<br />

ket, the activity waned pretty significantly in <strong>2023</strong>. This<br />

applies to our tropical <strong>Hardwood</strong> decking lines, thermally<br />

modified decking as well as composites.<br />

White Oak and Poplar were and remain the steady<br />

items for us as we go into 2024, other species like<br />

Red Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, Alder, Cherry and<br />

Mahogany remained fairly flat throughout <strong>2023</strong>. Until<br />

design and architectural trends swing from paint grade<br />

(Poplar) and gray scale finishes (White Oak), we don’t<br />

anticipate much changing on that front. Our purchasing<br />

plans into 2024 will reflect that accordingly, with<br />

forward purchasing as necessary to keep the popular<br />

species well stocked and always in the pipeline.<br />

Due to our location, we’ve thankfully not experienced<br />

the labor shortages other areas of the country<br />

have dealt with. We have noted a dearth of experienced<br />

or skilled personnel when seeking new sales or<br />

middle management hires, however nationally, the labor<br />

market landscape has undergone a dramatic shift<br />

in recent years which I think will continue to be the<br />

case into 2024.<br />

We’ve always embraced new products and services<br />

that enhance our value to our customers. We added<br />

a prefinishing line in <strong>2023</strong> where we are offering<br />

factory coat prefinishing on our imported decking<br />

and thermally modified cladding and decking lines.<br />

We believe that our continued expansion into new<br />

products and services will continue to set us apart<br />

from our competitors.<br />

In summary, we are cautiously optimistic about 2024.<br />

We intend to run lean inventories where possible to enable<br />

us to react quickly to changing market conditions,<br />

but have sufficient stocks on hand to accommodate<br />

any customer’s prompt shipment needs. s<br />

is pretty stable: Hard Maple and Walnut represent the<br />

majority of their production with Red and White Oak following<br />

closely behind with other subspecies cut more<br />

sporadically. When Buskirk has nice large diameter<br />

logs for thick-stock cuts in these species we typically<br />

take it as thick-stock (up to 12/4) and is a vital part of<br />

our product mix. We also purchase green lumber from<br />

outside mills to supplement our own green production<br />

and to fill needs that we have outside of our own mill’s<br />

capabilities. Earlier this year Buskirk completed the installation<br />

of a brand new mill which has increased production<br />

volume and enhanced quality which will help us<br />

to meet demand from our customer base. We see this<br />

as a huge factor going into 2024 in a time where supply<br />

has been dwindling but now demand is stable or even<br />

increasing.<br />

While Hard Maple tried to sink us in <strong>2023</strong>, Walnut<br />

kept us afloat with steady demand for most thicknesses<br />

and grades. At the end of <strong>2023</strong> we are seeing a large<br />

uptick in Hard Maple demand as well as other species<br />

and we believe this will slowly continue into 2024.<br />

Hard Maple pricing was so low for so long in <strong>2023</strong> that<br />

it didn’t make sense to cut it at the sawmill level and<br />

most mills avoided the specie altogether which created<br />

a shortage. We are now seeing pricing rising to a level<br />

that makes financial sense which means we will now be<br />

able to get back to our normal procurement practices.<br />

In addition to green lumber we buy kiln-dried lumber<br />

as needed. We distribute in Michigan and stock items<br />

for our customers which we don’t produce ourselves,<br />

such as 4/4 SUP Alder. We will also source truckloads<br />

for customers who come to us looking for something<br />

that we don’t have in our inventory. We have a large<br />

network of kiln-dried suppliers who we maintain relationships<br />

with through visits, conventions, tradeshows,<br />

etc. and we connect the dots between our customers<br />

and our suppliers when called upon. This is a growing<br />

part of our business and something we enjoy doing as<br />

a help to our customers. s<br />

Robert S. Coleman<br />

Lumber Company<br />

Family owned and operated for over 70 years.<br />

Producing Fine Appalachian<br />

Lumber and Pallet Stock<br />

Green Lumber - 4/4 thru 8/4<br />

Yellow Poplar • Red Oak • White Oak<br />

Ash • Hickory • Soft Maple • Cherry<br />

Walnut • Gum • Beech<br />

Specializing in kiln-dried<br />

4/4 thru 8/4 Poplar (Tulipwood)<br />

Tyler Kamps<br />

Kamps <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Caledonia, MI<br />

Our purchasing plan for 2024 is largely based on<br />

what our sawmill, Buskirk Lumber Co., will be cutting<br />

and what the demand in the overall market is for.<br />

Our mill is our largest supplier and their species mix<br />

Merry <strong>Christmas</strong><br />

&<br />

Happy New Year<br />

Contact: Jamie Coleman<br />

7019 Everona Road • Culpeper, VA 22701<br />

Office: (540) 854-4628 • FAX: (540) 854-5096<br />

Email: jamie.coleman@hotmail.com<br />

www.rscolemanlumber.com<br />

64 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


INDUSTRY NEWS Continued from page 15<br />



WF Cabinetry Group (WF Cabinetry), a manufacturer<br />

of semi-custom wood kitchen and bath cabinetry that<br />

is backed by HCI Equity Partners (HCI), announced recently<br />

that it has acquired Woodharbor Molding & Millworks,<br />

Inc. (Woodharbor). Financial terms of the transaction<br />

were not disclosed.<br />

Based in Alexander City, AL, with additional operations<br />

in Wisconsin, WF Cabinetry is an independent provider<br />

of semi-custom cabinets throughout the South, Northeast<br />

and Midwest regions, going-to-market under the<br />

WF Cabinetry and Countryside Cabinets brands. They<br />

offer their cabinets in Maple, Cherry, Oak and Hickory.<br />

A family-founded business that began as a manufacturer<br />

of cabinets for government housing, WF Cabinetry<br />

has since evolved to become a leading manufacturer<br />

