VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy

VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy

VtM - WhiteWolf: Genealogy


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<strong>VtM</strong> - Review: The Ashen Thief<br />

Since the first Dark Ages main book was published, the brief mention of the Furores and the<br />

Prometheans had me curious and wanting more information. Serendipitously, this book provides<br />

information on both. Though it doesn't contain any large quantity of "in-character" writing to speak of,<br />

this chapter nonetheless gets mood across in several small sections of flavor text. The actual body of the<br />

chapter is quite good, detailing the Furores and their concerns, the origin of the movement, it’s (lack of?)<br />

organization, general goals, and methods of operation. Recruiting, deception, terrorism, and internal<br />

squabbling are all addressed in a sensible order. Three sample Furore groups are also written up, with a<br />

varied constituency, from a group of would other Heretics consider Neo-Carthaginians to a sect of the<br />

Cainite Heresy heretical even. Closing the chapter out is a very good section on the storytelling concerns<br />

inherent in using the Furores in a campaign. Overall this chapter was excellent; I have no real complaints<br />

about it.<br />

And of course, what book would be complete without templates? The Appendix: Mavericks and<br />

Cutpurses contains four such templates. These are a mixed bag. Some seem to be a bit more creative<br />

than others, such as the Lasombra living a double life as a noble childe and underworld king, or the<br />

Toreador embraced for the artistry of her thieving. The other two, a Furore Fiend and a brigand leader,<br />

are merely okay. Not a huge addition to the boko, but not a huge detraction either.<br />

Overall, The Ashen Thief surprised me with its quality and my interest in it once I began reading. It was<br />

largely a very odd book with a few faults, such as some of the art, the occasional dry spot and a lack of<br />

space for more information. Still, it does provide an abundance of detail on Dark Medieval law and those<br />

operating outside it, both living and dead.<br />

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