SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...

SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...

SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...


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temperature after the fourth or fifth day, and the tendency to septic<br />

conditions, determine the type of the fever. Where complications have<br />

arisen, the symptoms are usually sufficiently pronounced to determine<br />

the local lesion.<br />

Prognosis.—The prognosis is favorable in all cases of febricula, and in<br />

the graver forms of synochoid, with careful treatment, the mortality will<br />

be very small.<br />

Treatment.—The treatment for febricula is quite simple. To a half<br />

glass of water add five drops of aconite, if the pulse be small; or twenty<br />

drops of veratrum and ten drops of gelsemium, if the pulse be full and<br />

bounding; of this give a teaspoonful every hour. A seidlitz powder for<br />

the bowels, and cooling lotions for the head, will be about all the<br />

medicine required.<br />

In the synochal form, sthenia is the most characteristic feature, and our<br />

medication will be directed to overcoming the force and frequency of the<br />

circulation, relieving the irritability of the nervous system, and<br />

establishing secretion from the skin, kidneys, and bowels.<br />

The full, bounding pulse speaks of excessive heart power, while the<br />

Hushed face, bright eyes, and contracted pupils tell of nervous<br />

irritability. Here,—<br />

Veratrum 20-60 drops.<br />

Gelsemium 15-30 drops.<br />

Water 4 ounces. M.<br />

Sig. A teaspoonful every one or two hours till the pulse loses its force<br />

and frequency, and the irritability of the nervous system is overcome.<br />

Generally, as these remedies accomplish the purpose for which they are<br />

given, the secretions become established; if, however, this desired end is<br />

not accomplished, we commence the administration of remedies for the<br />

kidneys and bowels, continuing the sedative, however, as before. A dose<br />

of antibilious physic, followed by a diaphoretic powder, accomplishes the<br />

desired end. Should complications arise, we treat them according to the<br />

symptoms present.<br />

The synochoid form is more of an asthenic type, and requires somewhat<br />

different medication. The patient is more passive, the temperature not so<br />

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine - PART I - Infectious Diseases - Page 260

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