of cabinetry that meets the design, style and functional<br />

needs of professional designers and installers.<br />

Like WF Cabinetry, Woodharbor is a family-founded<br />

business that is based in Mason City, IA, and specializes<br />

in high quality, custom cabinetry and vanities to<br />

dealer customers, going-to-market under the Woodharbor<br />

and Breeze product lines. Following the acquisition,<br />

Curtis Lewerke, founder of Woodharbor, will remain involved<br />

with Woodharbor as a shareholder and board<br />

member of the broader WF Cabinetry platform.<br />

“Curtis, his management team and the entire Woodharbor<br />

organization have built one of the most respected<br />

brands in the cabinet industry and we are excited to<br />

have them as part of our team,” said Wally Cisowski,<br />

CEO of WF Cabinetry. “We look forward to continuing<br />

to provide the same exceptional quality cabinets that<br />

both WF Cabinetry and Woodharbor customers have<br />

come to expect.”<br />

“We are excited to expand the WF Cabinetry team<br />

through the company’s acquisition of Woodharbor,”<br />

said Scott Gibaratz, Partner at HCI. “We see strong<br />

alignment between the two companies’ cultures, familyfounded<br />

origins and long histories serving customers<br />

through high-quality product lines and are confident<br />

that Woodharbor will be a great partner as we achieve<br />

the next stage of growth for the WF Cabinetry platform.<br />

We look forward to working with Curtis Lewerke and his<br />

team at Woodharbor.”<br />

HCI Equity Partners is a lower market private equity<br />

firm focused on partnering with family and founderowned<br />

distribution, manufacturing and service companies.<br />

HCI is headquartered in Washington, DC. For<br />

more information, please visit www.hciequity.com.<br />

WF Cabinetry is a manufacturer of semi-custom cabinet<br />

and vanities with operations in Alexander City, AL<br />

and De Pere, WI. The company goes to market under<br />

the WF Cabinetry and Countryside product lines. For<br />

more information, please visit www.wfcabinetry.com<br />

and www.countrysidecabinets.com.<br />

United States Army Sergeant First Class (Ret.) Ian Prescott and<br />

family<br />



The <strong>National</strong> Wood Flooring Association (NWFA),<br />

headquartered in Chesterfield, MO, has provided flooring<br />

for its 71st home in support of the Gary Sinise Foundation<br />

R.I.S.E. program (Restoring Independence Supporting<br />

Empowerment). The R.I.S.E. program builds<br />

mortgage-free, custom, specially adapted smart homes<br />

for severely wounded veterans and first responders. The<br />

home dedication for United States Army Sergeant First<br />

Class (Ret.) Ian Prescott took place recently in Crestview,<br />

FL. Flooring for the project was donated by NWFA<br />

member Premiere Finishing & Coating.<br />

In 2018, while on patrol with his team and Afghan<br />

counterparts, SFC Prescott was shot by enemy forces.<br />

Suffering from heavy internal bleeding, doctors were<br />

forced to remove his left kidney, spleen, and portions<br />

of his pancreas, while repairing damage to his left lung,<br />

diaphragm and intestines. In addition, he had two shattered<br />

vertebras and his spinal cord was injured, resulting<br />

in paralysis from the waist down.<br />

“Following his initial surgeries, SFC Prescott returned<br />

to the U.S. and spent the remainder of his recovery<br />

at Brook Army Medical Center and then at Shepherd<br />

Center in Atlanta,” said NWFA President and CEO, Michael<br />

Martin. “During his years of military service, he<br />

was deployed 10 times to Afghanistan, Iraq, Colombia<br />

and Puerto Rico, and was awarded four Bronze Stars<br />

and one Purple Heart. We’re honored to partner with<br />

Premiere Finishing & Coating to provide beautiful wood<br />

floors for his new home.”<br />

In addition to the 71 homes already completed, NWFA<br />

currently is working with its members to source wood<br />

Please turn the page<br />


• 6 Sawmills producing 48,000,000’ of Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s 4/4 - 8/4<br />

• 900,000’ drying capacity<br />

• 2,500,000’ kiln dried Lumber Inventory<br />

• Species: Red & White Oak, Hard & Soft Maple,<br />

Poplar, Ash, Cherry, Hickory, Walnut and<br />

Aromatic Red Cedar<br />

• Export prep & container loading<br />

• A team of over 130 employees manufacturing<br />

Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Hugh Clark, President; Brandon Clark, Vice President; and<br />

Joseph Draper, Sales<br />

“From our Forest to your Facility”<br />

Brandon Clark<br />

bclark@clarklumbercompany.com<br />

Joseph Draper<br />

jdraper@clarklumbercompany.com<br />

Clark Lumber Company<br />

552 Public Well Road<br />

Red Boiling Springs, TN 37150<br />

Office: (615) 699-3497<br />

www.clarklumbercompany.com<br />

66 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


“Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong> Lumber and Flooring”<br />

Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong> Lumber<br />

24 Million ft. Annually of Bandsawn Lumber<br />

One Million ft. of Kiln Capacity • Planing Mill Facilities<br />

Straight Line Capability • Width Sorting<br />

On Site Container Loading<br />

Serving you from our facilities in Georgia and Tennessee.<br />

Quality Solid <strong>Hardwood</strong> and Engineered Flooring<br />

Buena Vista, GA – 75,000 sf Solid <strong>Hardwood</strong> Flooring<br />

Facility Producing 3/4, 2-1/4, 3-1/4, 4 and 5″<br />

Humidity Controlled Warehouses<br />

Newport, TN – 85,000 sf Engineered <strong>Hardwood</strong> Flooring<br />

Facility Producing 5/8, 2-1/4, 3-1/4, 4, 5, 6 and 7″<br />

in Red Oak, White Oak and Hickory<br />

Humidity Controlled Warehouses<br />

Owner/Partner - Roland Weaver (229) 649-9328<br />

V.P. of Sales – Kevin Cloer (423) 623-7382<br />

Flooring Sales/Lumber Purchasing – Bobby Cloer (423) 623-7382<br />

Oakcrest Lumber, Inc.<br />

Ph: (229) 649-9328 FAX: (229) 649-9585<br />

Email: oakcrest@windstream.net<br />

Website: www.oakcrestlumber.com<br />

JOSEY (JOCO) 2018 <strong>Christmas</strong> REV .qxp_Layout 1 11/19/18 2:42 PM Page 1<br />

