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A sinistra e nelle pagine precedenti e sotto,<br />

alcune immagini della passata edizione<br />

del Salone del Mobile<br />

Left, on the previous pages and under,<br />

some images of Salone del Mobile’s<br />

last year edition<br />

edizione del “Salone del Complemento d’Arredo”<br />

sarà ampia e variegata, con una panoramica<br />

esaustiva sull’arredo per la casa, sia<br />

per quanto riguarda le tipologie - dal pezzo<br />

unico al coordinato - sia negli stili, dal classico<br />

al design, dal moderno alle nuove tendenze.<br />

Ricca anche la vetrina offerta dalla<br />

25ª edizione di “Euroluce”, rassegna dedicata<br />

all’illuminazione. Sarà invece la 12ª volta per<br />

il “SaloneSatellite”, palcoscenico privilegiato<br />

per 700 giovani designer, rigorosamente under<br />

35, in gran parte provenienti dall’estero.<br />

L’ingresso a “The Event” è riservato agli operatori,<br />

eccezion fatta per il “SaloneSatellite”,<br />

aperto al pubblico ogni giorno, dalle 9.30 alle<br />

18.30. E domenica 26 aprile tutti e quattro i<br />

saloni spalancheranno le porte anche ai non<br />

addetti ai lavori, sempre dalle 9.30 alle 18.30<br />

(www.cosmit.it).<br />

L’offerta dei “Saloni” non si ferma però qui,<br />

ma invade il centro della metropoli, con<br />

eventi collaterali organizzati in collaborazione<br />

con il Comune di Milano, che ha messo a<br />

disposizione Palazzo Reale, prestigiosa sede<br />

espositiva a due passi dal Duomo. Dal 22<br />

aprile al 21 giugno lo storico edificio ospiterà<br />

la mostra “Magnificenza e Progetto. Cinquecento<br />

anni di grandi mobili italiani a confronto”,<br />

dedicata alla riscoperta delle origini<br />

del made in Italy attraverso una carrellata di<br />

arredi moderni e antichi. La luce sarà invece<br />

la protagonista dell’installazione dell’artista<br />

britannico Cerith Wyn Evans, dal titolo “IN-<br />

VOCATION (I call your image to mind)”, che<br />

nello stesso periodo avrà <strong>com</strong>e sfondo il cortile<br />

di Palazzo Reale.<br />

MODERN<br />

living<br />

In centre state<br />

at SalONE<br />

del<br />

MObilE<br />

Four halls displaying and describing the<br />

shapes, colours and materials of modern living,<br />

with eyes wide open to future trends. Hand<br />

in hand with design capital Milan which will<br />

be setting up a miriad of parallel events with a<br />

creative slant for the occasion. Playing a pivotal<br />

role in the exhibition will be the modern fair<br />

<strong>com</strong>plex of Rho which from 22nd to 27th April<br />

will be hosting ‘The Event’, as the four shows<br />

criss-crossing more than 200,000 sq m of Fiera<br />

Milano’s futuristic display areas have been renamed.<br />

The ‘Salone Internazionale del Mobile’ furniture<br />

fair now in its 48th edition has over the<br />

years been joined by the ‘Euroluce’ light fair,<br />

the ‘Salone Internazionale del Complemento<br />

Arredo’ furnishings accessories fair and the ‘SaloneSatellite’.<br />

So there’s a mix of options which last year attracted<br />

more than 348,000 operators from 160<br />

different countries, and which will shortly see<br />

2,500 exhibitors manning the stands.<br />

“In this period of recession there’s an imporatant<br />

<strong>com</strong>ponent determined by<br />

the climate of no confidence,” points out Carlo<br />

Goglielmi the president of Cosmit (the fair consortium<br />

which has been organising the event in<br />

collaboration with Federlegno- Arredo). “Firms<br />

need to invest strongly in positive <strong>com</strong>munication<br />

to show the effort being taken to be innovative<br />

in terms of products and processes.<br />

For the first time we’re faced with the problem<br />

of not just getting through the recession but<br />

also getting this across on the market place.”<br />

For this reason too the product range at ‘Salone<br />

del Mobile’ and at the 23rd edition of ‘Salone<br />

del Complemento d’Arredo’ will be wide and<br />

varied, with an exhaustive display of home furnishing<br />

both regarding types – from one-piece<br />

to modular – and styles – from classic to design,<br />

from modern to new trend. Rich too will be the<br />

shop-window on offer at the 25th edition of<br />

‘Euroluce’, the lighting exhibition.<br />

It’s the 12th time on the other hand for ‘SaloneSatellite’<br />

where 700 mostly foreign under<br />

35-year-old designers will enjoy the privilege of<br />

being centre stage.<br />

Admission to ‘The Event’ is restricted to sector<br />

operators, except for ‘SaloneSatellite’ which<br />

will also be open to the public everyday from<br />

9.30am - 6.30pm. And on Sunday 26th April<br />

all 4 exhibitions will open their doors to the<br />

general public from 9.30am - 6.30pm (www.<br />

cosmit.it).<br />

132 6 133<br />


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