SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...

SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...

SCARLET FEVER. Synonyms.—Scarlatina; Scarlet Rash. Definition ...


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onchitis, and crepitant and subcrepitant rales are heard. When the<br />

secretion is profuse, there is a loud mucous rhonchus. As cavities form,<br />

the cavernous and amphoric sound is heard. As the pleura becomes<br />

involved, pleuritic friction is heard.<br />

Signs of Cavities.—While large cavities are generally easily recognized,<br />

there may be cavities that have never been discovered during life. \Ve<br />

may be quite sure of a cavity, if persistent bronchial breathing occurs<br />

over a limited area combined with little dullness on percussion. The<br />

cracked-pot sound is heard when a cavity 'connects with a bronchus and<br />

is superficial.<br />

In well-developed cavities gurgling rales may be heard, and the<br />

breathing is amphoric in character. Vocal resonance is frequently<br />

increased. Wintrich first called attention to the increase of the<br />

tympanitic character of the percussion note, when the mouth is opened<br />

and closed, also to change of position. Retraction in the interclavicular<br />

region becomes prominent when the cavity is in the apex. W^here a<br />

cavity is empty and superficially located, vocal fremitus is increased.<br />

Pectoriloquy is often heard with these conditions.<br />

Diagnosis.—It is essential that we make as early a diagnosis as<br />

possible; for, if recognized in its incipiency, there is some hope of<br />

effecting a cure, especially if the patient is in a position to profit by the<br />

suggestions of the physician as to change of environment, change of<br />

climate, etc.<br />

When a patient shows a progressive decline in flesh and strength, with<br />

a daily elevation of temperature from a half degree to a degree and a<br />

half, a hacking cough, more severe on rising in the morning, occasional<br />

pain in chest, particularly over the apex, and if he has had a<br />

hemorrhage, the case is decidedly suspicious. In such a case the sputum<br />

should at once be examined, and if the bacilli are found, the diagnosis is<br />

quite certain.<br />

The presence in the sputum of elastic fibers shows the destruction of the<br />

lung tissue has begun, and is additional evidence of the dread disease.<br />

When the disease has progressed sufficiently for cavities to form, the<br />

chest to become flat, night-sweats to appear, and emaciation to become<br />

marked, the diagnosis is of but little use, as the destructive changes are<br />

so marked that but little if any benefit can be expected from medication.<br />

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine - PART I - Infectious Diseases - Page 203

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