JoCo Lumber, Inc. is a division of<br />

Josey Lumber Company, Inc.<br />

Tripp, Logan, and Joey Josey<br />

Our company offers:<br />

• 10,000,000 BF of annual production from<br />

our 6’ band headrig and 6’ band resaw.<br />

• Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Ash,<br />

Poplar and Cypress in 4/4 through 8/4<br />

thickness.<br />

• rough, surfaced, air-dried and kiln-dried<br />

lumber in random widths and lengths.<br />

• export prepping, container loading of logs and lumber,<br />

anti-stain dipping and end coating lumber.<br />

• 500,000 BF of dry kiln capacity.<br />

• 65,000 SF of enclosed warehouse for storage and loading of<br />

kiln-dried lumber.<br />

For Quality Appalachian Lumber Contact:<br />

JOsey Lumber COmpany, InC.<br />

JoCo Lumber, InC.<br />

476 Lees meadow rd. • p.O. Drawer 447<br />

scotland neck, nC 27874<br />

TeL: (252) 826-5614 • FaX: (252) 826-3461<br />

COnTaCT:<br />

emaIL: joseylbr3@gmail.com<br />

saLes: Logan Josey<br />

INDUSTRY NEWS Continued<br />

flooring for 11 additional R.I.S.E. homes in various stages<br />

of planning and construction. Currently, 153 NWFA<br />

member companies have donated product, logistics and<br />

installation services in locations throughout the United<br />

States, with a total value of more than $6.9 million. A<br />

list of all NWFA R.I.S.E. participating companies can be<br />

found at www.nwfa.org/giving-back.aspx.<br />

To learn more about the program, and how you and/<br />

or your company can get involved, contact the NWFA<br />

at 800.422.4556 or e-mail them at anita.howard@nwfa.<br />

org.<br />

The <strong>National</strong> Wood Flooring Association is a not-forprofit<br />

trade organization, with more than 3,200 member<br />

companies world-wide, dedicated to educating consumers,<br />

architects, designers, specifiers, and builders in the<br />

uses and benefits of wood flooring. The NWFA is located<br />

at 111 Chesterfield Industrial Boulevard, Chesterfield,<br />

MO 63005, and can be contacted at 800.422.4556 (USA<br />

& Canada), 636.519.9663 (local and international), or at<br />

www.nwfa.org.<br />




Despite elevated mortgage rates averaging above 7<br />

percent, single-family starts posted a solid gain, according<br />

to the most recent data available, as more buyers are<br />

turning to new homes because of a dearth of inventory in<br />

the resale market.<br />

Overall housing starts increased 7 percent in September<br />

to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.36 million<br />

units, according to a report from the U.S. Department of<br />

Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Census<br />

Bureau.<br />

The September reading of 1.36 million starts is the<br />

number of housing units builders would begin if development<br />

kept this pace for the next 12 months. Within<br />

this overall number, single-family starts increased 3.2<br />

percent to a 963,000 seasonally adjusted annual rate.<br />

However, single-family starts are 12.8 percent lower<br />

year-to-date due to higher interest rates. The multifamily<br />

sector, which includes apartment buildings and condos,<br />

increased 17.6 percent to an annualized 395,000 pace.<br />

On a regional and year-to-date basis, combined single-family<br />

and multifamily starts are 23.3 percent lower<br />

in the Northeast, 12.9 percent lower in the Midwest, 7.8<br />

percent lower in the South and 16.9 percent lower in the<br />

West.<br />

Overall permits decreased 4.4 percent to a 1.47 million<br />

unit annualized rate in September. Single-family permits<br />

increased 1.8 percent to a 965,000 unit rate. Single-<br />

family permits are down 13.4 percent year-to-date. Multifamily<br />

permits decreased 14.3 percent to an annualized<br />

508,000 pace.<br />

Looking at regional permit data on a year-to-date basis,<br />

permits are 22.3 percent lower in the Northeast, 16.6<br />

percent lower in the Midwest, 12.7 percent lower in the<br />

South and 17.6 percent lower in the West.<br />

The number of apartments under construction is near<br />

1 million units and will be falling in the months ahead.<br />



The Biden-Harris Administration announced the U.S.<br />

Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service is making<br />

nearly $50 million in grant funding available for proposals<br />

that support crucial links between resilient, healthy<br />

forests, strong rural economies and jobs in the forestry<br />

sector. Made possible by President Biden’s Investing in<br />

America agenda, this funding will create new markets for<br />

wood products and renewable wood energy, expand processing<br />

capacity and help tackle the climate crisis.<br />

The open funding opportunity comes through the Forest<br />

Service’s three key grant programs to support the forest<br />

products economy: Wood Innovations Grant, Community<br />

Wood Grant and Wood Products Infrastructure<br />

Assistance Grant Programs. The agency is seeking proposals<br />

that support innovative uses of wood in the construction<br />

of low carbon buildings, as a renewable energy<br />

source and in manufacturing and processing products.<br />

These programs also provide direct support to expand<br />

and retrofit wood energy systems and wood products<br />

manufacturing facilities nationwide.<br />

These investments will support forest management<br />

projects to improve forest health and reduce wildfire<br />

risk across all land ownerships. Byproducts of these activities,<br />

like small diameter timber and woody biomass,<br />

have historically been of little market value. Thanks in<br />

part to these Forest Service grant programs, funding is<br />

available to support the use of this often-unused material<br />

in many types of wood products.<br />

Visit fs.usda.gov for more information on funding for<br />

the Wood Innovations, Community Wood and Wood<br />

Products Infrastructure Assistance Grant Programs.<br />




Jackson Morrill, president and CEO of the American<br />

Wood Council, located in Washington, DC, recently<br />

joined leaders of over 70 other trade groups representing<br />

diverse businesses across the economy in urging the<br />

Please turn the page<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber<br />

