TMC-212TM User's Guide - Reinders.com

TMC-212TM User's Guide - Reinders.com

TMC-212TM User's Guide - Reinders.com

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34Season Adjust % FeatureNote: The Rain Delay and Season Adjust % featuresmodify controller operation only and do not alter the controller’sprogrammable memory.The Season Adjust % feature enables the station time ofall stations (assigned to a watering program) to be simultaneouslydecreased or increased from 10–200% in 10%increments.For example, selecting a 50% factor decreases all stationsto half of their programmed station time. A stationprogrammed for 20 minutes would run 10 minutes and astation with 15 minutes would run 7 minutes and 30 seconds.As a conservation measure, an increase above100% time calculates the increased time and splits thetime in half. The program watering cycle then runsthrough twice consecutively. This method of increasingirrigation enables more water to soak into the plant rootzone instead of pooling and running off.For example, adjusting to 150% will first increase a20-minute station time to 30 minutes (1.5 x 20 = 30).The controller automatically divides 30 minutes in halfand runs the station for 15 minutes in back-to-backwatering cycles.Note: All station times are retained in the controller’sprogrammable memory and returned to their set valuewhen the season adjust is reset to 100%. The adjustedstation time will be displayed during operation.The % symbol will be displayed when an adjustmentfactor is in use.15Turn the control dial to the SEASON ADJUSTposition. The season adjust display will be shownand 100% will be flashing.Check the PROGRAMs switch setting. If necessary,reposition the switch to select the desired program.Press the +/ON or –/OFF until the desired adjustmentvalue is flashing.4. To apply the Season Adjust feature to anotherprogram, repeat steps and .Return the control dial the RUN position.Note: The symbol will be displayed in all dial positionsas a reminder that this feature is in use.233

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