VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy

VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy

VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy


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<strong>VtM</strong> - <strong>WhiteWolf</strong>: <strong>Genealogy</strong> -- Antediluvians<br />

❍ Ventrue - Ventrue in Sumer (Ur) or in Elam.<br />

his progeny Arakur was living in Ur. We might guess that he left Sumer to rule Elam (later<br />

Persia) around this time. But Elamite kingdom existed since at least 3700BC and their<br />

culture dates back to around 6000BC.<br />

What happened to them ?<br />

According to the Red Death trilogy, Saulot, Brujah, and Ashur/Cappadocius were slain because of<br />

the machinations of their Childer : St. Germain (The Red Death/The Seeker), Anis (The Queen of<br />

Night), and Lamech/Lameth (The Dark Messiah), respectively.<br />

People from the vampire mailing list (Fab Moicano and Andreaz Forsgren) propose this<br />

information about what the antediluvians are doing right now :<br />

❍ Assamites - Haqim. Probably somewhere in Azerbaidzan/Iran/Turkmenistan area, in the<br />

vicinity of Alamut (the actual place, not the council of Elders). Controlling (most of) his<br />

clan through his recently awakened childe Ur-Shulgi.<br />

❍ Brujah - Troile. Probably in torpor trapped under Carthage ruins.<br />

❍ Gangrel - Ennoia. Torpor or roaming the African wilderness.<br />

❍ Giovanni - Cappadocius was diablerised, became a Wraith, finally destroyed in 1998.<br />

Augustus lies in torpor in the Mausoleum, Venice.<br />

❍ Lasombra - Lasombra. Some say he was diablerised. More probably he is floating around<br />

in the Abyss.<br />

❍ Malkavian - Malkav/Malakh. In torpor under Jerusalem or Petra, went to Arcadia after<br />

the crusades.<br />

❍ Nosferatu - Absimiliard. The time he fell in torpor, he was fighting Baba-Yaga in Russia<br />

milleniums ago. Has spent a long time in torpor at Enoch, but he probably awoke recently<br />

in Eastern European mountains. [Cb-To] has him and Arikel meeting in 2nd century<br />

Rome. He launched a nuclear attack in 2000.<br />

❍ Ravnos - Ravana. Just awakened from more than a millenium long torpor. Supposedly<br />

died in Bangladesh in 1999 (Time of thin blood) in a battle against Kuei-jin and<br />

Technocracy.<br />

❍ Setites - Set/Sutekh. Vanished 33 AD. Probably in torpor in Egypt. Maybe in Silent<br />

Striders homelands.<br />

❍ Toreador - Arikel or Ishtar. Probably awakened and now in Greece.<br />

❍ Tremere - Saulot. Diablerised by Tremere, spent a long time in his body until 1998 when<br />

he took control of Tremere's body. Tremere's spirit is now in Goratrix body.<br />

❍ Tzimisce - Tzimisce. Is generally thought to have been diablerised by Lugoj, but actually<br />

took his place. Is guarded by the Zantosa, a ghoul family and secretly controls Sabbat from<br />

New york.<br />

❍ Ventrue - unknown name. Nergal was in torpor in Enoch guarded by the Black Hand ; he<br />

was thought to be the Ventrue Antediluvian, but the destruction of Enoch disproves it.<br />

Veddharta is the sire of Mithras and maybe in torpor somewhere in the old Persian Empire<br />

; because Mithras is of 4th generation, Veddharta may be the Ventrue Antediluvian, but he<br />

http://vampirerpg.free.fr/<strong>WhiteWolf</strong>/<strong>Genealogy</strong>/antediluvians.html (5 of 7) [6/1/2002 12:21:52 AM]

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