To our customers, we offer:<br />

• Ash • Cottonwood • Cypress • Gum<br />

• Poplar • Red Oak • White Oak<br />

• Cedar • Cherry • Hickory<br />

• Mixed <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

From these species, we manufacture:<br />

• All Grades of Lumber<br />

• Railroad Ties & Industrial Timbers<br />

• Cants<br />

• Green Lumber, AD & KD Available<br />

• S2S AD Framestock<br />

• S4S KD Custom Moulding/Flooring<br />

• Offering Custom Cuts to Meet Specs<br />

Cutting 4/4, 5/4 and 6/4<br />

Sales<br />

Eugene Hall<br />

Jessica Fly<br />

Ann Sykes<br />

2178 Hwy. 7 North<br />

Grenada, MS 38901<br />

eugene@flytimber.com<br />

jessica@flytimber.com<br />

ann@flytimber.com<br />

Phone: (662) 226-2276<br />

Fax: (662) 226-8353<br />

www.flytimber.com<br />

flytimber@gmail.com<br />

68 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


“Looking for Premium Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong>?<br />

Harold White Lumber, Inc. is the supplier<br />

you can trust!”<br />

HAROLD WHITE 2016-2.indd 5<br />

HWL<br />


Founded in 1968 by Harold White, we offer:<br />

• Bandsawn lumber<br />

• Excellent color and texture<br />

• 500,000 b.f. kiln capacity<br />

• Planing mill facility<br />

• On-site container loading<br />

• Dimension plant specializing in paneling, flooring,<br />

casing, doors and finger-joints<br />

For lumber and prompt worldwide shipping,<br />

contact Ray White: rwhite@haroldwhitelumber.com<br />

For dimension and/or millwork requests,<br />

contact Lee White: lwhite@haroldwhitelumber.com.<br />

Harold White Lumber, Inc.<br />

2920 Flemingsburg Road<br />

Morehead, KY 40351<br />

(606) 784-7573 phone<br />

(606) 784-2624 fax<br />

www.haroldwhitelumber.com<br />

Connecting North American<br />

Forest Products Globally<br />


@millerwoodtradepub<br />

www.millerwoodtradepub.com<br />

6/6/16 2:40 PM<br />

INDUSTRY NEWS Continued<br />

Biden administration to maintain the existing <strong>National</strong><br />

Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for fine particulate<br />

matter (PM2.5). In a letter to White House Chief<br />

of Staff Jeff Zients, the organizations warned that moving<br />

forward with the Environmental Protection Agency’s<br />

(EPA) proposed revisions would jeopardize American<br />

jobs and risk substantial economic harm.<br />

The proposed revisions to the standard “would risk<br />

jobs and livelihoods by making it even more difficult to<br />

obtain permits for new factories, facilities and infrastructure<br />

to power economic growth,” the groups wrote. “This<br />

proposal would also threaten successful implementation<br />

of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the CHIPS<br />

and Science Act, and the important clean energy provisions<br />

of the Inflation Reduction Act. Our members have<br />

innovated and worked with regulators to significantly<br />

lower PM2.5 emissions and further progress is being<br />

made as part of the energy transition investments.”<br />

The letter emphasized the effectiveness of the current<br />

standards which have led to a 42 percent decline in<br />

PM2.5 concentrations since 2000, according to government<br />

data. In fact, the EPA reaffirmed only two years ago<br />

that the current standards are protective of public health<br />

and the environment. Now, without significant new health<br />

information, the agency is proposing revisions that will<br />

have dramatic effects on the U.S. economy.<br />

A recent Oxford Economic analysis commissioned by<br />

the <strong>National</strong> Association of Manufacturers found that the<br />

proposed standard would reduce U.S. GDP by nearly<br />

$200 billion and cost as many as one million American<br />

jobs through 2031.<br />

“Lowering the current standard so dramatically would<br />

create a perverse disincentive for American investment,”<br />

the letter reads. “EPA’s proposal could force investment<br />

in new facilities to foreign countries with less stringent<br />

air standards, thereby undermining the Administration’s<br />

economic and environmental goals. We urge you to ensure<br />

EPA maintains the existing fine particulate matter<br />

standards to ensure both continued environmental protection<br />

and economic growth.” n<br />

RAHC UPDATE Continued from page 16<br />

Heading into the New Year<br />

While <strong>2023</strong> has largely been a success in reaching<br />

consumers and promoting American <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, the<br />

RAHC is hard at work making plans to expand its focus<br />

to reach the architecture and design community. In<br />

2024, the RAHC is looking to develop continuing education<br />

units, exhibit and speak at design/build tradeshows,<br />

and host student design competitions.<br />

But, achieving these ambitious<br />

goals, while building upon previous<br />

success, can only happen with<br />

the continued support of the entire<br />

industry. To learn more about the<br />

RAHC, sign up for email updates,<br />

and contribute toward the initiative,<br />

visit RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.<br />

com/industry. n<br />


Continued from page 18<br />

•competition for market share of<br />

non-wood and “look-alike” materials<br />

•lack of familiarity with full performance<br />

potential of U.S. <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

•the need to achieve a better balance<br />

between market demand<br />

and species availability by focusing<br />

on underutilized species like<br />

Red Oak, Cherry, Maple, and Tulipwood<br />

•lack of technical knowledge,<br />

awareness, and data on structural/exterior<br />

design opportunities for<br />

U.S. <strong>Hardwood</strong>s (CLT, TMT, LVL,<br />

etc.)<br />

•benefits of U.S. <strong>Hardwood</strong>s in<br />

meeting environmental regulations<br />

Our target audience falls into<br />

three main categories: <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

traders and importers, <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Please turn the page<br />

