Diapositiva 1 - Neo Baby

Diapositiva 1 - Neo Baby

Diapositiva 1 - Neo Baby


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GBTHREE STARS EVO ALARM CHILDCAR SEAT FOR GROUPS 0/1Groups 0, 1, form birth up to 18 kgApproved to ECE Regulation 44/04INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE• WARNINGKeep all packaging materials away from the reach of childrento prevent the risk of suffocation. Please read the safety warnings.For your child’s safety, read these instructions carefullybefore use and keep them for future reference. The child maybe hurt if you do not follow these instructions.• WARNINGThis child car seat may be fitted in the central part of the rearseat only if the car has a 3-point safety belt.WARNING:PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE THE JOUR-NEY• IT IS RECOMMENDED TO FIT THE CHILD CAR SEAT INTOTHE REAR SEAT OF THE VEHICLE.The child car seat must be fitted only with a 3-point safety beltapproved to UN/ECE Regulation No. 16, or other equivalentstandards. If the child car seat is fitted in the front seat of thecar, it is recommended to push the seat back as much as possible,bearing in mind the comfort of the passenger sitting inthe seat directly behind it and to adjust the backrest in the mostvertical position.• WARNING: If the front seat is equipped with frontal airbag,it is not recommended that you fit the child car seat intothis seat. If you wish to fit the child car seat in any seat protectedby an airbag, always refer to the vehicle instructionsmanual.• Fit the child car seat only into car seats that are correctlysecured to the car frame and are forward-facing.• Check that the folding, adjustable or rotating seats of the carare secured correctly. Do not transport loose or unsecuredobjects or baggage on the back shelf of the vehicle: in theevent of an accident or sudden braking, they may injure thepassengers.• Pay attention when fitting the child car seat into the car toavoid that a mobile car seat or car door may interfere withit. Check that no part of the child car seat is trapped in thedoors, or touches cutting edges.• Always ensure that the car’s safety belt and the child carseat’s safety harness are well tensioned, and that they arenot twisted. Always check that they are fitted correctly. Themore tensioned the safety belt is, the safer the child car seatwill be.14• Do not use the child car seat if some of its parts are brokenor missing.• Do not place anything (pillows, blankets, etc.) between thecar seat and the child car seat, or between the child car seatand your child.• Do not place heavy objects onto the child car seat.• Check periodically that your child does not unfasten thebuckle of the safety harness, or that it does not tamper withthe child car seat or any of its parts.• Ensure that all the car passengers fasten their seat belt, fortheir own safety and because, during the journey, they mayinjure the child.• Keep all plastic bags away from the reach of children toprevent the risk of suffocation.• Periodically check the child car seat for signs of wear or damage.Should any part be damaged, do not use, and keep outof reach of children.• An accident, even of minor one, may damage the child carseat, even if it not visible to the naked eye: it must be replacedin any case.• On long journeys, it is recommended to make frequent stops:children tire very easily. Before removing the child from thechild car seat, stop the car in a safe place.• When the child car seat is not in use, it should be left securedto the car’s seat, or stowed in the car’s boot.• ARTSANA declines all responsibility for any inappropriate useof the product.Notes for the User1. This is a “Universal“ child restraint. It is approved to RegulationNo. 44.03 series of amendments, for general use invehicles, and it will fit most, but not all car seats.2. A correct fit is likely if the vehicle manufacturer has declaredthat the vehicle is capable of accepting a “Universal” childrestraint for this age group.3. This child restraint has been classified as “Universal” undermore stringent conditions than those that were applied toearlier designs not displaying this notice.4. Only suitable if the vehicle is fitted with a 3-point static or 3-point retractor safety belt approved to UN/ECE RegulationNo. 16, or other equivalent standards. 5. If in doubt, consulteither the child restraint manufacturer or the retailer.INSTRUCTIONS FOR USEIMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFUL-LY BEFORE USE AND KEEP THEM FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.YOUR CHILD’S SAFETY MAY BE AFFECTED IF YOU DO NOTFOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.DESCRIPTION OF THE CHILD CAR SEAT (Diag. 1)• This child car seat is approved for Group 0, for children frombirth up to 10 kg (from birth up to approximately 9 monthsof age). This child car seat must be fitted only in a backwardfacingposition.• This child car seat is approved for Group 1, for children from9 up to 18 kg (from 9 months up to approximately 4 yearsof age). This child car seat must be fitted only in a forwardfacingposition.1. Shell + cover2. Base of seat3. Buckle4. Shoulder straps5. Crotch strap6. Seat reclining lock7. Harness release button8. Harness adjuster9. Shoulder pads (x2) forward facing use only.10. Diagonal belt guides (x2) for rearward facing use only11. Red belt lock-off (x2) for diagonal belt (forward facing useonly)121314I -2 RWhrecbetweWAIN1. F1.2.3.4.AlworII -4 H5 A1.2.3.6 A1.

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