SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...

SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...

SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...


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Creosote is another agent which must be carefully administered or<br />

gastric disturbance will follow, which will be far more harmful, than the<br />

slight benefit derived from the remedy.<br />

Arsenic is one of the agents which we will very early administer in the<br />

disease. Fowler's solution, twenty drops in four ounces of water, a<br />

teasponful every four hours, will prove of great benefit.<br />

Veratrum.—These two remedies, Fowler's solution and veratrum, were<br />

almost invariably used by the late Dr. A. J. Howe. His method was to<br />

give arsenic one day and veratrum the next, and his success with these<br />

remedies was very marked. Veratrum is given in this case, not as a<br />

sedative, but for its alterative effect, there being few better remedies.<br />

Nux Vomica and Hydrastis will be found useful where the appetite is<br />

poor and digestion feeble.<br />

Howe's Acid Solution of Iron.—Where an acid is indicated,—red tongue,<br />

and mucous membranes,—drop doses of this preparation three times a<br />

day, will be found beneficial. It sharpens the appetite, and tends to<br />

arrest the excessive waste of tissue.<br />

Cough.—The cough is one of the most distressing features of the early<br />

disease. Stillingia liniment in drop doses is very effective in relieving<br />

this troublesome symptom. A drop on a lump of sugar every one, two, or<br />

three hours, will secure rest from cough, and also restore the voice. In<br />

some cases it will give better results used as an inhalation. Squeeze a<br />

sponge out of hot water, and drop a few drops of the liniment upon it,<br />

and then hold over the mouth.<br />

If there is pleuritic pain with the cough, bryonia will be found useful. In<br />

the later stages, codein and ipecac will give relief, but heroin, onetwelfth<br />

grain, every three, four, or five hours, will prove the most<br />

successful in the advanced cases.<br />

For the fever, frequent sponging with warm water, and, incidentally,<br />

the indicated sedative should be given.<br />

Night-Sweats.—Aromatic sulphuric acid, from ten to thirty drops at<br />

bedtime, is found useful. Also 1/100 grain doses of atropia. Camphoric<br />

acid in twenty-grain doses'has proven quite beneficial. Picrotoxin in<br />

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine - PART I - Infectious Diseases - Page 214

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