laju korosi tulangan pada mutu beton yang berbeda - jurnalsmartek

laju korosi tulangan pada mutu beton yang berbeda - jurnalsmartek

laju korosi tulangan pada mutu beton yang berbeda - jurnalsmartek


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Jurnal SMARTek, Vol. 4, No. 2, Mei 2006: 67 - 76mengandung ion SO4 2- untuk <strong>beton</strong><strong>mutu</strong> K-125, K175 dan K-225berturut-turut adalah 17.17 x 10 3µm/thn, 8.79 x 10 3 µm/thn dan 6.11 x10 3 µm/thn.5) Perkiraan <strong>laju</strong> <strong>korosi</strong> <strong>tulangan</strong>terletak <strong>pada</strong> lingkunganmengandung ion Cl - untuk <strong>beton</strong><strong>mutu</strong> K-125, K175 dan K-225berturut-turut adalah 21.67 x 10 3µm/thn, 7.81 x 10 3 µm/thn dan 6.11 x10 3 µm/thn.6) Korosi <strong>tulangan</strong> <strong>beton</strong> <strong>yang</strong>tertinggi akan terjadi <strong>pada</strong>bangunan <strong>yang</strong> terlatak <strong>pada</strong>lingkungan <strong>yang</strong> mengandung ionCl - .William H., 2003 , Creitical Issue Relatedto Corrosion InducedDererioration Projection forConcrete Marine Bridge SubStructures, Report to FloridaDepartment of TransportationResearch Centre.6. Daftar PustakaAndrade C., Castelo V., and GonzalesJ.A .,1997, The Determination ofthe Corrosion Rate of SteelEmbedded in Concrete by thePolarisation Resistance and A.CImpedance Methods, ASTM STP906.Basheer, P. A. M., dkk., 1996, PredictiveModels for Deterioration ofConcrete Structures, Constructionand Building Materials, Vol. 10, No.1, hal. 27-37Broomfield J.P. 1997, Corrosion of steel inconcrete, E & F.N. Spon.Engelberg, D. ,2001, Corrosion andProtection Centre, UMIST,ManchesterGowers K.G. and Millard S.G., 1999,Electrochemical Techniques forCorrosion Assessment ofReinforced Concrete Structures,Proc.Inst. Civ. Engineers Structs. &Buildings.Lopez W., 1993, Influence of degree ofpore saturation on the resistivity ofconcrete and the corrosion ratesteel reinforcement, Cement andConcrete Research, Vol. 23Millard S.G., 1991, Reinforced ConcreteResistivityMeasurementTechniques, Proc.Inst. Civ.Engineers, Part 2, pp.71-88.76

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