Tel: (989) 593-2552<br />

Fax: (989) 593-2329<br />

Website: www.devereauxsawmill.com<br />

Sharing with you the Glory, the Wonder<br />

and the Miracle of this Holy Season.<br />

Have a Blessed <strong>Christmas</strong> and New Year.<br />

Bingaman & Son Lumber, Inc.<br />

1195 Creek Mountain Road<br />

Kreamer, PA 17833 · (570) 374-1108<br />

Merry <strong>Christmas</strong>!<br />

FACILITIES: Distribution Yard • Dry Kilns • Own Trucks • S-382<br />

Newman Whitney Planer • Diehl Straight Line Rip • Whitney DS-802<br />



Call (574) 753-3151 or (800) 536-3151<br />

FAX: (574) 753-2525 or (800) 536-2526<br />

Logansport, Indiana 46947<br />

colehardwood.com<br />

brian@colehardwood.com<br />

BingamanLumber.com/NH12<br />

70 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE 71<br />

from<br />

Sawmill, Inc.<br />

2872 N. Hubbardston Road<br />

P.O. Box 67<br />

Pewamo, MI 48873<br />

At Devereaux Sawmill, Inc., we take great pride in our history which is based<br />

on integrity, honesty, and hard work, and great people!

Carl Rosenberry & Sons Lumber, Inc.<br />

Celebrating over 100 Years in Business!<br />

7446 Path Valley Road Fort Loudon, PA 17224<br />

FAX: (717) 349-2044 Phone: (717) 349-2289<br />

www.rosenberrylumber.com<br />

Email inquiries to Jackie Kriner at<br />

jackie@rosenberrylumber.com<br />

Fine Pennsylvania <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

75% Red and White Oak<br />

Maintaining 700,000’ K.D. Inventory and<br />

1,000,000 bd. ft. of Green and Air Dried lumber<br />

300,000 bd. ft. Kiln Capacity • Annual Production 7,000,000’<br />

J.W. McKittrick Lumber Company<br />

P.O. Box 2004<br />

Camden, South Carolina 29020<br />

Tel: (803) 432-4108 • Fax: (803) 432-4915<br />

E-mail: mcklumbr@bellsouth.net<br />

www.mckittricklumber.com<br />

SALES: Jack McKittrick and Cliff McKittrick<br />

Warmest Wishes for a Happy Holiday<br />

Season from all of us at<br />

J.W. McKittrick Lumber Company<br />

We’d like to thank all of our customers<br />

and lumber suppliers who have helped us<br />

through the years.<br />

For those in need of fine Appalachian and/or<br />

Southern <strong>Hardwood</strong> lumber in<br />

4/4 through 8/4 thickness (green or kiln dried)<br />

in all grades, please contact us.<br />

We can furnish you with<br />

Southern Yellow Pine lumber as well.<br />


Continued<br />

manufacturers, and decision makers<br />

like architects, engineers, and designers<br />

– the “specifiers”. Although<br />

our program is not aimed specifically<br />

at consumers AHEC is increasingly<br />

reaching this target audience<br />

through increased social media activity<br />

and publicity in the consumer<br />

press.<br />

AHEC events in 2024 and beyond<br />

will continue to incorporate design<br />

projects and creative marketing to<br />

give American <strong>Hardwood</strong>s a highprofile<br />

showcase and promote underutilized<br />

species and new technologies.<br />

An environmental life cycle<br />

analysis is also conducted on all of<br />

our marketing projects to continue to<br />

promote the sustainability benefits<br />

of using American <strong>Hardwood</strong>. Keep<br />

an eye out for AHEC events next<br />

year and stay up to date through our<br />

website: www.ahec.org. n<br />

Mail running<br />

slowwwwwwww?<br />

We can’t control mail delays so we are speeding up the way you can get your next<br />

issue. Scan and sign-up to get all 13 digital issues FREE and delivered directly to<br />

your inbox.<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> keeps YOU informed about <strong>Hardwood</strong> sawmill production, lumber<br />

distribution and consumption of apprearance grade <strong>Hardwood</strong>s throughout North America.<br />

NHLA: WHY KNOT...<br />

Continued from page 20<br />

Connecting North American Forest Products Globally<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Hardwood</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

www.nationalhardwoodmag.com<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong> Purchasing Handbook<br />

www.hardwoodpurchasinghdbk.com<br />

Greenbook’s <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Marketing Directory<br />

www.millerwoodtradepub.com<br />

Greenbook’s Softwood<br />

Marketing Directory (on-line only)<br />

www.millerwoodtradepub.com<br />

Forest Products Export Directory<br />

www.forestproductsexport.com<br />

P.O. Box 34908, Memphis, TN 38184-0908<br />

(800) 844-1280 or (901) 372-8280<br />

Imported Wood Purchasing Guide<br />

www.importedwoodpurchasing.com<br />

Import/Export Wood Purchasing News<br />

www.woodpurchasingnews.com<br />

The Softwood Forest Products Buyer<br />

www.softwoodbuyer.com<br />

The Softwood Forest Products Buyer<br />

Special NAWLA Edition<br />

www.softwoodbuyer.com<br />

Forest Products Stock Exchange<br />

(on-line only)<br />

www.millerwoodtradepub.com<br />


www.millerwoodtradepub.com<br />

info@millerwoodtradepub.com<br />

This January, we start a New<br />

Year and celebrate the beginning of<br />

a new NHLA. We have a staff with<br />

optimism, ambition, motivation, experience,<br />

resiliency, commitment,<br />

and a strong work ethic. Get ready<br />

because next year won't be a holiday.<br />

Expect some hard work, tough<br />

times, and disappointment, but also<br />

great successes, new drive, high<br />

ideals, fresh views, and a chance to<br />

improve.<br />

If you follow our vision and participate,<br />

you will find your business will<br />

profit from the ventures that we put<br />

forward. Our commitment is to you.<br />

When we look good, you look good;<br />

believe me, we look good, sports<br />

jackets and all.<br />

Why Knot Enjoy The Holiday, Because<br />

The Work Is Just Beginning n<br />

Scan this QR code with your<br />

camera phone to sign-up.<br />

72 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />



<strong>2023</strong><br />

Buyer’s Guide<br />


BLANKS<br />

Banks <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc.............................11<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

