VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy

VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy

VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy


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<strong>VtM</strong> - Review: Guide to the Sabbat<br />

up well. Mildly supernatural, they serve mainly to bind the Sabbat together and give it a religious<br />

purpose, the Jyhad. Beautiful role-playing devices, the ritae deepen the Sabbat and give it some degree of<br />

emotional power.<br />

Following that, after a few more great derangements, is a chapter on using the Sabbat in the chronicle.<br />

How do you use the ritae? How do you get the brutality of the Sabbat across? How do you run a political<br />

Sabbat game? How the hell does the Sabbat keep functioning from night to night? All these questions are<br />

answered rather well in one of the better Storytelling sections in White Wolf books.<br />

The last chapter takes a look at how a Sabbat city is built and how it runs. Populations, positions, webs of<br />

intrigue and favors; all things that were complately ignored in the older Sabbat books are looked at in<br />

detail here. How does the Sabbat keep from breaking its own Masquerade? Who actually rules a Sabbat<br />

city? What do Bishops do? Along with the previous chapter, this section makes the Sabbat come alive<br />

and leap headlong into a chronicle. This is something else that was lacking in the older material.<br />

Rounding out the book is the Appendix with NPCs and other information, like the use of ghouls in the<br />

Sabbat. More secrets are revealed in the revenants section, and they are dealt with better than before (like<br />

nearly everything else in the books). NPCs are reasonable, although I've never been a big fan of them<br />

myself. One problem is that there were no stats for vhozd or szlactha. While rare in the extreme, both<br />

would have been extremely useful in a Sabbat game. I for one find the pictures of the vohzd in various<br />

books rather chilling.<br />

Overall, I have to say that that the Guide to the Sabbat is a superb book from White Wolf. On par with<br />

the best publications they have put out. It managed to turn a farce into a nightmare worthy of being in the<br />

World of Darkness.<br />

I know that this review is long, and I apologize for it's long-windedness, but I barely even touched upon<br />

the wonders of this book. Perhaps that will sway people when thinking about picking the Guide up.<br />

My advice on the matter? Buy it now.<br />

Turning the Sabbat from a group of Satanic fratboys into a sect of zealots fighting a holy war, the Guide<br />

is an absolute must for any Vampire game. It's fine presentation and incredibly meaty content show that<br />

the "new direction" for the game line continues full speed.<br />

http://vampirerpg.free.fr/Books/2303.php3 (4 of 4) [6/1/2002 12:20:58 AM]

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