SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...

SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...

SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...


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1/60 grain doses may also be given with benefit.<br />

Diarrhea.—Subnitrate of bismuth in mint-water, or the sub-gallate<br />

bismuth with opium, will prove reliable agents for this troublesome<br />

complication.<br />

Hemorrhage.—Gallic acid in five-grain doses is a very positive agent.<br />

Where the hemorrhage is of a passive character, give carbo-veg.; oil of<br />

cinnamon on sugar, or equal parts of cinnamon and erigeron, are<br />

remedies which will be of certain benefit. Mangifera indica is another<br />

excellent agent in passive hemorrhage.<br />

The diet should be carefully selected. Milk, in some form, should be<br />

taken liberally. One patient will do well on sweet milk, another on<br />

buttermilk, while a third will need koumiss. Eggs may be taken freely.<br />

Where fats can be taken and digested, they should form a part of the<br />

patient's diet. A change of air or a sea-voyage, where the patient is able<br />

to comply with such a prescription, is the best tonic.<br />


<strong>Synonyms</strong>.—Pox; Mal-Venerean; Lues Venerea.<br />

<strong>Definition</strong>.—A specific infectious disease, weeks or months being<br />

occupied in its development; contracted by inoculation,—acquired<br />

syphilis, or hereditary,—congenital syphilis, and characterized by three<br />

distinct stages: Primary; Secondary; Tertiary.<br />

Primary Stage.—This stage is characterized by the appearance of the<br />

initial sore or chancre at the seat of inoculation, in from twenty to thirty<br />

days after the introduction of the virus, and lasting on the average<br />

about six weeks.<br />

Secondary Stage.—In this stage, constitutional symptoms occur in from<br />

sixty to ninety days after the primary lesion, in the form of fever,<br />

cutaneous eruptions, ulcerations of mucous surfaces—especially of the<br />

mouth, tongue, and throat, loss of hair, and frequently iritis.<br />

Tertiary Stage.—This stage is characterized by inflammatory products,<br />

gummata, which develop from the third to the sixth year, and last from<br />

one to twenty years, or a lifetime, and which appear in the skin,<br />

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine - PART I - Infectious Diseases - Page 215

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