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E urope - Parent Directory


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ecords. Some of the deductions are: recording costs of the records,<br />

packaging, returns and reserves, discounted military sales, video costs, tour<br />

support, promotional records and free goods. Please note: records on which<br />

royalties are paid are quite different from deductions from gross royalties.<br />

Joyce Sydnee Dollinger is an attorney admitted in New York and Florida.<br />

She is also the Vice President of 2 Generations SPA Music Management,<br />

Inc., and involved with 2generations.com and SPA R e c o rds, Inc. Contact:<br />

w w w. s p a re c o rd s . c o m .<br />


by Richard P. Dieguez, Entertainment Lawyer<br />

© 2009 All Rights Reserved. Used By Permission.<br />

♦<br />

Next to a record label deal, the artist management contract is the most<br />

exciting agreement an artist will sign. As with any legal document, a<br />

contract shouldn’t be signed without the advice of a music attorney. Let<br />

your lawyer take the blame for “asking too much” or for being such a<br />

“tough negotiator” that is what they are being paid to do. Here are the fine<br />

points to negotiate:<br />

• How long will the agreement be in eff e c t ?<br />

• How much will the manager get paid during the agreement?<br />

• How much will the manager get paid after the agreement has ended?<br />

The art of negotiation<br />

1. It is likely you and your manager are each likely to have a legitimate<br />

d i fference of opinion as to the amount of time for which the contract<br />

will be binding. Whatever the reason, you don’t want to get locked in<br />

with a loser for the next seven years. On the flipside nothing can be<br />

more frustrating for a manager than to have her budding artists go to<br />

another manager, where they then make it to the big time.<br />

2. Depending on the particular circumstances of the parties, the<br />

negotiation will center on a contract term ranging from as short as six<br />

months to as long as several years. What length of time is fair really<br />

depends on what you and your manager are each bringing to the<br />

relationship you wish to form. For example, let’s say that neither of<br />

you has too much experience in the music business. In this situation,<br />

you’re both probably better off with a short-term contract, (6-<br />

12months) so that you can check each other out without getting<br />

locked in. You can always enter into another agreement if it turns out,<br />

at the end of the contract, that you have a future together.<br />

The time and money equation<br />

What happens if you can’t agree to a fixed amount of time? Well, to satisfy<br />

both parties, the attorneys can always try to hammer out a compromise: a<br />

short-term contract with the potential of being converted into a long-term<br />

contract. For example, the parties could agree to a one-year contract. Part<br />

of the agreement, however, would be that the manager must meet certain<br />

conditions during this one-year period — such as getting you a record deal,<br />

a publishing deal or even guaranteeing that you earn a minimum amount of<br />

income. If the manager fails to meet the conditions, then the contract ends<br />

when the year is up. If, however, the manager is successful in meeting the<br />

conditions, then he has the right to automatically extend the contract for an<br />

additional period of time, say for another year.<br />

C o m m i s s i o n<br />

The custom is for the manager to work on a commission. In other words,<br />

the manager gets compensated for his efforts by taking a percentage of<br />

whatever income you earn as an artist. Obviously, your attorney is going to<br />

try to negotiate for as small a percentage as possible. You’ll argue that the<br />

manager simply manages, and without your talent, there is nothing to sell<br />

to the labels or to the publishers. The manager’s attorney is going to<br />

negotiate for as high a commission as possible. Their position will be that<br />

there is a lot of talent out there — especially in the major music centers<br />

like California and New Yo r k .<br />

Money talks<br />

So what’s the range of the amount of the commission? It can generally be<br />

anywhere from 10% to 25% of your gross income. The amount that is<br />

settled on may very well depend on the circumstances. Again, the art of<br />

compromise may bring new life to a negotiation that is at a deadlock on the<br />

issue of the commission amount. Regardless of the particulars, the concept<br />

here is that the lower percentage rate should be satisfactory to you, while<br />

the manager is also given an incentive to make a bigger percentage if he<br />

can get you to earn in excess of a certain amount of gross income. And, of<br />

course, getting you over that amount, whether it’s $25,000.00 or whatever,<br />

will be to your benefit as well.<br />

The manager<br />

Your manager will likely try to apply their commission to every<br />

conceivable entertainment-related activity from which you could possibly<br />

earn an income. Examples of such money-making activities would be live<br />

performances, record sales and the sale of promotional merchandise such<br />

as t-shirts, posters, buttons, programs and pictures. If you feel that the<br />

commission rate the manager is asking for is too high, you can try to<br />

compromise by proposing that you’ll accept the commission rate, but only<br />

if certain activities are excluded from the commission.<br />

After the contract ends<br />

Another touchy subject is whether the commission on gross income earned<br />

by the artist continues after the contract has ended. Your response will<br />

probably be “of course not!” After all, once the contract is over, neither<br />

party has any further obligation to the other. Once the contract is over,<br />

there should be a clean break, but it is not always so clear- c u t<br />

You may be fortunate enough to have signed some money-making<br />

deals. As agreed, the manager gets his percentage and you keep the rest.<br />

But it may be that your money-making contracts will still be in effect for<br />

quite some time after your management contract has ended. Since you will<br />

continue to profit from a deal he helped you obtain, the manager may feel<br />

that he should also continue to profit even after the artist-manager<br />

relationship legally ends.<br />

When you get a new manager<br />

If you enter into a contract with a new manager, that new manager will<br />

probably be no different from your former manager on the question of<br />

compensation. The new manager’s attorney will probably demand that the<br />

commission apply to every conceivable entertainment- related activity from<br />

which you could possibly earn an income. And this would include the<br />

money pouring in from deals your former manager obtained! You wouldn’t<br />

want to be stuck paying two commissions on the same money.<br />

C o n c l u s i o n<br />

There are many aspects of the artist management contract that will be<br />

subject to negotiation. An issue may be made of as to who collects the<br />

income: the manager, you or maybe a third party like a business manager<br />

or accountant. Another traditional sticky point is the extent of the<br />

m a n a g e r’s authority to sign contracts on your behalf. There may even be<br />

some negotiating points that to you and the manager don’t seem crucial,<br />

but to the attorneys seem to mean everything. The personal circumstances<br />

surrounding any given artist management contract can be so unique, that<br />

the art of compromise expands the parameters of the so-called “standard”<br />

c o n t r a c t .<br />

An NYU Law graduate, Richard P. Dieguez has over 16 years experience<br />

in entertainment law. He has re p resented hundreds of clients across the<br />

U.S. and several nations in music, film, television, publishing etc., Mr.<br />

Dieguez is also the founder of The Circle, a monthly music industry<br />

seminar held in New York City. Contact: www. R P D i e g u e z . c o m<br />

The Indie Bible – 10 th Edition www.indiebible.com

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