Logs 2 Lumber 2 You...............................47<br />

Lussier, Simon, Ltd...................................35<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................52<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />

Tigerton Lumber Co................................12<br />



Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................52<br />

Stoltzfus Forest Products, LLC..............32<br />

The Turman Group...................................49<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />

Volner Sawmill, Inc...................................48<br />


Cardin Forest Products LLC..................IFC<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

Maine Woods Company LLC.................62<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />


Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................52<br />

Patrick Lumber Company......................61<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />

White, Harold, Lumber, Inc....................68<br />


Cardin Forest Products LLC..................IFC<br />

HHP, Inc........................................................37<br />

Josey Lumber Co., Inc.............................66<br />

Lumber Resources Inc............................... 1<br />

Pennsylvania <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Co................51<br />

Stoltzfus Forest Products, LLC..............32<br />


Cardin Forest Products LLC..................IFC<br />

Clark Lumber Co.......................................65<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

GF <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc...................................54<br />

Kepley-Frank <strong>Hardwood</strong> Co., Inc........... 8<br />

Maine Woods Company, LLC................62<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................52<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

Stoltzfus Forest Products, LLC..............32<br />

The Turman Group...................................49<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />

Tigerton Lumber Co................................12<br />

Volner Sawmill, Inc...................................48<br />

White, Harold, Lumber, Inc....................68<br />

York Legacy Mill Inc.................................50<br />



Cardin Forest Products LLC..................IFC<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

Patrick Lumber Company......................61<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />


PARTS<br />

Atlanta <strong>Hardwood</strong> Corp.........................69<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

Lumber Resources Inc............................... 1<br />

Lussier, Simon, Ltd...................................35<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

O’Shea Lumber Co..................................... 2<br />

Wheeland Lumber Co., Inc....................60<br />

Yoder Lumber............................................41<br />


Bohlke, M., Veneer Corp.........................13<br />

Devereaux Sawmill, Inc..........................69<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

Maine Woods Company LLC.................62<br />

Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................52<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

Wagner Lumber Co..................................55<br />


Banks <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc.............................11<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Graf Brothers Flooring & Lumber........17<br />

Logs 2 Lumber 2 You...............................47<br />

Lumber Resources Inc............................... 1<br />

McClain Forest Products LLC.................. 2<br />

Merrick <strong>Hardwood</strong>s.................................56<br />

Oakcrest Lumber, Inc...............................66<br />

74 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

Patrick Lumber Company......................61<br />

Springcreek Flooring................................. 2<br />

Stoltzfus Forest Products, LLC..............32<br />

The Turman Group...................................49<br />

Tigerton Lumber Co................................12<br />

Wheeland Lumber Co., Inc....................60<br />

Yoder Lumber............................................41<br />


Hartzell <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc..........................33<br />

Maine Woods Company LLC.................62<br />

Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................52<br />

Patrick Lumber Company......................61<br />

Pennsylvania <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Co................51<br />

The Turman Group...................................49<br />

Wheeland Lumber Co., Inc....................60<br />


(Appalachian <strong>Hardwood</strong>s)<br />

Abenaki Timber Corp............................. BC<br />

Atlanta <strong>Hardwood</strong> Corp.........................69<br />

Baillie Lumber Co......................................43<br />

Cardin Forest Products LLC..................IFC<br />

Clark Lumber Co.......................................65<br />

Coleman, Robert S., Lumber<br />

Co., Inc.......................................................63<br />

Cramer, W.M., Lumber Co.......................46<br />

Cummings Lumber Co., Inc..................... 3<br />

Dickerson Lumber Company...............36<br />

Dunaway Timber Co., Inc.......................38<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Frank Miller Lumber Co., Inc.................58<br />

GF <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc...................................54<br />

Graf Brothers Flooring & Lumber........17<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

GreenTree Forest Products, Inc............21<br />

Hartzell <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc..........................33<br />

Hermitage <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Lumber Sales, Inc...................................53<br />

Josey Lumber Co., Inc.............................66<br />

Kepley-Frank <strong>Hardwood</strong> Co., Inc........... 8<br />

Legacy Wood Products LLC.................... 2<br />

Logs 2 Lumber 2 You...............................47<br />

Lussier, Simon, Ltd...................................35<br />

McClain Forest Products LLC.................. 2<br />

McKittrick, J.W., Lumber Co...................70<br />

Merrick <strong>Hardwood</strong>s.................................56<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

MO PAC Lumber Company...................44<br />

Neff Lumber Mills, Inc.............................64<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

Oakcrest Lumber, Inc...............................66<br />

O’Shea Lumber Co..................................... 2<br />

Pennsylvania <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Co................51<br />

Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd..........................39<br />

RAM Forest Products, Inc.......................42<br />

RJ Lumber LLC...........................................40<br />

Rosenberry, Carl, & Sons<br />

Lumber Inc...............................................70<br />

Stoltzfus Forest Products, LLC..............32<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

The Turman Group...................................49<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />

