VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy

VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy

VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy


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<strong>VtM</strong> - Review: The Time of Thin Blood<br />

revenants (to whom the dhampir is mechanically and biologically identical). I find them superfluous and<br />

simply wrong-feeling.<br />

The other major problem I had with the book is at the end of chapter one. For some reason I cannot<br />

fathom, the authors of the book chose to focus and expand upon the single worst element of the Caitiff<br />

section in Pariahs: A Guide to Outcasts: the generation of Disciplines. I agree that the idea of the thinblood<br />

spontaneously generation Disciplines is interesting, and that their thin, watery vitae might make<br />

the creation of a new power (if only the lower levels) easier, but again and again, Time of Thin Blood<br />

clearly states that Discipline creation is almost exclusively the purview of Methuselahs and thin-blooded<br />

neonates. That I cannot swallow. I have always seen a Discipline as being easier to create than a<br />

bloodline, but Time of Thin Blood all but comes out and says that the latter is merely a symptom of the<br />

former. If so, why the are there "bloodline-less" Disciplines in Vampire: the Dark Ages? I like the idea of<br />

Disciplines being easier to create than bloodlines because a bloodline is a much more drastic change, and<br />

it also serves to keep the number of Kewl New Groops With Speshil Powerz down to a minimum.<br />

Admittedly, Discipline creation is not easy for any vampire, but the mood and direction that Time of<br />

Thin Blood takes with Disciplines I find completely unpalatable.<br />

The second chapter begins with a great in-character appraisal of the Kindred powers of the World of<br />

Darkness from a thin-blooded vampire's eye. It is perfect in emphasizing the lack of education about their<br />

fellows that is such an essential element to a thin-blooded campaign. Following that is an equally useful<br />

objective view on how the thin-blooded react and interact with other vampires, mortals and supernatural<br />

beings. There is also some more information on the dhampir, how they grow up and how they are seen<br />

by the Kindred as a whole.<br />

One of the more amusing bits of the book is in the second chapter as well, a large section of the Book of<br />

Nod annotated in a smart-assed tone by the signature characters Becket and Lucita, as well as a new<br />

Lasombra Noddist, Nahir. The exchanges are quite amusing, especially when Becket asserts again and<br />

again that Lasombra is dead. "Oh, and Nahir, your grandsire is still dead." The one and only<br />

disappointment in this section was the lack of much of really any new material. Other than Nahir's quiet<br />

assertion that the Crone who awakens in the northern woods is not Baba Yaga, there is little that has not<br />

already been mentioned or discussed.<br />

The chapter rounds out with a re-examination of the Gehenna cults presented in Elysium as well as the<br />

clan's reactions to both the coming of the Final Nights and the thin-blooded. Finally, a section on the<br />

history of the Scourge and a letter from "Gracchus" to "Hermia" (undoubtedly two members of some<br />

Gehenna cult) about the Jyhad. This is one of the best sections of the book, the information on the<br />

Gehenna cults and some of the religious manias sweeping the Kindred across the world was very<br />

welcome and exceedingly well-done. Highly useful, the peek at the Gehenna cults of the vampiric world<br />

allows a peek into the minds of Elders, a very useful peek. The religious manias especially were quite<br />

flavorful. The "plague" of weeping blood has wonderful potential.<br />

Then there is the character creation chapter. Like most such chapters, it has its moments but is, for the<br />

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