The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Specializations are not strictly limited to a

specific career. In the course of the game

you may purchase additional specializations

from other careers (but it's pricey!).

For most of the time one of your purchased

specializations will be your Primary Specialization

representing what is your character's

focus at a given time. Other specializations

will be Secondary.

• Profession - represents your progression

within a specialization or sometimes defines

a path you may choose for a particular

specialization. For example a Squire is the

starting profession for the Knight specialization,

and later may progress to Knight

and Knight Commander.

Selecting the first


The first specialization can be selected from

among those tied to the chosen career for free.

For example, a Rogue may choose from among

Assassin, Charlatan, Fence, Racketeer, Spy and

Thief specializations. Skills from the chosen

career and specialization are now called career

skills for the character and you may now

choose one rank in four different career skills.

Additionally, at the beginning of Step : Invest

Experience Points players can spend experience

points (XP) to select one additional

specialization. This does not count as a regular

specialization (it also does not count when

calculating the cost of purchasing additional

specializations), but may represent the character's

background or a special training and, if the

Game Master allows, does not need to be tied

to the character's career. The character gains

only the talent tree from this additional specialization,

not career skills or gear! The character

cannot advance their profession in this specialization

and if at any point you decide to change

your character's Primary Specialization to this

additional specialization, apply normal rules

for purchasing new specializations.

Purchasing additional


Once chosen, your character's career cannot

change. Their development is expressed by

22 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

progressing within a chosen specialization

(by purchasing talents, skills and advancing

their profession), and by purchasing new


At the GM's discretion, additional specializations

may be selected from various careers or

even those not normally available to your character's


Primary and Secondary


When purchasing a new specialization you

should determine which one of them is the Primary

Specialization - representing what is your

character's focus in the narrative, and which

ones stay as a Secondary Specializations - representing

their previous job, supplementary

role or the past they had to leave behind.

EXAMPLE : Previous job

Your character's career is Rogue and starting

specialization is Thief. You decide to purchase

an additional specialization - Fence, and along

with your GM, you decide that your character's

Primary Specialization from now on is Fence,

but narratively, your character may still progress

in the Thief specialization which now becomes


EXAMPLE : Supplementary role

Your character's career is Scholar and starting

specialization is Celestial Wizard. After some

time wandering around the Old World the narrative

promotes your Wizard to a Master Vigilant

to hunt rebels and heretics. Since there is

no separate specialization for this job, you may

purchase the Witch Hunter specialization. Although

it is connected to the Warrior career,

it supplements your Wizard specialization to

fit that new role. In this case, Celestial Wizard

is still your Primary Specialization and Witch

Hunter becomes Secondary.

EXAMPLE : A fresh start

Your character's starting career is Wanderer

and specialization is Rat Catcher. After a heroic

rescue of a certain baron, they are nobilitated

and the GM grants you the possibility to purchase

the Knight specialization. From now on,

your character is a Knight (while remaining a

Wanderer), but this new specialization does

not go well with the previous one, so the GM decides

that you will no longer be able to progress

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