Volner Sawmill, Inc...................................48<br />

Wagner Lumber Co..................................55<br />

Wheeland Lumber Co., Inc....................60<br />

White, Harold, Lumber, Inc....................68<br />

Yoder Lumber............................................41<br />

York Legacy Mill Inc.................................50<br />

(Canadian <strong>Hardwood</strong>s)<br />

Lumber Resources Inc............................... 1<br />

Lussier, Simon, Ltd...................................35<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd..........................39<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

(Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s)<br />

Abenaki Timber Corp............................. BC<br />

American Lumber Co..............................45<br />

Atlanta <strong>Hardwood</strong> Corp.........................69<br />


Baillie Lumber Co......................................43<br />

Banks <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc.............................11<br />

Bingaman & Son Lumber, Inc...............69<br />

Cole <strong>Hardwood</strong>, Inc.................................69<br />

Cramer, W.M., Lumber Co.......................46<br />

Cummings Lumber Co., Inc..................... 3<br />

Deer Park Lumber, Inc.............................FC<br />

Devereaux Sawmill, Inc..........................69<br />

Frank Miller Lumber Co., Inc.................58<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

Hartzell <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc..........................33<br />

Hermitage <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Lumber Sales, Inc...................................53<br />

Lussier, Simon, Ltd...................................35<br />

Maine Woods Company LLC.................62<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

MO PAC Lumber Company...................44<br />

Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................52<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

O’Shea Lumber Co..................................... 2<br />

Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd..........................39<br />

RAM Forest Products, Inc.......................42<br />

RJ Lumber LLC...........................................40<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

Tigerton Lumber Co................................12<br />

Wagner Lumber Co..................................55<br />

Wheeland Lumber Co., Inc....................60<br />

Yoder Lumber............................................41<br />

(Northeastern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s)<br />

Abenaki Timber Corp............................. BC<br />

HHP, Inc........................................................37<br />

Lumber Resources Inc............................... 1<br />

Lussier, Simon, Ltd...................................35<br />

Maine Woods Company LLC.................62<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd..........................39<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

Wagner Lumber Co..................................55<br />

76 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE<br />

(Southern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s)<br />

Baillie Lumber Co......................................43<br />

Cramer, W.M., Lumber Co.......................46<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Hermitage <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Lumber Sales, Inc...................................53<br />

McKittrick, J. W., Lumber Co..................70<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

Oakcrest Lumber, Inc...............................66<br />

O’Shea Lumber Co..................................... 2<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

Yoder Lumber............................................41<br />

(South Central <strong>Hardwood</strong>s)<br />

Baillie Lumber Co......................................43<br />

Cramer, W.M., Lumber Co.......................46<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

York Legacy Mill Inc.................................50<br />

(Walnut)<br />

Abenaki Timber Corp............................. BC<br />

Baillie Lumber Co......................................43<br />

Cardin Forest Products LLC..................IFC<br />

Clark Lumber Co.......................................65<br />

Cramer, W.M., Lumber Co.......................46<br />

Devereaux Sawmill, Inc..........................69<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Frank Miller Lumber Co., Inc.................58<br />

GF <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc...................................54<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

Hartzell <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc..........................33<br />

Hermitage <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Lumber Sales, Inc...................................53<br />

Legacy Wood Products LLC.................... 2<br />

Logs 2 Lumber 2 You...............................47<br />

Lussier, Simon, Ltd...................................35<br />

McClain Forest Products LLC.................. 2<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

MO PAC Lumber Company...................44<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

O’Shea Lumber Co..................................... 2<br />

Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd..........................39<br />

RJ Lumber LLC...........................................40<br />

Stoltzfus Forest Products, LLC..............32<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />


(Aromatic Red Cedar)<br />

Clark Lumber Co.......................................65<br />

Cramer, W.M., Lumber Co.......................46<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

Legacy Wood Products LLC ................... 2<br />

McClain Forest Products LLC.................. 2<br />

MO PAC Lumber Company...................44<br />

O’Shea Lumber Co..................................... 2<br />

Patrick Lumber Company......................61<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

(Cypress)<br />

Cramer, W. M., Lumber Co.....................46<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Josey Lumber Co., Inc. ...........................66<br />

Patrick Lumber Company......................61<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />

Volner Sawmill, Inc...................................48<br />

(White Pine)<br />

Baillie Lumber Co......................................43<br />

Cramer, W.M., Lumber Co.......................46<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

Lumber Resources Inc............................... 1<br />

Lussier, Simon, Ltd...................................35<br />

O’Shea Lumber Co..................................... 2<br />

Patrick Lumber Company......................61<br />

Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd..........................39<br />

Rosenberry, Carl, & Sons<br />

Lumber Inc...............................................70<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

The Turman Group...................................49<br />

(Yellow Pine)<br />

O’Shea Lumber Co..................................... 2<br />

Patrick Lumber Company......................61<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />


NWH..............................................................23<br />

Patrick Lumber Company......................61<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />


Abenaki Timber Corp............................. BC<br />

American Lumber Co..............................45<br />

Bohlke, M., Veneer Corp.........................13<br />

Cramer, W.M., Lumber Co.......................46<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

Logs 2 Lumber 2 You...............................47<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

Newman Lumber Co...............................19<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

O’Shea Lumber Co..................................... 2<br />

OHC | Overseas <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Company.................................................... 7<br />

Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd..........................39<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

(Mahogany)<br />

Bohlke, M., Veneer Corp.........................13<br />

Cramer, W.M., Lumber Co.......................46<br />

Logs 2 Lumber 2 You...............................47<br />

Lussier, Simon, Ltd...................................35<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

Newman Lumber Co...............................19<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

OHC | Overseas <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Company.................................................... 7<br />

Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd..........................39<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />


& TRIM<br />

Atlanta <strong>Hardwood</strong> Corp.........................69<br />

Banks <strong>Hardwood</strong> Inc...............................11<br />

Cardin Forest Products LLC..................IFC<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

OHC | Overseas <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Company.................................................... 7<br />

