SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...

SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...

SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...


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certain conditions, rather than in treating it as a whole. Specific<br />

remedies for specific conditions have certainly been successful.<br />

If we keep in mind the important fact that grip is depressing and<br />

rapidly exhausts vitality, it will save us from serious mistakes. First, we<br />

insist most emphatically that the patient take his bed early, and remain<br />

there until the fever has disappeared. Secondly, we avoid depressants as<br />

we would a pestilence. A depressing treatment added to depressing<br />

disease has been responsible for many deaths that have been attributed<br />

to some grave complications. With the exception of a single dose of<br />

phenacetin or antikamnia in the beginning, we discard the use of all<br />

coal-tar products.<br />

In most cases the patient aches all over, or, as he expresses it. every<br />

bone in his body aches, and the myalgia is so great that the patient is<br />

crying for relief. In these cases, where the heart action is good, one fivegrain<br />

antikamnia powder or a three-grain phenacetin powder, followed<br />

by the appropriate remedy, will relieve the headache and the backache,<br />

and render the patient fairly comfortable within an hour. This is the<br />

extent of my use of the coal-tar products. One powder at the beginning<br />

of the disease, followed by the judicious use of the specific, will prevent a<br />

return of the severe pain. If the heart action is weak, however, it must<br />

not be used, though severe pain is nearly always accompanied by a full,<br />

bounding pulse.<br />

Aconite.—If the pulse be small, give aconite five drops to water four<br />

ounces. - Teaspoonful every hour.<br />

Veratrum.—In the adult the pulse is usually full, strong, and bounding,<br />

with flushed face, bright eyes, and contracted pupils. Such cases need<br />

veratrum fifteen to thirty drops, and gelsemium ten to twenty drops, to<br />

water four ounces. Teaspoonful every hour, until the pulse responds to<br />

the sedative and the irritation of the nervous system subsides, when we<br />

give it every two or three hours. If the patient is restless or unable to<br />

sleep, a five-grain diaphoretic powder may be given.<br />

Bryonia.—For the cough, which early develops, and is attended by<br />

chest-pains, bryonia five to ten drops, with the appropriate sedative, will<br />

give the best results.<br />

Macrotys.—If there is muscular soreness, rheumatic in character, or if it<br />

be about the menstrual period, macrotys will be the better remedy.<br />

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine - PART I - Infectious Diseases - Page 167

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