de vita pythagorica - Notes du mont Royal

de vita pythagorica - Notes du mont Royal

de vita pythagorica - Notes du mont Royal

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' £6 IAMBLICHI LIBBRaxirov xextvt/ftevovg slg TY/V q>tXo6ocpiav, t$fUTtSiSov, dXXd xal TO Xeyoiuvov ?*) xoivo-/3iovg, xa&ag 7tQbgeTa§e t ysvo/uevovg.K E &. q\Otv, rrv xQCOTiOTTjv xai ndvSr/ftov ftdvov int/Sag30 *) Kal OVTOI fuv tjCav oi 'tpiXoeotpovvTtg'*) oi Si noXXot dxQoarai, ovgdxovOftartxov;xaXovOtv,s ) iv ftta ftovov dxQOccOet, cog tparr)g'IvaXiag 0 dv-O-Qcmog inoii/aaro, nXeiovsg rjStoy/iXtoi roig Xoyotg a ) iveoj/sirrioav.4 ) dXludftov 6vv natoi xat yvvaiqlv f) dfiaxoetdv n(43) xafifisyt&sg iSQvod/usvot xat °) noXiaavrtg avvoigri/v nQog ndvTcov inixXrrtreieav puydh\vi3 2 ) xowo/ftoue ] Non est andien<strong>du</strong>s Schefferus <strong>de</strong> Pti-Jos. Ital. p. 154. qui mivo/ltov legen<strong>du</strong>m esse censet.Locus enim hic nulla emendatione indiget: q»«noptime interpretatus est Obxechtus. Kust.*) Alterum fragmentum pertinet vsqne ad sect. 37. neque<strong>du</strong>bium est, quin Nicomachum habeat auctorem,quum et argumcntum et verba cum iis conveniast,- quae Porphyrius S. .So. sqq. e Nicomacho retulit.JVleiners. p. 275.1) Oi tte noXXol] Constructio huius loci non eonstat:nam <strong>de</strong>est verbum, quo nominatiuus ol nolioi referatur.Quamobreiq puto, Iamblichum omnem lociunnegligenter exscripsisse, et post xalovatv notunulaomisissc. Kiess.a) tv /tiq ftorov axoouaei, mg tp.) Haec, et quae sequuntur,pene toti<strong>de</strong>m verbis leguntur etiam apndPorphyr. <strong>de</strong> Vita Pyth. Num. 20. vn<strong>de</strong> ea Iamblichusmutuatus est. Kust. Verba, dpgodott, &g amoir,<strong>de</strong>sunt in Ciz. In Par. secun<strong>du</strong>m marginem Cod.Spanh. pro dxqoueu legitur dnoxqiou. Kiess.

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