Patrick Lumber Company......................61<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

Wheeland Lumber Co., Inc....................60<br />

White, Harold, Lumber, Inc....................68<br />

PALLETS –<br />



Cardin Forest Products LLC..................IFC<br />

Clark Lumber Co.......................................65<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />

Dickerson Lumber Company...............36<br />

Dunaway Timber Co., Inc.......................38<br />

GF <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc...................................54<br />

GreenTree Forest Products, Inc............21<br />

HHP, Inc........................................................37<br />

Josey Lumber Co., Inc.............................66<br />

Kepley-Frank <strong>Hardwood</strong> Co., Inc........... 8<br />

Lumber Resources Inc............................... 1<br />

Lussier, Simon, Ltd...................................35<br />

Maine Woods Company LLC.................62<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

Neff Lumber Mills, Inc.............................64<br />

Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................52<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

Oakcrest Lumber, Inc...............................66<br />

RJ Lumber LLC...........................................40<br />

Stoltzfus Forest Products, LLC..............32<br />

The Turman Group...................................49<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />

Tigerton Lumber Co................................12<br />

Volner Sawmill, Inc...................................48<br />

Wagner Lumber Co..................................55<br />

White, Harold, Lumber, Inc....................68<br />

Yoder Lumber............................................41<br />

York Legacy Mill Inc.................................50<br />


Atlanta <strong>Hardwood</strong> Corp.........................69<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

Wheeland Lumber Co., Inc....................60<br />


(Curved, Flat &<br />

Marine Grade)<br />

Atlanta <strong>Hardwood</strong> Corp.........................69<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

OHC | Overseas <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Company.................................................... 7<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />


Baillie Lumber Co......................................43<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />

RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry<br />


Cardin Forest Products LLC..................IFC<br />

Clark Lumber Co.......................................65<br />

Dunaway Timber Co., Inc.......................38<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Maine Woods Company LLC.................62<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

Pennsylvania <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Co................51<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />

Tigerton Lumber Co................................12<br />

Volner Sawmill, Inc...................................48<br />

York Legacy Mill Inc.................................50<br />


Baillie Lumber Co......................................43<br />

Banks <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc.............................11<br />

Devereaux Sawmill, Inc..........................69<br />

Frank Miller Lumber Co., Inc.................58<br />

Graf Brothers Flooring & Lumber........17<br />

Granite Valley Forest Products.............67<br />

Hartzell <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Inc..........................33<br />

Lussier, Simon, Ltd...................................35<br />

Midwest <strong>Hardwood</strong> Company.............57<br />

NWH..............................................................23<br />

OHC | Overseas <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Company.................................................... 7<br />

RJ Lumber LLC...........................................40<br />

Sweeney <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................34<br />

Wagner Lumber Co..................................55<br />

78 CHRISTMAS <strong>2023</strong> n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE<br />


Automation & Electronics USA............15<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Nyle Dry Kilns............................................... 9<br />

Real American <strong>Hardwood</strong><br />

Coalition...................................................10<br />

Stiles, A.W., Contractors, Inc..................59<br />

TS Manufacturing.....................................14<br />


Baillie Lumber Co......................................43<br />

Lumber Resources Inc............................... 1<br />

Newman Lumber Co...............................19<br />

Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................52<br />


Lumber Resources Inc............................... 1<br />


BEAMS<br />

Coleman, Robert S., Lumber<br />

Co., Inc.......................................................63<br />

Fly Tie & Lumber Co.................................67<br />

Josey Lumber Co., Inc.............................66<br />

Patrick Lumber Company......................61<br />

Quality <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Ltd..........................39<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />

Yoder Lumber............................................41<br />


STAKES, ETC.<br />

Lumber Resources Inc............................... 1<br />

Neff Lumber Mills, Inc.............................64<br />

OHC | Overseas <strong>Hardwood</strong>s<br />

Company.................................................... 7<br />

The Turman Group...................................49<br />


Bohlke, M., Veneer Corp.........................13<br />


Baillie Lumber Co......................................43<br />

Bohlke, M., Veneer Corp.........................13<br />

Dickerson Lumber Company...............36<br />

Frank Miller Lumber Co., Inc.................58<br />

GF <strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc...................................54<br />

Graf Brothers Flooring & Lumber........17<br />

HHP, Inc........................................................37<br />

MO PAC Lumber Company...................44<br />

Northern <strong>Hardwood</strong>s..............................52<br />

Pennsylvania <strong>Hardwood</strong>s Co................51<br />

RJ Lumber LLC...........................................40<br />

Stoltzfus Forest Products, LLC..............32<br />

The Turman Group...................................49<br />

Thompson Appalachian<br />

<strong>Hardwood</strong>s, Inc.................................... IBC<br />

Wheeland Lumber Co., Inc....................60<br />

Merry <strong>Christmas</strong><br />


931.469.7272<br />

100 Harless Drive<br />

Huntland, TN 37345<br />



Scan to visit<br />

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RealAmerican<strong>Hardwood</strong>.com/industry CHRISTMAS 2021 n NATIONAL HARDWOOD MAGAZINE<br />

thompsonappalachian.com<br />

79<br />


30 years manufacturing<br />

the highest quality<br />

Appalachian hardwood<br />

products and<br />

consistency for our<br />

customers.<br />


Ash, Cherry, Cypress,<br />

Hickory, Poplar, Red Oak,<br />

Soft Maple, Southern Yellow<br />

Pine, Walnut, White Oak<br />


4/4 · 5/4 · 6/4 · 7/4 · 8/4<br />

10/4 · 12/4 · 16/4<br />

Custom timbers<br />


Kiln Dried Lumber, Ship-Dry,<br />

Steamed Walnut, S2S and<br />

Ripping, Custom Sorting,<br />

Custom Packaging, Mixed<br />

Loads, Railroad Cross Ties


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